Kawada Shin-ichiro Koyasu Kazuhiro Zholnerovskaya Elena I. ODA Sen-ichi
Mammal study (ISSN:13434152)
vol.27, no.2, pp.107-111, 2002-12-01
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The upper dental formula of the Russian desman Desmana moschata (Linnaeus, 1758) (Insectivora, Talpidae) is considered based on the position of the premaxillary suture (sutura incisiva). From the lateral aspect, this suture extends to the second tooth in the tooth row. From the ventral aspect, the suture connects the common alveolus fossa of the second and third teeth in front of the second tooth on the labial edge and behind it on the lingual edge; consequently, the third tooth in the upper row appears to be derived from the maxilla. Therefore, the upper tooth formula of D. moschata may differ from the traditional fundamental dental formula of eutherian mammals (I3, C1, P4, M3), and consist of two incisors, one canine, five premolars, and three molars (I2, C1, P5, M3). This hypothetical view, however, assumes two changes, a tooth deletion in the incisor row and an addition in the premolar row. The significance of the premaxillary suture and possible pitfalls in using it to define dental formulae are discussed.
Kaneko Yukibumi
Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan (ISSN:09141855)
vol.21, no.1, pp.1-13, 1996-06-01
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A study was made of age variation in the size and enamel patterns of the third upper molar of 99 <i>Eothenomys smithii</i> specimens from Japan. No significant age variation was found in either the frequency of the patterns, or the width of the dentine confluent space between the second and the third triangles. Deep lingual reentrant folds, on the posterior loop, appear in specimens where the condylobasal length (CBL) is of 22-24 mm, then the pattern with a shallow reentrant fold increases in frequency in larger CBL classes. The depth of the inner fold showed the same tendency as the changes in the patterns. A significant association, however, between five enamel patterns and age classes, depends on classification according to CBL or body weight. This proved insignificant in five CBL classes, but significant in three CBL or body weight classes. A gradual transition in the age variation of the posterior loop patterns was found among <i>Eothenomys</i> species which have rootless molars throughout life. The simple enamel pattern form significantly increased in frequency with advancing age in <i>E. andersoni</i> and <i>E. shanseius</i>, resembling <i>Clethrionomys glareolus</i> and <i>C. rufocanus</i> ; on the other hand, in <i>E. regulus</i>, <i>E. inez</i>, <i>E. eva</i>, <i>E. chinensis</i>, <i>E. wardi</i>, <i>E. custos</i> and <i>E. proditor</i> no age variation was found on the posterior loop, thus resembling <i>Microtus pennsylvanicus</i>. <i>E. smithii</i> shows a little age variation in the enamel patterns, the variation of which is of an intermediate type.
Kaneko Yukibumi
Mammal study (ISSN:13434152)
vol.27, no.1, pp.31-63, 2002-06-01
3 8

I classified about 600 museum specimens of Père David's vole and examined its distribution. In a restricted area of Burma (25.70-26.13°N, 98.13-98.70°E; Myanmar, Area V), 150 individual specimens sampled during the same period could be classified into two groups on the basis of the relationship between the hind foot length (HFL) and tail length (TL): the large (L) and small (S) types. Group L was distributed at altitudes above 2460 m, whereas Group S was found below 2460 m. The distance between the incisor and third upper molar (I-M3) exceeded 14.3 mm in Group L, and was less than 15.2 mm in Group S. Except for young individuals, specimens from Groups L and S from Area V differed in two external and 14 cranial measurements. The molar pattern of the third upper molar ranged from simple to complex types, and varied both within and between Groups L (Types B, C, and D) and S (Types B and C), indicating that it is inadequate as a primary diagnostic character. The relationship between TL and HFL differentiated the groups in Areas III, IV (Yunnan Province, China), VI (India, Thailand, Vietnam, and northern Burma), and VII (the provinces of Zhejiang and Fujian in China, and Taiwan), but did not differentiate them in Areas I (the provinces of Hubei and Guizhou) or II (the provinces of Gansu and Sichuan), where histograms of I-M3 distinguished Groups L and S. Proportional likeness was represented using a ratio diagram; the lines for 11 cranial dimensions distinguished Group L from Group S, indicating that they are two distinct species. Group L was identified as Eothenomys mucronatus (Allen, 1912); it was distributed in Areas II, III, V, and VI. Group S was identified as E. melanogaster (Milne-Edwards, 1872); it was distributed in Areas I, II, IV, V, and VII. The elevations at which E. melanogaster occurred decreased from southwest to northeast, whereas no clear altitudinal tendency was seen in E. mucronatus.
Kaneko Yukibumi
Mammal study = The Continuation of the Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan (ISSN:13434152)
vol.26, no.1, pp.17-33, 2001-06-01
3 5

Thirty-eight museum specimens of the Ryukyu spiny rat, belonging to the genus <i>Tokudaia</i> Kuroda, 1943 (Rodentia, Muridae), from the islands of Amami Oshima and Okinawa, in the Ryukyu Islands (=the Nansei Islands), southern Japan, were examined and measured. Each specimen was classified into one of five age groups (I-V) determined by the wear of the three upper molars. The spiny rat of Okinawa has on average within age groups III and IV a statistically longer and wider skull and a longer molar row than that of Amami Oshima. However, neither the posterior nor the central parts of the skull length and width differ between the two islands. Against the same size of head and body length (H&BL) or incisor - the third upper molar length (I-M3), the spiny rat of Okinawa has longer I-M3 or narrower zygomatic arches than the spiny rat of Amami Oshima. The Okinawan spiny rat has a wider first upper molar (wM1≥1.9 mm), whereas that of Amami Oshima is wM1≤1.8 mm. The Okinawan spiny rat has the palatine foramen of the skull situated more posteriorly than that of Amami Oshima. These findings indicate conclusively that the spiny rat populations on the two islands of Amami Oshima and Okinawa have distinctly different morphological characteristics, in addition to having different karyotypes, and as such they should be regarded as distinct species. The spiny rat of Amami Oshima should be named as <i>Tokudaia osimensis</i> (Abe, 1933) while that of Okinawa should be known as <i>Tokudaia muenninki</i> (Johnson, 1946).
Nakanishi Nozomi Okamura Maki Watanabe Shinichi IZAWA Masako DOI Teruo
Mammal study = The Continuation of the Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan (ISSN:13434152)
vol.30, no.1, pp.1-10, 2005-06-01
2 10

The seasonal variation in home range size of one male and one female Iriomote Cat <i>Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis</i> was studied by radio-tracking and automatic photography on Iriomote Island, Japan. The study was conducted in the Shirahama area located in the western part of the island. Shirahama provides a small area of suitable lowland habitat (<50 m a.s.l.) for the Iriomote Cat. Two individuals, one male and one female, were confirmed to be resident in this area. The periodical home range size of the male was 1.24 ± 0.41 km<sup>2</sup> and that of the female was 1.30 ± 0.54 km<sup>2</sup> throughout the year, with no significant difference between them. We compared the results of these observations with those from another area of suitable habitat in Funaura and discussed what factors may affect male home range size. The home range of the male cat in Shirahama was found to be only half the size of that of males in Funaura, though it showed similar seasonal fluctuation. The home ranges of females were similar in the two areas. Our results provide empirical confirmation of the influence of the number and distribution of females on male home range size in a solitary felid.<br>
Endo Akira Doi Teruo
Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan (ISSN:09141855)
vol.21, no.1, pp.27-35, 1996-06-01
7 16

The home ranges and habitat preferences of female sika deer (<i>Cervus nippon</i>) on Nozaki Island, in the Goto Archipelago were studied by radio-tracking. Six radio-tagged females were tracked continuously during June, August, October and December 1991. Female deer remained in small home ranges including both open and forest habitats throughout the year. These ranges overlapped to a considerable extent, however, individuals moved independently of each other. The females tended to select open habitats from spring to autumn and forest habitats in winter.
Okamura Maki Doi Teruo Sakaguchi Noriaki IZAWA Masako
Mammal study = The Continuation of the Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan (ISSN:13434152)
vol.25, no.2, pp.75-85, 2000-12-01
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The Iriomote cat, <i>Felis iriomotensis</i>, is a small felid endemic to Iriomote Island, Okinawa, Japan. Little is known of its breeding ecology in either captivity or the wild. In this study we investigated the reproductive cycle from observations of the frequency of male urine marking, reproductive conditions and behaviors of females with young in the field, and with reference to previous reports related to breeding. Breeding of female Iriomote cats may not be seasonally restricted, although a mating peak was recognized between February and April. Females delivered litters between April and June, and maternal care continued until kittens reached four to 4.5 months of age.
Suzuki Hitoshi Iwasa Masahiro A. Ishii Nobuo NAGAOKA Hiroko TSUCHIYA Kimiyuki
Mammal study = The Continuation of the Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan (ISSN:13434152)
vol.24, no.1, pp.43-50, 1999-06-01
6 11

We examined the geographic variation of <i>Tokudaia osimensis</i> through the analysis of mitochondria1 cytochrome <i>b</i> (cyt <i>b</i>) gene sequences and the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) in the nuclear ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA), using samples collected from Tokuno-shima and Amami-oshima in the Ryukyu Islands. The two populations show intrinsic karyological variation (Tokuno-shima, 2n=45; Amami-oshima, 2n=25). Sequences of the cyt <i>b</i> gene differed considerably between the two island populations. The extent of the sequence divergence among 1,140 bp of the gene was calculated to be 0.088 using the Kimura two parameter method, and was comparable to those between related species of rodents such as within genus <i>Mus</i> or <i>Rattus</i>. The extent of the differentiation in the rDNA-RFLP was also high. Three out of 22 restriction site variants were found to be fixed in the nuclear rDNA arrays of hundreds of copies in either one of the two island populations. These intensive inter-populational differences indicate that the two island populations may have been isolated for a considerable period of evolutionary time, probably several millions of years, despite there having been several opportunities for renewed genetic contact during the Pleistocene ice ages. Our data strongly suggest that the current taxonomic status of the populations of the two islands, Amami-oshima and Tokuno-shima, which regards them conspecific, should be reviewed.
古屋 義男
哺乳動物学雑誌: The Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan (ISSN:05460670)
vol.5, no.6, pp.199-205, 1973-07-30 (Released:2010-08-25)

When was the masked palm civet (Paguma larvata) introduced into Japan and how has its habitat been extended? These problems have so far been discussed but no definite conclusion has been reached yet.The writer sent out questionaries to the game rangers in Shizuoka Prefecture asking them whether the animal lives or not in the area under their charge. Their answers seem to indicate that its habitat extends from four source areas. Therefore it is supposed that the civet was imported several times into several areas in the Prefecture from several places of origin.
木村 吉幸 丹治 美生 佐藤 洋司 大槻 晃太 渡邊 憲子 加藤 直樹
哺乳類科学 (ISSN:0385437X)
vol.42, no.1, pp.71-77, 2002 (Released:2008-07-23)

福島県に生息するコウモリ類の調査を,福島県内の37調査地点において1999年8月から2000年12月に実施した.その結果,21調査地点で確認されたコウモリ類は,コキクガシラコウモリ(Rhinolophus cornutus),キクガシラコウモリ(Rhinolophus ferrumequinum),フジホオヒゲコウモリ(Myotis fujiensis),モモジロコウモリ(Myotis macrodactylus),アブラコウモリ(Pipistrellus abramus),クビワコウモリ(Eptesicus japonensis),ヒナコウモリ(Vespertilio superans),チチブコウモリ(Barbastella leucomelas),ウサギコウモリ(Plecotus auritus),ニホンコテングコウモリ(Murina silvatica)およびニホンテングコウモリ(Murina hilgendorfi)の11種であった.これらのうち,クビワコウモリとチチブコウモリの2種は,福島県では初記録である.
本川 雅治 下稲葉 さやか 鈴木 聡
哺乳類科学 (ISSN:0385437X)
vol.46, no.2, pp.181-191, 2006 (Released:2007-02-01)

日本産哺乳類の最近の分類体系について,阿部(2005)「日本の哺乳類 改訂版」(以下,日本哺乳類2)とWilson and Reeder(2005)「Mammal Species of the World」第3版(以下,MSW3)での扱われ方について検討した.明らかな外来種と鯨目,および海牛目を除くと,日本産哺乳類として,日本哺乳類2は116種,MSW3は120種を認めた.高次分類群に関連して,日本哺乳類2を含む従来の文献で食虫目(Order Insectivora)とされていた一群は,MSW3ではアフリカトガリネズミ目(Order Afrosoricida),ハリネズミ形目(Order Erinaceomorpha)およびトガリネズミ形目(Order Soricomorpha)の3つに分割され,日本産の「食虫目」に含まれるトガリネズミ科とモグラ科はすべてトガリネズミ形目に含まれた.種レベルでの両書の分類体系について,記述された内容や引用文献の内容などに基づいて対応表を作成したところ,種レベルでの分類体系について両書で相違が見られた.また,両書が編集,出版された後に,日本産哺乳類の分類体系について大きな変更や分類学上の重要な知見がいくつかの種で得られている.これらの37項目について,本文中でコメントした.
濱田 穣
哺乳類科学 (ISSN:0385437X)
vol.51, no.2, pp.337-368, 2011 (Released:2012-01-21)
