中村 勲
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.11, no.2, pp.163-178, 1957-09-30 (Released:2017-12-23)
古賀 裕紀子 大住 伴子 東 泉 黒木 賀代子 陳 克恭 佐加良 英治
vol.2003, pp.13, 2003

古野 秀実
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.23, no.3, pp.221-233, 1969

The development of the teeth of Ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis and its morphological and histological structures were studied. The total length of the fish ranged from 20mm to 174mm. The fishes in the present study were selected from the collection of Yamaguchi prefecture fishery laboratory. The results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. Growth and development of tooth germs. Comb-like tooth germ was shown to grow in fishes of approximately 20mm length. Pterygoid tooth germ was shown to grow in fishes of 22-28mm, and premaxillary, dentary and glossohyal tooth germs were shown to grow in 30-34mm length. 2. Eruptions. Pterygoid and glossohyal teeth erupted in fishes of 36-38mm in length. Comb-like and dentary teeth erupted in fishes of 45-47mm. Premaxillary tooth erupted in fishes of 60-66mm. 3. Numbers of the teeth. Comb-like teeth groups counted 13-14 in one quadrant of jaw. There were seen 13-19 teeth on the premaxillary, and over 30 teeth were seen on the pterygoid. There were counted 13-18 teeth on the glossohyal, and counted maximum 5-7 teeth on the dentary. 4. Formation of tooth germs. The initial stage of growth as observed in tooth germs of comb-like, pterygoid, premaxillary, dentary and glossohyal teeth was similar to that seen in mammals. 5. Enamel pulp. In each tooth germs of enamel organ, inner and outer enamel epithelium always contacted one another, therefore there was been not observed such enamel pulp, as seen in the mammalian tooth germ. 6. Enamel. Comb-like and premaxillary teeth had tubular enamel which was nomally penetrated by tubules from the dentin. Pterygoid, dentary and glossohyal teeth had hyaline enamel. 7. Dentin. Comb-like and premaxillary teeth had orthodentin. Pterygoid, dentary and glossohyal teeth had homogenous dentin. 8. The attachment of teeth. Premaxillary tooth was fibrous attachment of tooth to bone. Comb-like, pterygoid, dentary and glossohyal teeth were attachment by ankylosis.
岡部 幸子 森本 泰宏 田中 達朗 安細 敏弘 高田 豊 竹原 直道 大庭 健
vol.66, pp.9, 2006

高齢者のパノラマX線写真上で検出された茎状突起の長さ及び形状の臨床的意義を検討する。8020データバンク構築の疫学調査で集められた659名の80歳のパノラマX線写真を対象に茎状突起の長さの計測及び形状のパターン分類を行った。被検者の全身状態に関する各種データ(骨密度、血圧、心電図の異常の存在、心拍数、血清カルシウム値及び身体的スタミナ)に関して、茎状突起の長さとの間で関連性の有無を検討した。80歳における茎状突起の長さはパノラマX線写真上0.0 mm から153.0 mmで左右には有意差はなく、男女間では有意差を示した。形状のパターンは、MacDonald-Jankowskiの分類中、パターンEに属するものが、次いでパターンDに属するものが多く認められたが、男女間に有意差はなかった。茎状突起の長さと各種データに関する関連性は、血清カルシウム値と骨密度に関連性を示し、他には明らかな関連性はなかった。高齢者のパノラマX線写真を読影する上で我々歯科医は茎突舌骨靱帯の骨化に伴う茎状突起の変化について把握しておく必要がある。同時に、顕著な骨化を来している症例は血清カルシウム値の上昇を意味する可能性があることを考慮しておくべきである。
野田 修司 野代 悦生 吉松 史恵 楠本 修己 藤田 邦彦 山田 建二郎
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.47, no.3, pp.377-384, 1993-06-25

Besides good occlusal relationships, most orthodontic patients also expect improvement of their lip profiles. So it is necessary for us orthodontists to be aware of these when making the treatment plan. Three standardized graphics each representing Convex, Straight and Concave types of the lateral soft tissue profile as templates were used. According to the modern sense of facial aesthetics, authors tried to interpret the relation between the E-line and the beauty of lateral soft tissue profile by evaluating the changing of the lower lip position of each template. By the survey that could be helpful in making treatment planning, following results were acquired : 1. All the subjects involving orthodontists, dental students and general persons judged that the better lower lip position for beautiful lateral profile was ranged from 0 to 6mm posterior to the E-line in the normal jaw group (type B). The range was smaller in the mandible retrusion group (type A) and further smaller in the mandible protrusion group (type C). 2. The lower lip position at 2mm posterior to the E-line was found to be the best for beautiful lateral profile in each type. 3. The most beautiful lateral profile was referred to the template of type B with the lower lip locating 2mm posterior to the E-line. 4. No significant differences were found in judgment among the subjects. It was suggested from the foregoing results that the esthetical goal would be successfully expected in the sense of orthodontics by positioning the lower lip at 2mm posterior to the E-line regardless of the jaw relation.
天野 裕治
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.46, no.1, pp.319-328, 1992-02-25

Using the technique of in vivo microdialysis, extracellular concentrations of serotonin and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) were determined in the striatum, thalamus, dentate gyrus and prefrontal cortex while Sprague-Dawley rats underwent immobilization stress for twenty minutes. Microdialysis probes had semipermeable cellulose tubes (molecular weight cutoff 50, 000 ; O.D. 0.22 mm). Perfusion was started at 12 or 36 hours after implantation of the microdialysis probe under a freely-moving condition. Measurements of the extracellular concentration of serotonin and 5-HIAA were made at twenty minute intervals, which were started 120 minutes after the onset of the perfusion. Serotonin and 5-HIAA were quantified by a high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with an electrochemical detector. Extracellular serotonin levels increased following twenty minute immobilization stress in all four regions of the rat brain. The immobilization stress relatively increased the extracellular serotonin levels in the prefrontal cortex and dentate gyrus. These results suggest that twenty minute immobilization stress induces the activation of serotonin release in rat brain regions concerning the induction of anxiety.
楪 雅行 佐藤 義輝 内田 康也 田島 清司
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.39, no.6, pp.862-869, 1985-12-25

The widely used dental Ag-Pd-Au alloy is frequently melted with a gas-air blowtorch, and cast by a centrifugal casting machine. In this case, the timing of casting the molten alloy is generally determined by means of the observation of its appearance at melting. There are few reports on the temperature of the molten alloy at casting. Therefore, the casting temperature of Ag-Pd-Au alloy melted with a gas-air blowtorch was measured, as well as the heating time until the start of castig. This study was scheduled to examine the effects of remelting, flux addition, and operator's experience in casting. Six operators, three well and three poorly experienced, were selected. The casting temperatures adopted by the three well experienced operators tended to rise gradually as the repetition times of melting increased. The difference between the casting temperatures at the first and the 10th melting without flux ranged from 10 to 15℃. On the other hand, the casting temperatures adopted by two poorly experienced operators of the three tended to fluctuate sharply, and no rising tendencies were observed in the casting temperatures. Flux addition in due course of heating the alloy reduced the difference between the maximum and the minimum casting temperature. The rise in casting temperature was suppressed by flux addition in the repeated melting by the well experienced operator group, resulting in about only 5℃ rise from the first to the 10th melting. The time required for heating the alloy from the liquidus to the casting temperature was nearly constant in the case of the well experienced operator group, but in the case of the poorly experienced one it fluctuated sharply, irrespective of flux utilization. Consequently, it may be said that the operator's experience and/or skill are inevitably necessary for casting Ag-Pd-Au alloy by judging the casting temperature from the appearance of the molten alloy.
山田 研治
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.42, no.1, pp.91-105, 1988-02-25

トノサマガエル(Rana nigromaculata)の右側舌尖部を分岐部より切断した後, 3か月から約1年間飼育した.夏期は3か月, 冬眠期間を含む場合は約1年間経過後, 切断側舌尖部に再生が認められたので, 左側の舌尖部を対照側として, 実体顕微鏡および走査型電子顕微鏡によって形態学的に, また, 再生部の感覚については生理学的に検討した.走査電顕写真をもとに, 再生部の面積, 茸状乳頭数, 単位面積当たりの茸状乳頭数を調べ対照側と比較した.再生部と対照側の感覚は再生部と対照側の舌尖部を支配する舌咽神経を残し, 他の舌体部の感覚神経を全て切断した標本を作成し, 再生側と対照側の舌尖部に触刺激と化学的刺激を加え, 舌咽神経の応答を比較した.その結果を要約すると以下のようである.1. 夏期3か月, 冬眠期を含む11か月, 12か月および13か月の各群は, いずれにも舌尖部の再生が認められた.20実験例の再生部の面積の平均値は0.9mm^2で, 対照側の舌尖部の大きさの約1/3であった.2. 再生部にも茸状乳頭が認められた.再生部の茸状乳頭数は20例の平均で25個, 対照側は39個であった.3. 20例の再生部および対照側の1mm^2当たりの茸状乳頭数は, それぞれ28.2個と15.5個で, 再生部では, 特に切断部付近に茸状乳頭が密集していた.4. 再生部と対照側の茸状乳頭の平均直径は, それぞれ9.5μmと12.2μmで, 再生部の乳頭は小さかった.また, その形が円形でないものが認められた.5. 各実験例はいずれも触刺激によく応答した.その結果は対照側と同様であった.6. 再生側は化学的刺激によく応答した.再生側の化学的刺激に対する応答は対照側舌尖部の場合と全く同じ傾向であった.7. 水刺激の場合, 刺激液の流出と同時に応答し, 刺激を止めた後にもわずかにインパルスが発生し, 消失した.0.5M NaClの場合も水と同様に刺激の開始と共にインパルスが発生し, 刺激を中止した後にも, かなり長くインパルスが発生した.また, インパルスの頻度はもっとも大であった.0.01M HClの場合, 刺激開始直後, 短期間インパルスが群発したが, 刺激中にも消失した.0.5M sucroseはインパルスが発生しない例や, 発生してもごく少数であった.0.01M quinine-HClの場合には, 頻度の低いインパルスが発生した.この場合にも刺激を中止した後にも少数のインパルスが持続した.