金谷 茂
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1962, no.7, pp.31-43, 1962-10-30 (Released:2009-09-04)

Guiding theories precede practice and their truthfulness is esteemed of great importance. Moreover, since practice is guided by such theories and at the same time is a process in which they are realized, a unity between theory and resultant consequence is antecedently expected. To say, however, that this unity is both sought and expected is completely different from saying that it exists already in a realized state. Precisely because the experimentalist looks on this desire [for unity] as a creative element, he seeks with all thoroughness for a conviction in the truthfulness of his principle and tries to find a rational foundation for it. He cannot, however, rest satisfied with certainty based on conceptual knowledge. He esteems of great importance the process in which he strives to insure concrete values. The validity of a theory does not rest on what precedes it but is found in and through the very practice that threatens to alter the principle itself. Herein lies the meaning of verification through consequences.
遠藤 昭彦
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1962, no.7, pp.44-63, 1962-10-30 (Released:2009-09-04)

Criticisms are heard to the effect that in the theory of progressive education the meaning of both moral purpose and the standard for moral judgment is ambiguous. But, really, what is the essence and function of the norm of judgment in this philosophy of education ? My purpose in this essay is to reply in obliquo to prevalent criticisms and, basing myself on Dewey's moral theory, to offer in more positive fashion some considerations on basic educational theory which may serve as foundation for a theory which can provide an answer for the problems confronting modern education. My essay is divided into the following five sections.(1) Foreword.(2) Nature of Norm in Customary Morality and its Limits. Herein I point out, by referring to customary morality, the absolute and fixed function and characteristics of such a norm and argue that in the true moral judgment the function of the norm is to be found in its quality of intellectual instrumentality and that scientific method should be used [in the decision-making process].(3) Demonstration of the Possibility of Adapting Scientific Method in Moral Judgment.(4) The Nature of the Fundamental Function of the Moral Norm. My argument in this section is concerned chiefly with showing that a priori moral concepts are not denied but are activated in being re-evaluated.(5) The Meaning of a Universal Norm. Keeping in mind some of the present misunderstandings I explain the meaning of universal norm as a function for the re-evaluation of a priori concepts and for the establishment of ends of action.
西田 文夫
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1962, no.7, pp.64-78, 1962-10-30 (Released:2009-09-04)

「『民主主義と教育』という書物は、長い間ありのままの私の哲学が最も十分に説明されている書物であった。」こう述べているように、デューイの哲学と教育学とにおいて、民主主義の概念は最も重要なものである。従って、デューイの教育思想を把握するためには、民主主義と教育との関係が究明されねばならない。また、デューイの宗教論について、マックラスキー (N.G.Mccluskey, S.J.) は次のように評している。すなわち「これは、デューイが民主主義時代のために注意深くつくりあげた科学的宗教である。」それ故、デューイの宗教論も当然彼の民主主義との関連において考えられねばなるまい。そこで本論文においては、まずデューイが主張する民主主義と教育との関係をとらえ、次に彼の宗教論を民主主義との連関において解明することによって、宗教と教育との関係についてのデューイの見解を明らかにしたい。
香山 芳久
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1961, no.5, pp.43-58, 1961-09-30 (Released:2010-01-22)

In the education of modern schools scientific and art education hold a central place. However, if we look at the amount of time alloted to each. subject, we see that these two fields of study are merely treated as two in a string of subjects, just as they were in the schools of yesteryear despite the fact that there is no solid reason for so continuing.The reason for this lies in the fact that art education is not able to show a clearly outlined content when its purpose is compared with that of scientific education. Actually these two subjects, though both are based on a desire for the understanding of things, are very dissimilar in character. In scientific education abstract thinking and rationality are fostered, but the character of art education is to reject the tendency toward abstract thinking and to stress the direct apprehension of objects. Starting from the difference between these two kinds of education I consider what kind of gap is thereby produced in the student's thought.
鈴木 慎一
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1961, no.5, pp.59-75, 1961-09-30 (Released:2009-09-04)

The theme of progressive and continuous growth, one of five conspicuous in the educational legislation of England, was the first to be formulated in the development of that country's education. Both social and individualistic factors are to be found therein.This them blends cosiderations of social justice which underline the norms of natural law embodied in the educational legislation with insistence on positive activity to provide a firm base for the solution of all the problems raised in the educational philosophy of our times. Hence, this first theme with its characteristically English conception of education as progressive and continuous growth may, by reason of its historical background and its positive attitude torards modern questions, be acknowledged as qualified for consideration as a proposition with claims for universal recognition. It may likewise be considered as a expression in the field of education of social justice for all. Finally, this first theme is ultimately reducible to the fifth them, that on freedom.
長井 和雄
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1962, no.6, pp.1-15, 1962-06-25 (Released:2009-09-04)

We cannot say that every generation of youth becomes a moving force in history. The frightfully complicated organization of our objective society of today works automatically in such a way that the creative energy of youth in the cultural fields may be crushed and completely dried up. Education, while paying steady attention to the development of the more realistic side of cultural life, as represented in politics, economics, and sociology, must at the same time play another role in life. That is to say, so far as the ideal side of life is concerned, it must continually re-evaluate the educational meaning of the methods of teaching what may be looked on as the flowering of human culture, the arts, science, and religion, all of which have value in themselves. This it does by keeping in the center of its vision the uniqueness and inconvertibility of general culture. In these matters it is necessary for educators to expend great efforts so that each individual may reach a definite level of historical and cultural awareness. At this point the question of the gestaltende Idee, in Spranger's sense of the word, becomes a matter of educationl importance. It transcends positivistic knowledge of the objective side of culture and, laying hold of the soul of the free man, gives him the ethical elan which looks toward the future. By giving a central position to this gestaltende Idee, educators can give to the younger generation the possibility of becoming a moving force in history. This they do when they create a community of values in which the individual, retaining his uniqueness, works closely with his fellows in activity of worth.
村山 治
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1962, no.6, pp.16-30, 1962-06-25 (Released:2009-09-04)

Dewey emphasizes the present. According to him, the past is the past. The past and the future are nonsense unless they are connected with the present. He sees history as the past of the present, or the history of the prsent. And our aim of history education is to understand present social life. Dewey emphasizes economic and social history especially, because it is practical and expresses the process of growth of present life. In short, Dewey's theory of history, or history of education is also practical.
日比 裕
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1962, no.6, pp.31-45, 1962-06-25 (Released:2009-09-04)

Modern education is defective in that it fails to provide younger students with a splendid vision of, or outlook on, the future.The root reason for this deficiency is that it is impossible to construct a national vision with the resources provided by modern culture.Education must play a leading role in actively creating this type of vision. Consciousness of this theme is especially strong among the educational reconstructionists of America. In this essay I consider the place of vision and its creation in education, especially in history education. My viewpoint is that of a reconstructionist. History education directed toward providing students with vision starts from their desires as the buds which can unfold in vision. The students are then confronted, in connection with modern problems, with different types of vision and their possibilities as they are revealed by history and culture. They are then led to understand history in accord with the laws revealed in the historical problems they have been studying. This way of teaching can, then, contribute to the development of vision in the students.
込田 健夫
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1962, no.6, pp.46-62, 1962-06-25 (Released:2009-09-04)

The unification of the two-fold teleology to be found in Herbart's teaching on personality cultivation has traditionally been sought within the “microcosmos” with the help of his symbolic psychology. Consequently, his educational theory has invited criticism as being subjective and individualistic. However, if we consider the matter from Herbart's own fundamental point of view-that an end is what it is stipulated to be by ethics-it is necessary for us to consider his two-fold teleology within the field of ethics. Man's plurality of interests expressive of possible ends is in the practical world an educational means, but, in addition to this, as bolstered by the notion of perfection in the first place and then by that of educational organization, it eventually acquires ethical and social meaning. In this way, the confrontation of two seemingly opposed ends is seen to be without meaning.If we carry this analysis a step further, we see that educational organization becomes the actual point of fusion for all ideals and that it is the first condition for the ideal realization of political life. If we take Herbart's thought in an abstract sense, then the relation between politics and education is that of ends and means, but taken in a more restricted sense, politics and education are seen to work in complementarity for the endless expansion of the morality of the people.
安谷屋 良子
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1962, no.6, pp.63-77, 1962-06-25 (Released:2010-01-22)

人間は、その人独自の内面的な世界をもっており、その内面性の深みにおいて人は全く孤独に神と対決するのであり、彼の神との対決において人は人生の意義を理解し、高次の人間性への要求と義務とを見出すのであるということは、宗教性を人間の精神構造の最も深い中核においているシュラプンガーの理想主義的思想を貫いている根本的信念である。従ってこの個人個人に特有の内面性に刺戟を与えて自ずから目醒めるに到るまでその影響を及ぼすことは彼にとって当然の教育の狙いである。彼にとっては、いかなる心身の育成も、有用な知識の修得も (もちろん欠くべからざる重要な教育の部分ではあるけれども) それだけでは充分に教育であるとはいえないのである。個々の人間が、その魂の底から揺ぶられて、真の人間性にめざめることこそ個人を最高度に発展させることであり、同時にまた社会および文化の発達向上の要因ともなるのである。このような思想は彼の数々の作品を通して読み取ることのできるものである。望ましい環境と指導者が与えられれば、若い者の魂に清らかな火がともされて燃え上る可能性のあることを彼の宗教的信念は語っている。然しながら、神にまで通う清浄な火を一人一人の魂の内に燃え上がらせようという彼の思想はあまりにも理想主義的であり、且個人主義的にすぎる感があり、我々の現実の厳しさにも縁遠いもののようにも思われる。私共の歴史的現実は個々人の清らかな魂のめざめを期待するにはあまりにも混濁しており、複雑な社会の機構は個人の意志の介入を許さないほどに我々を縛り上げてしまっているからである。だが一方おいて、社会そのものが個人を要素として成立し、個人の創意や発明が巨大な社会の力となって動いているという単純な事実を改めて思い起す時、シュプランガーの思想は我々の歴史的現実における歩みに対して何か示唆を与えるものではないかとも考えられる。いな、むしろ個人の介入の余地の少なくなっている現代ほど個人の存在の重要性を改めて高く掲げなければならない時代はないかも知れない。ここは彼の戦後の作品だけを取り上げたのは、それらが第二次大戦に引きつづくきびしい条件のもとで書かれたものであるからである。彼はしばしばヨーロッパの危機ということを問題にしているが、それはまた一般に現代の危機に対して書かれたものであると見ることもできよう。彼が警告を与えているところの、イデオロギーに縛られて一つの型にはまった考えしか出来ないような人間、マスコミの宣伝に影響されて自ら考えることをしないようなMassenmensch, あるいは科学技術の発達に伴って尨大な機械の附属品の如くになってしまっている人間、社会工学に基づく社会組織の中で位置づけられ、動機づけられて動く人間-こういった人間の状態は我々にとって決して縁遠いものではない。このような現代文化社会に共通の現象に対してシュプランガーが如何なる型で警告を与えているかは甚だ興味あることである。ここでは特に教育理想と教育者を主題としつつ現実の課題との結びつきをとらえたいと思った。
石川 謙
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1961, no.4, pp.1-11, 1961-04-20 (Released:2009-09-04)

Muro Kyuso's theory of man was a theory that organized in a philosophical manner various aspects of the social problems that began to raise their head toward the middle of the eighteenth century. Kyuso worked out his theory of man in liking his general views of the universe with his views on human society. In his general view of the universe he attached first importance to this world (as opposed to a future world), and in his theory of man he insisted on the absolute autonomy of human value. His theory of man developed into a concrete image of man throuth a thought process peculiar to himself, a process which, based on a feeling for modernity, grasped something of the meaning of the new social organizations and structures then emerging. In this easy I have considered Kyuso's thought in connection with the social problems of the first half of the eighteenth century.
杉浦 宏
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1961, no.4, pp.12-30, 1961-04-20 (Released:2009-09-04)

In this eassy my chief interest lies in discussing some of the personal characteristics connected with the progressive Education Movement in a United States. For such a discussion I think it is necessary to make a rough sketch of the historical development of the progressive Education Movement (1918-1956) and this I do in the first part of the essay. My reason for giving the essay the title it has is that its main point comes down to an investigation of the relation between Dewey and the educational theories of the movement. My conclusion is that the progressive Education Movement, in which the educational theories of Romantic Naturalism were prominent, failed to carry faithfully into practice Dewey's Empirical Naturalism.
佐藤 三郎
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1961, no.4, pp.31-45, 1961-04-20 (Released:2010-01-22)

伊東 亮三
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1961, no.4, pp.46-61, 1961-04-20 (Released:2009-09-04)

The educational views of E. Spranger, a foremost scholar in Pestalozzi studies in contemporary Germany, are originally based in many respects on the latter's thought. In 1959 he published successively two studies under the same title as Pestalozzi's famous theme, “Life is education.” His major concern at the present, in my opinion, is to lay a foundation for, and to subject to critical examination, two movements of modern education, the “theory of life-education” and the “fundamentals of life.” This work he is carrying on through his interpretation of Pestalozzi's “Life is education.” In this essay I have based myself principally on these two studies of Spranger, though at the same time I have consulted the works of other writers. In order to clarify his concept of “life” and the relation in his thought between “education” and “life” I discuss the matter under four headings : 1) the educatiue power of life; 2) life in the pupil's world; 3) cultured life as the objective world; 4) the educationalizing of life.
ホルンシュタイン H
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1961, no.4, pp.62-79, 1961-04-20 (Released:2010-05-07)

The twofold aspect of the educational theory of Comenius is a testimony to the change of times in the West. Its metaphysical foundation reflects a former age, its educational concern the new age. So, the educational program of the pampaideia, which aimed to teach everything to everybody, is not thoroughly understandable apart from the assumptions of medieval metaphysics. The school, which for Comenius was excluively an institution in the service of education, teaches universal knowledge but not as an end in itself. It is, rather, merely the condition for man too to reach his goal as a creature, (namely) through the right use of things and through correct belief in God, for the time being withholds from him the attainment of his final goal. This “pansophical” approach to teaching would be a futile undertaking on the basis of the new scientific approach, for this latter dose not simply find its object as something given as does the “knowledge of thing” of Comenius with its orientation toward the qualitative essential element of things. Rather, it constructs its own object in accordance with the hypothetical method it employs. So, the only question to be answered is : within the framework of the modern approach to teaching what place can be given to the material aspect of the educational theory of Comenius, that aspect being considered as an integral part of his theory? The directon of a possible answer to this question is merely pointed out in this essay.
沢田 允茂
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1961, no.5, pp.1-12, 1961-09-30 (Released:2009-09-04)

The concept of “machine” has been generally taken to stand in opposition to that of “man.” However, when the remarkable progress of machines in recent times is considered, the very notion of “machine” fitted to recent models of the machine is seen to be in desperate need of reform.At the heart of the new theories on machines are notions, such as that of “feedback”, which can formally and structurally be applied to the actions of reflection, consciousness, and the like in man. Consequently, it has become possible again to work out an explanation, based on machine theory, of various problems relating to man and philosophy.One of the characterisitics of machines containing “feedback” systems is that of “presentation”, a concept which was used idealistically and dialectically by Hegel and Marx and can serve as an aid in explaining the laws of hitorical and social movements. The problem of “subjectivity, ” which was the target of much criticism in older machine theories, is, thanks to the new theory, no longer a problem.
沼野 一男
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1961, no.5, pp.13-31, 1961-09-30 (Released:2009-09-04)

A teaching machine is an educational tool designed to provide a program enabling a student to approach a desired educational activity by gradual steps and, by multiple reinforcements of the student's responses immediately after he has given them, to increase learning efficiency. Teaching machines deffer from audio-visual devices in that they envisage individual direction and provide an immediate feedback to the student's responses.The teaching machines which are now being used are divided into two types, according to their response mechanism : the Pressey model (Recognition system) and the Skinner model (construction system). The effective use of either or these models depends on appropriate programming of the teaching materials used. A “program” is so devised that the student is led to follow cues and prompts which gradually reduce the successive steps necessary for the learning of the apportioned material, which must be so arranged that the student can have his correct responses reinforced at each step and thus reach his learning goal.Teaching machines not only increase learning efficiency and reduce the teacher's burden but also make possible an empirical analysis of the learning process. As a consequence of this union of educational science and practice a shift in educational emphasis-from teacher-centered to student-centered learning-can be expected.
永冶 日出雄
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1961, no.5, pp.32-42, 1961-09-30 (Released:2009-09-04)

「人間の安息を憎む神が、科学の発明者であった。エジプトからギリシァに伝えられた古い伝説はこう語っている。天文学は迷信から、雄弁術は野心、憎悪、追従、虚言から、幾何学は貪欲、物理学は空虚な好奇心から、すべてのものが、道徳そのもがすらが、人間の傲慢から生まれた。科学と芸術とはしたがってその誕生をわれわれの悪徳に負っている。もしもわれわれの美徳が生みだしたものならば、われわれはそれらの利益をこれほど疑問にはしないであろう。」 (1) いまからおよそ二百年前、ジャン・ジャックルソーはその有名な懸賞論文のなかで、科学と芸術をこう痛烈に弾劾した。このような科学の全面的否定は今日ではほとんどみられない。けれども、科学の発展と浸透にたいして不安と恐怖を感じ、科学と人間の矛盾を指摘する人は、けっしてすくなくないように思われる。たとえば、務台理作氏は科学と技術の進歩によって生活上の便宜が増大したことを認めつつ、「科学とその技術化の進歩に伴って、人間の物化・量化・平均化がいちじるしくなり、それに加えて失業と貧困への不安、人類とその文化の大半を絶滅させるかもしれない世界戦争への恐怖も生まれつついるではないか。要するに人間の非人間化が進められつついるではないか。」 (2) と述べておられる。原子戦争の危険やいわゆる「大衆社会」的現象を考えるならば、科学はルソーの時代にもまして疑惑の眼をもってみられ、弁明を迫られているといってよいであろう。しかし、科学への懐疑を消しきれぬままに、人々は日々の生活のなかにそれの成果を吸収せねばならない。人々は好むと好まざるにかかわらず、科学と技術の発展に相応した方策をとらざるをえない。教育の分野においても「各層の科学者と技術者の数を大巾にふやし、その教育の質を高めようという計画が、第二次大戦以後、とくに最近における、世界各国の科学技術政策ならびに教育政策の中心的な課題になってきている。」 (3) オートメーションの採用や原子力の利用による技術革新の波は、教育の領域にも押し寄せ、科学技術教育はいまや教育学の主要な論題の一つとなったのである。科学技術教育についての論義は科学と人間、科学と教育をどう考えるかにつながっている。科学にたいし不信の念をいだく人はこれについてもまた批判的な態度をとるであろう。この論文は科学技術教育の現状について具体的に論ずるのではないが、科学と教育についての思想をマルクス主義の古典のなかに追求し、それを整理することによって、この問題にたいする一つの基礎的な資料を提供しようとしている。われわれはまず科学の意義を人間の生活の全体との関係で理解し、つぎにマルクス主義の教育論のなかで科学がどのように位置づけられているかを検討することとしよう。