武元 徹 樺沢 勇司 津島 文彦 平井 秀明 小村 健 原田 浩之
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.62, no.9, pp.454-459, 2016-09-20 (Released:2016-12-13)

We report a case of chronic expanding hematoma (CEH) in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) region. A 48-year-old man visited our department because of a mass in the left preauricular region and trismus in November 2012. He had noticed the mass about 2 months previously, which gradually expanded. At initial presentation, examination revealed a hard elastic mass, measuring 22 mm in diameter, in the left preauricular region. The maximum mouth opening was 33 mm. Computed tomography showed a well-demarcated mass lateral to the mandibular condyle, accompanied by condylar bone resorption. On magnetic resonance imaging, the mass showed heterogeneous high signal intensity on T1-weighted images and heterogeneous low signal intensity on T2-weighted images. The mass showed mild uptake on 2-deoxy-2- [18F] fluoro-D-glucose positron emission tomography. Fine needle aspiration yielded a diagnosis of class I. The clinical diagnosis was a suspected tumor in the left TMJ region. The lesion was extirpated with the patient under general anesthesia in December 2012 and was histopathologically diagnosed as hematoma. On the basis of the clinical course and histopathological findings, the lesion was finally diagnosed as CEH. As of about 3 years after surgery, the postoperative course has been uneventful, with no evidence of recurrence.
深川 智恵 古土井 春吾 高橋 英哲 山田 周子 渋谷 恭之 古森 孝英
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.56, no.10, pp.605-608, 2010-10-20 (Released:2013-10-31)

Lemierre syndrome is a potentially life-threatening disease caused by an acute oropharyngeal infection with secondary septic thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein, frequently associated with abscess formation in distant organs.We report the case of a 78-year-old woman who received surgical therapy, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy for malignant lymphoma in 2001. She visited our hospital because of a swelling and pain of the left submandibular region in August 2009. The patient was immediately hospitalized to control the pain and infection. PET images showed tracer uptake in the lung. Bilateral multiple septic emboli of the thorax were detected on CT. On the basis of these findings, Lemierre syndrome was diagnosed. The patient was treated with antibiotics intravenously, and surgical drainage was performed. All symptoms improved, and she was discharged after 32 days.
福元 俊輔 吉川 博政 樋口 崇 吉田 将律 杉 幸祐 山本 千佳
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.56, no.5, pp.336-340, 2010-05-20 (Released:2013-10-19)

We retrospectively studied of 20 patients who were admitted to the department of cardiovascular internal medicine of our hospital between January 2001 and March 2007 for a diagnosis of infective endocarditis. On blood cultures, oral bacteria were detected in 9 patients. Furthermore, 10 of the 20 patients visited our department. We examined the correlation of dental treatments and oral diseases with infective endocarditis in the 10 patients. The results of the blood cultures suggested correlations of dental treatments or oral diseases with infective endocarditis in 4 patients. Two patients had oral infections, while the other 2 had undergone dental treatment within 2 weeks before the onset of infective endocarditis. Currently, there are two different guidelines (AHA2007 and JCS2008) for the prevention of infective endocarditis. As stated in the JCS2008 guidelines, we believe that, it is necessary to carefully administer prophylactic antibacterial drugs to patients undergoing dental treatments. In addition, we also believe that it is necessary to improve oral hygiene conditions to prevent infective endocarditis associated with dental treatments or oral diseases.
森 聖治 橋本 温 上野 純子 内海 俊明 谷岡 博昭
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.36, no.10, pp.2337-2340, 1990-10-20 (Released:2011-07-25)

The authors recently experienced a plastic surgery (Bernard's method) for extensive defect of lower lip due to self-mutilation. The patient is a 7-year-old girl suspected Lesch-Nyhan syndrome.The prognosis is now good with no recurrence and no problems. The authors will discuss the treatment after operation and countermeasure of self-mutilation in this paper.
松田 登 小川 卓 井上 明 清水 正嗣
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.26, no.5, pp.1263-1268, 1980-10-15 (Released:2011-07-25)

1) 26歳の男性でFallot四徴のある多血球血症患者の左側下顎骨内に生じた中心性血管腫の症例を経験した.2) 腫瘍を含む左側下顎骨半側切除を行い良好な経過を得ているが, 血管腫と多血球血症との関係は直接ないと思われた.
横江 義彦 兵 行忠 広岡 康博 飯塚 忠彦 小野 尊睦
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.31, no.10, pp.2450-2456, 1985-10-20 (Released:2011-07-25)

Congenital aglossia is a rare tongue anomaly. There were 16 cases reported in Japan of which only one was an adult case.Recently we experienced a congenital aglossia case. The patient, a 20-year-old female, is the youngest of two children of unrelated parents, aged 32 (father) and 28 (mother). The patient's mother had a drugless normal pregnancy and normal delivery. The patient had sucking difficulty, but no treatment such as nasal feeding.Intraorally, a small extruded mass was recognized from the floor of the mouth. Both of the maxillary and the mandibular arches were very narrow, and three incisors of the mandible were congenitally missing. Radiographically, the existance of hyoid bone, submandibular, salivary gland and suprahyoid muscles were suggested by computed radiography and computed tornography. However, the patient had almost normal taste and clear pronunciation.
佐藤 敦 山崎 慎司 友寄 泰樹 山口 泰
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.47, no.1, pp.52-54, 2001-01-20 (Released:2011-07-25)

We report a case of secondary syphilis with various oral manifestations. A 26-year-old woman visited our hospital because of lingual pain. The patient had a red and soft verruca at the left angle of the mouth as well as three oval papules on the right side of the tongue. In addition, oral examination revealed marked swelling and redness of bilateral palatal tonsils along with opaline plaque over the palatoglossal arch and inferior surface of tongue. Moreover, multiple cervical lymphadenopathy, alopecia, and psoriasic exanthema on the planta were observed. There were no particular lesions of the vulva or inguinal lymphadenopathy. Serological examination showed the RPR test was×128, the TPHA test>2560, and the FTA-ABS test×1280. Since the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction was induced after treatment with 1000mg/day of amoxicillin for 2 weeks, the patient was treated with 2000mg/day of erythromycin for 6 weeks. Oral lesions improved after 2 weeks of treatment, and the RPR test was×64 after 3 weeks of treatment. After 4 weeks of treatment, the oral lesions almost completely resolved.
村木 祐孝 藤田 弥千 西川 健 土生 学 吉岡 泉 冨永 和宏
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.54, no.4, pp.266-270, 2008-04-20 (Released:2011-04-22)

We describe 2 patients injured in the maxillofacial region while using a power lawn mower (lawn mower). One patient was a 82-year-old man who accidentally fell while using a lawn mower and collided with the edge of a lawn mower operated by a fellow worker. The upper lip, cheek, neck, and shoulder were severely cut, and the mandible was fractured. The other patient was a 56-year-old woman in whom a fragment of the broken edge of a lawn mower operated by herself stuck the upper lip. The fragment was not noticed, and a tumor developed 2 months later. The tumor containing the fragment was excised.
杉谷 博士
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.57, no.4, pp.182-186, 2011-04-20 (Released:2014-05-15)
2 2

Salivary glands secrete saliva containing fluid, electrolytes and proteins such as amylase and mucin into the oral cavity. Such salivary components are essential for the preservation of oral health. Salivary gland consists of two kinds of cells, acinar and duct cells. In salivary acinar cells, secretion of salivary components is regulated by the autonomic nervous system. When the parasympathetic neurons are stimulated, salivary fluid secretion is provoked via the increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentrations. In the case of stimulation of sympathetic neurons, salivary protein release is induced via the increase in the intracellular messenger cyclic AMP. In this paper, the mechanism of salivary secretion is discussed.
小佐野 仁志 野口 忠秀 大橋 一之 古藤 茂昭 赤坂 庸子 小宮山 一雄
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.41, no.12, pp.1083-1085, 1995-12-20 (Released:2011-07-25)

A case of verrucous carcinoma of the oral floor which had an excellent response to tegafur alone is reported.A 76-year-old woman complained of a swelling in the oral floor of 8 months' duration. Oral examination revealed an approximately elliptical tumor that measured 45×20×15mm and extended bilaterally from the oral floor to the alveolar mucosa. Regional lymph nodes were not clinically involved, and no distant metastasis was evident. She was orally administered 600mg per day of tegafur before operation. The tumor was reduced to about half of its primary size 10 days after the start of tegafur treatment. Two months later, no remaining verrucous carcinoma was observed on histologic examination.There were no noteworthy side effects. There is no evidence of recurrence or metastatic disease as of 28 months after treatment.
武田 幸彦 加藤 譲治
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.38, no.9, pp.1369-1386, 1992-09-20 (Released:2011-07-25)

The pallor of the skin and oral mucosa that is associated with anemia is thought to be due to a decrease in hemoglobin in the super ficial blood vessels. However, there has been little systematic research on this subject.The authors of this paper used a tissue spectrum analyzer to measure the Lib (indicating hemoglobin concentration) and the Iso2 (indicating saturation). Experiments were conducted to determine the relationship between anemia and hemoglobin level in the oral mucosa, using the hemoglobin (Hb) value as the indicator.The following conclusions were reached.1. The areas of the oral mucosa which best correlate with the blood Hb level are the upper labial mucosa, lower labial mucosa, the back of the tongue, the sublingual surface, and the soft palate. The patients with secondary anemia showed reduced Lib levels (i. e. anemia) in all of these areas.2. Measurements of IHb were graded to appear in the following order, from highest to lowest: labial mucosa, tongue, and then soft palate.3. These measurements did not show a definite relationship between the IHb and the is in either patients with secondary anemia or in normal healthy people.4. It was conjectured that patients on dialysis would tend to show a somewhat higher IHb on the back of the tongue than in other areas.5. Sudden changes in blood volume, as in transfusions, surgery, etc., influence the oral mucosal hemodynamics. Reductions in the blood volume of thebody as a whole are accompanied by reductions in the blood volume of the oral mucosa. It was conjectured that the degree of this change in the oral mucosa would increase as the severity of anemia increased.6. Among the five parts of the oral mucosa which were investigated, the back of the tongue showed the lowest correlation with the true state of anemia.7. In order to determine the degree of anemia by hemodynamics of the oral mucosa, it is thought that the four parts (the upper and lower labial mucosas, the lower part of the tongue, and the soft palate) are the most reliable ones to observe.From the above, it was concluded that, in secondary anemia (patients on dialysis, those having blood dyscrasis, a malignant tumor of the oral cavity, etc.), there is a distinct correlation between the tissue hemoglobin concentration (IHb) in the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and the true degree of anemia. This could be considered a useful method for clinical diagnosis.
山口 好則
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.58, no.8, pp.462-472, 2012-08-20 (Released:2014-11-14)

The use of Subcondylotomy procedure, the origin of Intraoral vertical osteotomy (IVRO), has been limited by concerns of potential complications. These concern include condylar position and poor bone contact. Herbert and Nickerson modified the condylotomy procedure by converting it to variation of the IVRO and utilized maxillo-mandibular fixation and rehabilitation to minimize complication. Subsequent reports have confirmed that the IVRO also relieves pain and dysfunction a high percentage of time and, in addition, markedly reduces the complication. Today, IVRO has been using for the correction of Dentofacial Deformity in the world. Because of the primary advantage of this technique compared to the sagittal split osteotomy is the much less frequent and less severe damage to the mandibular nerve. However the protective surgical management was not performed, the potential for bleeding with a vertical oblique osteotomy has been reported to be greater than with the SSRO, because the superior aspect of the osteotomy is carried into the sigmoid notch. I will introduce the safety and ensuring technique of IVRO for correction of dentofacial deformity.
吉川 博政 大石 正道 樋口 勝規
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.36, no.2, pp.331-336, 1990-02-20 (Released:2011-07-25)

Two cases with severe cervical cellulitis which originated from the odontogenic infection were reported.Case 1 was a 48-year-old male who underwent extraction of the right lower third molar while it had acute infection. The inflammation promptly extended to the floor of the mouth, submandibular space and right cervical region.Case 2 was a 62-year-old male who had a past history of heart infarction. Although he had been receiving an antibiotic therapy for the apical periodontitis of the left lower second molar from his dentist, it soon progressed through parapharyngeal abscess to the bilateral cervical cellulitis and finally mediastinitis.The extended lesions of both cases could only be managed by wide ranges of curettage and drainage through extended incisions over the neck.
歌門 美枝 鈴木 規子 齋藤 浩人 山本 麗子 松浦 光洋
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.49, no.12, pp.674-677, 2003-12-20 (Released:2011-04-22)

The speech function of a 55-year-old woman with a speech disorder due to a large torus palatinus was evaluated before and after surgery. Auditive impressions were assessed by a speech intelligibility test of 100 syllables, an articulation test, and a diadochokinetic ability test. Speech functions were measured by static palatography, tongue cephalography with contrast media, and acoustic analysis. The results showed slight speech disorder during production of /hj/, /kj/, and /gj/ before surgery and improvement in speech function without speech therapy after surgery.
玉置 盛浩 山本 一彦 下村 弘幸 下村 忠弘 山中 康嗣 桐田 忠昭
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.53, no.12, pp.732-735, 2007-12-20 (Released:2011-04-22)

Injury by a bear attack mostly occurs in the head and neck region and can be fatal, requiring immediate treatment. In addition to first-aid treatment, preventive measures against infectious and parasitic diseases are also necessary. We report two cases of multiple facial lacerations caused by the same black bear. Patient 1: A 51-yearold woman was attacked by a black bear while trekking and sustained multiple facial lacerations. She was successfully treated under general anesthesia 3 hours after the injury. Patient 2: A 65-year-old man was attacked by the same black bear when he tried to rescue the woman and sustained multiple facial lacerations as well. He was also successfully treated under general anesthesia 5 hours after injury. The clinical course of both patients was uneventful with no infection or sensory or motor nerve dysfunction.