藤井 誠子 土生 学 高橋 理 上原 雅隆 笹栗 正明 冨永 和宏
日本口腔診断学会雑誌 (ISSN:09149694)
vol.29, no.2, pp.81-85, 2016-06-20 (Released:2016-10-12)

Vitapex® is known to promote healing of periapical scars and facilitate skeletogenesis. It is used in routine clinical practice as a root canal filling material after pulpectomy or for the treatment of infected root canals. We report a clinical case of overfilling of Vitapex® from the apical foramen into the mandibular canal that caused inferior alveolar nerve hypoesthesia.A woman in her twenties presented at a local dental clinic for treatment of an infected root canal of the left mandibular second molar and received a Vitapex® injection. After the treatment, she presented with sensory disturbance in her left lower lip and mental region. She was introduced to our department 1 week later. She was diagnosed with sensory disturbance in the left lower lip and side of the chin. A panorama X-ray radiograph revealed a radiopaque image suspected to represent a large overfilling of Vitapex® into the left mandibular canal. After extraction of the left mandibular second molar, the socket was opened. A vitamin B12 formulation was then administered to her, and a series of stellate ganglion blocks was performed. Three months after extraction, radiographic findings revealed that the radiopaque image in the mandibular canal had disappeared, and the sensory disturbance had mostly subsided 4 months after treatment initiation.
園木 一男 高田 豊 藤澤 聖 福原 正代 脇坂 正則 黒川 英雄 高橋 哲 冨永 和宏 福田 仁一
九州歯科学会総会抄録プログラム 第65回九州歯科学会総会
pp.16, 2005 (Released:2006-06-25)

グレリンは、胃から分泌される消化管ホルモンであり、ヒトの摂食行動、エネルギー代謝に深く関与しているホルモンである。一方、口腔外科では術後に経鼻経管栄養が行われているが、この摂食形態は咀嚼することなく栄養摂取ができるもので、無歯顎者の摂食形態に類似していると思われる。そこで摂食形態の変化がグレリン分泌に影響するのか検討するため、入院患者の血中グレリン濃度を術前の経口摂取時と術後の経鼻経管時で比較した。対象者は女性5名、男性1名である(平均年齢53.0歳)。朝食前のグレリン濃度を経口摂取時と経鼻経管栄養時で比較すると、経鼻経管栄養時で有意に低下した(経口時175.5±72.8 (mean±SD) fmol/ml vs 経鼻経管栄養時113.7±42.5 fmol/ml, p‹0.05)。朝食後2時間後のグレリン値は朝食前より低下するが、経口摂取時の朝食後2時間後のグレリン値と経鼻経管栄養時の朝食前のグレリン値はほぼ同程度であった。経鼻経管栄養はグレリン分泌を抑制させる機序があるものと考えられ、咀嚼なしに摂食することは、グレリン低下を介して代謝の面から全身状態と密接に関係している可能性が示唆された。
片桐 渉 小林 正治 佐々木 朗 須佐美 隆史 須田 直人 田中 栄二 近津 大地 冨永 和宏 森山 啓司 山城 隆 齋藤 功 高橋 哲
特定非営利活動法人 日本顎変形症学会
日本顎変形症学会雑誌 (ISSN:09167048)
vol.30, no.3, pp.213-225, 2020 (Released:2020-09-11)
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The Japanese Society for Jaw Deformities performed a nationwide survey from 2006 to 2007 and the results were reported in 2008. In the last 10 years, new surgical procedures and medical devices have been developed and brought major changes to surgical orthodontic treatment. Accordingly, we need to assess the current status of surgical orthodontic treatment.A nationwide survey of surgical orthodontic treatment between April 2017 and March 2018 was carried out and 99 surgical facilities and 64 orthodontic facilities were enrolled in the survey. The number of patients who received orthognathic surgery was 3,405, about 69% of whom were diagnosed with mandibular protrusion. Before the surgery, 3D-simulation was performed for about 40% of patients at both surgical and orthodontic facilities. Computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) wafers were used at 12.1% of surgical facilities and at 17.7% of orthodontic facilities. Sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO) was performed in 2,768 patients (85.5%) and Le FortⅠosteotomy in 1,829 patients (56.5%). Blood loss during the surgery was reduced compared with that in the previous survey. Autologous blood transfusion tended to be performed in cases as necessary such as surgery for maxilla and anemia of the patient. Duration of intermaxillary fixation and hospital stay were also shortened. This survey revealed the current status of surgical orthodontic treatment in Japan in comparison with the previous survey.
冨永 和宏 松尾 長光 上野 功 森本 守 重本 康晴 空閑 祥浩 水野 明夫 佐々木 元賢
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.39, no.8, pp.879-890, 1993
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To evaluate the utility of subperiosteal tissue expansion (STE) for mandibular augmentation with hydroxylapatite (HA) particles, two experimental studies in adult mongrel dogs were performed. One was to observe histologic changes following STE and to compare the tissue response to STE with that to subcutaneous expansion. The other was to observe clinical and histologic changes following implantation of HA particles in the subperiosteal expanded bed. In the first experiment, small tissue expanders were placed and inflated subperiosteally in the mandible and subcutaneously in the breast. A fibrous connective tissue capsule was formed surrounding the implanted expanders. Periosteum was replaced by simple connective tissue during expansion. Capsule formation during STE was much more rapid than the subcutaneous expansion. In the subperiosteal group, a thick fibrous capsule consisting of coarse collagen fibers was observed one week after full inflation. Leaving the fully inflated subperiosteal expanders in place more than one month accelerated the resorption of the underlying bone. In the second experiment, one week after full expansion of the mandibular subperiosteal expander, the expander was removed and HA particles were implanted in the expanded bed. Despite marked augmentation with excessive amounts of HA particles, there was no deformity or infection of the grafts, which maintained their designed controur. The firm fibrous capsule formed by STE permitted consolida tion of HA particles easily and effectively, and prevented migration of the particles. Immobilization of the grafts was achieved within two months following implantation of the HA particles.
冨永 和宏 川崎 五郎 松尾 長光 伊藤 道一郎 藤樹 亨 上谷 猛 水野 明夫
特定非営利活動法人 日本口腔科学会
日本口腔科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290297)
vol.46, no.4, pp.422-428, 1997

Six cases with severely atrophic edentulous alveolar ridges, in which subperiosteal tissue expander (STE) was used before ridge augmentation with hydroxyapatite-tricalciumphosphate compound (HA-TCP) particles, were presented. In many cases, full inflation of the STEs could be achieved immediately after insertion thereof. One week after full inflation of the STEs, implantation of HA-TCP particles was performed. At that time, relatively firm subperiosteal envelopes were observed. Since the envelopes prevented migration of the particles, secondary vestibuloplasty due to loss of depth of the vestibule was not necessary except for one case that reguired removal of denture fibrosis. In all cases, functional and stable ridges were formed. As for complications, one patient had unilateral paresthesia of the lower lip and another had perforation and dehiscence.
冨永 和宏 土生 学 吉岡 泉
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.63, no.3, pp.122-132, 2009 (Released:2010-06-15)

顎関節症の現在の治療概念を概説した.顎関節症はself-limiting diseaseであるので,治療の方針は可逆的で侵襲の少ないものを選ぶべきである.炎症や咀嚼筋のこりが関節痛や機能障害の原因であるため,特に初期においては投薬での消炎,鎮痛に取り組む.関節の炎症や筋のこりの背景には生活習慣を含むさまざまな寄与因子を基にする過負荷があるため,スプリントだけでなく習慣改善やリラキゼーションプログラムの教育,指導が重要である.投薬などで初期の炎症期を制御した後に開口訓練,マニプレーション,関節パンピング,関節洗浄など開口度を増加させる方法が効果的となる.顎関節は大きな適応能力を持っており,それは顎運動によって活性化する.関節の適応能力を活発にするための理学療法が顎関節症の治療に重要な役割を果たす.寄与因子,予見因子のコントロールと減少が症状減弱後も必要で,それは長期にわたって日課として続けられなければならない.難治性の患者では精神医学的な対応も検討されるべきである.クリックのみの患者や画像上の変化だけで臨床症状の乏しい患者は治療の対象にはならないが,悪習癖を持っているなら習慣改善の教育が勧められる.
佐藤 しのぶ 原口 和也 早川 真奈 冨永 和宏 竹中 繁織
公益社団法人 日本分析化学会
分析化学 (ISSN:05251931)
vol.66, no.6, pp.437-443, 2017-06-05 (Released:2017-07-12)

テロメラーゼの触媒活性因子であるhuman telomerase reverse transcriptase(hTERT)遺伝子のプロモータ領域のメチル化パターンががんの進行と深くかかわっていることが報告されている.したがってこのプロモータ領域のメチル化パターンが検出できれば,がんの早期発見の手法として発展できると期待される.著者らは,hTERT遺伝子のプロモータ領域中の五つのCpGサイトを含む24塩基をターゲットとし,10種類のプローブDNAを有するマルチ電極チップを作製した.このチップを用いた電気化学的ハイブリダイゼーションアッセイ(Electrochemical hybridization assay, EHA)によってhTERT遺伝子のメチル化パターンによる口腔がん診断を試みた.ここでは,病院での簡易診断を目指して口腔がん,白板症,健常者から得られた口腔ぬぐい液を用いて,ゲノムを採取し,亜硫酸処理したのち,メチル化特異的ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応(Methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction, MSP)を行った.得られたMSP産物をEHAにより評価したところ,サンプルのメチル化頻度とがんの進行度に相関が示された.白板症,健常者を含むすべてのサンプルからメチル化頻度の高いDNAプローブに対する電気シグナルのReceiver Operating Characteristic(ROC)曲線を用いて口腔がんの正診断率を算出したところ,91% であった.
村木 祐孝 藤田 弥千 西川 健 土生 学 吉岡 泉 冨永 和宏
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.54, no.4, pp.266-270, 2008-04-20 (Released:2011-04-22)

We describe 2 patients injured in the maxillofacial region while using a power lawn mower (lawn mower). One patient was a 82-year-old man who accidentally fell while using a lawn mower and collided with the edge of a lawn mower operated by a fellow worker. The upper lip, cheek, neck, and shoulder were severely cut, and the mandible was fractured. The other patient was a 56-year-old woman in whom a fragment of the broken edge of a lawn mower operated by herself stuck the upper lip. The fragment was not noticed, and a tumor developed 2 months later. The tumor containing the fragment was excised.
小野 史貴 三澤 秀明 堀尾 恵一 大谷 泰志 土生 学 冨永 和宏 山川 烈
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.25, 2011

中村 修一 河野 博之 松延 彰友 久保田 浩三 庄野 庸雄 冨永 和宏 牧 憲司 椎葉 俊司 小野 堅太郎 岡部 幸子 森本 泰宏
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.58, no.5, pp.178-186, 2004

The aim of this study was to elucidate the significance and problems of Kyushu Dental College Hospital as a key hospital for neighborhood dental offices. We sent out questionnaires to 322 dentists in neighboring dental offices. Within 2 weeks, we received the questionnaires by mail, and analyzed them. A total of 128 questionnaires were returned (response rate, 40%). Of the respondents, 89% had attended dental-related lectures within the previous year. A total of 95% of respondents had at least one patient a year for whom they could not carry out the care alone. The majority of these patients received care related to oral surgery, and 67% of these patients were transported to Kyushu Dental College Hospital. The major reason for choosing Kyushu Dental College Hospital was that the dentists working there had good skills and also had personal communication with the referring dentists. Systematic improvement and skill preparedness in all departments, and in particular, oral surgery, and establishment of personal communication between our hospital's dentists and dentists in neighborhood dental offices should lead to success for our hospital and for neighborhood dental offices.