佐藤 修臣
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.70, pp.143-150, 1984-01-25 (Released:2017-01-15)

Since the 1972 Collision Regulations came into force certain difficulties have been reported by mariners, and many proposals and interpretaions to the Regulations have been suggested by many countries and etc. The author considered such a trend of amendment on the Regulations in this paper. Although there are some ambiguities in the Regulations certainly, these difficulties have been arisen mainly because the luck of understanding of an idea about new Regulations. Therefore the author suggest that Regulations should be amend under serious consideration based on an idea and aim of new Regulations, and should not be amend by local circumstances or particular requirements.
本田 啓之輔 小須田 敏
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.66, pp.145-152, 1982

In order to find a weak point for mooring, authors carried out the model experiments on the above title problem by using of 1/50 scale model of GT 5,000 ton cargo ship. The external force acting on the model ship in a water tank with generator is wind force, no wave. The wind-direction were changed at every 15 degrees from the line drawed vertically to a line between both anchors. Main experimental results are as follows; (1) A Open-moor of which the leg angle between both chain cables is about 60° is more safety because of smaller yawing motion, as that being obtained by YONEDA. However, it should be taken notice that the shock load acting on the riding cable is greater than that at a single anchor, if the wind-direction is agreed with each cable line, and also that the most possibly raises a dragging anchor in such case. (2) Using Engine-astern in order to control the yawing motion at anchor has the effect of checking gently and smaller, as that being obtained by T.S.HOKUTO-Maru. However, such engine motion at anchor under heavy weather will be brought on the dragging anchor owing to the shortage of an anchor-holding power.
川﨑 規介 清水 健一 八木 光晴 高山 久明
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.134, pp.52-57, 2016 (Released:2016-07-01)

The Japanese boat “Wasen” uses “Ro-Scull” as a human-powered propulsion system. These traditional boats and propulsion system are almost vanished in Japan due to decrease in material Wood, and boat-builder’s aging. “Ro-Scull” is thought to be effective propulsive method compared to other human-powered boat such as canoe and cutter boat. In this study, we evaluate propulsive efficiency of “Ro-Scull” based on active metabolic rate (MR). We measured MR and metabolic equivalents (Mets) during “Ro-Scull”, Walking, and jogging exercise by using indirect calorimeter. MR and Mets during “Ro-Scull” exercise were nearly equal to walking ones. Energy conversion efficiency of “Ro-scull” was 12.3%. These suggest that propulsion efficiency of “Ro-Scull” is efficient, and its exercise can be done for a prolonged time as well as Walking. “Ro-Scull” exercise seems to be useful way to become familiar with maritime activities and seamanship.
世良 亘 臼井 英夫
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.133, pp.107-112, 2015 (Released:2015-12-25)
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When a person falls overboard at sea, the ship has to return to the scene to help the person. But it is quite hard to steer a ship back to a particular spot in the water, so some manoeuvers that make this easier are proposed.The Williamson turn is one of them. It was named for John Williamson who used it in 1942. This turn is most appropriate at night or in poor visibility, because the ship gets onto a reciprocal course when you take the proposed procedure. However, hull forms and the performance of rudders have changed greatly from when this turn was first proposed. Recent ships find it difficult to effectively use the original procedure.This paper, examines how manoeuvering factors influence the ships track using the training ship and a ship handling simulator.
古莊 雅生 甲斐 繁利 橋本 進
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.85, pp.51-62, 1991-09-25 (Released:2017-01-15)
5 6

Nowadays, the speed of ships has increased, and high speed vessels are now being operated, such as the JETFOIL and HOUVER CRAFT which travel at the speed between 30 and 50 knots. We have taken the measurement of the eye-movement of the pilot on board the super speed vessel, JETFOIL, by using an eye-pointer. We have analized the data with the pilot's head fixed forward, and the result is as follows. (1) When the vessel is running on hull-borne in a harbor, the eyes of the pilot move broadly breadthwise. (2) When the vessel is foil-borne on the open sea, the eyes of the pilot move lengthwise in a narrow area.
谷 初蔵 屋代 勉
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.51, pp.17-25, 1974-07-31 (Released:2017-01-15)

It is generally recognized that the oportunities to use such conventional methods of communication as Flashing Light Signalling, signalling by Hand-flags etc. have decreased in recent years, while more modern means of radio communication have been playing the leading role on board. Turning our eyes to the actual situations in this country, we can find that application of radio telephone is so extensive that there seems no room left for use of Flashing Light Signalling which is taken up as the main subject of this paper. As is well known, the radiotelephone service, called Senpaku Denwa, established by NTT (Nippon Telegram and Telephone Public Corporation) has its service area covering practically all of the coastal Waters of Japan. Various radio communication networks, including those belonging to the VHF radiotelephone in the International Maritime Mobile Service, the Maritime Safety Agency and the fishing industry, are fulfilling their functions effectively, and their further improvements are expected. In such a situation, it will be necessary to reconsider the traditional method of Flashing Light Signalling in Japan. The aim of this paper is 1. to show the results of our analysis on the current practices of F.L.S. in Japan, 2. and to propose some countermeasures which is considered to give the best solution for the existing circumstances.
嶋田 和治
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会誌 (ISSN:24330116)
vol.42, pp.109-117, 1969-12-30 (Released:2017-09-26)

The line of position by heaven body on the Mercator chart has some kinds of error. For example, there are 1. error due to the curveture of equall altitude circle 2. bearing error due to the difference between great circle bearing and Mercator bearing 3. distance (intercept) error due to the scale of Mercator chart. Usually they are so small that they are used to be negligible. But we have to understand the nature of these errors and we must know which error is bigger than other's. This paper gives a calculation some kinds of error in LOP on the Mercator and chart also some error tables. Another purpose of this paper is to investigate the formula, error due to curveture=tan (altitude)/6876. This formula gives a assumption that the equall altitude curve on the Mercator chart is a circle. This is not a circle and not a simple curve, as many bibliographies say. So this is not exact formula but approximate one. This paper gives the limit of its adaptation, exact and simple formula, some tables and digrams to obtain the error and so on.
四之宮 博 志村 信三郎
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.59, pp.209-216, 1978

The principle of reliacy is the legal principle by which unless under special circumstances all concerned with traffic could rely on other's proper behavior on the basis of rule. When this principle is applied to the judgement for road traffic accidents, it would restrict the negligence on the part of assilant. While, also in the court of Maritime Disaster Inquiry Agency, this principle has become to be quoted frequently, being not expressed in decission. So authors analysed the marine judicial precidents delivered for these 15 years and considered the applicability of this principle to the system of marine traffic.
増田 憲司 井上 欣三 臼井 英夫 広野 康平 世良 亘
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.111, pp.97-102, 2004

In the congested strait, Traffic route is set up by the Marine Safety Law and other regulations. As for the vessel traffic way, rectification is done by this law. But, the navigation route is restricted. In this area, very large bridge was built. And various arguments had been done about the influence of the pier in the strait by now. As a result, it was arranged outside of Traffic route. And not obstructing the navigation of the vessel is being considered with the pier. On the other hand, bridge construction is planned in the future program for land development by a strait such as Tomogashima channel, Bungo channel, too. In those area is no regulation by the route. Therefore, the existence of the pier becomes an obstacle in navigation because a very large bridge is built in the channel which a vessel navigated freely now. In this research, questionnaire investigation was done for pilots and captain. And research of the behavior consciousness about the route select by the navigation officer in the strait which a pier exists in. It is tried to modeling that how routing by officer though the analysis of the questionnaire