幸田 功
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
造船協會會報 (ISSN:18842054)
vol.1937, no.61, pp.207-234, 1937-02-28 (Released:2009-07-23)

Up to the present, 17.5 kg/cm2 G. and 365°C were the highest pressure and temperature in steam plants of merchant vessels, in this country.The steam condition of 27 kg/cm2 G. and 390°C was adopted in these new ships, where coal was the fuel, in order to improve the whole plant efficiency, also save weights and spaces of boilers.The three main boilers are the Mitubisi three drum type marine water tube boilers, having the heating surface of 385 square meters each, equipped with the Taylor multiple-retort underfeed stokers for burning the Fushun coal, the horizontal type convection superheaters and the tubular air preheaters.On the official sea trials of the S. S. “Oryoku-Maru, ” the whole plant efficiency of 18.9% was obtained.
尾崎 辰之助
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
造船協會會報 (ISSN:18842054)
vol.1938, no.62, pp.77-90, 1938 (Released:2007-05-29)

“Sumiyosi Maru” is the first Diesel-electric tug built in Japan, of which the speed control is of Ward-Leonard system. That was designed and equipped at Kawasaki Dock Yard Co., Ltd. for their own use. That was, also, equipped with as power plant to supply electric power for electric welding and compressed air to ships in harbour.The descriptions of hull, propelling machineries, power plant, trial trips and towing tests are successively set forth.
稻垣 長止郎 鈴木 彌太郎
社団法人 日本船舶海洋工学会
造船協會會報 (ISSN:18842054)
vol.1930, no.46, pp.55-80, 1930 (Released:2007-05-29)

The completion of the M. S. Tatsuta Maru, the sister ship of the Asama Maru and the biggest motor liner of almost wholly a Japanese production, is an important event for Japanese Shipping and Shipbuilding. On this remarkable occasion, it does not appear to be wholly nonsense to make some reference about these ships.In this paper, a short review is made about the vast designs and long efforts to arrive at the final elaborate design of the Pacific Liners.Some results are also picked up from those of the exhaustive trials, and finally, an attempt is made to lay out 2, 000 B. H. P. geared Diesel installation for a high speed Trans Pacific Liner which might come into question in future.
稻垣 長止郎 鈴木 彌太郎
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
造船協會會報 (ISSN:18842054)
vol.1930, no.46, pp.55-80, 1930

The completion of the M. S. Tatsuta Maru, the sister ship of the Asama Maru and the biggest motor liner of almost wholly a Japanese production, is an important event for Japanese Shipping and Shipbuilding. On this remarkable occasion, it does not appear to be wholly nonsense to make some reference about these ships.<br>In this paper, a short review is made about the vast designs and long efforts to arrive at the final elaborate design of the Pacific Liners.<br>Some results are also picked up from those of the exhaustive trials, and finally, an attempt is made to lay out 2, 000 B. H. P. geared Diesel installation for a high speed Trans Pacific Liner which might come into question in future.
監谷 信武
no.33, pp.66-86, 1924
森本 猛夫
造船協會會報 (ISSN:05148499)
no.59, pp.121-162, 1937-02-20

The antarctic whaling tanker, "Nisshin Maru" (22, 000 tons deadweight) was successfully built on 28th Sept. '36 by the Kawasaki Dockyard Co., Ltd., Kobe, in the record of only 216 days from laying down of the keel to the delivery to Messrs. Taiyohogei Kabushiki Kaisha. The vessel is the largest tanker of its kind ever built in Japan, and the following dates indicate the extraordinary speedy program at which she was built in such a short period.[table]There were many difficulties which they had to overcome, such as : difficult construction on an ordinary building slip not well arranged with up-to-date crane equipments, unusual short time limit of construction, and hardship of prompt collection of materials, etc. They laid down therefore a strict schedule so as not to delay the delivery and by good luck, it was faithfully obeyed by the men of all departments of the Dockyard Co. Combined with the mutual co-operation of all men and proper supply of all necessary materials, the schedule was very satisfactorily carried out in good order. On the other hand, special attention was also paid to the working hours as well as labour shifts so that the workmen should not be overworked either mentally or physically. Thus their earnest efforts have at last produced good results with such an epochmaking record of speely ship building which has never been experienced in the world. In addition, this vessel adopted the "Isherwood Bracketless system, " the simplicity of which has proved a good effect upon such a quick work as "Nisshin Maru." The principal dimensions are as follows : [table]
幸田 功
no.61, pp.207-234, 1937

Up to the present, 17・5 kg/cm^2 G. and 365℃ were the highest pressure and temperature in steam plants of merchant vessels, in this country. The steam condition of 27 kg/cm^2 G. and 390℃ was adopted in these new ships, where coal was the fuel, in order to improve the whole plant efficiency, also save weights and spaces of boilers. The three main boilers are the Mitubisi three drum type marine water tube boilers, having the heating surface of 385 square meters each, equipped with the Taylor multiple-retort underfeed stokers for burning the Fushun coal, the horizontal type convection superheaters and the tubular air preheaters. On the official sea trials of the S.S. "Oryoku-Maru, " the whole plant efficiency of 18.9% was obtained.
遠山 光一 中村 壽 斎藤 七五郎
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
造船協會會報 (ISSN:18842054)
vol.1953, no.75, pp.7-21, 1953

Nous avons l'intention de vous presanter un projet du cargo en ciment armé qui a été actuellement construit au Japon pendant la grande guerre 19421945.<BR>Les principales dimensions de ce navire sont suivantes : <BR>m<BR>Longueur entre perpendiculaires 60.000<BR>Largeur hors borde 10.000<BR>Creux 6.000<BR>Tirant d'eau en charge 5.000<BR>Déplacement en charge 2, 200 t<BR>Tonnage bruit 800 t<BR>Puissance du moteur à Diesel 750 ch.<BR>n<BR>Vitesse commerciale 9.5<BR>n<BR>Vitesse aux essais 10.83<BR>Dáprès l'expérience nous avons donné à la paragraphe 3 des avantages et des désavantages d'un navire en ciment armé par rapport à celles d'un navire en acier.<BR>La partie essentiele de ce memoire est les résultas des calculs des efforts, des tentions, des compressions et des cisaillements de la coque en ciment armé.
no.79, 1948-12

本艦は昭和13年3月29日, 三菱長崎造船所第二船臺に起工し昭和15年11月1日午前8時56分の満潮時に無事進水した。本艦と同型である一番艦は造船船渠で建造せられた為, 進水は唯出渠作業に過ぎないけれども, 本艦は船臺建造であるため本式の進水を施行しなければならぬ。前例のない進水重量と, 進水臺の為, 愼重な計畫の基に徹底的な研究と調査の上工事を施行したものであるが, 先日進水諸調査及實験に就ては發表があつたので, 本日は現場工事に就て御報告申上げ以て會員諸氏の御参考に供し度いと思う。
no.59, 1937-02-20

The antarctic whaling tanker, "Nisshin Maru" (22, 000 tons deadweight) was successfully built on 28th Sept. '36 by the Kawasaki Dockyard Co., Ltd., Kobe, in the record of only 216 days from laying down of the keel to the delivery to Messrs. Taiyohogei Kabushiki Kaisha. The vessel is the largest tanker of its kind ever built in Japan, and the following dates indicate the extraordinary speedy program at which she was built in such a short period.[table]There were many difficulties which they had to overcome, such as : difficult construction on an ordinary building slip not well arranged with up-to-date crane equipments, unusual short time limit of construction, and hardship of prompt collection of materials, etc. They laid down therefore a strict schedule so as not to delay the delivery and by good luck, it was faithfully obeyed by the men of all departments of the Dockyard Co. Combined with the mutual co-operation of all men and proper supply of all necessary materials, the schedule was very satisfactorily carried out in good order. On the other hand, special attention was also paid to the working hours as well as labour shifts so that the workmen should not be overworked either mentally or physically. Thus their earnest efforts have at last produced good results with such an epochmaking record of speely ship building which has never been experienced in the world. In addition, this vessel adopted the "Isherwood Bracketless system, " the simplicity of which has proved a good effect upon such a quick work as "Nisshin Maru." The principal dimensions are as follows : [table]