王 才林 宇田津 徹朗 湯 陵華 鄒 江石 鄭 雲飛 佐々木 章 柳沢 一男 藤原 宏志
Breeding science (ISSN:13447610)
vol.48, no.4, pp.387-394, 1998-12-01

Taeko Shibaya Chika Kuroda Shinobu Nakayama Chiharu Minami Akiko Obara Takayoshi Fujii Sachiko Isobe
Japanese Society of Breeding
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
pp.20120, (Released:2021-03-30)

In carrot (Daucus carota L), the taproot colors orange, yellow and white are determined mostly by the Y, Y2, and Or loci. One of the most severe issues in carrot seed production is contamination by wild white carrot. To evaluate the contamination ratio, easily detectable DNA markers for white carrot are desired. To develop PCR-based DNA markers for the Y2 locus, we have re-sequenced two orange-colored carrot cultivars at our company (Fujii Seed, Japan), as well as six white- and one light-orange-colored carrots that contaminated our seed products. Within the candidate region previously reported for the Y2 locus, only one DNA marker, Y2_7, clearly distinguished white carrots from orange ones in the re-sequenced samples. The Y2_7 marker was further examined in 12 of the most popular hybrid orange cultivars in Japan, as well as ‘Nantes’ and ‘Chantenay Red Cored 2’. The Y2_7 marker showed that all of the orange cultivars examined had the orange allele except for ‘Beta-441’. False white was detected in the orange-colored ‘Beta-441’. The Y2_7 marker detected white root carrot contamination in an old open-pollinated Japanese cultivar, ‘Nakamura Senkou Futo’. This marker would be a useful tool in a carrot seed quality control for some cultivars.
Eri Ogiso-Tanaka Shiori Yabe Tsuyoshi Tanaka
Japanese Society of Breeding
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
pp.19141, (Released:2020-06-05)

Polymorphism information generated by next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies has enabled applications of genome-wide markers assisted breeding. However, handling such large-scale data remains a challenge for experimental researchers and breeders, calling for the urgent development of a flexible and straightforward analysis tool for NGS data. We developed “IonBreeders” as bioinformatics plugins that implement general analysis steps from genotyping to genomic prediction. IonBreeders comprises three plugins, “ABH”, “IMPUTATION”, and “GENOMIC PREDICTION”, for format conversion of genotyping data, preprocessing and imputation of genotyping data, and genomic prediction, respectively. “ABH” converts genotyping data derived from NGS into the ABH format, which is acceptable for our further plugins and with other breeding software tools, R/qtl, MapMaker, and AntMap. “IMPUTATION” filters out non-informative markers and imputes missing marker genotypes. In “GENOMIC PREDICTION”, users can use four statistical methods based on their target trait, quantitative trait locus effect, and number of markers, and construct a prediction model for genomic selection. IonBreeders is operated in Torrent Suite, but can also handle genotype data in standard formats, e.g., Variant Call Format (VCF), by format conversion using free software or our provided scripts.
金田 忠吉 海川 正人 Smgh M Rohinikumar 中村 千春 森 直樹
Breeding science (ISSN:13447610)
vol.46, no.2, pp.159-166, 1996-06

マニプール州はアッサム州の南東に位置し,アジア栽培稲の.多様性中心地の一角を占めている.ここで収集された在来稲鼎種は約270のMRC (Manlpur Rice Collection)として整理され,農業特性が調査されているが,その一部の譲渡を哩けて2,3の生埋的・形態的特性と葉緑体および全DNAの解析を行い,各品種ごとの遺伝的特性とその栽培地域との関係から牛.態種の分化の様相を明らかにした 供試材料はマニプール州の'在来品種.51と改良型10品種.で,対照としてJaponica5(日本品種3といわゆるJavanica2)品種及びIndica2品種を用いた(Tab1e1).まず内外穎のフェノール反応,2〜3葉期の苗の1.5%塩素酸カリ溶液に対する抵抗性,および穎毛の長さを用いた判別関数Z他による48在来品種0)分類では,32品種がIndica,5品種がJaponica,11品種が中間型となった.
Koichiro Tsunewaki
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
vol.60, no.2, pp.177-178, 2010 (Released:2010-06-09)
1 2
Momose Masaki Itoh Yoshio Umemoto Naoyuki Nakayama Masayoshi Ozeki Yoshihiro
Japanese Society of Breeding
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
vol.63, no.4, pp.435-440, 2013

A glutathione <i>S</i>-transferase-like gene, <i>DcGSTF2</i>, is responsible for carnation (<i>Dianthus caryophyllus</i> L.) flower color intensity. Two defective genes, <i>DcGSTF2mu</i> with a nonsense mutation and <i>DcGSTF2-dTac1</i> containing a transposable element <i>dTac1</i>, have been characterized in detail in this report. <i>dTac1</i> is an active element that produces reverted functional genes by excision of the element. A pale-pink cultivar 'Daisy' carries both defective genes, whereas a spontaneous deep-colored mutant 'Daisy-VPR' lost the element from <i>DcGSTF2-dTac1</i>. This finding confirmed that <i>dTac1</i> is active and that the resulting reverted gene, <i>DcGSTF2rev1</i>, missing the element is responsible for this color change. Crosses between the pale-colored cultivar '06-LA' and a deep-colored cultivar 'Spectrum' produced segregating progeny. Only the deep-colored progeny had <i>DcGSTF2rev2</i> derived from the 'Spectrum' parent, whereas progeny with pale-colored flowers had defective forms from both parents, <i>DcGSTF2mu</i> and <i>DcGSTF2-dTac1</i>. Thus, <i>DcGSTF2rev2</i> had functional activity and likely originated from excision of <i>dTac1</i> since there was a footprint sequence at the vacated site of the <i>dTac1</i> insertion. Characterizing the <i>DcGSTF2</i> genes in several cultivars revealed that the two functional genes, <i>DcGSTF2rev1</i> and <i>DcGSTF2rev2</i>, have been used for some time in carnation breeding with the latter in use for more than half a century.
近藤 禎二 津村 義彦 河原 孝行 岡村 政則
Breeding science (ISSN:13447610)
vol.48, no.2, pp.177-179, 1998-06-01

針葉樹では葉緑体DNAが父性遺伝し,ミトコンドリアDNAが種によって父性あるいは母性遺伝することが報告されている。ヒノキ科についてはオニヒバ属について一例報告されているのみである。そこで,わが国において林業上重要なヒノキ属について葉緑体DNAとミトコンドリアDNAの遺伝様式を調べた。ヒノキとサワラの種問雑種4個体から全DNAを抽出し,制限酵素HindIIIで切断し,タバコの葉緑体DNAのpTB 8をプローブにしたサザンハイブリダイゼーションでは,4個体すべてが父親であるサワラと同じパターンを示した(Fig.1)。ミトコンドリアDNAについては,BglIIで切断し,PCRで増殖したcoxIをプローブにしたサザンハイブリダイゼーションでは,4個体すべてが父親であるサワラと同じパターンを示した(Fig.2)。以上の結果から,ヒノキ属では葉緑体DNAおよびミトコンドリアDNAとも父性遺伝すると考えられ,オニヒバ属での結果と一致した。ミトコンドリアDNAは葉緑体DNAに比べて種間の多型が多かった。PCRで増殖したcoxI遺伝子の一部は長さが1325bpで,被子植物とも高い相同性を示し,これをプローブにしたサザンハイブリダイゼーションでは明瞭なパターンを得た。
Ken Naito Yu Takahashi Bubpa Chaitieng Kumi Hirano Akito Kaga Kyoko Takagi Eri Ogiso-Tanaka Charaspon Thavarasook Masao Ishimoto Norihiko Tomooka
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
pp.16184, (Released:2017-03-04)

Seed size is one of the most important traits in leguminous crops. We obtained a recessive mutant of blackgram that had greatly enlarged leaves, stems and seeds. The mutant produced 100% bigger leaves, 50% more biomass and 70% larger seeds though it produced 40% less number of seeds. We designated the mutant as multiple-organ-gigantism (mog) and found the mog phenotype was due to increase in cell numbers but not in cell size. We also found the mog mutant showed a rippled leaf (rl) phenotype, which was probably caused by a pleiotropic effect of the mutation. We performed a map-based cloning and successfully identified an 8 bp deletion in the coding sequence of VmPPD gene, an orthologue of Arabidopsis PEAPOD (PPD) that regulates arrest of cell divisions in meristematic cells. We found no other mutations in the neighboring genes between the mutant and the wild type. We also knocked down GmPPD genes and reproduced both the mog and rl phenotypes in soybean. Controlling PPD genes to produce the mog phenotype is highly valuable for breeding since larger seed size could directly increase the commercial values of grain legumes.
Auchithya Dissanayaka Tito O. Rodriguez Shaokang Di Fan Yan Stephen M. Githiri Felipe Rojas Rodas Jun Abe Ryoji Takahashi
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
vol.66, no.3, pp.407-415, 2016 (Released:2016-06-29)

Time to flowering and maturity in soybean is controlled by loci E1 to E5, and E7 to E9. These loci were assigned to molecular linkage groups (MLGs) except for E5. This study was conducted to map the E5 locus using F2 populations expected to segregate for E5. F2 populations were subjected to quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis for days to flowering (DF) and maturity (DM). In Harosoy-E5 × Clark-e2 population, QTLs for DF and DM were found at a similar position with E2. In Harosoy × Clark-e2E5 population, QTLs for DF and DM were found in MLG D1a and B1, respectively. In Harosoy-E5Dt2 × Clark-e2 population, a QTL for DF was found in MLG B1. Thus, results from these populations were not fully consistent, and no candidate QTL for E5 was found. In Harosoy × PI 80837 population, from which E5 was originally identified, QTLs corresponding to E1 and E3 were found, but none for E5 existed. Harosoy and PI 80837 had the e2-ns allele whereas Harosoy-E5 had the E2-dl allele. The E2-dl allele of Harosoy-E5 may have been generated by outcrossing and may be responsible for the lateness of Harosoy-E5. We conclude that a unique E5 gene may not exist.
Tatsuro Suzuki Toshikazu Morishita Yuji Mukasa Shigenobu Takigawa Satoshi Yokota Koji Ishiguro Takahiro Noda
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
vol.64, no.4, pp.344-350, 2014 (Released:2015-01-10)
7 52

Here, we developed a new Tartary buckwheat cultivar ‘Manten-Kirari’, whose flour contains only trace amounts of rutinosidase and lacked bitterness. The trace-rutinosidase breeding line ‘f3g-162’ (seed parent), which was obtained from a Nepalese genetic resource, was crossed with ‘Hokkai T8’ (pollen parent), the leading variety in Japan, to improve its agronomic characteristics. The obtained progeny were subjected to performance test. ‘Manten-Kirari’ had no detectable rutinosidase isozymes in an in-gel detection assay and only 1/266 of the rutinosidase activity of ‘Hokkai T8’. Dough prepared from ‘Manten-Kirari’ flour contained almost no hydrolyzed rutin, even 6 h after the addition of water, whereas the rutin in ‘Hokkai T8’ dough was completely hydrolyzed within 10 min. In a sensory evaluation of the flour from the two varieties, nearly all panelists detected strong bitterness in ‘Hokkai T8’, whereas no panelists reported bitterness in ‘Manten-Kirari’. This is the first report to describe the breeding of a Tartary buckwheat cultivar with reduced rutin hydrolysis and no bitterness in the prepared flour. Notably, the agronomic characteristics of ‘Manten-Kirari’ were similar to those of ‘Hokkai T8’, which is the leading variety in Japan. Based on these characteristics, ‘Manten-Kirari’ is a promising for preparing non-bitter, rutin-rich foods.
Zhenbin Hu Dan Zhang Guozheng Zhang Guizhen Kan Delin Hong Deyue Yu
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
vol.63, no.5, pp.441-449, 2014 (Released:2014-03-27)
6 44

Wild soybean, the progenitor of cultivated soybean, is an important gene pool for ongoing soybean breeding efforts. To identify yield-enhancing quantitative trait locus (QTL) or gene from wild soybean, 113 wild soybeans accessions were phenotyped for five yield-related traits and genotyped with 85 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers to conduct association mapping. A total of 892 alleles were detected for the 85 SSR markers, with an average 10.49 alleles; the corresponding PIC values ranged from 0.07 to 0.92, with an average 0.73. The genetic diversity of each SSR marker ranged from 0.07 to 0.93, with an average 0.75. A total of 18 SSR markers were identified for the five traits. Two SSR markers, sct_010 and satt316, which are associated with the yield per plant were stably expressed over two years at two experimental locations. Our results suggested that association mapping can be an effective approach for identifying QTL from wild soybean.
Yoshimichi Fukuta Kunihiko Konisho Sachiko Senoo-Namai Seiji Yanagihara Hiroshi Tsunematsu Ayumi Fukuo Takashi Kumashiro
Japanese Society of Breeding
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
vol.62, no.1, pp.27-37, 2012 (Released:2012-03-20)
9 20

A total of 18 rainfed upland New Rice for Africa (NERICA) varieties were categorized as the heavy panicle and low tillering types and early heading, in compared with 32 different varieties. These chromosome components were clarified using 243 SSR markers which showed polymorphism among NERICA varieties and their parents, CG 14 (O. glaberrima Steud.) and one of the recurrent parents, WAB-56-104 (O. sativa L.). NERICA varieties were classified into three groups, which corresponded with these parents’ continuation including two exceptions, NERICAs 14 and 17, by a cluster analysis using polymorphism data of SSR markers and 14 differential markers among them were selected to classify NERICA varieties. However, three groups: NERICAs, 3 and 4, NERICAs, 8, 9 and 11 and NERICAs, 15 and 16 were not distinguishable. Association analysis was carried out for characterization of NERICA varieties by using SSR markers genotype and phenotype of agronomic traits. A total of 131 quantitative trait loci between SSR markers and 11 agronomic traits were detected. The characteristics of early maturity and heavy panicle of upland NERICA varieties were succeeded from Asian rice varieties and the characteristics of high dry matter production and late heading were introduced from CG 14 and the other varieties.
Chukwunonso Sylvanus Austin Ezeah Juichi Shimazu Takahiro Kawanabe Motoki Shimizu Shinichi Kawashima Makoto Kaji Charles Onyemaechi Ezinma Md Nuruzzaman Nami Minato Eigo Fukai Keiichi Okazaki
Japanese Society of Breeding
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
vol.73, no.5, pp.421-434, 2023 (Released:2023-12-21)

Fusarium wilt is a significant disease in radish, but the genetic mechanisms controlling yellows resistance (YR) are not well understood. This study aimed to identify YR-QTLs and to fine-map one of them using F2:3 populations developed from resistant and susceptible radish parents. In this study, two high-density genetic maps each containing shared co-dominant markers and either female or male dominant markers that spanned 988.6 and 1127.5 cM with average marker densities of 1.40 and 1.53 cM, respectively, were generated using Genotyping by Random Amplicon Sequencing-Direct (GRAS-Di) technology. We identified two YR-QTLs on chromosome R2 and R7, and designated the latter as ForRs1 as the major QTL. Fine mapping narrowed down the ForRs1 locus to a 195 kb region. Among the 16 predicted genes in the delimited region, 4 genes including two receptor-like protein and -kinase genes (RLP/RLK) were identified as prime candidates for ForRs1 based on the nucleotide sequence comparisons between the parents and their predicted functions. This study is the first to use a GRAS-Di for genetic map construction of cruciferous crops and fine map the YR-QTL on the R7 chromosome of radish. These findings will provide groundbreaking insights into radish YR breeding and understanding the genetics of YR mechanism.
Keita Kato Yusuke Ban Mikiko Yanaka Shoya Kitabayashi Hiroyuki Sekiguchi Keisuke Tomioka Miwako Ito
Japanese Society of Breeding
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
vol.73, no.5, pp.445-449, 2023 (Released:2023-12-21)

Tan spot, a foliar disease of Triticum spp. such as bread wheat (T. aestivum L.) and durum wheat (T. turgidum ssp. durum (Desf.) Husn.) caused by the filamentous fungus Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (Died.) Drechsler leads to serious losses of crop yield and quality in some areas in Japan. P. tritici-repentis is classified into eight races according to the combinations of three necrotrophic effectors, PtrToxA, PtrToxB, and PtrToxC encoded by ToxA, ToxB, and ToxC1, respectively. Race classification has been based on reaction of a differential variety to necrotrophic effectors, which is tested by inoculation. Recent identification of the Tox genes and development of specific DNA markers have enabled us to classify races of P. tritici-repentis collected in Japan by Tox gene genotyping. We found that 17 strains collected from Triticum spp. in Japan were mainly race 1 or 2, because they carried ToxA as a toxin gene by current race classification; wheat genotype tsn1 is resistant to ToxA. Establishment of wheat cultivars carrying tsn1 would be most effective for decreasing agronomic losses caused by the disease in Japan.
Md. Mostofa Kamal Cuong Dinh Nguyen Sachiyo Sanada-Morimura Shao-Hui Zheng Daisuke Fujita
Japanese Society of Breeding
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
vol.73, no.5, pp.450-456, 2023 (Released:2023-12-21)

The development of resistant rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties is a key strategy for the eco-friendly control of brown planthopper (BPH: Nilaparvata lugens Stål). However, BPH outbreaks occur frequently owing to the evolution of virulent strains in the field and the rapid breakdown of monogenic resistance to BPH. Therefore, to enhance BPH resistance and gauge the effectiveness of gene pyramiding against strongly virulent BPH, we developed pyramided lines (PYLs) in the genetic background of ‘IR64’ carrying BPH resistance genes. We developed six IR64-PYLs (BPH3 + BPH17, BPH32 + BPH17, BPH32 + BPH20, BPH3 + BPH17-ptb, BPH20 + BPH3, and BPH17-ptb + BPH32) through marker-assisted selection. To assess the resistance of the IR64-PYLs, we conducted antibiosis test, honeydew test, and modified seedbox screening test (MSST) using strongly virulent BPH populations. The level of BPH resistance increased in all six IR64-PYLs compared to both ‘IR64’ and the corresponding NILs in MSST. Among them, IR64-BPH3 + BPH17 and IR64-BPH32 + BPH17 exhibited the highest resistance to BPH. However, the resistance level of most IR64-PYLs was not significantly higher than that of the corresponding NILs in antibiosis test. Thus, these PYLs could serve as a valuable resource for breeding programs aimed at improving resistance to virulent strains of BPH and enhancing their durability.
Zeki Kara Osman Doğan
Japanese Society of Breeding
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
vol.73, no.4, pp.355-364, 2023 (Released:2023-10-03)

In this study, the mutagenic effects of different doses and exposure times of oryzalin and Nitrogen Protoxide (N2O) were tested for stimulating polyploid on 41 B and Fercal grapevine rootstocks seedlings. Ploidy changes were examined by morphological, cytological, macroscopic, and microscopic methods. Leaf thickness, chlorophyll contents, stomatal sizes, and chloroplast numbers of polyploid seedlings stimulated with mutagens increased but their stomatal densities decreased. Flow cytometry (FC) analyses were performed on 50 samples selected by morphological and microscopic preliminary determinations. In FC analyses, 1 tetraploid seedling and 4 mixoploid seedlings from Fercal offspring and 1 mixoploid seedling from 41 B offspring were verified. The nuclear DNA content of tetraploid and mixoploid seedlings were increased by 2.00 and 1.34-fold, respectively, when compared to their diploid parents. Chromosome counts in root tip samples propagated in vitro from the tetraploid Fercal offspring confirmed a 2-fold increase compared to the diploid parent. In polyploidy induction studies, it was deemed appropriate to use FC analysis and chromosome count together to confirm the ploidy levels of mutants. Oryzalin and N2O applications at different doses and exposure times were found to be effective for inducing polyploidy in 41 B and Fercal grapevine rootstocks.
Ha Thi Le Nguyen Shizuka Suetsugu Yuna Nakamura Zita Demeter Shao-Hui Zheng Daisuke Fujita
Japanese Society of Breeding
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
vol.73, no.4, pp.365-372, 2023 (Released:2023-10-03)

A large vascular bundle number (VBN) in the panicle neck in rice (Oryza sativa L.) is related to the ability to transport assimilates from stem and leaf to reproductive organs during seed maturation. Several quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for VBN have been identified by using segregating populations derived from a cross between indica and japonica rice cultivars. However, the detailed location, effect, and interaction of QTLs for VBN were not understood well. Here, to elucidate the genetic basis of VBN, we identified three stable QTLs for VBN—qVBN5, qVBN6 and qVBN11—by using 71 recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between indica ‘IR24’ and japonica ‘Asominori’. We confirmed their positions and characterized their effects by using chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) with an ‘IR24’ genetic background. qVBN6 had the most substantial effect on VBN, followed by qVBN11 and qVBN5. We developed pyramided lines carrying two QTLs for VBN to estimate their interaction. The combination of qVBN6 and qVBN11 accumulated VBN negatively in the pyramided lines owing to the independent actions of each QTL. The QTLs detected for VBN will enhance our understanding of genetic mechanisms of VBN and can be used in rice breeding.
Phuong Dang Thai Phan Akinori Nishimura Chika Yamamoto Pham Thien Thanh Toshihiro Niwa Yaddehige Priya Jayantha Amarasinghe Ryo Ishikawa Takashige Ishii
Japanese Society of Breeding
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
vol.73, no.4, pp.373-381, 2023 (Released:2023-10-03)

A total of four populations of reciprocal backcross recombinant inbred lines were produced from a cross between a wild accession of Oryza rufipogon W630 and two major cultivars, O. sativa Japonica Nipponbare and Indica IR36. Using these populations, quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis for eight morphological traits (culm length, panicle length, days to heading, panicle shape, pericarp color, hull color, seed shattering and seed awning) was carried out, and the putative QTL regions were compared among the populations. The QTLs with strong allele effects were commonly detected for culm length, panicle shape, pericarp color and hull color in all four populations, and their peak locations were close to the major genes of sd1, Spr3, Rc and Bh4, respectively. For panicle length and days to heading, some QTL regions overlapped between two or three populations. In the case of seed shattering and seed awning, strong wild allele effects at major loci were observed only in the populations with cultivated backgrounds. Since the wild and cultivated alleles have never been evaluated in the reciprocal genetic backgrounds, the present results provide new information on gene effects in breeding and domestication studies.
Saw Bo Day Shar Cuong Dinh Nguyen Sachiyo Sanada-Morimura Hideshi Yasui Shao-Hui Zheng Daisuke Fujita
Japanese Society of Breeding
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
vol.73, no.4, pp.382-392, 2023 (Released:2023-10-03)

The brown planthopper (BPH: Nilaparvata lugens Stål) is one of the most destructive insects in rice production. The use of host plant resistance has potential to reduce damage caused by BPH. The heat tolerance japonica rice ‘Sagabiyori’, with superior grain quality and high soluble starch in the stem, is highly susceptible to damage by BPH. Here, to enhance its BPH resistance, we developed seven near-isogenic lines (NILs) carrying BPH2, BPH17-ptb, BPH32, BPH3, BPH17, BPH20, and BPH21 through marker-assisted selection and evaluated resistance to two BPH populations. Most lines were more resistant to the Hadano-1966 BPH population than Sagabiyori but were less effective against the highly virulent Koshi-2013 population. Nevertheless, in antixenosis tests, Koshi-2013 settled less on all NILs than on Sagabiyori. In addition, adult mortality and the percentage of fresh weight loss of lines carrying BPH17 and BPH3 indicated that these lines have higher resistance to Koshi-2013 than Sagabiyori. Current study revealed that BPH resistance of Sagabiyori became stronger by transferring BPH3 and BPH17 genes. Thus, BPH3 and BPH17 might be valuable for breeding programs to enhance BPH resistance of high grain quality rice varieties with heat tolerance.
Tatsuro Murata
Japanese Society of Breeding
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
vol.73, no.4, pp.393-400, 2023 (Released:2023-10-03)

This study aimed to investigate the relationship between low seed set and abnormal embryo sacs lacking normal female organs, such as one egg cell, two assistant cells, and two polar nuclei, in Ipomoea trifida, which is closely related to sweet potato, and sweet potato cultivars and lines, through histological analysis of their ovaries on flowering day. Ovaries of diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid lines of I. trifida each had four ovules, except for some hexaploid lines with five or six ovules. Almost all sweet potato cultivars and lines had four ovules per ovary, although some sib-cross lines had two or three ovules. The number of ovules per ovary did not have direct effects on low seed set. The frequency of abnormal embryo sac increased with polyploidy in I. trifida. However, it varied among different sweet potato cultivars and lines. Moreover, the variation in abnormal embryo sacs occurred at an earlier stage of gametogenesis (type A) in the tetraploid and hexaploid plants of I. trifida and sweet potato cultivars and lines. These findings suggest that the high frequency of abnormal embryo sacs is a primary cause of low seed set in sweet potato and that it is closely related to the decline in seed propagation that occurs in the evolution process of sweet potato.