佐藤 尚登 宮崎 保光 竹中 康雄 西 隆昭 田口 一夫
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.83, pp.49-56, 1990-09-20 (Released:2017-01-15)
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In the summer of 1989, a series of measurement of the 9970 Loran-C chain and the Kita-Kyushu Decca chain was made, using two ρ-ρ Loran-C receivers and a MS-2A Decca receiver aboard the training ship Hiroshima-maru. We made a series of passage under the Bisan-Seto-Oohashi which is located in the Inland Sea of Seto, observing the time-difference, amplitude and phase-difference on the receivers. When the ship was located in the vicinity of the bridge, large positioning errors were observed as the result of the field distortion. This paper presents the results of these measurement, and says that the disturbance of the electric field can be explained by assuming the bridge to be a one-wave-long-loop antenna.
長岡 栄
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.87, pp.99-106, 1992-09-25 (Released:2017-01-15)

The position error data of inertial navigation systems (INS) are analysed. The data used for the analyses are of B747 aircraft equipped with three INS units, namely, Carousel IV. The inertial present positions by the three INS display units were recorded by crew after the aircraft had arrived at the gate of destination airport. The distributions of position errors are investigated and several distribution models were fitted to empirical distributions. The results indicate that the distribution of radial error rates is well fitted by a Weibull model with the shape parameter of 1.416.
志尾 嘉洋 伊藤 博子 川村 恭己 河島 園子
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.143, pp.77-82, 2020 (Released:2020-12-25)

It is necessary to develop a system that reduces the load on the marine traffic control because its work is manual and heavy. In this study, we created a ship behavior prediction model using Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) to explore the possibility of marine traffic control and ship maneuvering support by machine learning. Specifically, we predicted the position and course of a ship that would go through the bend of the Uraga Channel from 5 items (length, width, course, speed and position) and displayed on a map. It shows that the effectiveness of ship behavior prediction by machine learning has been confirmed.
谷水 聖奈 前田 文 竹本 孝弘 小島 智恵
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.137, pp.90-96, 2017 (Released:2017-12-25)

The International Labor Convention came into force by the International Labor Organization (ILO) in 2013, and the "Maritime Labor Convention, 2006" (MLC,2006)(1) also came into force. As a result, the law on seafarers' labor was also amended. In this study, authors focused on fatigue caused by labor of seafarers and conducted a survey on fatigue trends due to differences in working environments with the aim of improving the working environment. First, in order to investigate fatigue caused by difference in work that behavior over time, a fatigue checklist was used at the onshore labor organization, and heart rate was measured.In this paper, fatigue of seafarer's were investigated and the main conclusions obtained by this research are as follows:(1)Fatigue can be investigated by a fatigue checklist and heart rate measurement. Also, fatigue recovery can be investigated by sleep measurement and through a questionnaire regarding waking up sleepy.(2)Working onboard tends to be more fatiguing than working onshore.(3)Sleep is related to both fatigue and fatigue recovery; fatigue recovery effect is low while working onboard; quality of sleep is related to one’s living environment and the ship’s operating condition.
川島 利兵衛 天下井 清 蛇沼 俊二
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.63, pp.107-115, 1980

The typhoon 20, 1979 was strong and severe. It ran through the Japanese Islands quickly and caused damages throughout Japan. In this paper, the behaviour of typhoon 20, 1979 and the state of the sea as the typhoon approached the coast of Hokkaido, were investigated. In addition, the damages to fishing boats, fishing facilities and establishments and sea causalities of fishing boats were investigated. In this investigation, the relationship between the movement of the typhoon 20 and damages and sea causalities caused by the typhoon were considered and discussed.
和田 雅昭 畑中 勝守 雫石 雅美
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.115, pp.83-89, 2006
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The instrumentation for the measurement of seafloor topography with the data of fishing echo sounder and GPS accrued by the sensor network technology has been presented in this study. In our previous paper, details of the present system and the accuracy of it have been discussed and the authors have shown the potential of the present system for practical use. In this paper, the data analysis of experimental results of about 680,000 data obtained by a real fishing operation is discussed. The experiment for practical use by the present system has been carried out for about a year using a fishing vessel. The records of a fishing echo sounder and GPS have been stored in a database and used to draw a bathymetric chart of experimental site. However, many suspicious parts of water depth can be seen in the bathymetric chart because the data of double reflection were included in the chart. In order to increase the reliability of the bathymetric chart obtained by the present system, the authors examined the data analysis for removing suspicious data due to the double reflection from the bathymetric chart. The retouched bathymetric chart after utilizing the data analysis are compared with the "Basic chart of the sea" represented by the Japan Coast Guard and 90% of all difference between the two of them were less than 5m.
雨宮 伊作 大杉 勇
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.79, pp.141-149, 1988-09-25 (Released:2017-01-15)

The NIPPON MARU, 2570 ton 4-masted bark, was built in 1984 to replace former NIPPON MARU as a sail training ship for the cadets of Institute for Sea Training, Ministry of Transport, Japan. The authors have carried out the experiments to measure her sailing speed, leeway, apparent wind direction and speed and others in trade-wind zone of the North Pacific Ocean. In analyzing these experimental data, we have got ship speed/true wind speed ratio for each trim angle of yards and sail condition. Secondly, we have got aerodynamic coefficients of her sails, by solving the equilibrium equations in steady sailing conditions. The results are as follows. In respect of ship maneuvering, she made a speed of more than 75% of true wind speed in close-hauled under fullsails, when her propellers were revolving freely. Stays'ls were effective when she sailed in the range from close-hauled to beam reach condition. In following wind condition she made a speed of 20% of the true wind speed under fore and aft sails only. In respect of aerodynamic performance, her sails stalled at 25 degrees of the attack angle and had a considerably larger lift and drag forces than those by wind tunnel test. Her thrust force coefficient was maximum at close-reaching because of no interference of the aft sails to the fore sails, and thrust force mainly depended on her sail area.
中島 保司 城戸 卓夫
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会誌 (ISSN:24330116)
vol.36, pp.29-38, 1967-01-25 (Released:2017-09-26)

The Fishing vessels casualty occured by Typhoon 29th in Mariana, at eary morning, 7th October, 1965. According the TYPHOON WARNING, 10 Bonits fishing vessels anchored to refuge the typhoon at Agrihan Is. It was reported that the typhoon 29th increased in violence with the barometer 914mb. and wind velocity 70m/s. Unfortunately, 7 vessels of them sunk and 209 crews died. We had search the accident and obtained some lessons from the casualty as follows: -(1) Security of water tightness on fishing vessels. (2) Study for a weather reports and a course of typhoon at low latitude. (3) Improvement of a bait hold. (4) Handling of the main engine under the heavy weather, particularly on a variable pitch propeller. (5) Leadership and labor management.
大河内 美香 逸見 真 黒川 久幸 竹本 孝弘
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.134, pp.27-35, 2016

The purpose of this study is to analyze the causes of dispute concerning oil exploitation on the continental shelves. Since the sovereign rights to exploit natural resources on the continental shelves belong to coastal states, delineation of continental shelves is a critical problem for them. Previous research has been limited to specialized areas, such as geology, geopolitics, or nationalization of natural resources, etc. This study aims to augment the extant literature by considering oil concession agreements, international treaties, and maritime transportation systems. In conclusion, disputes are caused by unestablished criteria for delineation and resource distribution. The effective methods to prevent these disputes are the moratorium on exploration, unitization of transboundary deposits, and dispute settlement clauses.