鈴木 規子
日本EU学会年報 (ISSN:18843123)
vol.2003, no.23, pp.212-230,307, 2003-09-30 (Released:2010-05-21)

In 1992, the Treaty of Maastricht institutionalised the rights of European Union citizens to vote in local elections in their country of residence. This paper describes the main characteristics of the concept of EU citizenship and analyses the way in which national and/or European identities affected the voting behaviour of non-French residents during the French local elections in March 2001.The introduction of these limited political rights within the EU established the notion of “multiple citizenship”, combining both the traditional idea of citizenship of a nation-state, and that of the new wider citizenship based on a multi-national agreement.The author takes the case of the March 2001 local elections, when some reluctance to extend voting rights to include all EU citizens residing in France became apparent amongst the French public, and political parties adopted different attitudes to the issue, in some cases even questioning the basic principle of giving foreigners the right to vote. The newly acquired rights of EU citizens were seen to have created unequal political status in the absence of similar rights for long-term residents in France from non-EU countries.It is important to note that majority of EU citizens in France who have obtained voting rights are from South European countries such as Portugal, Italy and Spain. This fact has drawn the attention of many political parties which had in fact encouraged those with South European nationalities, particularly Portuguese, to stand for the local election of March 2001. The paper argues that some political parties expected these candidates with South European nationalities to attract a large number of potential voters among EU citizens from South European countries.Another aspect covered by the paper concerns the various levels of identity—local, national and regional—reflected in the exercise of voting rights of EU expatriates, within a political system which recognizes the diversity of cultural origins of its electorate.Finally, the author suggests possible future means of achieving European integration and describes several incidents which illustrate the impact of the participation of non-French EU citizens in local elections.
山下 夕香里 道 健一 今井 智子 鈴木 規子 吉田 広
一般社団法人 日本口蓋裂学会
日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 (ISSN:03865185)
vol.8, no.2, pp.204-216, 1983-12-24 (Released:2013-02-19)

いわゆる粘膜下口蓋裂を含めた先天性鼻咽腔閉鎖不全症(Congenital Velopharyngeal Incompetence以下CVPI)のなかには,著しい開鼻声を伴う構音障害,心奇型などの合併奇型に加えて精神発達の遅れを伴う症例が多いとされているが詳細な報告はほとんどみられない.そこでわれわれはCVPIの診断基準を定義した上で,鼻咽腔形態・機能および顔貌に関する客観的な計測結果が明らかとなっているCVPI15例,対照群として唇顎口蓋裂症例18例(Cleft Lip and Palate以下CLP)を対象症例とし,4才2ヶ月-13才2ヶ月時に,WPPSIまたは,WISC-R,ITPA言語学習能力診断検査,Frostig視知覚発達検査(DTVP)を行い,鼻咽腔形態による分類型、Calnanの3徴候,特徴的顔貌所見別に精神発達について比較検討を行った.その結果,顔貌所見別では特徴的顔貌群はその他の群およびCLP群に比べ1%水準で有意に低い値を示した.鼻咽腔形態による分類型別では軟口蓋の長さと咽頭腔の深さとの関係が不均衡なII型群が低い値を示し,Calnanの3徴候別では無徴候,1徴候群が低い値を示した.以上の結果より特徴的顔貌所見を有する症例とその他の症例との間には精神発達に著しい相違がみられ,さらに鼻咽腔形態、Calnanの3徴候と精神発達との関連性も示唆された.われわれは従来より鼻咽腔形態,顔面形態の客観的分折によりCVPIの中の1つのカテゴリーとしての特徴的顔貌の存在を証明し報告してきたが,今回はさらにこれらの特徴的顔貌を呈する症例において精神発達の遅れが認められ疾患としての独立性が0層明らかとされた.これらのことよりわれわれは先天性鼻咽腔閉鎖不全,特徴的顔貌,精神発達の遅れなどの所見がみられる症例を新しい症候群として一括して扱うことを提唱したい.
根本 京子 山下 夕香里 石野 由美子 丹生 かず代 横山 美加 根本 敏行 今井 智子 鈴木 規子 道 健一
特定非営利活動法人 日本口腔科学会
日本口腔科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290297)
vol.49, no.6, pp.356-362, 2000-11-10 (Released:2011-09-07)

To clarify the awareness and subjective symptoms of the disorder in preoperative ankyloglossia, patients were evaluated using a questionnaire survey. The following results were obtained.1. Disorders in swallowing and mastication were recognized in about 33.3% of the moderate cases. Oral functional disorders were checked in about 83.4% of the moderate cases, which was significantly frequent compared with the slight cases.2. Speech disorders were observed most frequently as subjective symptoms, and uptake disorders were observed in some cases.
鈴木 規子
The European Union Studies Association-Japan
日本EU学会年報 (ISSN:18843123)
vol.2003, no.23, pp.212-230,307, 2003

In 1992, the Treaty of Maastricht institutionalised the rights of European Union citizens to vote in local elections in their country of residence. This paper describes the main characteristics of the concept of EU citizenship and analyses the way in which national and/or European identities affected the voting behaviour of non-French residents during the French local elections in March 2001.<br>The introduction of these limited political rights within the EU established the notion of "multiple citizenship", combining both the traditional idea of citizenship of a nation-state, and that of the new wider citizenship based on a multi-national agreement.<br>The author takes the case of the March 2001 local elections, when some reluctance to extend voting rights to include all EU citizens residing in France became apparent amongst the French public, and political parties adopted different attitudes to the issue, in some cases even questioning the basic principle of giving foreigners the right to vote. The newly acquired rights of EU citizens were seen to have created unequal political status in the absence of similar rights for long-term residents in France from non-EU countries.<br>It is important to note that majority of EU citizens in France who have obtained voting rights are from South European countries such as Portugal, Italy and Spain. This fact has drawn the attention of many political parties which had in fact encouraged those with South European nationalities, particularly Portuguese, to stand for the local election of March 2001. The paper argues that some political parties expected these candidates with South European nationalities to attract a large number of potential voters among EU citizens from South European countries.<br>Another aspect covered by the paper concerns the various levels of identity—local, national and regional—reflected in the exercise of voting rights of EU expatriates, within a political system which recognizes the diversity of cultural origins of its electorate.<br>Finally, the author suggests possible future means of achieving European integration and describes several incidents which illustrate the impact of the participation of non-French EU citizens in local elections.
歌門 美枝 鈴木 規子 齋藤 浩人 山本 麗子 松浦 光洋
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.49, no.12, pp.674-677, 2003-12-20 (Released:2011-04-22)

The speech function of a 55-year-old woman with a speech disorder due to a large torus palatinus was evaluated before and after surgery. Auditive impressions were assessed by a speech intelligibility test of 100 syllables, an articulation test, and a diadochokinetic ability test. Speech functions were measured by static palatography, tongue cephalography with contrast media, and acoustic analysis. The results showed slight speech disorder during production of /hj/, /kj/, and /gj/ before surgery and improvement in speech function without speech therapy after surgery.
畠山 史朗 鈴木 規子 安部 一弥 金野 昇 金子 俊幸 豊口 禎子 白石 正
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.138, no.8, pp.1095-1101, 2018-08-01 (Released:2018-08-01)

Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) is the most unbearable adverse effect of chemotherapy. The antiemesis guidelines of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network indicate that hyponatremia is a risk factor for CINV, although the relationship between the incidence of CINV and hyponatremia has not been sufficiently studied. This two-center prospective observational study evaluated whether low serum sodium concentrations were a risk factor for CINV. The study included 34 patients who were scheduled to receive first-line carboplatin- or oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy for gynecological or colorectal cancers. Patient diaries were used to record the daily incidences of CINV events during a 5-day period. The patients were divided based on the median serum sodium concentration into a low Na+ group (<141 mEq/L) and a high Na+ group (≥141 mEq/L). The incidences of delayed nausea were 27.8% in the high Na+ group and 62.5% in the low Na+ group (p=0.042), with complete control rates (no vomiting, rescue medication, or grade 2 nausea) of 77.8% and 43.8%, respectively (p=0.042). The time to complete control failure in each group was analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier method, which revealed a significantly shorter time in the low Na+ group (p=0.03). Therefore, these results indicate that low serum sodium concentrations may increase the risk of CINV.