菅原 国香
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.42, no.225, pp.40-48, 2003 (Released:2021-08-13)

This paper deals with the original Dutch text of a reference book entitled Nyushi Inpu in Seimi Kaiso (1837-1847) compiled by Yoan Udagawa, and also with a critical comparison of abridged translations in Seimi Kaiso and the original Dutch text. Through a close comparative examination of both the books, the author has found out the following facts. The original Dutch text of Nyushi Inpu is Algemeen Woordenboek van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, a Dutch encyclopedia in 8 volumes (1820-1829) compiled by Gt. Nieuwenhuis. The abridged description of H. Davy's discoveries of potassium and sodium by electrolysis with the voltaic pile in 1807 is seen in Seimi Kaiso, where the description originated from the fifth volume "(N-Q)" of the Nieuwenhuis's encyclopedia published in 1825. Yoan Udagawa accurately introduced the concept of the poles of the voltaic pile before Faraday's idea (1833) into Japan in Seimi Kaiso.

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科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.42, no.225, pp.58, 2003 (Released:2021-08-13)
日野川 静枝
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.42, no.226, pp.65-75, 2003 (Released:2021-08-13)

This paper clarifies the process through which two cyclotrons were built in England in the 1930s. They were developed by John D. Cockcroft at Cambridge University's Cavendish Laboratory and by Bernard B. Kinsey working under James Chadwick at the University of Liverpool, both in close cooperation with the Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd. This firm was interested in commercial production of radioactive isotopes and, through development of the cyclotron at the Cavendish, aimed to gain expertise in cyclotron engineering. Development policy at the two institutions differed, with Cockcroft imitating American cyclotrons and Kinsey creating a cyclotron using new technology. While both projects were affected by the overall demands of military production, the two laboratories' respective development policies combined with their differing relations with M-V to create about one year's difference in the completion dates of the two cyclotrons.
上田 理沙 杉山 滋郎
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.42, no.226, pp.76-87, 2003 (Released:2021-08-13)

We demonstrate in this paper how scientists in the 19th century did researches on nervous system; some scientists tried to make the nature of "nerve impulse" clear only to fail, while others chose to investigate how nervous system works, leaving the nature of the impulse unknown. A. Mosso and H. D. Rolleston, for example, attempted to detect heat produced in nerves with a view to elucidating the nature of the impulse. The heat, they believed, would suggest that "nerve impulse" was nothing but "a wave of chemical reaction" or "a wave of molecular vibration." On the other hand, C. S. Sherrington who introduced the term synapsis in 1897 to refer to the special connection between nerve cells-special in the sense it offers an opportunity for "nerve impulse" to change in its nature- refrained from examining the nature of the impulse. He believed that it was impossible for science at the time to elucidate the nature. He, therefore, focused his attention to reactions of muscles in an animal caused when various stimulations were applied on animal's skin in a remote area from the muscles. He did not probe into the working of the nerves running between the part where stimulation was given and the part where corresponding reaction occurred. He pursued his studies by using phenomenalistic approach. We call his approach "phenomenalistic" because his research focused only on contractions of muscles easily seen without probing into minute arrangement in a body. Gotch and Horsley, like Sherrington, did not argue about the nature of "nerve impulse." But unlike Sherrington, they made experiments with electrical changes produced in nerves or a spinal cord, based on the idea that "nerve impulse" should accompany certain electrical changes. Making use of their electrical method effectively, they obtained a series of quantitative data as to the electrical changes. The data they collected allowed them to explore distribution of nerves deep in a body and even led them to contemplate the existence of "field of conjunction" in a spinal cord. They introduced the concept to explain decrease in quantity and delay in transmission time of the electrical change, which was observed when a nerve impulse traversed a certain part of the spinal cord. This idea was considerably similar to "synapse" introduced six years later by Sherrington.
肱岡 義人
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.42, no.226, pp.88-100, 2003 (Released:2021-08-13)

Going against chemical tradition, Becher using a cosmological-geological approach focussed his attention on mineral bodies and fixed peculiar Principles that were water and three Earths. It is not certain that his new Principles had any important historical values. But his hierarchical structure of matter that consisted of Principles, composite and decomposita, and his chemical mixture theory that mixture of bodies of lower order formed new bodies of higher order were his original ideas and not realized by other iatro-chemists of those days. These two ideas were to some extent imaginary and not clearly demonstrated. Nevertheless, it is important that he found two levels of composita and decomposita among matters that were actually handled by human's hands. Of course chemists had often made plural matter interact mutually to obtain new bodies. But until then it was generally believed that real existing bodies were produced by a mixture of imagined Principles and were reduced again into original Principles. The above mentioned assumptions of Becher managed to combine the chemical activities of handling actual bodies with the consideration of chemists about how matter changed and by doing so, prepared the basic conditions for understanding real matter phenomena without imaginary suppositions. Up to now. historians of chemistry have only Daid attention to Becher's 'terra pinguis' in relation to the phlogiston theory of Stahl. However, Becher's idea of the hierarchical structure of matter and his mixture theory may have contributed to the modernizing of chemistry. Therefore, they would contribute to the development of chemistry in the following age. We will discuss this point when the chemistry of Stahl is examined.
荒川 英央
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.42, no.226, pp.101-111, 2003 (Released:2021-08-13)

This paper explores who were the authors of science textbooks for secondary schools under the educational system of prewar Japan, with the objective to reexamine the historical involvement of science researchers or science educationists at higher educational institutions, with science education in secondary schools. In achieving this aim, the paper investigates the occupational and educational careers of the authors of science textbooks for secondary schools. Major findings are as follows : (1) In the mid-Meiji era, it was not uncommon for secondary school teachers themselves to write science textbooks for secondary schools. It is thus suggested their teaching activities played an important part in establishing the base of Japanese science textbooks at the secondary level. (2) At the end of Meiji era, the number of secondary school teachers who wrote science textbooks was exceeded by that of the educators at higher normal schools. (3) By the second half of Taisho era, however, the educators at higher normal schools were surpassed by science researchers at imperial universities. (4) Most authors were graduates of imperial universities or higher normal schools. While their respective numbers had been in the ratio of approximately 2 : 1, the proportion of imperial university graduates increased during the Showa era. Therefore, with respect to the science education in secondary schools, although the degree of pace varied according to the type of schools, the selection and organization of educational knowledge through the writing of textbooks had gradually depended more on the staffs of higher educational institutions, especially the science researchers at imperial universities.

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科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.41, no.224, pp.250-254, 2002 (Released:2021-08-13)
恒川 清爾
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.42, no.225, pp.20-30, 2003 (Released:2021-08-13)

In the Meiji era, who were the electric engineers, who developed and manufactured the electrical machines? I have investigated and analyzed these engineers and reviewed the electrical engineering in Meiji Japan. At first, the officers of governments who could speak English, started the construction of the telegraph networks under the instruction of "oyatoi-gaijin", the hired foreigners. After the Telegraph Technical School opened, these ex-students mainly executed these project. Since 1889, many had graduated from "Koubu-Dai-gakko", Imperial College of Engineering Tokio. However, most of them had become to the officers of the Ministry of Public Works or Communications, or the chief engineers of the newly established Electric Light Companies. The manufacturing had started from repairing the telegraph machines at "Seikijo", work shop in the Ministry of Public Works. The engineers here were the graduates of Telegraph Technical School and the craftsmen, who had been mainly the subordinates of Tanaka Hisasige, famous "karakuri" craftsman. From the middle of Meiji 10s, many engineers of "Seikijo" established their own manufacturing firms, which have become the roots of the main electric machine manufacturing companies in Japan. In the middle of Meiji era, the electric technologies were still young, but started the development rapidly by participating of many scientists and engineers, who had high education background. In Japan, the electric technologies were supported mainly by the craftsmen. One of the causes of the big delay of electric technologies is no participation to manufacturing of the graduates of College or Universities.
水沢 光
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.42, no.225, pp.31-39, 2003 (Released:2021-08-13)

The Technology Board (Gijutsuin) was established as a central organization for the mobilization of science and technology in World War II Japan. It is well known that the Technology Board gave priority to the aviation technology to meet the Army's requests. The preceding studies have paid attention to the role of the technocrats in making the board and depicted that the Army's requests "distorted" their original plan. This paper deals with the Army's plans for advancement of civil aviation in 1930s. The Army made the plan for "the Ministry of Aviation (Kokusho)" and "the Central Aeronautical Institute". The Navy and the Department of Communications (Teishinsho) opposed the plan from political motivation, so the Army's plan has never come into existence. The Navy and the Department of Communications set up together the National Central Aeronautical Institute, and the Army left out of scheme. To recapture the initiative, the Army asserted that the Technology Board should give priority to the aviation technology, and that the National Central Aeronautical Institute should be placed under the control of the Technology Board. The view that the Army's requests "distorted" the original plan by the technocrats is, therefore, one-sided way of looking at things.
市川 浩
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.41, no.223, pp.138-149, 2002 (Released:2021-08-13)

The main factor of the rapid growth of the former-Soviet military industries and their technological transformation is, needless to say, the outbreak of the Cold War. The risky and costly developments of the new weapons such as nuclear bombs, rockets (missiles), atomic submarine boats and others were succeeded in a very short time immediately after World War II in spite of the heavy economic damages. In this sense we also need the economic approach to this issue. What is curious about the activities of the Ministry of Armament in the period is that they took charge of the research and development of rocketry although they had not engaged themselves in this field, and that they started their project with the mere copying of the German rockets in spite of objections from the Soviet engineers. Taking advantages of the former classified documents of this Ministry that the author had found in the Branch of the Russian State Archive of Economy in Moscow and other sources, he tries to make clear the economic factors for their choice. After an examination of the materials, he concludes that the Ministry of Armament in this period failed in the conversion to the peace industries which had been needed for the economic rehabilitation, so they had to discover the new resources for the sake of the maintenance of their raison d'etre and make their idle production capacity operated as soon as they could. It seems that this aspect of the process suggests the economic or business factors of the rapid technological transformation of the Postwar Soviet military industries.
中山 茂
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.41, no.223, pp.156-162, 2002 (Released:2021-08-13)

私はこれまで興味に任せて科学史の中でもいろんな分野に手を出してきたが,自分で評価してみて,自然科学的に見て,もっともはっきりした業績だと思うものは,ともに若い頃初出として『科学史研究』に載せた「消長法の研究」(I)1963.4-6:(66): 68-84, (II)1963.7-9:(67):128-130, (III)1964:(69):8-17と「符天暦の天文学史的位置」1964:(71):120-122の二つである.問題のかなりインターナルな性質上,これらはともに『科学史研究』に載せるべき,あるいは他では載せてくれない,典型的な仕事と思うので,これらを中心として,その後の発展や影響,将来の方向,私の感想(と自慢話)を述べてみよう.以上の二つの論文のうち,前者の方が三回に分割して掲載した大論文であり,寄書に過ぎない後者よりずっと長く,私のかけた時間も比較にならないほど長く,自分ではそれだけ大きな仕事だと評価しているのだが,影響の点から考えて,後者の方を先に取り上げよう.

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科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.41, no.223, pp.177, 2002 (Released:2021-08-13)