小山 高正
動物心理学研究 (ISSN:09168419)
vol.53, no.2, pp.43-44, 2003-12-25

1 0 0 0 OA カラスの社会

伊澤 栄一
動物心理学研究 (ISSN:09168419)
vol.61, no.1, pp.55-68, 2011 (Released:2011-07-15)
5 2

Recent behavioural studies in corvids (i.e. crows and jays) have demonstrated their sophisticated cognitive abilities such as mental-time travel, theory-of-mind-like ability, reasoning, and tool manufacture and use. These abilities are thought as a case of cognitive convergence which has been evolutionary driven by the social complexity common between corvids and primates. However, ‘complexity’ of the social life of corvids has been less understood. Here I review the social ecology of crows and jays with focusing on the social relationships and inter-individual interactions. Particular attentions are paid to affiliative relationships, including social bonds and friendships, and cooperation styles as the foundation of the conflict management which should evolutionarily work as a socio-ecological demand for cognitive-processing power of corvids.
永丘 智郎
動物心理学年報 (ISSN:00035130)
vol.3, pp.79-83, 1953-04-30 (Released:2009-10-14)
川島 菫 池田 譲
動物心理学研究 (ISSN:09168419)
vol.69, no.2, pp.91-99, 2019

<p>Octopuses, a member of molluscan class, possess well-developed nervous system such as lens eyes that is anatomically similar to our own, and the relative proportion of brain to body is equivalent to vertebrates. Octopuses are also characterized with their muscular highly sensitive sensory receptors, namely, suckers on their arms. Due to these biological uniqueness, octopuses have been a target for psychological studies and were reported their advanced abilities for learning and memory, which are achieved via visual and tactile perceptions. All of these findings have come from experiments that tested single sensory perception (i.e., visual or tactile). On the other hand, it is known in vertebrates that they can integrate multiple sensory information, by which they can vividly image their environments. In this review, we will briefly introduce our knowledge for biology of octopuses with special reference to their cognition, and we will shed light on an idea for cross-modal perception in octopuses, which is based on our on-going projects for visual and tactile learning, and manipulation of arms in tropical octopuses inhabiting the coastal waters of the Ryukyu Archipelago.</p>
筒井 雄二
動物心理学研究 (ISSN:09168419)
vol.53, no.2, pp.57-70, 2003 (Released:2008-01-16)

This study examined the effects of administration of anticholinergic drugs and medial septum lesion on the performance of the successive delayed matching-to-sample (S-DMTS) task in rats in order to clarify the relationship between the central cholinergic system and the modality effect in rats' short-term memory. A pair of visual and/or auditory stimuli was presented with delay intervals to rats. They were required to distinguish whether the modality of the 2nd stimulus (S2) for the pair was the identical to or different from that of the 1st stimulus (S1). Scopolamine at 0.03-0.1mg/kg (i. p.) and mecamylamine at 1-3mg/kg (i. p.) disrupted the performance of S-DMTS task irrespective of the modality of S1, whereas methyl-scopolamine and hexamethonium did not. These results suggest that muscarinic and nicotinic receptors in rats' brain are correlated with short-term memory for both visual and auditory stimuli. Lesion to medial septum also disrupted the performance of S-DMTS task when the visual stimulus was presented as S1, however, the performance was not changed when the auditory stimulus was employed. These findings suggest that the medial septum is correlated with the mnemonic processes of visual but not of auditory stimuli.
川島 菫 池田 譲
動物心理学研究 (ISSN:09168419)

<p>Octopuses, a member of molluscan class, posse well-developed nervous system such as lens eyes that is anatomically similar to our own, and the relative proportion of brain to body is equivalent to vertebrates. Octopuses are also characterized with their muscular highly sensitive sensory receptors, namely, suckers on their arms. Due to these biological uniqueness, octopuses have been a target for psychological studies and were reported their advanced abilities for learning and memory, which are achieved via visual and tactile perceptions. All of these findings have come from experiments that tested single sensory perception (i.e., visual or tactile). On the other hand, it is known in vertebrates that they can integrate multiple sensory information, by which they can vividly image their environments. In this review, we will briefly introduce our knowledge for biology of octopuses with special reference to their cognition, and we will shed light on an idea for cross-modal perception in octopuses, which is based on our on-going projects for visual and tactile learning, and manipulation of arms in tropical octopuses inhabiting the coastal waters of the Ryukyu Archipelago.</p>
宮田 裕光 藤田 和生
動物心理学研究 (ISSN:09168419)
pp.1105190072, (Released:2011-06-07)
2 4

Planning, or an internal process of making decisions about one's future behavior, appears advantageous not only for humans but also for non-human species. In fact, recent studies have shown that many non-human primates as well as some avian species may be endowed with planning capacities. Those animals are suggested to plan in order to meet not only present but also future needs, as opposed to the Bischof-Köhler hypothesis. Testing planning in a wider variety of species using various setups would be required to uncover phylogenetic and ecological factors that may have facilitated evolution of planning. In particular, it is important to examine planning abilities by using general learning tasks instead of species-specific situations such as tool-use and food-caching. After reviewing evidence on planning by non-human animals, we introduce recent findings about planning by pigeons in operant tasks including computerized navigation and maze tasks. Planning capacities may be shared across species from wider-ranging taxa than have been assumed. Metacognition of planning would serve as one of the most important topics for the future quest.
松島 亀之助
動物心理 (ISSN:18836275)
vol.1, no.2, pp.34-39, 1934-07-01 (Released:2009-10-13)
松沢 哲郎
動物心理学研究 (ISSN:09168419)
vol.59, no.1, pp.135-160, 2009 (Released:2009-07-28)

This paper aims to reflect the 30 years of Ai project that started in 1978. Ai project started as a sort of ape-language project. However, it was uniquely different from the previous studies in terms of the computer-interfaced system and the introduction of psychophysical measurement. The original version of Ai project may be summarized as an attempt to know the perceptual world of a nonhuman animal. It combined the psychological studies on learning and perception and utilized the language-like skill as a window through which we can access to the chimpanzee mind. This paper put the Ai project in a historical context, summed up the research results, showed the fieldwork on the wild chimpanzees, and illuminated the establishment and the perspective of a new discipline named Comparative Cognitive Science.
菊水 健史
動物心理学研究 (ISSN:09168419)
pp.19-27, 2017

<p>During domestication/evolution process of dogs, dogs have acquired human-like nonverbal communication skills, such as gaze and pointing following by humans, and gaze alternative behavior toward the owners. These skills, especially using eye gaze, are believed to promote the co-habituation of dogs in human society. Not only the communicative function of dog's eye-gaze with humans, it works as to form bonding between them. Eye-gaze from dogs to their owners increased urinary oxytocin, and the owner showed affiliative interactions with their dogs, which in turn, stimulate oxytocin release in dogs. Oxytocin is a hypothalamic neuropeptide stimulate maternal behavior as well as social interactions. Therefore, human and dogs can form a biological bonding via oxytocin positive loop in both sides. This type of positive loop was not observed in wolves, suggesting that dogs have acquired this function in their domestication process. Future behavioral genetic research will reveal the critical genes responsible for human-dog interaction, which would shed a light on the critical questions; "why", "how" and "when" dogs become a Man's best friend.</p>
宮田 裕光 藤田 和生
動物心理学研究 (ISSN:09168419)
vol.61, no.1, pp.69-82, 2011 (Released:2011-07-15)
1 4

Planning, or an internal process of making decisions about one's future behavior, appears advantageous not only for humans but also for non-human species. In fact, recent studies have shown that many non-human primates as well as some avian species may be endowed with planning capacities. Those animals are suggested to plan in order to meet not only present but also future needs, as opposed to the Bischof-Köhler hypothesis. Testing planning in a wider variety of species using various setups would be required to uncover phylogenetic and ecological factors that may have facilitated evolution of planning. In particular, it is important to examine planning abilities by using general learning tasks instead of species-specific situations such as tool-use and food-caching. After reviewing evidence on planning by non-human animals, we introduce recent findings about planning by pigeons in operant tasks including computerized navigation and maze tasks. Planning capacities may be shared across species from wider-ranging taxa than have been assumed. Metacognition of planning would serve as one of the most important topics for the future quest.
坂本 敏郎
動物心理学研究 (ISSN:09168419)
vol.66, no.1, pp.59-75, 2016

Eyeblink conditioning is an associative learning paradigm in which an association is formed by the paired presentation of a neutral conditioned stimulus (CS), such as a tone, and an unconditioned stimulus (US), such as a corneal air puff or a periorbital shock. In the rabbit, cerebellum-brainstem circuitry plays an essential role in delay eyeblink conditioning, in which the US is delayed and terminates simultaneously with the CS. However, the neural mechanisms underlying delay eyeblink conditioning in mice and rats are unclear. In addition to cerebellum-brainstem circuitry, the amygdala is reportedly important for delay eyeblink conditioning in the mouse and rat. Here, we review the neural mechanisms underlying delay eyeblink conditioning in the rabbit, mouse, and rat, discussing relevant neural circuitry specific to mice and rats versus rabbits. We also review the neural circuitry underlying trace eyeblink conditioning, in which the CS and US are separated by a stimulus-free trace interval. The forebrain and cerebellar-brainstem circuitries are important for trace eyeblink conditioning in the rabbit, mouse, and rat. This review provides useful information for future research on eyeblink conditioning and for understanding neural substrates subserving learning and memory.