弓桁 亮介 角田 直也 堀川 浩之
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.81, no.3, pp.75-81, 2015 (Released:2015-07-10)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the part difference of change of body fat in Japanese young women. Subjects were 142 healthy female university students who were living in a dormitory. In particular, 21 subjects who showed the remarkable increased percentage of total body fat were grouped as the increase group. 24 subjects who showed the remarkable decreased percentage of total body fat were grouped as the decrease group. Body weight, total and regional body fat and muscle volume were measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis method. Each item was measured for two times in June and December.The difference of change in the percentage of body fat of a trunk showed the highest value in parts of the body. The difference of change in the percentage of body fat of an arm was higher than that of a leg.From these results, the part difference existed to a change of the body fat. It was suggested that the part in which body fat tends to increase is the part in which it tends to decreases.
池見 猛
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.4, no.3-4, pp.301-314, 1935-07-20 (Released:2010-11-19)
1 1
井上 善十郎 遠藤 眞三
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.6, no.4, pp.315-339,en1, 1937-11-15 (Released:2010-11-19)

秋山 房雄 武藤 志真子 中根 孝子 渡辺 久子
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.43, no.1-2, pp.1-12, 1977 (Released:2012-02-17)

This is the second part of the study on famines, epidemics, socio-economic conditions, and combinations of these before the Meiji era. The great famine in the Tenmei period (1781-88) was discussed. The development of land, advance in commerce and alterations in agricultural policy were closely related to the disaster of famines. During the Tenmei famine, about a half a million people died in Oou district where the weather had been cold and the local government system was misguided. Although three fouth of deaths were caused by malignant influenza, death rate varied considerably from sex, age, social class, feudal clan and characteristics of area such as fishing village, farm village, city, etc. The severity of famine seemed to deter mine the severity of epidemics of diseases.
向笠 廣次 岡部 重穗 古賀 節郎
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.9, no.5, pp.355-398, 1941-11-30 (Released:2010-11-19)

Im Oktober und November 1940 wurden psychiatrische Zensusuntersuchungen in einigen japanischen Inzuchtgebieten durchgeführt. Urn die Einflüsse der Inzucht auf Psychosenhäufigkeit zu finden, wurden gleichzeitig die Inzuchtgrade der betreffenden Bevökerung untersucht. Diese Untersuchungen werden in mehreren Gebieten noch weiter fortgesetzt. Hier berichten Verff.. vorläufig über die Ergebnisse in bis heute erforschten drei Zählbezirken, welche durch Jahrhunderte lang deuernde Inzucht charakterisiert sind.
藤野 隆雄
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.23, no.5-6, pp.158-170,A11, 1958 (Released:2010-11-19)

Researches on the taste-blindness tRo P. T. C. were first taken up by A. L. Fox in 1931, and since then many valuable reports have been published.The author has the pleasure to add here his study. Healthy Japanese of both sexes, 2281 in number, aged from eleven to eighty years, were examined with three test substances-henyl-tho-carbamide, lactose and aspirin.The results obtained are as follows.1, The percentage frequency of taste-blind persons, including so-called weak-tasters who are supposed to be almost near to taste-blindness, to P. T. C. was 11.09%, lactose 4.82%, and to aspirin 18.8%.2. In the percentages of tasters to each of these three substances, the sexual difference is statistically not significant3. No relation between taste-blindness and unbalanced feeding habit has been found.
淀川 尚子 徳永 淳也 丸谷 美紀 波多野 浩道
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.82, no.5, pp.183-202, 2016-09-30 (Released:2016-10-31)

This study aimed to characterize the effects on vegetable consumption caused by mother-child food neophobia and their dietary communication, both of which have a great influence on the child’s eating behavior. A self-administered questionnaire was conducted in elementary and junior high school students who had regular dental visits and their mothers, and 193 subjects were analyzed. Items included in the questionnaire were largely basic attributes and food neophobia of the mother and child, likes and dislikes, triggers of the child’s food aversion, eating habits, mother-child communication about eating habits, frequency of vegetable intake, and preference. Multiple regression analysis determined that food neophobia of the child, experience of forced feeding by the parents, and experience of forced feeding by teachers had a significant positive influence on the likes and dislikes of children, while joint eating behavior with the mother and conversation at table with friends, child age had a significant negative influence. As the factors influencing the number of vegetables the child cannot eat, likes and dislikes of the child, mother’s preference for new food, and the number of vegetables the mother cannot eat had a significant positive influence. In contrast, food neophobia of the child had a significant negative influence. Mother-child food neophobia can affect eating behavior, specifically holding the key to vegetable consumption or non-consumption. The study results suggest that when eating habit guidance is provided emphasis should be placed on joint eating behavior of the mother and child such as food-related conversation, shopping, cooking, and vegetable cultivation, which are considered to be effective in decreasing the likes and dislikes of children, and interventions to enhance dietary communication, for example conversation at table with friends.
松山 恒明
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.38, no.2, pp.61-67, 1972 (Released:2011-10-21)

Since the 1920's, there has been a slow fluctuating upward trend in primary sex ratio (ratio of males to females at birth) in Japan. The factors :concerned with the rise of sex ratio have been analyzed by using the vital statistics and other data for the period from 1947-1969. There is no evidence indicating that the age of the mother or the birth order are contributing factors causing an increase in the ratio. The recent decrease in still birth rate suggests a possible relation with the increase of the sex ratio at birth. Provided that the ratio of the number of still births to that of live births were the same in the periods of 1955-64 and of 1965-69, the extent to which the sex ratio at birth in 1955-64 would be modified was calculated. By this calculation, the modified sex ratio at birth in 1955-64 was 106.2, in contrast the actual value was 105.8. The correlation between the sex ratio at birth and some social indices by prefectures has been examined in the respective periods of 1960-64 and 1965-69. For both periods, signifi cant correlation coefficients were obtained between the sex ratio at birth and the rate of hospitalization at delivery. Only in 1960-64, social indices as the percentage of employed persons in primary indust ries to total employees, the "MYNRYOKU" index (synthetic index of socioeconomic indices) and the percentage of women workers to total employees were significantly correlated with the sex ratio at birth by prefectures.
加用 信憲
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.30, no.2, pp.31-33, 1964 (Released:2010-06-28)
2 2
針生 敏雄
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.26, no.3, pp.284-299,A21, 1960 (Released:2010-11-19)

佐々木 鶴二
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.4, no.5-6, pp.343-391,en1, 1935-12-20 (Released:2010-11-19)

I have principally studied juvenile delinquents who were taken into reformatories; and the causes of their errors which were fund chiefly in their heredity and environment. The various results of my investigatim lespecting their heredity revealed that there were many insane or feeble-minded persons, Erni confirmed criminals among their cloae relatives. They seem to have inherited many defects from their parents, such as congenital weak character and mental degeneration. Especially, syphilis hereditaria was proved in 19.9% by means of Wasserman's reaction. The result of mental test proved none of very supe for and supeiior: only 3.1% were high average, 16.9 % were average, 42.1% low average, 27.8 % were inferior, and 9.8 % were very inferior. These figures show us that there are very few of the high intellcctual among them, but they are generally inferior in that respect.The study of their environment shows that many of them came from poor families. The most remarkable fact 13 that many of them are orphans. Those who are not in orphanage hold totally only 30.5%. Only a few were brought up by their parents, and the rest were separate from thcm by death or other circumstances. Those who were separated from their parents at an early age were generally found to talce a poorer course in inverse proportion to their ages. Only 8.6% had good friends, the rest had none or only vicious ones. Thus we can easily judge that they are greatly tempted by vicious companions. Their school recorie were generally poorerthan the; r Inte ligence quotient. This is perhaps due to their family conditions and individualities. Among the delinquents there were also many who were suffering from urinal incoltinance in sleep; those who were not suffering from it over five years of age, were only 32.6%. As for their blood groups, they agreed w th those of the Japanese in general, and no Sfseciality was found about them. If there were any relation between the blood groups and their dispositions, as is insisted upon by some scholars, there must be to some extent any Peculiarity in blood groups of juvenile delinquents but thies was not to find.With regard to the immediate causes of their crimes, the needs of money to spend on sweets and to visit cinemas, were the most general; the temptation of vicious friends, idleness, and degeneration came next in number; and some of them were also found to be delinquent after having been brought up in an indulgent way, or with excessive reproaches. As for the order of their birth, it seems that first born children were in the majority, but comparatively few were found among the eldests and the youngests when there were more than two in a family; and many were found in children who were in the middle among childerns of the same paren
須藤 茉衣子 笹川 恵美 吉朝 加奈 松崎 良美 松本 亜紀 三砂 ちづる
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.82, no.4, pp.156-165, 2016-07-31 (Released:2016-08-29)

Objective:We investigated at which age children who started caregiver-assisted toilet training (diaperless child care) under age 1 stopped needing diapers.Methods:We conducted a cross-sectional study using a self-administered mailed questionnaire in Tokyo be tween April and May 2012. The participants were mothers who started toilet training their children under age 1. At the time of the study, the children had to be ≥2 years old. Questionnaires were dis tributed to 175 mothers, and data from 125 were analyzed.Results:A total of 116 (92.8%) children stopped needing diapers during the day, and the mean age of the chil dren who did not rely on diapers was 21 months. Mean age did not significantly differ by characteris tics such as childʼs or the motherʼs age, family structure, or employment situation. However, it tend ed to be related to the frequency of using paper diapers and age of starting diaperless childcare.Discussion:An increase in the number of children using diapers at 3 years of age has been reported in recent years. However, the mean age at which children in this study did not rely on diapers during the day was <2 years. Our findings suggest that early caregiver-assisted toilet training can facilitate indepen dent toileting in children.
石野 晶子
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.82, no.6, pp.208-216, 2016-11-30 (Released:2016-12-26)

Questionnaires were administered to parents of children eligible to receive the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to assess changes in parents’ awareness of the HPV vaccine and their needs regarding the vaccine after reports of its serious adverse events in the media. Parents lacked sufficient awareness of cervical cancer and no difference in awareness level was seen after the reports. However, a difference was seen in parents’ awareness of HPV vaccination after the reports of adverse events. This is thought to be because parents did not receive consistent information before and after the reports of the adverse events and because they had always been subconsciously concerned about the vaccination, due to a lack of sufficient awareness of the HPV vaccine. In particular, parents’ concern about side effects was the factor accounting for the difference in their awareness regarding HPV vaccination for children. This suggests that it is necessary to establish measures for providing parents with consistent information and knowledge on HPV vaccine.
竹内 昌平 山内 武紀 黒田 嘉紀
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.80, no.1, pp.17-22, 2014 (Released:2014-03-28)

The spread of influenza depends on contact among people. Contact rates are known to vary depending on the combination of age groups, which means that the age structure of a population affects the spread of influenza. We herein report how future changes in the population structure of Miyazaki Prefecture, a rural region in Japan, will affect the potential spread of influenza. We also report the results of an investigation on how future fertility changes will modify the potential spread through changes in the population structure. The basic reproduction number (R0) was used as an indicator of spread. The future population structure was projected by the cohort component method. Age-group-specific contact rates were obtained by a questionnaire survey. We found that the R0 of a new type of influenza will not change over the next 100 years if vital statistics remain constant (Scenario 0). If the total fertility rate increases by 10% or 25% from 1.7 (the level in 2011), the R0 in 2111 will be higher than that in Scenario 0. These results suggest that fertility recovery, an urgent demographic policy target in Japan, has the potential to increase the spread of influenza.
窪田 義信
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.19, no.5-6, pp.93-106,A7, 1953 (Released:2010-11-19)

Studies have been made since 1948 with regard to 201 white American-Japanese and 66 Negro-Japanese hybrids who were found in the vicinity of Tokyo and in the Prefecture of Kanagawa. They were all under 6 years of age, and thier mothers were invariably Japanese.1) Blood type. Of the white American-Japanese hybrids, those having A type blood represent a high percentage (49.5 percent), inasmuch as that blood type accounts for a large majority of both the whites and the Japanese. The figures for B and O types respectively stand about half-way between the corresponding figures for the two races. The average racial index of blood of the white American-Japanese hibrids is 2.93, showing a European type, while the Japanese index stands at 1.53 and always retains the Asian type. a The racial serologic point of the hybrids, as Figure No. 1. shows, stands at about the middle between the two races, though slightly trending to the left -side. (Table 1)2) Type of finger marks. The Japanese pattern is characterized by a small percentage of arches (1.8 percent) and a large percentage of loops (48 percent). Hybrids show a considerably high percentage of arches (4.9 per cent), which approaches to the figure for the white race (5.2 percent). Similar influence of the when type is also perceived. Likewise the racial pattern index (W/R+U) of the hybrids comes in the neighborhood of the average for the two races, i. e. 77.3, with the Japanese index standing at 85 and the index for the white at 51. As regards proportion of ulnar loops and whorl, the larger per cent of the native Japanese belongs to 5W and a smaller per cent to 5U. These ratio is reversed in the case of Europeans. The hybrids appear to possess mixed traits of both races. The U2W3 accounts for the highest percentage. (Fig. 2) (Table 2, 3)3) Mongolian spot. The percentage of revelition, in the case of hybrids, is one-third of the figure for native Japanese. In the first year after birth, the spot appears highest in 45 per cent of hybrid, as against 99.5 per cent of the native Japanese babies. More notable is the fact that the spot in the case of hybrid babies is of lighter color, smaller in size and, as shown in Tables No. 3, 4, Fig. 3, disappears sooner, generally by the age of 4.4) Color of skin. By comparison with the Hintze's Color Table, we have ascertained that, on the one hand, the skin of American-Japanese hybrids is 13 per cent whiter than that of pure Japanese, but is 2.4 per cent less white than that of the white race, and, on the other, it is 16 per cent less dark than that of pure Japanese, but is 4 per cent darker than that of the white race. Namely in color, it is very near to that of white and is almost devoid of the characteristic yellowish shade. As for Negro-Japanese hybrids, they have a skin intermediate in color between that of the Japanese native and the Negro: (Table 7).5) Color and form of hair. About half (52.2 percent) of American-Japanese hybrids have black hair, and 11 per cent hair of lighter color, mostly brunette rather than blond of the white race. The hair of Negro-Japanese hybrids is mostly black, (86 percent) but it is sometimes blond (6.2 percent). (Table 7)The hair of 60 per cent of American-Japanese hybrids is straight and that of 14 per cent slightly curled. As a whole, their hair is more wavy in form than it is intermediate between the hair forms of the two races, while the Japanese have straight hair with some exception. Of the Negro-Japanese hybrids, 15.8 per cent have straight hair and 38 per cent slightly curled hair form, showing a marked increase in the Japanese form as the result of this race mixture. (Table 8)
崎原 盛造 西 貴世美 當山 冨士子 宇座 美代子 平良 一彦
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.60, no.2, pp.67-84, 1994-03-31 (Released:2010-06-28)
6 6

This paper focused on malaria epidemic in Ryukyu Islands during World War II with special reference to Yaeyama Islands to prove whether malaria outbreak in Yaeyama in 1945 was unusual, by reanalyzing published data by various researchers and unpublished documents of the U.S. military Government that occupied Ryukyu Islands from 1945 to 1972. The following results were obtained: 1) Outbreak of malaria in the Ryukyu Islands in a period from 1945 to 1947 was caused by great alteration of biologic balances due to military operations by Japanese Army. 2) Compared with those in Miyako and Okinawa Islands, fatality from malaria in Yaeyama in 1945 was extraordinarily high. 3) Forced evacuation of the inhabitants to malaria endemic areas by the Japanese Army caused exceptionally high incidence, mortality and fatality in Yaeyama. 4) Of species of malaria parasites, malignant P, falciparum was predominant in Yeayama. P. vivax was preponderant both in Miyako and Okinawa Islands . 5) In Okinawa Islands, intensive mosquito control measures were initiated by the US Army when they landed the Island in April 1945. But in Miyako and Yaeyama Islands, only partial chemotherapy was administered, not full scale mosquito control activities . In conclusion, unusual outbreak of malaria epidemic in Yaeyama in 1945 was mostly attributed to the forced evacuation of the inhabitants to malaria endemic areas by the Japanese Army.