武田 誠一 佐藤 要 小林 顕太郎
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.89, pp.51-61, 1993

田丸 人意 矢吹 英雄 フォン トラン ヴェト 庄司 るり
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.115, pp.133-140, 2006
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Ship owners/builders provide domestic cargo ship seafarers with little maneuverability data necessary for handling a ship in port. Thus, ship handlers maneuver the ship based on their ship handling experiences referring to the limited maneuvering data obtained at the sea trial and/or from their predecessors. The number of seafarers employed by the domestic shipping companies continues to decline and this leads to fewer opportunities of onboard OJT (On the Job Training) to master the advanced ship handling techniques such as docking. Therefore, the development of a practical maneuvering booklet for docking is desired. From this point of view, the authors conducted a simulation study to investigate the effect of wind on the stopping maneuver and accelerating turn for docking. Based on the results of the study, a method is proposed to estimate the critical range of the stopping maneuver and accelerating turn under windy condition. This paper summarizes the simulation study and proposes a practical maneuvering booklet for small domestic cargo ships.
古莊 雅生
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.93, pp.35-42, 1995
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The visual perception of the targets at sea is the most important factor for safety and for a good lookout in preventing maritime traffic accidents. This study shows the conditions for being able to perceive the visible horizon between the sky and sea surface and this. Author shows the visual and nautical conditions thereof ; they are as follows; 1. The conditions of visual perception of the line of division between the sky and sea surface is that the luminance difference of the sky (about 2 degrees over horizon) and sea surface (about 2 degrees under horizon) is more than the luminance difference threshold. 2. When nobody can perceive the above line of division (horizon), the visual and nautical environment is indicated as follows; (1) The luminance of the sky (about 2 degrees over horizon) is 0.3cd/m^2. (2) The luminance of the sea surface (about 2 degrees under horizon) is 0.03cd/m^2. (3) The difference luminance threshold is 0.27cd/m^2. But in the case of 0 degree which is a relative direction towards the direction of the sun. 3. A sun altitude with above the mentioned condition is -6〜-9 degrees (1/3〜1/2 duration of astronomical twilight), which is connected with the relative direction towards the direction of the sun. 4. The luminance of the sky and sea surface and the illuminance of the sky have gone up and down with the sun's altitude, and they change rapidly and widely with the case of the time period from sunset and sunrise to -9 degrees of the sun's altitude. 5. When under way the time period from sunset and sunrise to -9 degrees of the sun's altitude is needed to keep a special caution for a good lookout and the safety of the ship.
久々宮 久 小林 弘明 藤岡 善計
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.79, pp.169-175, 1988-09-25 (Released:2017-01-15)

Lying on single anchor is a common practice for seafarers when they are to make their ship fast at an open sea room. And it is also the well known anxiety whether the anchor is effective enough to keep the ship safe at the original position in a strong wind. We calculated the motion of a ship lying on single anchor in rather a strong wind, and it is our belief that we could propose a tentative estimation method of time spared before the anchor started dragging
古荘 雅生 友永 正昭 福田 忠彦 甲斐 繁利
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.97, pp.231-239, 1997
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We have already reported on the characteristics of a lookout in the daytime and at night by using the eye-movement analyzer called "eye-pointer". This time, we show the remarkable points added the other new data in the twilight with the measurement of the eye-movement by the same way. The remarkable points of the characteristics of the eye-movement related a lookout of ship's operator are as follows ; 1. The extent of fixation point shown by the ellipse with the standard deviation of the fixation angle has a normal tendency being wide horizontally. But in case of the Jet-foil's navigator in the daytime and on the open sea, the extent of fixation point has a special tendency being wide vertically. 2. The average interval of fixation time at night and in the twilight is about 150msec. That in the daytime is about 60msec. On the other hand, by the average speed of sight-line displacement of the eye, the eye-movement of ship's operator is saccade movement in the daytime and in the twilight, and that is smooth pursuit movement at night. Ship's operators conduct the lookout affairs by looking and searching the obstructive targets at night and in the twilight, and by seeing them in the daytime, because of more or less of the visual informations from the ship's environment. 3. The relation every one unit observing duration (33msec) in the daytime between the average speed of sight-line displacement of the eye and the number of fixation point can be shown by the approximate formula ; Y=1827/X+31.8 (Y : the number of fixation point, X : the speed of sight-line displacement of the eye <average rate> (deg/sec), correlation coefficient : -0.82] 4. In the twilight, the average fixation time is more longer and the average speed of sight-line displacement of the eye is more faster, both than that in the daytime. So it is very difficult to catch the visual informations of the targets at sea, in the twilight, ship's operators should have special cautions for preventing ship's collision.
曽我 正美
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.101, pp.281-289, 1999

Recently there is an important trial to increase the economical potential especially in North America and EU with international cooperation. In Far Eastern area there are some opinions that it is essential for Far Eastern economy to establish the first economic free zone including China, Korea and Japan, too. So in this paper the economical evaluation is tried for the efficiency that will be enhanced by Japanese-Korean Tie-up Option on the petroleum industry as a first step. The petroleum refinery and transportation system model is developed with linear programming method. Using this model, it is discovered that some Japanese-Korean Tie-up Option will be able to get higher efficiency economically equivalent for 300〜400 million US$ a year compared with non-Tie-up condition. For this improved condition, the quantity of petroleum transportation will have to be increased to 30〜38 million KL between Japanese and Korean, too. This amount is 2.7〜3.5 times as large as the amount in 1997. So it should be understood very well that the good availability of tankers for this transportation in this area would be necessary for the efficient economic condition in future.
桑島 進 萩原 秀樹 岩坂 直人
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.94, pp.219-230, 1996
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A FDR (flight data recorder) of air plane is well known to be a useful instrument to review a flight especially in the case of accidents. But the ship does not have such a useful recorder. That is the reason why such recorder was not essential for ship to merely sail and moreover many sensors to measure phenomena in ocean were not developed yet. But recently an occasion of the accident of Ro-Ro passenger ship [Estonia] in Baltic Sea, the requirement of VDR (Voyage Data Recorder) is on the rise in all over the world. So, we tried to develop VDR with up-to-date sensor and computer techniques. At first we formed a clear conception of VDR with reference to FDR and other recorders. Then concerning about wish of use and desirable function of VDR, we asked intention of users who are in various field of industry including shipping Co. using the questionnaire method. And finally we proposed a modern VDR with many suitable functions for each user based on our own concept.
坂井 丈泰 惟村 和宣 長岡 栄 高橋 美登里 天井 治
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.98, pp.33-41, 1998
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For a precision approach and landing system of aircraft using GPS, it is nessessary to improve the system performance such as positioning accuracy, integrity, continuity and availability. A possible way for improving the performance may be to use pseudolites (pseudo-satellites) located on the ground near airport in addition to ordinally GPS satellites. In this paper, a qualitative simulation was carried out for evaluating positioning accuracy for the approaching aircraft using pseudolites together with the existing GPS satellites. Flight experimental data and artificial data on ranging measurement were used for the simulation. The result shows that while the positioning accuracy strongly depends on relative location of pseudolites, GPS satellites and the aircraft, the accuracy can be improved by the utilization of pseudolites.