水村 典弘
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.29, pp.223-238, 2022-03-20 (Released:2022-11-03)

Research on individual-level ethical decision making and behavior, or behavioral ethics within organizations, has developed from a relatively niche concern to a formalized knowledge in the shape of academic disciplines. Behavioral ethics is defined as “the study of systematic and predictable ways in which individuals make ethical decisions and judge the ethical decisions of others when these decisions are at odds with intuition and the benefits of the broader society”. The purpose of this paper is to review recent research on behavioral ethics and attempt to provide a portrait of the current state of the field.
高橋 太一
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.19, pp.207-218, 2012-01-31 (Released:2017-08-08)

This report addresses the noncompliance with Organic JAS Standards and Technical Criteria and analyzes the issue from the perspective of business ethics. Noncompliance cases are classified into the following three types: (1) false labeling of JAS standards for organic vegetables by making and using forged seals, (2) use of materials that do not comply with the standards, and (3) flaws in the authentication procedures for JAS standards governing organic vegetables. The following facts are apparent: the excessive seeking of economic profit is a social factor that promotes noncompliance, the complex system of proving that noncompliant materials were not used can lead to noncompliance, and some noncompliance can be avoided by combining social morality and management ability. The noncompliance is not similar but is caused by different business ethics issues. Therefore, an individualized approach according to each case and social support, such as public training programs, are required to reduce noncompliance.
野口 幸洋
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.10, pp.101-109, 2003-03-31 (Released:2017-08-01)

I feel that today's social environment in Japan is very similar to that of the ending period of Tokugawa Government. In both cases, the most serious problem is the leader's lack of confidence to make effective policies and decisive actions to deal with the rapidly changing circumstances. "Perry's Black Ships" in 1853 and "Anglo-Saxon Standard" at present time are good examples which is difficult for the leaders how to handle. Meiji Restoration was initiated by the formal return of political authority to Emperor by the last Shogun in 1868, but in 1871, Meiji Government consolidated "Domains (Hans)" into more rationally structured "Prefectures (Kens)" (Haihan Chiken) which gave the most profound impact on society. The magnitude of disaster would have been great as all the big corporations today dissolve over-nightly and all the emplyees lose job automatically. The impact of "Haihan Chiken" was enormous because the biggest emplyers (Hans) were abolished and Samurais who worked for "Hans" were dismissed. Meiji Government had to save jobless Samurais and help "Hans" for their financial rescheduling. For that purpose, Meiji Government issued Government Bond equal to 1.2 times of GDP (yen 200 million at that time) and gave 80% of them to Samurai class at free of charge as the expences for survival and the rest was used for financial rescheduling of "Domains (Hans)". The reforms were proceeded by the initiative of young key restoration leaders from Satsuma,Choshu,Tosa & Saga. Japan's economy has no sign of recovery for very long time but we must get rid of such stagnation as soon as possible. I trurt now is the time to do something which gives strong & positive impact on Japanese economy. Through the experience of Meiji Government at the time of "Haihan Chiken", I discovered a great hint in the skillful "Utilization of Government Bond". I proposed a very radical but very interesting economic strategy in this report which will be particularly effective at emergency. I named it "Special National Bonus Strategy." In my mind, the sub-title of this report is "Learning from the Cultural Heritage of Meiji".
杉本 俊介
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.24, pp.199-211, 2017

The moral justification for external whistleblowing has been the subject of significant recent debate. The main arguments on either side have been drawn from either consequentialism or deontology. Recently, some scholars have argued that these arguments miss two points:'tragicality'and the moral remainder. These scholars intend their critiques to show insufficiencies rather than defects in the consequentialist and deontological accounts. However, these critiques may instead be taken to show that alternative approaches are more suitable for an analysis of external whistleblowing. Drawing on this suggestion, in this paper, I defend a virtue ethics approach to the justifiability of external whistleblowing.
野口 幸洋
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.6, pp.169-177, 1999-03-31 (Released:2017-07-28)

This report is originally intended to search for the person who was the greatest promotor of economic development of Meiji Era in Japan. After careful study,I came to the conclusion that the team of Kaoru Inoue & Eiichi Shibusawa made the most important contribution to the development of Japanese industries in Meiji Era. Kaoru Inoue was only one influential polititian & high government officer who firmly believed that the economy was the decisive factor of the power of a nation while other leaders were entirely involved in politics & war. Therefore, it was quite natural that capable & ambitious business people got together around Inoue, in some case asking for government support or in some case simply for his advices. Eiichi Shibusawa attended Paris EXPO in 1867 as the accountant of Japanese delegation team. He discovered there the system of "Public Limited Liability Company" which was very effective to support big project financially by amalgamating small capital into big one. He advocated this system throughout Japan to help develop big projects. It is said that the number of companies he related was more than 500. More important is "Shibusawa Business Philosophy" which had been until recently the Japanese standard of business way & ethics based on Confucius Philosophy. The characteristics of his Philosophy is that the development of business & ethics of business must be coexistent through the cooperation of business community. They once worked together as Ministry of Finance officers, Inoue as Secretary General,Shibusawa as manager of a department. These two unique characters were exquisitely mixed and created a great leadership in the development of industries in MeijiEra.
小池 裕子
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.20, pp.177-187, 2013-02-28 (Released:2017-08-08)

This paper examines the male-female wage differentials by decomposing them into endowments and discrimination components by using micro-data from the US, France, Korea and Japan. The result from the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition technique suggests that the wage gap is mainly attributable to a difference in the price-setting according to gender in respect of age and type of employment, and this tendency is the most obvious in Japan among 4 countries.
平野 琢
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.21, pp.71-85, 2014-02-28 (Released:2017-08-08)

Although there are many surveys which investigate nuclear disaster at Fukushima 1st, the evaluation of TEPCO's risk management against tsunamis is still confused. In this research, I attempt a re-evaluation of TEPCO's risk management by using a new framework which complements several points which are overlooked by existing researches. As the result of this re-evaluation, I show following three points. (1) Awareness of the dangers of tsunamis against nuclear power plant was low among common people. (2) However TEPCO had a lot of knowledge about it, by provision of information from experts of tsunami. (3) Although TEPCO had enough risk information, they did not take sufficient measures against tsunamis. Since tidal wave prediction methods include the uncertainty of their results, this company fell into dilemma between cost and safety. Finally, I suggest that lack of discussions about corporate responsibility for risks which have insufficient scientific basis tangles risk management evaluation.
藤原 達也
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.23, pp.181-194, 2016

In 2001, Ajinomoto sparked a Muslim boycott in Indonesia. In 2014, Cadbury had a similar problem. These incidents clearly showed that there exists a risk of boycotts even if companies have received Halal certification. In order to identify measures that companies can take to reduce boycott risk in the Halal food market, this study clarifies the differences of the two boycott incidents in terms of Islamic business ethics. In order to achieve this, first, ethical and unethical conduct in Islamic business is described in general. Second, with these rules in mind, two boycott incidents are analyzed. In conclusion, what companies can do to control boycott risk is first to understand Islamic business ethics appropriately. Second, they can establish effective internal control systems which the market can appreciate.
藤田 紀美枝
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
no.13, pp.27-36, 2006-03-31

Why are we born? Why do we live? We live for happiness. What is happiness? How do we become happy? The pursuit of happiness is a theme of eternity throughout history. The prerequisites of happiness are peace(not to go to warK no acts of terrorism, no earthquakes, no thunder storms and flood damage, and no global warming. A natural calamity must be struck down by a natural calamity. War is not a natural disaster but a man made one. The consequences of artificial environmental problems and the influence of Carbon dioxide are cancer of the skin and loss of people's vision as we have no immunity to these new kinds of diseases. Our mode of life is influenced by the ecological system. New paragraph I have studied about "What is environmental ethics?" My research focuses on animism and Banzan Kumazawa, who planted many trees along the ocean shore to prevent destruction caused by natural disasters, such as Tsunamis, by preventing erosion.
高田 真也 峯藤 健司 大野 髙裕
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.30, pp.201-214, 2023-03-30 (Released:2023-05-04)

This study uses a survey of previous research and case studies to examine the process of social impact evaluation for developing startups in Japan. First, we discuss the characteristics of domestic and international impact investment markets and evaluation methods. Next, we discuss the effects of investment from prior studies, characteristics of impact investment destinations by developmental startups, and their evaluation methods, comparing them with examples from previous studies. The case of Ashirase, Inc. is examined to illustrate whether a social issue can be examined in an exploratory manner. Accordingly, a medium-term goal of supporting the visually impaired is set along with the short-term goal of promoting outings using a navigation system.
井上 泉
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.5, pp.135-144, 1998-03-31 (Released:2017-07-28)

On September 26 1995,the Daiwa Bank announced a trading loss exceeding one billion dollars at its branch in New York from 1983 to 1995. However,US further investigation revealed that Daiwa's highest officials themselves committe d crimes as they attempted to cover up the loss and decieve US authorities. As a result of such an uncredible misconducts, Daiwa was expelled from US financial market by the order of the Federal Reserve. Why did the Daiwa"s management chose a wrong way? The Daiwa's disaster is a good lesson for business ethics case study to examine which management decision was most favorable and appropriate.
辻井 清吾
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.11, pp.75-81, 2004-03-31 (Released:2017-08-01)

Some excellent managers in Meiji era, they were encouraged by religious ethics in their own management.. In this paper, through Messers. Sanji Mutoh of Kanegafuchi Spinning Co.,Ltd.(currently Kanebo) and Magosaburo Ohhara of Kurashiki Spinning Co.,Ltd.(currently Kurabo), I would express how they concentrated each energy on the management based on the Christianity to promote each firm toward major firms in Japan. First, Mr.Mutoh did positive efforts by his faith, "Spirit of Love and Justice" and "Spirit of Rationalism", to promote the welfare of employees through his family-oriented and warmhearted mind during his 30 years under severe labor conditions of those days. By his excellent management talents, his firm reached one of major four among 41 in 1912. Secondly, Mr.Ohhara did efforts to promote labor conditions by scientific and rational mind, through his management strategy," Enterprise is Human being.". As he contributed many cultural, charitable, and social works, still known well even now, his management talent might not know details, however he did best efforts to keep balance the status by the spirit of "Truth , Good, and Beauty" through his full of life. In a sense, their efforts must appeal strongly the warning to current business to keep sustainable and stable development.
水村 典弘
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.30, pp.61-74, 2023-03-30 (Released:2023-05-04)

Product advertising can evoke negative emotions in the human mind. The theme of this paper, “SNS flame war,” originates from posts by people who feel offended or discomfort at the appearance of products or expressions in advertising media. The person who sparks a flame war posts text about what is wrong with the product/ advertisement expression along with an image of the object he or she finds offensive or uncomfortable. What, then, are the mental mechanisms of those who activate a mode of criticism/attack on SNS? This paper analyzes four cases of flame wars caused by product appearance and advertising displays: Prada’s “blackface issue,” H&MGB’s “racism issue,” Dior’s “racism issue,” and IKEA Japan’s “gender roles issue,” and elucidates the mechanism by which information obtained from viewing products and advertisements creates a sense of offense or discomfort in the human mind, which in turn, generates the emotion of anger.
田中 敬幸
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.30, pp.117-128, 2023-03-30 (Released:2023-05-04)

The development and application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been progressing across a variety of domains. The rapid progress of AI has brought about benefits of technological development and expansion of application areas. On the other hand, it has also brought challenges, such as the lack of legal development and the emergence of ethical issues. Due to its impact on society, there is a growing interest in the ethical aspects of AI. In this study, we will focus on the ethical issues of concern when using AI in a business context. First, we will organize previous research on AI and ethics and identify what is at the center of the debate; second, through previous research, examine the ethical issues and challenges that arise when AI is used in business; and third, discuss the potential for future research.
小阪 康治
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.7, pp.173-182, 2000-03-31 (Released:2017-07-28)

The suit filed by the Housing Loan Administration Corp. on June 30, 1998 against Sumitomo Bank in connection with Sumitomo 's alleged responsibility for the "jusen" housing loan fiasco has finally been settled by reconciliation on Feb.1, 1999. In court, Sumitomo's responsibility for huge bad loans by their inappropriate behavior was questioned. Though Sumitomo asserted that they had no legal responsibility, the Housing Loan Administration Corp. was consistently claiming that the banks which will receive public funds for survival should take the responsibility in such a case from the moral viewpoint. As a result, reconciliation that Sumitomo will pay 3,000 million yens has finally been obtained. This case appears to be one of the most important examples that pursuit of morality could become one solution even if the legal responsibility is not so clear and to be a good model showing the relation of companies and morality.
小島 克己
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.25, pp.159-165, 2018-02-28 (Released:2018-04-13)

In 2010, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation developed the Business Ethics for APEC SMEs Initiative. The purpose of the initiative is to promote ethical business practices and level industry playing fields within the 21 economies through the application of the APEC ethical principles. This study aims to assess(1)the impact of the initiative to date,(2)the positions of the APEC principles, and(3)the implementation of the APEC principles from the medical device and biopharmaceutical sectors perspectives.
小池 裕子
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.21, pp.117-127, 2014-02-28 (Released:2017-08-08)

Part-time lecturers represent 57.6% of all the lecturers in Japanese private universities, and a wide gap in working conditions between full-time and part-time lecturers exists. Part-time lecturers, in many cases, are used as cheap labour regardless of their contribution. This paper examines which type of universities depends on part-time lecturers by multi-regression analysis. The results show that the employment of part-time lecturers is not necessarily inevitable by financial reason and there is room to improve the working conditions of such lecturers from the viewpoint of USR (University Social Responsibility).
大庭 絵里
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.3, pp.63-72, 1996-03-31 (Released:2017-07-28)

This paper aims at analyzing the characteristics of feminization of the labor force in Japan. Under the rapid and high industrialization, women were expected to follow the domestic role while they increasingly participated in the labor force as marginal laborers, which caused dual burden on women and contributed to men in the life-long employment system. This trend still continues and most of the women in the labor force are part-time workers at low wages. Serivice industry based on high technology requires high-skilled and unskilled workers at once and women are mainly involved in the latter except some elite women. Equal Opportunity Law does not solve the women's discriminatory condition in the work place. Business firms are now required to develop a diverse system of employment of the workers as "individuals".
鈴木 貴大
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.25, pp.49-60, 2018-02-28 (Released:2018-04-13)

This paper aims to examine the significance of business ethics research focusing on individuals in organization. In recent years, with the rapid progress of globalization and technological innovation, the influence of a human being is larger than before. In view of this point, it can be said that there is a limit in preventing organization scandals only by the conventional business ethics framework. Based on this understanding, this paper first conforms the contents of conventional norm ethics approach, in particular deontology and utilitarianism, and try to find these problems. In addition, by adding the viewpoint of virtue ethics, we will assert the importance of business ethics research focusing on acting entity rather than act.
水村 典弘
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.27, pp.221-233, 2020 (Released:2021-12-27)

Japanese companies are putting a great deal of energy into efforts to improve their ethicality and have established systems to promote corporate compliance program — installing codes of ethics, corporate ethics and legal compliance program, ethics helpline, and ethics training. Despite all this effort, observed illegal/unethical behavior in the workplace is on the rise. This paper focuses on “compliance training program for employees” conducted in the workplace and consists of the following three elements: (1)a comprehensive review of the literature on ethical decision-making models(2) behavioral business ethics approach to ethics training and(3)how to build an effective training program.