立野 君子
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.12, no.5, pp.257-270, 1944-09-30 (Released:2010-11-19)
若月 俊一
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.10, no.5, pp.309-335, 1942-11-30 (Released:2010-11-19)

石田 明
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.60, no.5, pp.274-280, 1994

The questionnaires on handedness and a number of biological attributes were asked to 1, 964 Japanese female students to explore the relationships between them. Most items analysed were found to have no relationships to handednes but strong relationships were found between handedness and the ability of physical exercise, the cardio-pulmonary function, the occurrence of urticaria and the thickness of body hair. Ambilaterals were superior to dextrals or sinistrals in the abilities of physical exercise and the cardio-pulmonary function. The inclination to left-handedness was prominent in females whose body hair was thin. The significant linear regression was found for the proportion of dextrals on the frequency of urticaria and on the difference between the number of clockwise hair whorls and that of counterclockwise hair whorls.
梅崎 昌裕 石川 正敏
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.80, no.1, pp.6-11, 2014 (Released:2014-03-28)

The latest population projection for Japan showed that during the next 50 years, the dependency ratio will drastically increase from 0.58 (2010) to 0.94 (2060) and that the population will decrease from 128 million (2010) to 87 million (2060). There is concern that burdens placed upon the working-age population will increase and that the social security system of the nation might eventually collapse. We report here the results of population projections under four scenarios of changes in vital statistics rates that reflect the current demographic policies in Japan. These four scenarios assume that specific vital statistics rates change as follows. Scenario 1 : The total fertility rate will increase to 2.1 (replacement level) in 2010. Scenario 2 : The in-migration rate at 18 years of age will increase to 0.1. Scenario 3 : The start of old age is redefined as 70 years. Scenario 4 : Age-specific mortality at age 65 years or older will double. Scenarios 1 and 2 mitigate the population decrease, but Scenario 1 increases the dependency ratio for the initial 40 years. Scenario 3 drastically decreases the dependency ratio without affecting the population size or structure. Scenario 4 suppresses the increase in the dependency ratio, but decreases the population size. If all four scenarios occurred simultaneously, the dependency ratio in 2060 would remain at the level observed in 2005.
大森 暢久 岸 篤 岡部 五成 長田 宗憲 浅見 正彦 平山 雄
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.25, no.5, pp.644-648,A40, 1959 (Released:2010-11-19)

In order to investigate the actual state of cancer within the jurisdiction of the Kawagoe Helth Centre of the Saitama Prefecture, we have visited all the 110 hospitals and clinics within the jurisdiction, under the cooperation of the Doctors' Ass'n., and the Health Centre. We have not only inquired of the doctors, but have also gone through the protocols of the patients who have come during the investigation period, and we have chosen those who were diagnosed as cancer or malignant ulcer, making our observations according to sex, age, and disease types. We have calculated the death rate by comparing the contraction percentage of cancer, the prevalence rate, and the death certificate ; and have compared it with the figures of various parts of the U.S.A., and the Miyagi, Okayama, and Saitama Prefectures. Furthermore, the monthly survival rate was obtained, and the drawing up of basic data was attempted in order to devise measures of the prevention of cancer.
志村 正子 三浦 悌二
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.44, no.4, pp.165-174, 1978

Changes in birth distribution pattern during a few centuries were investigated in both Japan and the USA, using various forms of records. Regional differences in seasonal birth distribution, and their connection with birth rates and marriage seasons were also studied. The following conclusions were drawn. 1) From the second half of the 19th century to the first half of the 1960's, seasonal distribution of births in Tokyo and Osaka showed a fluctuating pattern with a peak from January to March and a trough between May and August. Most variations during that period were in the amplitude of the basic pattern. 2) Old registration books of parishoners known as 'Ninbetsu-cho' of three towns in Osaka City revealed a peculiar pattern with a sharp peak between November and December, ( October and November of the lunar calender) from 1755 to 1867. 3) Japanese birth distribution became less noticeable in the 1960's and the 1970's with very low peak between July and August similar to that formed in the USA. 4) In USA, there is a secular change of shifts of peaks in different periods. The typical pattern with a peak between Aug. and Sep. can be seen from the second half of the 18th century to the first half of the 19th century and again after 1930. During certain periods since the 17th century, different patterns are apparent: e. g. a wide peak between May and September until the 1970's, or a pattern with two peaks in spring and autumn from the second half of the century until the 1920's. 5) Regional differences of the birth distribution in Japan gradually decreased and have reached uniformity throughout Japan. (6) As for the relationships between birth seasonality and regional birth rates, regional birth rates fell in summer, becoming lower as one travels south. 7) As for the relationship between birth seasonality and annual birth rate, a distinct difference was seen in the peak season of Jan.-Mar., and the birth rate in the trough season of May-July changed little until World War II when contraception became popular in Japan. 8) Prior to World War II the seasonal distribution of marriages in Japan was typified by peaks in spring. After the Wax it changed to a pattern with peaks in both spring and late autumn. Seasonal differences of marriages increased, in contrast to birth patterns. 9) Comparing the distribution of marriage ceremonies and registrations after World War II in Japan, seasonal variance was larger for ceremonies than registrations. The marriage registration peak shifted ahead one or two months. This suggests that most marriages were registered several months later than ceremonies. In the 1970's, however, this difference was reduced. 10) It seems worthwhile to consider the possibility that certain seasonal biological suppressing factors varying in period and by region may be responsible for the distributional birth pattern.
鮫島 宗雄
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.6, no.5, pp.395-409,en1, 1938

Es ist allgemein anerkannt, dass die Fingerabdrücke interessante Versehiedenheiten aufweisen, nicht allein im einzelnen sondern auch ethnographisch. Zum Beitrage der anthropologischen der Mikrônesier, machte ich Untersuchungen über Erscheinungen von Fingerabdrücken an je 400 Hände von Männern und Frauen der Bewohner der Marshall-Inseln.<BR>Bei den Fingerabdruck-Formeln der Marsall-Insulaner ist die Häufigkeit von wwwww am höchsten (I4.8±I.77, I4.0±I.73), es gleicht sih meist dem der Ostasiaten.<BR>Die Häufigkeit von jeden Fingerabdruck-Typen im Ganzen und der Fingerabdruck-Index lässt sich folgendermassen konstatieren:<BR>A R U W Fingerabdruck-Index<BR>3.0±0.38 1.8±0.30 45.3±1.11 49.9±1.12. 105 94<BR>2.3±0.28 0.7±0.19 48.1±1.1 2 49.0±1.12 100.41.<BR>nämlich, w ist am häufigsten, A und R weniger als bei der weissen Rssse, Fingerabdruck-Index ist gross, und weisst die Natur bei allgemeinen Mongolrassen auf.<BR>Ferner, bei Summierung meiner ausführlichen Beobachturgen über die häufigeit an jeden von jeden Finger, jeden Hande und Geschlecht, HAi and R sind am meisten aut die Zeigefinger, U auf dem kleinen Finger, w kommt am häufigsten auf Ringfinger vor. Und von Finger-Seiten ausgesehen, auf Daumen, Zeigefinger und Ringfinger ist w am häutigsten and auf Mittelfinger und kleinen Finger ist U am häufigsten. Von Hand-Seiten ausgesehen, erscheint U am häufigsten auf der linken Hand, während auf der rechten Hand w mehr vorkommt. Di geschlechtlichen Unterschiede sind im Allgemeinen nicht bemerkbar, aber bei häufiges Erscheinen von R Typen, Manner übertreffen Frauen in jedem Fall. Es ist verursacht die ausserordentliche hohe Prozentzahl von R Typen auf der Manner rechten Zeigefinger
岡田 正夫
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.4, no.5, pp.453-462,en3, 1935

Dr Verfasser durchmustert die Fingerabdrücke von Aino, welche im Juli 1934 im Dorf <I>Piratori</I>, Hokkaido, von Verfasser selbst angefertigt wurden, und teilt folgendes mit.<BR>Das betreffende Material besteht aus 1853 Fingerabdrücke von 58 erwachsmen Aino-Männern und 130 ebensolchen Weibern, welche fast ausnahmslos auf dem <I>Saru</I> Gebiete, Provinz Hidaka bewohnen, und angeblich sowie somatoskopisch rein zu sein schienen.<BR>Die Ergebnisse sind im Detail auf den Tabellen 1-6 zusammengestellt.<BR>Im Vergleich mit einer früheren Arbeit von Prof. Hasebe ('18) welche is Heute die einzige Mitteilung über das Hautleisten von Aino gewesenb ist, stellt sich kein gründlicher Unterschied heraus. Bei Aino treten U-Muster häufiger, dagegen W-Muster seltener als bei Japaner auf. Sonstige Mustertypen zeigen kelne merkwürdigen Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Rassen. Demgemass fällt der Digital-Index (nach Furuhata, W (%) /U (%) R (%). -100) von Aino ausserhalb oder an der Grenze de=r Variationsbreite des betreffenden Index von Japaner.[nämlich : 56.0, : 42.1 bei Aino im gegensatz durchschnitt 63. 52, and Variationsbreite 78.00-55.88 bei Japaner nach Hirai ('28).]<BR>Bilaterale und geschlechtliche Häufigkeitsunterschiede der 4 Hauptmustertypen bei A. no unter sich sind auf der Tabelle 3 ersichtlich.<BR>Was die Musterkonibination an den 5 Fingern anbelangt, so ist die Formel uuuuu am häufigsten bi beiden Geschlechtern vertreten. Die Formel wwwww, die sich um eine der wichtigsten Kombinationen bei Japaner handelt, tritt hier dagegen stark zurück, nähmlich U5/W5: 7.0, 7.6, 7.5 bei Aino gegenüber 1.09 nach Angaben Prof. Hasebe. oder 1.11 nach Takeuchi bei Japaner.
田中 直介
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.10, no.4, pp.217-227, 1942-08-31 (Released:2010-11-19)
荒谷 壽治
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.7, no.2, pp.83-97, 1937-06-30 (Released:2010-11-19)
吉田 いつこ 小林 敏生 寺岡 幸子 虫明 悦生 Kongsap AKKHAVONG Amphoy SIHAVONG Dalaphone SITTHIDETH Bang-on NISAYGNANG 門司 和彦
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.77, no.3, pp.109-120, 2011 (Released:2011-07-25)

The purpose of this study is to clarify the effectiveness and significance of the health education method through using traditional folk song “Lam” in Lao PDR.The study was conducted at a village in Vientiane city with 48 participants. Firstly we collected quantitative data by questionnaire survey and then conducted group interview after listening “Lam” for HIV/AIDS prevention. The qualitative data was analyzed by basic procedure of KJ method.The result showed that the participants with older than 20-year old (p<0.05) and lower education (p<0.05) tended to prefer “Lam”. Through the qualitative analysis, eight categories were extracted ; 1) Interest for Lam talking about HIV/AIDS, 2) Perception for a risky sexual behavior, 3) Knowledge on the HIV/AIDS infection routes, 4) Commitment for HIV/AIDS prevention, 5) Needs for the health education methods, 6) Suggestion for HIV/AIDS education, 7) Consortium with people living with HIV/AIDS, and 8) Characteristics of Lam and its advantages. After listening Lam, the participants received knowledge about HIV/AIDS and formed attitude for HIV/AIDS prevention. This process was influenced by the characteristics of Lam and its advantage such as entertainment, educational function and traditional communication.These result suggested that Lam which has entertainment and educational function can be utilized as an effective media for Lao people to improve knowledge and promote better attitude and behavior. In addition, the educational method through using traditional communication media such as Lam might be effective for the people to memorize and communicate information.
加賀美 雅弘
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.55, no.6, pp.273-280, 1989

There are various regional elements which relate to the health condition of inhabitants. The purpose of the study is to show the military conscription data for the systematic elucidation of such relationships. The records of the physical examination taken in 1910 for the conscription of twenty-year-old male in the Austrian monarchy have been used. For each examinee, besides a success or failure of the conscription, names of diseases as reason for failure, occupation, stature and mother tongue (German or Italian) are recorded. A total of 4, 790 persons, 1, 661 persons in the South Tyrol and 3, 129 in Trentino in the Northern Italy has been analyzed for comparison of the health condition between these two regions which have the distinct regional characters. As a result of the analysis, it was clarified that the percentage of failures in Trentino was much more than that in the South Tyrol . In regard to the regional variation of diseases, skin diseases and diseases of thyroid gland are relatively dominant in rural and mountainous regions in Trentino, which can mean endemic pellagra and goiter prevalent in the region in the early 20th century. Furthermore, using the military conscription data the complicate relationships between disease and regional elements, i.e. physical and socio-economic elements, in Trentino could be described qualitatively .
照屋 浩司
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.74, no.3, pp.97-98, 2008-05-31 (Released:2009-03-13)