趙 大〓
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.33, no.2, pp.347-357, 1967 (Released:2010-06-28)

The state of health of the Korean old people is studied statistically with their five family lines which have lasted from seventeen century. The conclusion is as follows. (1) According to the age of death, the state of health in general has been improved since the beginning of this century. (2) Each family line has its own life span and the age of death. It is assumed that there is heredity of life span, or each family line has had own custom for health. (3) There is no difference on the state of health between old male and old female at Korea in latter days. (4) The state of health of the aged in latter days at Korea is no less than that in the present time with Proportional Mortality Indicator (PMI) and life expectancy of the aged.
有路 智恵 関 健介 金子 哲也
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.80, no.3, pp.144-150, 2014 (Released:2014-07-23)

Chie ARIJI1, Kensuke SEKI2 and Tetsuya KANEKO2Introduction : The low pass rate of candidates from the Republic of Indonesia taking the Japanese National Nurse Examination is a matter of national concern. We analyzed their answers to examination questions, and extracted weak points.Methods : We asked Indonesian examinees to reproduce their own answers to 50 compulsory questions in the 100th national examination (2011). They were also requested to extract difficult words, and evaluate the effectiveness of Japanese and English ruby.Results : Data from 42 examinees were analyzed. The only significant difference between two groups of examinees with and without sufficient scores was the years of their stay in Japan. There was no significant difference associated with the occupational or educational history. Japanese and English were judged as meaningless by both high-and middle-scoring groups. A total of 92 difficult words were extracted, and 80% of them were everyday language rather than medical terms. The rate of correctly answered questions with the extracted, difficult words in the text body or appropriate answers was significantly lower.Conclusions : Difficult common words clearly had a negative impact on candidates' score in the national examination, suggesting that daily active communication in Japanese would promote their progress toward passing the examination.
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.63, no.Appendix, pp.38-93, 1997-11-06 (Released:2010-06-28)
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.82, no.3, pp.110-124, 2016-05-31 (Released:2016-06-22)
2 6

目的:本研究の目的は,日本の既婚および未婚女性における避妊使用の傾向を明らかにすること,および妊娠企図の影響を調整したうえで,避妊の使用と関連する要因を明らかにすることである.方法:2014年に実施した横断調査である,生物人口学プロジェクトにおいて,男性パートナーがいると回答した1746人の女性(うち既婚1361人,未婚385人;年齢20-44歳)の避妊使用と妊娠企図(調査時点に妊娠を希望;将来妊娠を希望;妊娠を望んでいない)について解析を実施した.結果:既婚女性の64%,未婚女性の30%は調査時点あるいは将来も妊娠を希望していなかった.しかしそのうちわずか各39%と47%の女性しか,確実な避妊法(コンドームあるいは経口避妊薬の継続的な使用)を実施していなかった.多変量ロジスティック回帰分析によると,既婚および未婚の女性の双方について,将来妊娠を希望していること(vs. 調査時点で妊娠を希望していること)および大学卒業以上の学歴(vs. 高校卒業あるいはそれ以下)は,確実な避妊法の実施と有意な正の関連を示した.既婚女性に限ってみると,妊娠を望んでいなかった女性は,調査時点で妊娠を希望していた女性と比較して確実な避妊法を実施する傾向が強かった.一方,未婚女性では同様の関連はみられず,年齢が高いほど確実な避妊法を実施する割合が小さくなる傾向がみられた.結論:調査時点で妊娠を希望していない場合でも,未婚女性,既婚女性ともに確実な避妊法を実施していない者が多かった.これらの女性がどの程度,望まない妊娠のリスクに晒されているのかについて,今後の調査研究が必要である.
小島 光洋
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.81, no.6, pp.186-191, 2015-11-30 (Released:2016-01-04)

The author is attracted to the reports which record the community health activities. The reason is that he has been taken into the situation described there and felt as if he faced the same situation and experienced just the same things, which makes him enable to develop new ways to think. Such reports are written in a way that reporters describe what they actually experience and observe.The author took up the theme of “case-reporting as methodology”, because I have often met reports which only tell the results of measuring something but fail in conveying what reporters actually experienced. There might be misunderstanding that case-reporting is not allowed to be taken as a scientific way, and in consequence case-reports seldom come out in front of me.While touching on the essentials of natural science in relation to the observation of the natural world, this presentation tried to clarify the role and the purpose of case-reporting in the aspect of method with which one can describe what he or she experiences and observes in the community health activities.
渡辺 昌幸
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.26, no.2, pp.226-234,A16, 1960-03-31 (Released:2010-12-22)

Correlations between footlength and stature are studied by 382 Japanese adult females in Tiba and Tokyo districts. Footlengths are measured from heel to the top of Ist, 2 nd and 3 rd toes, and called footlength I, II, and III respectively. Results are shown in Tables 1-4 and Fig, 1-5. Our conclusions are as follows.I. On the side difference of footlength.a) The right foot is, on the average, longer than the left by 0.8mm on the footlength I, 0.3mm on the II and III.b) In about 30% of all cases the left is found longer than the right. No side difference is proved in about 30% of cases.c) In about 12% of all cases the II was the longest. No cases was observed in which the III was longest. In about 15% the I and II showed equal length. In over 70% of all cases the longest was the I. The meanvalues of the footlengths are 21.9cm by the I, 21.6 cm by the II and 20.9cm by the III.II. Relation between stature and footlength.a) On the relation between stature and footlength shows a fairly high positive correlation. (correlations coefficient is about 0.7) and regressions coefficients are 0.136 on the I, 0.132 on the II and 0.121 on the III, and σyx are small.b) Correlation between stature and enlarge rate of the footlength (stature/footlength= reciprocal of relative footlength) is very low.c) As regressions coefficients of footlengths (αy) to stature we got 0.136, 0.132 and 0.121 for footlength I, II and HI respectively. And as those of stature t foot lengths (αx) we got 3.592, 3.629 and 3.645. From theoretical point of view, αy and αx are to stand in reciprocal relation and satisfy next expression. αy αx =1Our results do not satisfy above expression, simply because the subjects of our study are biological materials having much deviations.d) Relation of enlarge rate of footlength stands in a negative correlation, with fairly high coefficient (γ is ca-0.7).This means he who has long feet is not so tall as becoming his feet.
西田 茂樹 木村 正文
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.60, no.3, pp.129-139, 1994-05-31 (Released:2010-06-28)

The purpose of this study is a re-evaluation of population dynamics, especially of marriage, divorce, and stillbirth by legitimacy, in Japan before the World War II. Formerly we reported results of similar analysis for the period between 1872 and 1898 and for the period 1899 and 1919. In this study, we have investigated the successive period from 1920 to 1940. Marriage rates over this period were estimated to be around 60 to 80 per 1, 000 unmarried women over age 15 and showed a decrease until the mid-1930's . Divorce rates were estimated to be around three to five per 1, 000 married women and showed a clear decrease since 1920. Illegitimate birth rates also showed a clear decrease from 27 to eight per 1, 000 unmarried women over age 15 in the study period. Ratios of illegitimate births to all births also showed a clear decrease. It was considered that these trends of marriage, divorce and birth by legitimacy were affected by the new appeared custom of registration of marriage which was the retardation of registration of marriage until the first baby was born. Illegitimate stillbirth rates were much higher than those of the legitimate in the study period. Illegitimate stillbirth rates showed a decline until 1927 and then turned to a increase. Legitimate stillbirth rates showed a decline in all study period but annual rates of decreasing were going to smaller since 1928. It was suspected that these trends of stillbirth were made by the phenomenon that some deaths of infant were registered as stillbirth.
瀧澤 利行
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.57, no.5, pp.202-212, 1991 (Released:2010-06-28)

The aim of this article is to study the development of the health and the ethnic perspective of the Japan Association of Hygiene. From the middle of the Meiji period, public hygiene promotion activities directed at the general public were assumed by the Japan Association of Hygiene which was established in 1883. The key officers of this Association, which was supported by the government, were composed of staff from the Hygiene Bureauof the Ministry of Home Affairs, professors of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tokyo, and key members of Army and Navy medical staff. The Association carried out a variety of activities, including a general meeting once a year and regular meetings once a month where various kinds of lectures were given on matters relating to health and hygiene. Regional association were also organized in prefectures and regional cities, and hospitals and theatres were used for meeting places for presenting slide shows and for organizing hygiene discussion groups. These activities, aimed at promoting awareness of health and hygiene among the people in the Meiji era, were something completely unique. Fundamented to the thinking in the association were two factors; westernization of lifeand the preservation of traditional customs in daily life. The latter became the basis for the concept of ethnic hygiene in Japan.
馮 巧蓮 堀口 逸子 清水 隆司 羊 利敏 丸井 英二
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.73, no.1, pp.3-13, 2007-01-31 (Released:2010-06-28)

To date, there have been only few studies which investigated the situation of care for the elderly and caregiver burden in China. We performed a structural interview with 172 frail elderly and their caregivers, in pairs, in Shenyang City, China, after explaining the purpose of our study and obtaining consent. The interview was comprised of the Chinese version of the Zarit Caregiver Burden Inter view (ZBI) questionnaire, Activities of Daily Living (ADL) questionnaire and questions on the char acteristics of the elderly and his/her caregiver. Responses from 150 elderly-caregiver pairs (87%), sufficient for analysis, were collected. Caregivers with high burden were defined as those who scored 51 points or more out of 88 points (66l or higher) on the ZBI. There were significant differences in ADL of frail elderly, caregiver's age, average number of hours of caregiving per day and elderly-caregiver relationship between caregivers with and without high burden from x 2 analysis. Using a multi variate logistic regression, we found that caregiver burden was associated with ADL of frail elderly, caregiver's age and elderly-caregiver relationship. The results of this study showed that ADL of frail elderly, caregiver's age, average daily hours of care provided and relationship between elderly and their caregivers affect burden among caregivers in China.
加藤 正博 米倉 育男 小川 威彦
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.14, no.1-2, pp.25-30, 1947-07-30 (Released:2010-11-19)
1 1
大木 秀一
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.67, no.2, pp.77-92, 2001 (Released:2010-06-28)

A genetic analysis was conducted in order to evaluate to what extent alcohol use and smoking are influenced by genetic or environmental factors. The subjects were adult 149 monozygotic twin pairs and 87 parent-offspring pairs who answered a mailed questionnaire, including requests for information on alcohol use and smoking. Covariance structure analysis was performed using program packages PRELIS2 and LISREL8. The results demonstrated that (1) significant heritability were obtained for both alcohol use (73% for male and 64% for female) and smoking (58% for male and 33% for female), (2) dominance genetic effects were observed for male alcohol use and common (within family) environmental effects were observed for female smoking, (3) a higher genetic effects were observed for alcohol use than for smoking in both sexes, (4) a higher environmental effects were observed for female than for male in both behaviors, (5) the co-occurrence of both behaviors were in part influenced by common genetic/environmental factors, with the additive genetic correlations of. 54 for males and. 50 for females, and random environmental correlations of. 34 for males and. 33 for females. These results show that lifestyles, such as alcohol use and smoking, are under substantial genetic control. It is concluded that not only environmental factors, but genetic factors should be considered in the proper management of alcohol use and smoking.
成田 美代 大嶽 紀子
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.62, no.3, pp.101-112, 1996-05-31 (Released:2010-06-28)

The protein, sugar, and lipid concentrations were measured in 255 samples of human breast milk that were provided longitudinally by 33 women following childbirth. Longitudinal changes, the relationship among the three nutrients and the amounts of infant intake were analyzed. The protein concentration was highest in colostrum and decreased thereafter. In contrast, the sugar and lipid concentrations were at their minimums in colostrum. The protein concentration exhibited a significantly positive correlation with the lipid concentration, where as both were significantly negatively correlated with the concentration of sugar. The PFC-ratios of human breast milk were almost the same as the ratios calculated from the Recommended Dietary Allowance for the Japanese (5th Division) pertaining to the first six months postpartum, the ratio of protein in human breast milk subsequently declining. It was presumed that an infant's intake of the three nutrients and the infant's energy increased in volume each day for the first five weeks postpartum.
金子 俊 丸井 英二
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.51, no.3, pp.147-151, 1985 (Released:2011-02-25)

It has been considered that the first Japanese recommended dietary allowances announced officially in 1926. But we are introducing another report which can be believed to have been earlier recommendation than the former one . The report appeared in the bulletin of the Institute of Hygiene, Vol.2, published by the Department of Hygiene, Ministry of Home Affairs . In this report, the authors, Ryojun Tahara and Katsusaburo Suda, established?gproper diets for health?h(?gHoken Shokuryo?h), which meant recommended dietary allowances at that time . The?gproper diets for health?hwas established on the basis of the standard of Prof. Voit, Munchen University, with due regard to Japanese own dietary practice and Japanese people's body weights. It advocated that Japanese need 96gm protein , 20gm fat, and 450gm carbohydrate per capita per day. They reported also how to utilize this recommendation as an index for the evaluation of the nutritional survey in various types of work . Furthermore, they made an example of food constitution table, that was named“standard diets”, on the basis of the“proper diets for health”for the purpose of education to laymen. In some occasion, sample foods were shown in the institution as an activity of nutritional education . In the last paragraph of the report, they mentioned that the aim of this establishment of" proper diets for health"has recommended dietary allowances was racial eugenics for the Japanese to follow the western countries.
高橋 英次 米地 和夫
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.34, no.2, pp.78-86, 1968 (Released:2011-10-21)

Following the school health statistics from the Ministry of Education myopia prevalence rate in elementary school children and secondary school pupils for 10 years from 1955 to 1964 is revealed by 46 prefectures . On the geographic distribution of the prevalence rate, the correlations with natural environmental factors such as annual average temperature and annual insolation duration and with socio-economic factors such as promotion rate of pupils to higher school and living expenditures per person per month are calculated. 1. Myopia prevalence rate is higher in the area of Japan sea side slope from Hokkaido to Hokuriku and in the large cities of the Pacific side, lower in the area which extends from southern Kyushu through Shikoku to Wakayama and in the northern Kanto plain area . 2. The negative correlation with the geographic distribution of annual average temperature is recognized for female. The negative correlation with the geographic distribution of annual insolation duration is found for both sexes, but that for female is higher. 3. The positive correlation with the geogrophic distribution of the promotion rate to the senior secondary school is recognized only for junior secondary school pupils, but the correlation with the promotion rate to the college and the university is found in all male and female groups of all schools. 4. The highest grade positive correlation is found with the geographic distribution of living expenditures per person per month of all consumers for male and female groups of all schools.
金子 俊 丸井 英二
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.50, no.3, pp.156-165, 1984 (Released:2010-06-28)

The authors has introduced a newly found investigation record on the Japanese nutritional status during the war. It was published as a secret document in December, 1948, carried out by the Institute of the Ministry of Health and Walfare. It has never been cited in any historical writings on nutrition after the war. Department of Health Science investigated the physical status and diseases . On the other hand, Department of National Nutrition collected nutritional data with the food consumption survey. The survey staffs were Dr. Koya, Dr. Yamakawa, Dr. Tachikawa, Dr. Kubo, Dr. Nobechi, Dr. Sugimoto and so on. They have been famous as the members of Japanese societies of public health and allied sciences. The report includes as followings: (1) On school children; physical constitution, nutritional status, carrying luncheon and its food items, and the uses of eutrophics. (2) On pregnant women and neonatal children; body weight, morbidity rate, the items, frequency and quantity of the staple food, and the purchase of the food stuffs. (3) On salaries men in urban areas; body weight, morbidity conditions of tuberculosis and beriberi etc., quantity and quality of staple foods, food stuffs of subsidiary foods, items of snacks and the uses of eutrophics. (4) On the workers of several important factories; body weight, intake of protein and energy. As well as this survey was performed nation-widely, it was summed up and appreciated statistically as to yearly trend, region, sex, occupation and so on. This report can be evaluated not only as a basic historical record to prove the condiiton under the war, but also as a precious material to study the later nutritional effects for the people who had spent the under-nutritional period during the after the war time.