58 0 0 0 IR 南北朝正閏論争

武井 邦夫 Kunio Takei
研究紀要 (ISSN:13412078)
no.6, pp.89-103, 2000
八木 充
研究紀要 (ISSN:13412078)
vol.11, pp.73-85, 2005-03-25

The measure against aging by the assistance example of a intellectual disabilities facilities is explained in detail. The case conference of the measure against aging was effective. The assessment of such a case conference is effective also in order to support a intellectual disabilities regionally. In order to operate the case conference, a social worker's role is important.
上野 益雄 野呂 一 Masuo Ueno Hajime Noro
研究紀要 (ISSN:13412078)
no.7, pp.97-118, 2001

Tosihumi Hujimoto is a person who became the first president of the Japan federation of the deaf established after world war II. Before the world war 2, it was called the Japan association of the deaf-mutes which was made at 1915 (T. 4), and Mr. Hujimoto had been a director of this association from the beginning. He had been also a editor of a bulletin of the association and a teacher of the deaf school. In his papers, we can find the word "pretty signs" in his article. They have been said that pretty signs are signs along the each word of the sentence. We can see usually this signs by many interpreters. On the other hand, Deaf peoples support for the natural signs used by them everyday life, and that signs are recognizing nowadays. Which ones are pretty signs, signs along the words or signs used in daily life by deaf peoples? What signs did Hujimoto want to tell? In this paper, we will examine Hujimoto's meaning of "pretty signs" Hujimoto says that "you must make and use signs based on Japanese language" 1) When he taught Japanese in his class, he always gave attention to students not to translate literally word for word but to make a free translation He said to his deaf students "why you became so stiff in the classroom? You always make signs lively out of classroom." 2) One of Hujimoto's colleagues, Mr. Matunaga wrote a paper regarding to signs as the language of the deaf people. He distinguished clearly between signs and Japanese. 3) He oppose to oral system against using signs. He advocated to use signs anytime. But he thought that the deaf needs education. Without education, signs remain being grubby and ugly. 4) He became deaf about at nine ages. He could speak Japanese freely to hearings. He signs freely to the deaf or the hard of hearings. So he didn't notice the existence of different signs. He did not know difference among signs. He intended to cultivate to deaf people's fundamental knowledge. He wished that signs spread out more and more in a society. We concluded that "pretty signs" did not mean signs along each word of sentence.
松田 治
研究紀要 (ISSN:13412078)
vol.2, pp.73-84, 1996-03-25

Agamemnon was one of the greatest heroes of the Trojan War. The war was fought, on the side of the Greeks, for the purpose of recapturing Helen, seduced and taken away to Troy by Paris, one of the Trojan princes. Agamemnon was the brother of Menelas, whose wife was Helen, and he was the number one general of Greek army. At the last moment of his life, after he had returned home from Troy, he was assassinated by his own wife, Clytemnestra. Why was he killed by his wife? Generally the reason of this treacherous murder is said to have come from the fact that Agamemnon sacrificed Iphigeneia, one of their daughters, to the goddess Artemis. This roused her rage, and led her to kill him, they say. But we think it was not the foremost reason of her sanguinary act. The object of this paper is to find out the first cause of the murder of the hero Agamemnon in the marriage with Clytemnestra.
小林 寛
研究紀要 (ISSN:13412078)
vol.14, pp.125-139, 2008

Kang You-Wei's "shinto (神道)" is mean 'shentao-shuqjiao (神道設教)' by "I-chin(易経)"s word. His religion is relief for this world, is not relief for the other world. From his viewpoint that Confucianism (儒教) is religion. And Japanese 'Shinto' is national ceremony. He said that the Japanese emperor's 'seimon(誓文)' is the biggest ceremony of Japanese politics in Meiji(明治) era.

1 0 0 0 研究紀要

つくば国際大学 [編]
上野 益雄 野呂 一 清野 茂 Masuo Ueno Hajime Noro Shigeru Seino つくば国際大学 つくば国際大学中野区役所 市立名寄短期大学
研究紀要 (ISSN:13412078)
no.8, pp.53-74, 2002

Since 1925, from last years of Taisyo to early years of Showa, a movement of pure oral method appeared on the stage of deaf school. An idea of pure oral method is that signs must be prohibited and only speech is encouraged in the education of deaf children. This way of thinking took place more and more popular in Japan. At the same time, signs were strictly banned in every deaf school, because of being an obstacle for acquiring oral language. But teachers of Osaka City school for the Deaf insisted on using sign language. They began to defend against an attack of pure oralists. They organized a group for the study of sign language. Some of them also set up Kurumaza Theater of Drama. Why they defend against rigid pure oralist to use sign language? We concluded that (1) the principle of the Osaka City School was cultivation of religious mind, and teachers thought life of deaf children and communication of deaf people very important. There are many deaf staff in the member of teachers. (2) some of teachers were enthusiastic for Drama Art. In drama, sign language was necessary for its expression. Mr. Matsunaga, one of teachers, mentioned that substance of deaf people's drama is different from hearing people.
山根 律子
研究紀要 (ISSN:13412078)
vol.4, pp.149-163, 1998-03-25

This is a follow-up study of 4 children with handicaps in both language comprehension and language production. They don't have mentally handicaps, nor have sensory handicaps. It is considered that their language handicaps are not pervasive disorder, but specific. As a result that followed the language development of 4 cases, it is suggested that 3 cases have difficulty in semantic area and one case has difficulty in phonological area. Though all cases showed the delay of verbal intelligence in the infancy, they caught up with normal range by 10 yers old. As these result, it is supported that specific language disorders wll be divided into some types. It is necessary to make preparation for intervention program corresponding to subtypes of specific language disorders.

1 0 0 0 外来語再考

山名 豊美
研究紀要 (ISSN:13412078)
vol.20, pp.19-24, 2014
小林 寛 金 河守
研究紀要 (ISSN:13412078)
vol.20, pp.63-76, 2014