高橋 直
心理學研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.67, no.2, pp.94-101, 1996

This study examined the effect of trash-receptacle availability on littering behavior in a naturalistic setting, namely a shopping mall. The procedure employed was an ABAB design, with (A) a baseline period, (B) an intervention period, (A) a second baseline period, and (B) a second intervention period. During the intervention periods, receptacles for empty cans and bottles were placed next to every trash receptacle that had been in place. The arrangement had a highly significant effect on littering behavior. For the first intervention period, a 22% reduction in litter was obtained, and it was reduced 34% for the second period. It seems that receptacles themselves were a powerful cue to induce people to deposit their litter. Conditions for findings of applied behavior analysis to generalize to more realistic every-day situations were also discussed.
原田 悦子
心理學研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.58, pp.302-308, 1987

One important issue in direct priming research is whether or not priming effects are restricted to single words. Four series of experiments were conducted with word pairs. The reading time was measured for physically inverted word pairs written in katakana characters. The results indicated that the direct priming effect was obtained with word pairs regardless of the task condition, perceptual or semantic. The important thing is whether the task is processed in an integrated manner or not.
山 愛美
心理學研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.57, pp.287-292, 1986

Forty male college students participated in a study to clarify response patterns in a continuous word association task on the assumption that response pattern may be related to one's "complex" (Jung, 1973). Each subject was asked to produce 10 "response" words to each of 17 "stimulus" words, 10 of which were "complex related" (C-words), seven of which were "neutral" (N-words). These stimulus words were selected from the set of 100 words comprising the WAT pertaining to the "complex indicator" (Jung, 1973). The results were as follows: (1) emotionally positive and negative responses were given more frequently to C-words than to N-words; (2) subjects became more emotionally unstable to C-words than to N-words; (3) the word "man" was given more often as a response to C-words than to N-words and was often the first responsfe word givens Overall, it was revealed that the continuous word association task is a useful device for investigating associative response patterns, especially the objective characteristics of them.
松井 豊
心理學研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.64, no.5, pp.335-342, 1993
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In this study, the interrelational structure of the six love styles based on J. A. Lee's theory (1973, 1974) was analyzed, and developmental changes in the structure at distinct behavioral stages of romantic love (Matsui, 1991) were examined. One thousand and ninety-two undergraduates from six universities in the Tokyo Metropolitan area responded to a questionnaire asking about (1) their behavior and experience in romantic love, (2) love and liking scales (Rubin, 1970), and (3) love style scale developed by Matsui, Tokusa, Tachizawa, Okubo, Omae, Okamura, and Yoneda (LETS-2; 1990) based on Lee's theory. Principal component analysis and multidimensional scaling of LETS-2 scores of 738 students who had an intimate heterosexual friend indicated that their Eros, Mania, and Agape scores clustered together. Analyses of variance showed that Eros, Mania, and Agape scores increased as love developed, but the Ludus score peaked at the kissing stage, and the Storge score was high at an early stage. All the analyses suggested that the interrelational structure of the six love styles is perhaps square or triangular pyramid, and not circular as Lee hypothesized
正高 信男
心理學研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.67, no.4, pp.285-291, 1996
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Placing the infant in a device which restrained his/her movement was a traditional custom of infant caretaking in a number of parts of the world, and is still observed in some of them. An example of such practices, swaddling, was investigated with Native Americans, the Aymara, in Bolivia, and caretaking behaviors in 24 swaddling and 18 non-swaddling families were compared. Results did not support the notion that swaddling was a form of infant neglect on the part of caretakers. Swaddling caretakers actually exhibited as strong interest in the infant as non-swaddling caretakers, and spent more money on his/her clothes. The mother spent less time for infant care in the swaddling family. However, other members of the family took more time to take care of the infant than those in the non-swaddling family. It is argued that swaddling effectively encourages non-mother family members to participate in infant caretaking, in addition to serving a potentially beneficial function to protect infants from unsafe and insanitary home environments.
木野 和代
心理學研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.70, no.6, pp.494-502, 2000
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate Japanese anger expression styles and their influence on interpersonal relationships. In the initial study, 239 undergraduates were asked to complete a questionnaire which assessed seven distinct anger expression styles. The results indicated that the participants most often employed three anger expression styles including <i>hyojo-kucho</i> (nonverbal), <i>tohmawashi</i> (implicit), and <i>itsumodori</i> (none). In the second study, 162 undergraduates were asked to watch these three anger expression styles portrayed on videotape. Participants rated the degree to which the actor in the videotape felt angry and their impressions toward male or female actors in either higher, lower, or equal status, same-sex situations. The findings indicated that the effect on interpersonal relationships varied across the three different expression styles. This study has important implications for understanding Japanese anger expression in interpersonal, and perhaps cross-cultural, relationships.
菅原 健介
心理學研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.57, pp.134-140, 1986
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Public self-consciousness involves two contrasting attitudes toward self-presentation-exhibitionism and shyness. The purpose of this study was to explore the distinctive motivational states which mediate these two attitudes. This paper consists of two researches. 395 undergraduates (207 males, 188 females) participated in the former study and 452 undergraduates (288 males, 164 females) participated in the latter one. The first study employed a factor analytic technique and results pointed to the existence of the following two motivational states-(1) acquiring praise and (2) avoiding rejection-both of which were positively correlated with public self-consciousness. "Acquiring praise" was also found to be related to exhibitionism but "avoiding rejection" was not. The later was found to be related to shyness. The second study revealed that both motivational states were related to a tendency to seek out and value the experience of participating in a social group. The implications of these findings for theories of self-consciousness and self-presentation were discussed.
岡本 淑人
心理學研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.59, pp.106-112, 1988

Two hypotheses were developed: 1) People who have experienced many misfortunes and calamities believe in superstitions and proverbs and often practise them as compared to those with few or no such experience; and 2) university students' attitude and behavior toward supersitions and proverbs are related to those of their parents. One hundred and three students and their 103 parents (father or mother) were asked to indicate: 1) their attitude and practice regarding each of 42 superstitions and proverbs; 2) past visits to fortune tellers and exorcism rites; and 3) past experience of misfortunes and calamities. People with experience of misfortunes and calamities had a higher ratio than those without such experience only in "visits to fortune tellers and exorcism rites." There was no such trend in the 42 superstitions and proverbs. There was a close parent-child relation in the attitude toward superstitions. A similar relation was observed in superstitious practice in family life. However, no parent-child relationship was found for the proverb-related attitude and behavior.
伊藤 忠弘
心理學研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.70, no.5, pp.367-374, 1999

The purpose of this study was to examine self-enhancement tendency of Japanese people when evaluating self and others, and study the relation between the tendency and self-esteem. In Study 1, subjects were asked to evaluate themselves and an average undergraduate of their age in terms of several attributes. Results showed that self-evaluations were more favorable than evaluations of the average undergraduate on such personality attributes as kindness and diligence, which they rated more important, and less favorable on such attributes as appearance, sociability, and financial resource. In addition, subjects with low self-esteem were likely to appraise themselves more negatively than those with high self-esteem, but the two groups showed the same level of self-enhancement when rating themselves on personality attributes. In Study 2, subjects provided percentile rankings of themselves on ten attributes in relation to undergraduates of their age. Results indicated that more than half of the subjects thought that they were above average (better-than-average effect) on such personality attributes as kindness.
藤井 義久
心理學研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.68, no.6, pp.441-448, 1998
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The purposes of this study are to construct the College Life Anxiety Scale for measuring the level of college students' anxiety and to examine its reliability and validity. After collecting items about the anxiety in college life, factor analysis was performed on the data obtained from 2 782 college students. The result, firstly, showed that the College Life Anxiety Scale consisting of 30 items had three factors, which were daily life anxiety, test anxiety and college maladjustment. Secondly, it was indicated that the Scale had both high test-retest reliability and internal consistency (.82 and .84, respectively). It was also suggested that the Scale had high content, clinical, and criterion-related validities. In conclusion, the College Life Anxiety Scale is well able to measure the level of college students' anxiety in their usual life.
小川 徳子
心理學研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.66, no.5, pp.319-326, 1995

This sudy examined how categorization varies with relevant knowledge. Subjects were undergraduates, and they were asked to sort a set of pictures or photographs based on whatever features they liked. In Experiment 1, three groups of subjects (15 each) sorting 31 cards portraying fictitious animals were explained about each card nothing (Group 1), apparent physical features of each animal (Group 2), or physical as well as ecological features (Group 3). Results showed that: (1) in Groups 1 and 2 most frequently used features were physical features, while in Group 3 they were ecological features; (2) the structure of category system were either predominantly single-criterion type or multiple-criteria type, and the distribution of types differed among groups. In Experiment 2, three groups of subjects (14 each) sorting 36 photographs of leaves were explained in advance nothing (Group 1), a botanical principle of classification (Group 2), or its evolutionary basis (Group 3). Results revealed that relevant features and category structures differed among groups. These findings suggest that categorization behavior varies with the qualitative and/or quantitative nature of relevant knowledge.
宮本 祐子
心理學研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.69, no.4, pp.271-278, 1998

In this study, development of young children's understandings of masked facial expression was examined from the perspective of the development of "theory of mind". In Experiment 1, short stories in which one character masks facial expressions to make another character have false beliefs were presented to 3-, 4-, and 6-year-old. They were asked questions to assess their judgements on various mental states (desire, belief, and intention) of story characters. And, to assess children's "representational theory of mind", they performed a "Smaties Task". The results showed that recognition of masked facial expression was developed from 3 to 4 years. Scores on "Smaties Task" was also improved duing the same period. An additional analysis showed that the major determinant of to determine the understanding of masked facial expression was not the age but the possession of "representational theory of mind". In Experiment 2 more sophisticated but similar type of procedures were presented to 3- and 4-year-old children. Results replicated the results in Experiment 1 and the understanding of the intention of characters was also found to develop from 3 to 4 years.
近藤 洋史 森下 正人 蘆田 佳世 大塚 結喜 苧阪 直行
心理學研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.73, no.6, pp.480-487, 2002
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We examined the relationship among intelligence, working memory, and reading comprehension using structural equation modeling (SEMI). Ninety-six participants were instructed to perform two reading comprehension tests and six cognitive tasks: two verbal intelligence subtests, two spatial intelligence subtests, and two reading span tasks. Three latent variables that were called verbal ability, spatial ability, and working memory were derived from the six cognitive tasks. SEMI demonstrated that the latent variables of working memory and verbal ability contribute to reading comprehension, suggesting that central executive functioning related to attention control was mediated among these cognitive abilities.