三木 幹子
広島女学院大学論集 (ISSN:03748057)
vol.63, pp.103-117, 2016-02-29

The aim of the present article is to make an examination of women's views on marriage. In orderto discuss this problem I distributed questionnaires about love and marriage to female college students. The questionnaires show that from a viewpoint of love as well as marriage they regard men's character and men's sense of values as the most important thing. When a female college student thinks a man as a love, his appearance is the most essential for her. When she thinks a man as a marriage partner, on the other hand, his capacity for living is very important for her. What she mentions as the reason why she does not regard him as a love or a marriage partner is a physiological factor, a lack of sincerity, or an absence of human relations building ability. Only a few students regard men's appearance as the reason why female students dislike men. A comparison of a woman who attaches greater importance to her marriage partner's capacity for living with a woman who doesnot take her marriage partner's capacity for living much seriously makes clear the differences betweentwo types of women.
三木 幹子
広島女学院大学論集 (ISSN:03748057)
vol.64, pp.23-38, 2017

By analyzing women's romantic views about their favorite male Idols and their images from the results of a questionnaire given to female college students and considering the relation of women's consciousness toward their ideal images of men, this paper clarifies as follows:● Female college students who prefer intellectual male Idols not popular among girls are more likelyto prefer men who are not interested in fashion or straightforward with women.● Female college students who don't like male Idols with a keen interest in fashion are more likely to prefer men who are not straightforward with women, and to regard men's personalities as more important than their appearances.● Female college students who prefer young-boy like male Idols are more likely to want men to rely on them and to look for men with strong maternal instincts
猿田 佳那子

中尾 莉奈

三島由紀夫の『豊饒の海』は、「春の雪」「奔馬」「暁の寺」「天人五衰」の四巻からなる長編小説だ。『豊饒の海』は、その経緯や内容から三島の死と関連付けて論じられてきた。 本論では、発表当時、三島が「『豊饒の海』について」(初出毎日新聞一九六九年二月二十六日)において『豊饒の海』を「世界解釈の小説」と評したことから、三島が『豊饒の海』で行った「世界解釈」の方法及び、その結果について明らかにしていくことを目的とした。 第一章では、「春の雪」を中心に嘘を核とした作品構造と題し論じた。 嘘を核とした作品構造とは、清顕と聡子をはじめとする登場人物が嘘をつくことで展開する小説であったことから定義した。 また、嘘は女性優位の象徴であった。それは、作中の嘘が女性主導でつかれる上に、女性の手によって暴かれているからだ。この嘘による女性優位の構図は以降にも引き継がれている。 嘘を核とした作品構造によって、輪廻転生という全巻を貫流するモチーフの提示、輪廻転生によって物語を繋ぐために必要な観察者本多を生み出した。これらは、『豊饒の海』全巻を繋ぐ役割を担っており、輪廻転生が起こっていない「春の雪」において、嘘が重要なモチーフであることが明らかになった。 第二章では、「奔馬」の主題が純粋を貫くための死であったと結論づけた。ここでの死とは、「自刃」だ。何故、「自刃」が純粋を貫くための行為となりえるのか。それは、勲が周りの人物たちとの繋がりにより、彼の純粋が汚される可能性が高く、純粋に生きるということが困難な状況にあるからだ。勲が純粋なままでいるためには他者と隔絶した孤独に身を置く必要があった。それが、究極の孤独、「自刃」だった。 第一章でも取り上げた嘘の問題は、槙子が勲の計画について隠すという嘘を見抜き、嘘の証言のために入念な準備をした姿に聡子と同じ嘘を見抜く女、嘘によって優位に立つ女だと結論付けた。 「春の雪」を経て輪廻転生の観察者となった本多は、勲に対し、清顕と共に居た時と同様、彼を救う弁護人となった。清顕と勲、二人に対して同様の態度を見せる という態度を持って、勲が清顕の生まれ変わりであると本多は証明した。このように、本多は輪廻転生の証明者の役割を得た。 第三章では、「暁の寺」を中心に論じた。『豊饒の海』における法、唯識や阿頼耶識といった要素が前面に押し出されたことに着目し、法をその身に宿すジン・ジャンを法の受肉者、法を模倣する本多を法の模倣者と定義した。二人の関係を整理することで、唯識や阿頼耶識という法の出現の過程を明らかにした。 「暁の寺」では、本多に認識と行為の矛盾が生じた。本多は、見るという行為に「情熱」を宿したことで「覗見」を行った。それと同時にジン・ジャンに「恋」をするなど、二律背反の欲求を満たそうとする矛盾。法の模倣者と定義した根拠は、この矛盾が法の連続性の希薄さと通ずるものがありながら、決して法そのものを体現していないからだ。 嘘が象徴する女性の優位性は、慶子がジン・ジャンと信頼関係を結び彼女の秘密を本多より先に知ったことを隠す嘘によって示された。 第四章では、「天人五衰」を中心に論じた。中でも本多と透の自意識に注目した。本多は、門跡(聡子)により、「運命」を人が認識するという行為を否定された。一方透については、透と他者との関係を考察することで、彼の複雑さを明らかにした。 嘘による女性優位の構図は、慶子が透に転生者の「贋物」であると本人に伝えることで現れた。慶子の嘘の誘いに透が応じたことで「天使殺し」が起こり、嘘が引き起こす事柄が女性主導であることからも窺えた。 第五章では、第四章で示した透の複雑性の理由を明らかにすると共に、『豊饒の海』全体を総括するような視点で論じた。 透の複雑性は、前三作では別々に付与されていた役割を一手に引き受けることで、複雑かつ矛盾を孕む存在となったことで生じたと結論づけた。 最後に、『豊饒の海』で行われた「世界解釈」の視点を明らかにした。清顕を起点とした輪廻転生。ジン・ジャンが示した唯識、阿頼耶識という法。「春の雪」から「天人五衰」までに流れた時間。本多と聡子の対比による世界の違い。この四つの視点は、「天人五衰」の本多と門跡に収束された。老いの醜さを持つ本多と「老ひの美しさ」を持つ門跡との対比である。この対比は、門跡に「老いの美しさ」という三島の理想を付与し、老いの醜さという三島の憎むものの敗北という形で、三島由紀夫の望む世界を浮き彫りにした。つまり、『豊饒の海』において解釈された世界とは、三島の理想世界であった。そして、解釈された三島の理想世界は、三島の憎むものの敗北、理想の勝利で幕を閉じたと結論づけた。
大里 巌
広島女学院大学論集 (ISSN:03748057)
no.48, pp.21-37, 1998-12

As it was only to clear that the Nazi ideology and resulting nationalistic policy were totally incompatible with the presence of the Church, its doctrine, spirit and structure, the Nazi Regime intended from the start to suppress the Church. However, the Nazi government needed citizens' support in order to pursure its policies such as the military aggression to begin with, and for this purpose Concordat was signed with the Church, giving it a formal assurrance of ecclesiastical freedom. In fact, the German government never hesitated to seize every opportunity to oppress the Church, while the Episcopal Corps was unable to cope effectively with the political power to defend the Church, and this forced them to end up with submission to the Regime's will.Yet, there were a very small number of the Church elites who dared to challenge openly the Regime's acts of inhumanity and oppression to the Catholic Church, of whom the Bishop Graf von Galen was the most prominent figure. In this paper, the Author reviews the well-known three sermons made by the Bishop and his course of resistance movement to see how the Bishop's words and behavior influenced not only catholics but also non-catholics and how the Nazi regime reacted to the resistance in order to understand the meaning of his resistance.
三木 幹子 植木 由香
広島女学院大学論集 (ISSN:03748057)
vol.61, pp.95-112, 2011-12-21

We carried out a survey of attitudes toward love and mariiage targeting men and women, and people of various generations. Three factors were extracted from the analysis of the results, namely "love dependence", "conservative love perception" and "practical mariiage perception". The following results emerged from a comparison of date from men and women as well as data from each generation. (1)In comparison to male university students who have a strong tendency to look for love which does not assume mariiage will foloow, female university students tend to have a perception of love with a view to mariiage. (2)Women tend to be conservative in love where men have a perception of love that is positive and progressive. (3)Women are looking for economic strength in a man; as they get older, they tend to place more emphasis on this as a condition for mariiage. (4)Because women in the latter half of their twenties approach the "ideal age for marriage" they have a stronger desire to get mariied. (5)Women have a logical and calculating approach to mariiage, whereas men have an instinctive and genuine perception of love.
山本 武史

佐藤 茂樹
広島女学院大学論集 (ISSN:03748057)
no.45, pp.194-180, 1995-12

This is collation of the "Dairi Utaawase" (Imperial Palace Poetry Composition Contest) (Intercalary September 19, 1213) contained in the Gunsyo Ruiju using the 17 versions in the possession of the National Institute of Japanese Literature. There are of course some small differences, but it was possible to amend the "atarakishi" in the thirteenth criticism to "atarashiki." With regard to the differences among waka poems, it seems there are fundamental problems in the "toyama no oku mo" and "toyama no oku no" in right's poem in the first round, as well as the "kikiwafuru" and "kiewafuru" in right's poem in the tenth round.
天野 みゆき
広島女学院大学論集 (ISSN:03748057)
no.43, pp.p13-25, 1993-12

This paper examines how Lucy Snowe, the now old first-person narrator of Villette, stillstruggles to accept the loss, in her youth, of her only love. The narrator Lucy is oftern regard-ed as "unreliable" because she withholds crucial information from the reader. However, anexamination of her narrative technique reveals how the narrator teaches the reader to interpret her story. Although this story is about the young Lucy, the narrative technique allows us to understand the emotions of the now old narrator.
神原 彩 瀨山 一正
広島女学院大学論集 (ISSN:03748057)
no.60, pp.141-149, 2010-12-21

An increase in the incidence of hyperuriceamia associated with gout as well as phyertension, renaldiseases and cardiovascular disrases has been a public health concern. We examined the possibility of facilitated excretion of uric acid by change in urine pH by managing food materials. Within the framework of the Japanese government's health promotion program, we created recipes consisting of more protein and less fruit and vegetable-based food materials for H+-load (acid diet) and others composed of less protein but more fruit and vegetable-based materials (alkali diet). Healthy female students were enrolled in this 5-day study for each test. From a whole day collected urine, total volume, pH. organic acid, creatinine, uric acid and all cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, NH4+) and anions (CI-, SO42-, PO4-) necessary for the estimation of acid-base balance were measured. Urine pH stabilized 3 days after switching from an ordinary daily diet to a specified regimens. The amount of acid generated ([SO42-]+organic acid-gut alkali) was linearly related with that of the excretion of acid (titratable acidity+[NH4+]-[HCO3-]), indicating that H+ in urine is generated by the metabolic degradation of food materials. Uric acid and excreted urine pH retained a linear relationship, where uric acid excrtion increased from 302 mg/d at pH 5.9 to 413 mg/d at pH 6.5, despite the fact that the alkali diet containes a smaller purine load than the acid diet. We conclude that alkalization of urine by eating nutritionally well-designed food is effective for removing uric acid from the body.
藤井 昭
広島女学院大学論集 (ISSN:03748057)
vol.33, pp.17-33, 1983-12

A'miyaza' consists of several 'myo's. A 'myo'is a small religious association and it also means an association which possesses a certain area of farm field.A myo,because of the possession of farm field,ceased to exist or changed its form,according to the change of the farm field conditions. The historical materials tell us that there were miyazas in three villages,Tamari,Nomi,Uchibe in the eastern part of Aki district. In the 17th century,many 'myo's in this district ceased to exist,but the 'myo's of Tamaricontinued to exist. The strongest reason is that the farm field didn't increase and thefacilities for water for farming were not improved,either. In the 18th century, almost all the 'myo's in the villages which were under the great influence of 'Shinshu' ceased to exits but the 'myo's of Tamari existed on account of the little influence of 'Shinshu'. The 'myo's of Tamari continued to exist till 1883 owing to the two reasons above mentioned.
清水 慶秀
広島女学院大学論集 (ISSN:03748057)
vol.10, pp.107-127, 1960-12

The characteristics of the educational policies of the Colonial Governmentof Korea,as master-minded by the governor M. Terauchi,were,as exemplified by the "Educational Ordinance of Korea",a) segregated dual educational setup [or the Japanese nationals and for the vernacular Koreans,b) imposition of the Japanese language to the reaches of the school-life of Korean children expelling the Korean vernacular to the last letters. However, even the dictatorial ruling of the Japanese Government could not avert the eventual dilemma of colonial education,i.e.,Even the minimum of education granted to the oppressed is to touch off eventually the racial awakening among the subjected." In the wake of the universal insurrection of March 1,1919 throughout the territory,so-called "civilian administration" was adoptedfor the colony. The civilan administration, however,was in no way intended to grantindependence and autonomy to the Koreans. It was to eventually convert the Korean natives into Japanese subject along the way of the least resistance...a smoother path of administering the policy of "assimilation" originally conceived and put forth. The major change in educational scope along this general shift in policy took form in the revision of the Ordinance. The Revised Educational Ordinance of Korea was put to effectby the third governor M. Saito on Feb. 2,1922. The revised ordinance differed from the former in the following major aspects: a) it united the formerly isolated two educational set-ups,one for the Japanese residents and the other for vernacular Koreans,b) equalized the standards between the comparable grades of the both systems of education,c) approvecl the institution of universities,d) established teachers colleges. According to the revision,the institions for the primary education was in aparallel system,one for the Japanese nationals speaking Japanese and anotherfor the Korean populace speaking in Korean. The Korean children who mastered enough Japanese were allowed to attend the Japanese speaking primary schools,and likewise with middle schools (for boys) and with girls'high schools. Distinction as to whether one spoke Japanese or not was made by the rateof habitual recourse to the privileged language. To be eligible,one had tobe speaking it habitually in his daily life,thus excluding those whose use ofJapanese was limited to the site of their trade or of occasional conversations.The revision also elevated the status of the senior schools for boys and senior schools for girls,both Korean,to the equivalent of the middle schools and the girls' high schools,both for the Japanese. The Imperial University of Keijo (Seoul) was founded May 15,1926,with limited number of Koreanmatriculants. The revision was,in sum,with all its apparent improvement and leniencies,to the interest of the Koreans themselves,a furthering of the imposition of the"assimi1ation" and of the Japanese language.
Ronald D. Klein
広島女学院大学論集 (ISSN:03748057)
vol.44, pp.33-54, 1994-12

Masuji Ono, retired artist, recalls his life during the narration of Kazuo Ishiguro's second novel, An Artist of the Floating World. It is a life of artistic development which leads him to the height of political power as a propagandist artist duirng the 1920s' social malaise, through the rise of right-wing militarism during the 1930s and finally as a wartime artist of the 1940s. Now that the war is over, Ono's elder married daughter, Setsuko, suggests that he take "certain precautionary steps" to protect the marriage prospects of his younger unmarried daughter, Noriko. Ono comes to realize that in certain contexts, his past may be seen as a liability. During Noriko's omiai dinner, Ono publicly acknowledges his past and apologizes for the suffering he may have caused. Yet, a year later, Setsuko denies ever making any suggestion to him and questions Ono's inflated opinion of his influence. Clearly, there is a discrepanscy here and the reader only has Ono's narrative to depend on. Ono's life is related in retrospection, delivered in four installments between October, 1948 and June, 1949. An analysis of Ono's narrative can be broken into two general areas -reflections and echoes. This paper will be written in two installments. The present one presents the idea of "reflections" in looking at Ono as a reliable narrator. There are problems of Ono's nonlinear style, his memory and, more centrally, how he views himself. The subtext of this paper presents three different meanings of "reflection" -the mirror of seeing what is there, the thoughtful recollection of what may have happened, and the more opaque innuendoes of unwanted distortions. The second installment of this paper will take up the "echoes" within the novel.