三田 重雄 庄司 邦昭 野々村 千里 船城 健一
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.100, pp.145-151, 1999
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The protective device that was made with the elastic resin is excellent in restoration. Therefore, when the collision ship is removed even if the ship collides with it the form almost returns to an original form. Recently, we are doing the research that checks the characteristic of the protective device by the model experiment and numerical value analysis and use the urethane foam as a model. In the previous paper, we discussed the characteristic of the time that the ship penetrated into it statically. The bow model that we used is 1 kind and entrance angle is 35 degrees. In the present paper, we report about the research result in the time that changed the measure of the bow. The following results are obtained. (1) When the entrance angle of the bow becomes big, the slope of a reaction force-bow penetration curve becomes steep. At this time, the change rate of the slope becomes steep with the increase of the entrance angle. (2) When the curvature radius of the top becomes big, the slope of the reaction force-bow penetration curve becomes steep a little. The influence of radius curvature decreases when the entrance angle becomes big. (3) These results almost agree with the numerical value analysis and model experiment.
村山 義夫 山崎 祐介 遠藤 真
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.98, pp.257-264, 1998
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This study is the pilot study for a researching method to reveal causes of maritime disaster related to human factors. The method was a questionnaire for frightening experiences of maritime incidents. The subjects were watch-keepers on board the vessels of Japanese domestic maritime transportation. There were 408 incident cases of 484 respondents, which included more experiences for a fishing boat than for any other obstacles, and watch-keepers on cargo vessels had more experiences. Many incidents occurred during midnight and early morning. The calculated ratio of experienced watch-keepers to all respondents was 0.0139 per day and estimated term of the incidents was 72 days. From these results show that probabilities of experienced watch-keeper for each vessel were more than 22 times per year. These probabilities were 476 times of the probability of an accident that were judged by Maritime Inquiry Agency. The results suggest that this researching method enables us to gather the large number of data on maritime incidents without their anxiety for legal responsibility and influences from it.
大澤 輝夫 石田 廣史
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.113, pp.267-273, 2005
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Meteorological factors of the maritime casualty of Ferry Muroto occurred on July 27, 1999 are investigated through the comprehensive analysis of meteorological observation data and results of the numerical simulation with a mesoscale model. From the analysis, it is found that 1) the wind of Typhoon 9905 was the strongest near the Shikoku Island bescause of the pressure gradient intensified between the typhoon and the North Pacific High, and 2) the maritime casualty occurred just when the spiral rain band was passing over the accident site. The results of this study indicate that a maritime casualty can occur even outside of the radius of 15m/s wind speed of a typhoon and that navigators and operation supervisors have to take account of the locally-intensified wind area around the typhoon and the passage of the spiral rain band, which might cause severe weather conditions.
久保 雅義 津金 正典 笹 健児 榊原 繁樹
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.96, pp.313-322, 1997

A lot of studies about mooring ship motions have done in recent decades, but they are focused on cargo handling criteria. At some ports in open sea, mooring ships move so hard and sometimes mooring lines or fenders are broken. So, when we think about mooring criteria, we have to consider a lot of parameters. In this paper, we study about these parameters and we pick up some cases of mooring accidents at the harbor face to Pacific Ocean. And we find out the results as follows : (1) We can't argue about the mooring criteria correctly if we focus only on ship motions. (2) We can clear up the relation between cargo handling criteria and the mooring criteria. (3) Mooring accidents tend to take place in winter season than other seasons in these cases. (4) In most of those accident cases, mooring ships should shift to offshore earlier stage. (5) The required time length when ships shift to offshore depends on the ship type, the cargo handling way, etc. (6) The difficulty of wave prediction makes so hard to make out mooring criteria. (7) We have to consider long period wave in case of considering the mooring criteria. (8) There are trade off relations between the safety of mooring ship and the berth efficiency. (9) It is necessary to grasp the effect of moored ship motions by wave and wind correctly, if we want to avoid mooring accidents.
本田 啓之輔 松木 哲 井上 欣三
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.57, pp.107-118, 1977

In order to find more safety and more suitable mooring system of a moored ship to a quay by means of mooring lines and fenders in a harbour under the heavy weather such as typhoon, authors carried out a series of experiment by using of 1/50 scale models in the water-tank equipment and recorded time histories on the tension load of mooring lines, the impact force against fenders and the ship's motion with six degrees of freedom, in oblique, head and beam seas to the quay wall. We considered the case of GT 5, 000t cargo ship (Lpp=115m) moored to the quay by eight ideal mooring arrangements at 14m in the depth of water rising up to the top of quay wall. The wave condition acting on the ship were extensively changed with regard to the wave length, wave height and attack angle of wave to the quay. In addition to these experiments, we carried out another series of the model experiment for a dolphin-ship mooring in order to realize the validity of the theorical computation by the linearized numerical model of a mooring system which was developed by Japan Ship Research Association.
本田 啓之輔 松木 哲 井上 欣三
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.59, pp.119-134, 1978

Authors carried out the model experiment for two buoys-mooring system, in the case of GT 5,000t cargo ship, in order to find the critical wave conditions which exist for safe buoy mooring in the harbour under the heavy weather. The wave condition acting on the ship were extensively changed regard to the wave length, wave height and the attack angle of wave to the fore and after buoys center line. As main results for the model experiment in regular wave, it is emphasised that the most important factors affecting the tension of buoy's mooring lines are the drifting force due to the wave than the amplitudes of the periodic ship's motions with six degrees of freedom, and that the critical height of waves for safe buoys mooring may be given 0.8m in the full draft condition and 1.0m in the half draft condition in beam seas to the ship. In addition to these experiment, the simulation for the ship's motion and mooring force were carried out by the linearized numerical model of the multiple buoys mooring system which was developed by the Japan Ship Rerearch Association.
山田 多津人 長澤 明 西野 朝生
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.103, pp.77-83, 2000

A large number of studies have been made on the evasive area which a navigator would like to keep free with respect to other ships as defined by Ms. Goodwin. Only few studies, however, have so far been made on the evasive area for crossing situation. In this paper authors examined the evasive area for crossing on passage routes. According to studies until now, the distribution of ship's tracks was a normal distribution and its σ could be expressed by a regression equation of width of these paths and marine traffic capacity. Furthermore, the boundary of the evasive area was an ellipse around a certain ship. As to the distribution character of the relative positions between vessels that proceed in the crossing traffic lanes, we assume the following : (a) When two vessels are independent each other, the density distribution of the relative positions between these vessels is the uniform distribution. (b) When two vessels have the relations of the give-way vessel and the stand-on vessel, the density distribution of the relative positions between these vessels is the distribution with two peaks on the boundary of the evasive area. From both of the above theoretical considerations for the distribution character and the radar observations in the KURUSHIMA Strait, it was confirmed that the density distribution of the relative positions of the give-way vessels changed from the distribution with two peaks to the uniform distribution. Furthermore, it became clear that the give-way vessels passed through the neighborhood of the stern of the stand-on vessels.
林 祐司 藤澤 邦臣 村井 康二
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.121, pp.117-124, 2009
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A few of marine pilots have gotten severe personal accidents on board and closed their businesses. Their pilot associations have been struggling to keep their safety on board. However, their situations are not improved dramatically nowadays. In this paper, we investigate into the marine pilots' personal accidents on board for 20 years from 1989 to 2008. From the results of the investigations, we propose methods for keeping marine pilot safety on board. The results of the investigations show that their dangerous behavior happens between a pilot ladder and a pilot boat transfer. For avoiding such kind of dangerous situations, we propose to develop a supporting device for receiving falling them.
笹 健児 寺田 大介 永井 紀彦 河合 弘泰
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.120, pp.99-106, 2009

From viewpoint of a ship safety and a cargo management, the examination of a criterion of judge of ferry cancel is carried out, based on both observed ship motions when the ship encounters a typhoon and coastal wave data at that time. Ship motions are observed by using 5,000GT type ferry boat. And as the wave data, coastal waves that recorded with NOWOHAS instead of the encounter wave which can not be measured, are used. These data are analyzed by Spectral Analysis and the characteristics are analyzed in detail. Moreover, numerical reproductions of ship motions based on observed coastal waves are carried out, and a couple of future problems with respect to the decision of the criterion of judge of ferry cancel are considered.
神鳥 昭
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.48, pp.95-105, 1972

Frequent collisions occurred yearly in the Kanmon Strait, because of difficulty in navigating due to the frequent traffic passing along the curved fairway in the narrow channel with the strong tidal current. For the qurpose of offering the basis of the marine traffic improvement of this area, the present report first dealt with the phenomenal relation between the tidal current and the frequency of collisions occurred in 1962 to 1969. And for the purpose of proceeding to the analysis, second, the relations between the tidal current and the following three traffic factors observable in the short term traffic surveys were examined: Traffic volume, sailing speed, and the rate of the ship passed along the illegal routes.
神鳥 昭
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.47, pp.79-91, 1972
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The recent abrupt increase in the sea accidents was due to the increasing marine traffic congestion for the purpose of supporting our rapidly developed economic activities. It is of urgent necessity to establish a countermove for the accidents, especially for the collision. The causality, of the accidents is complicated and differs case by case. Respective cases of accidents were examined in detail with much effort and time. But there lacks a consideration in broad aspects. And this report dealt, statistically, with the influence of the meteorological conditions on the frequencies of the collisions occurred in the Kanmon Strait during the period from 1962 to 1969. And the results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. The collision inclined to occur under the wind from SE or from NW, and that of weaker than 1.6m/s (especially, for the ships smaller than 3,000G.T. in the eastern half) or stronger than 10.8m/s (especially, in winter and spring, in the central area, for the ships smaller than 1,000G.T.) 2. More than 70% of the collisions occurred under the good visibility (better than 4km). When the different time length according to the visibility was taken into account, the poorer visibility than 4km inclined to induce the collisions (especially, in winter and spring, in the Hayatomo Seto, the western and the eastern areas, for the ships of the 100 to 1,000G.T. class). 3. The number of collisions per unit time under the poor visibility (poorer than 2km) was about 8 times as large as that under the good visibility (better than 2km). 4. The ships of the 100 to 1,000G.T. class were concerned with about 80% of the the collisions under the poor visibility; and about 55% of the collision under the poor visibility were those by the pair of the ships of this class. 5. The collision rate per ship passed (P_<PV>) under the poor visibility increased in accordance with the size of ship (x in gross tons) keeping the following relation: P_<PV>=0.10x^<0.79>×10^<-4> 6. The size of the ship had a clear relation to the influence of the visibility. Namely, the value of P_<PV> was 2.17x^<0.20> times as high as that under the good visibility.
今津 隼馬 藤坂 貴彦 福戸 淳司 大竹 祐一郎
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.109, pp.133-140, 2003
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It is necessary to consider the integration and presentation of navigational information because the Automatic Identification System (AIS) and Radar are used for obtaining the target's information simultaneously. One of the solutions is that the AIS information overwrites on the radar display. But this method does not consider the integration of the information by view of the Officer of the Watch (OOW). The information by view is very important for collision avoidance and should be considered as the subject of integration. Here the new method to integrate the information by radar, AIS and view is introduced. In the new method, the information by view is used as a background of the picture for integration, and the information by radar and AIS are described on the picture. This method has several characteristics as follows ; 1. Information by view, radar and AIS present on the same picture. 2. There is no depreciation of the information. 3. The presentation is easy to understand for OOW. 4. It is easy to check the difference of information by OOW. 5. The Obstacle Zone by Target (OZT) can be presented on the picture.
三輪 誠 若林 伸和 矢野 吉治
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.114, pp.243-250, 2006
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The regulation to enforce improvement of security level was executed in 2004. Ships which are obliged should take the cost for introduction of new security system. We tried to construct on-board LAN using wireless technology aboard existent ship in operation, in order to utilize ship's monitoring system. In this paper, we describe outline of implementation of on-board LAN system aboard T. S. Fukae-maru and conclusion of the radio intensity measurement of wireless LAN, also describe ship monitoring system utilizing network camera as a practical application of the LAN.