Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
International Journal of Sport and Health Science (ISSN:13481509)
pp.201611, (Released:2017-05-12)

The objectives of the present study were: to examine the relationship between kendo competition levels and men strike times in 20 university kendo club members; and to determine factors for shortening men strike times. LED lamps were attached to the men and the kote (the strike targets), and subjects struck in the direction of the lit LED lamp with maximal effort from a distance of 2.30 m. Phase times, movements, and ground reaction force on both feet were analyzed. The results were as follows. 1. Subjects of higher competition levels tended to demonstrate shorter men strike times. Reaction times, movement times, and shinai upswing phase time also tended to be shorter. 2. Factor for shortening men strike times in the upswing phase consisted of the following: lifting the right foot from the ground quickly, simultaneously pushing off the ground with great force with the left foot, quickly lifting the right thigh forward while moving the body forward, and to increase the range of upswing motion of the shinai with high velocity. In the downswing phase, the shinai should be swung at a higher velocity, and the left shoulder should be flexed more when striking.
Yoshiyuki Saito Sunao Uchida Yoshiko Yabe Makoto Miyazaki
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
International Journal of Sport and Health Science (ISSN:13481509)
vol.15, pp.1-5, 2017 (Released:2017-04-18)

Psychological studies have shown that when individuals move their gaze between two alternative objects, they tend to choose the object that holds their gaze for longer (the gaze-manipulation effect). This effect is especially evident when both alternatives appeal to the viewer. We hypothesized that if individuals have an interest in sports and/or fashion, and thus view varieties of sportswear favorably, then gaze manipulation would influence their choice. Japanese university students participated in our experiments. The participants made preference choices between two uniforms of European football teams, which were presented alternately across the left and right sides of a computer screen six times for different durations (900 ms vs. 300 ms). They were required to compare the uniforms with or without fixing their gaze directly on them. They also completed questionnaires designed to assess their interest in football and fashion. The results showed that the gaze-manipulation effect was not significant across all participants or across those participants who merely liked fashion, or who merely watched football or casually played it. However, the effect was significant in participants who had been members of football teams. Our results suggest that application of the gaze-manipulation technique would be more effective for visual advertisement of sports items if it was focused on sports players.
Ryoji Toyoshima Shinji Sakurai
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
International Journal of Sport and Health Science (ISSN:13481509)
vol.14, pp.41-50, 2016 (Released:2016-09-30)

The present study aimed to clarify kinematics among sprinters with similar step length but different step frequencies, and with similar step frequencies but different step lengths in sprinting. We collected kinematic data from 54 sprinters at approximately the 60 m point of a 100-m sprint using a high-speed camera. The sprinters within 0.5SD from the mean value of each of step frequency and length at top speed phase were included in the ‘SL-similar’ (n=22, step frequency: 3.99-5.19 Hz, step length: 2.07-2.15 m) and the ‘SF-similar’ (n=22, step frequency: 4.51-4.72 Hz, step length: 1.93-2.33 m) groups, respectively. In the SL-similar group, higher step frequency was correlated with shorter stance time (r=−0.899), and a more vertical thigh angle at take-off (r=0.623). In the SF-similar group, longer step length was correlated with greater distance of the hip during flight phase (r=0.847), and a larger vertical acceleration of the forward swinging leg relative to the hip (r=0.438). In conclusion, leg kinematics at touchdown and take-off are important for high step frequency in similar step length, and forward swinging leg kinematics are important for long step length in similar step frequency.
Atsushi Kiuchi Satoshi Shimegi Ippei Tanaka Nobuo Izumo Ryo Fukuyama Hiromichi Nakamuta Masao Koida
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
International Journal of Sport and Health Science (ISSN:13481509)
vol.4, pp.10-18, 2006 (Released:2008-01-25)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of different intensities of resistance exercise training on established bone loss in ovariectomized (ovx-ed) rats by densitometry and histomorphometry. Thirty Female Wistar rats were ovx-ed or sham-operated (SHM) at 3 months of age and maintained untreated for 5 months after surgery to establish osteopenia. When they reached 8 months, the ovx-ed rats were divided into four groups in accordance with varying weights applied to a squat-training device: The weight classifications were 1) kept sedentary (OVX); 2) lifted 0 g (LOW); 3) 750 g (MID); and 1500 g (HIGH). The rats in the three training groups performed weight-lifting of 10 reps, performing 2 sets per day, 3 days a week for a ten week period. The Femora and tibiae were removed from each rat and were used for analyses. Ovx induced a significant loss of total BMC in all the bones tested. The ovx-induced femoral BMC loss was observed at all locations tested on the bone (proximal, shaft, and distal), and exercise-intensity dependent restoration was found at the proximal and the distal sites, but not at the shaft. In the tibia, ovx-induced significant bone loss occurred only at the proximal metaphyseal site. The training increased the tibial BMC of all sites in an exercise-intensity dependently, irrespective of the degree of ovx effect. At the tibial shaft, the training increased the cortical bone mass significantly above sham level by the bone apposition at the periosteum. At the proximal tibial metaphysis, exercise had no effect on the cancellous bone volume after ovx-induced bone loss. This finding suggests that the exercise induced bone increase in the ovx-ed rats was from cortical bone, not from cancellous bone, at least in the proximal tibia. These findings indicate that the weight-lifting exercise in rats reversed the ovx-induced bone loss in an exercise-intensity dependent and site-specific manner, even in established osteopenic skeleton 5 mon after ovx.
山口 拓
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.57, no.1, pp.297-313, 2012

It can be argued that most of the countries of the world are industrial developing countries. After World War II, industrially developed countries drew lessons from the past, and initiated continuous support to ensure global stability. Unfortunately, however, no tangible progress was made, and many countries are still struggling for peace and social stability. In these circumstances, the United Nations has released a 10-year plan for Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This encompasses a number of novel viewpoint and methods, including the concept of "International Development through Sport" (IDS), which has been operating as a pilot project. Even though the importance of sport has begun to be recognized worldwide, there has also been an undermining of the value of physical education (PE). Against this background, it seems necessary to investigate the situation of PE in the context of educational reform in developing countries.<br>   In the present study we conducted a comprehensive analysis of plans for future diffusion of PE in Cambodia from a policy perspective, and attempted to define the conditions and challenges of recent educational reforms. There are two approaches for analyzing PE dissemination: comprehensive overview of "law and policy" and "actual conditions and activities", along with policy and education history. Through this approach, it was demonstrated that are many accumulated problems to be solved in educational development, and that have proved to be obstacles to PE dissemination in Cambodia. Furthermore, it was revealed that training of both pre-service and in-service teachers, which is a common policy concern in other subject fields, is essential in order to secure the implementation of PE. Irrespective of viewpoint, future diffusion of PE is a problem that can be solved only through short-term and long-term efforts focusing on model schools in each region to ensure the source of qualified teachers, and that is a link between primary schools and teacher training centers to secure regional centers for diffusion of PE in the short term. It should help to lay a firm foundation for the study on the method of educational technology in PE by consolidating statistical analysis of PE with central and regional administration, and establishing faculties of education and PE departments that will ensure the lasting growth of PE as an educational discipline.<br>
Kazunori Nosaka Andrew Lavender Mike Newton Paul Sacco
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
International Journal of Sport and Health Science (ISSN:13481509)
vol.1, no.1, pp.1-8, 2003 (Released:2008-01-23)
8 32

The objectives of this review are to delineate muscle damage induced in resistance training, discuss how muscle damage is associated with increases in strength and/or muscle cross-sectional area, and clarify whether “pain” is necessary for “gain” in muscle function and muscle volume in resistance training. Resistance training induces muscle damage, especially in the initial phase of training when unaccustomed eccentric actions are performed. Muscle damage is best indicated by loss of muscle strength and range of motion, and delayed onset muscle soreness does not necessarily reflect the magnitude of muscle damage. Resistance training employing eccentric biased exercises has potential for increasing not only eccentric strength but also isometric strength, and seems to be superior to exercise based solely on concentric actions. Since muscle damage and soreness are induced to a greater extent in eccentric muscle actions than with isometric or concentric actions, it is believed that muscle damage is necessary for size and strength gain. However, it appears that muscles become less susceptible to muscle damage as training progresses. We concluded that muscle damage and/or muscle soreness are not necessarily indispensable for exercise-induced muscle adaptation.
山田 理恵
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.60, no.2, pp.415-428, 2015

The game of <i>dakyugi</i> (literally, "hitting-ball-game"), involving 3 components of play (hitting a ball, throwing a ball, and pushing of opponents), is a traditional stick game that has been passed down to the present in Kuwana City (Mie Prefecture).<br>   The purposes of this study were to examine the process of the game's revival and cultural features, and to clarify the significance of <i>dakyugi</i> as a traditional sport in regional development through sports. The materials used in this study were mainly collected through fieldwork at the Rikkyo Area Great Meeting and interviews with members of the preservation association, as well as investigation of historical sources.<br>   In the Meiji era, <i>dakyugi</i> had been played as a bravery game by boys in the Kuwana <i>gijyuku</i>, which inherited the idea of the Rikkyou-kan, a school in the fiefdom of Kuwana. Although <i>dakyugi</i> declined after World War II, it was revived to mark the 150th anniversary of Matsudaira Sadanobu's death in May 1978.<br>   Today, <i>dakyugi</i> is performed at the Kuwana Municipal Rikkyo Elementary School supported by the <i>Dakyugi</i> Preservation Association. Boys and girls of the school play the game at the athletic meeting held jointly by the school and Rikkyo area community. The game of <i>dakyugi</i> in Kuwana is noteworthy in promoting the behavior pattern and style of <i>samurai</i> culture that characterized the Edo era. In addition, <i>dakyugi</i> is considered to play an important role in the revitalization of provincial cities and in the establishment of local regional identity.<br>   The significance of traditional Japanese culture is emphasized in the present school education program. The current study indicates that traditional Japanese sport culture can play an important role in regional development in Japan.<br>
Seshito Shimizu Kohei Shimamoto Hironobu Tsuchiya
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
International Journal of Sport and Health Science (ISSN:13481509)
pp.201411, (Released:2015-02-24)
3 6

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between life skills and post-graduation employment for top college student athletes. In March 2011, 24 Japanese top level male wrestlers (mean age=22.0±0.2) who had graduated from university in March 2011 answered to the Appraisal Scale of Required Life Skills for College Student Athletes (Shimamoto et al., 2013). This scale has following 10 subscales: stress management, setting goals, thinking carefully, appreciating others, communicating, maintaining etiquette and manners, always making one's best effort, taking responsibility for one's own behavior, being humble, and maintaining physical health and well-being. The relationships between life skills acquisition level assessed in March 2011 and employment situations (employed or unemployed) by March 2012 were examined with nine members who had not obtained employment by the time of graduation from university. The analysis results showed that the employment group (n=4) who had acquired employment within one year of graduation indicated a higher acquisition level compared to the unemployed group (n=5) with regard to setting goals (p<.05). Therefore, it was suggested that there is the positive relationship between setting goals and post-graduation employment for top college student wrestlers.
和 秀俊 遠藤 伸太郎 大石 和男
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.56, no.1, pp.89-103, 2011

It is well known that junior and senior high school athletes who participate in team activities face <i>zasetsu</i> (a Japanese word meaning setback, conflict, or disappointment) many times. Some give up sports activities as a result, whereas others overcome <i>zasetsu</i> and continue to be active in their respective teams. The purpose of the present study was to grasp the process by which young male athletes overcome <i>zasetsu</i>. The subjects were all 18-year-old freshmen (59 males) who had reached national level in their sports and had been admitted to their individual colleges on the strength of their sport performance. All had belonged to their respective teams for more than three years while at junior and/or senior high school. The study was conducted using an open-ended questionnaire in the second week of April, at which time the subjects would still have clear memories of their previous sports activities, being unaffected by any experiences at college. Using the KJ method, we analyzed qualitatively the components of <i>zasetsu</i>, the subjects' state of mind when suffering from <i>zasetsu</i>, and the process by which they overcame it. It was concluded that the process of overcoming <i>zasetsu</i> in sports activities involved an improvement of cooperative autonomy accompanied by a conflict with regard to whether or not the subjects continued their sports activities, when they did not achieve their goals. This concept might be generally applicable in view of its conceptual consistency with former reports, and the fact that our results were based on a sufficient number of cases.<br>
佐々木 丈予 関矢 寛史
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)

The objective of the present study was to investigate the influences of psychological pressure on initial posture and anticipatory postural adjustment (APA) when performing a single forward step movement. Fourteen participants performed a single step toward a circular target (10 cm in diameter) in response to a beep sound. The trials were conducted under non-pressure and pressure conditions, with ten attempts for each. In performing the task, participants were required to respond rapidly to the beep sound, to be as brief as possible with the stepping movement, and to place their foot accurately in the landing position on the target. Pressure was induced by a small audience and false instructions of starting over the same experiment on another day and the presentation of video-taped performance in a sports science lecture if performance does not reach a criteria. The results showed that state anxiety (state-trait anxiety inventory: STAI Y-1) increased from 42.4 (±7.0) to 53.7 (±8.7) and that heart rate also increased from 76.2 (±7.0) bpm to 83.4 (±9.3) bpm when the participants were under pressure. Significant increases in mean radial error and bivariate variable error were found, indicating that accuracy of stepping in the landing position was reduced under pressure. Kinematic analysis showed that, in the initial posture phase, significant trunk inclination was observed under pressure. Kinetic data obtained using a force plate showed that mean and maximal force in the posterior direction increased when under pressure. Furthermore, the EMG activity levels of the tibialis anterior muscles increased under pressure. These results indicate that pressure affects both the initial posture and APA when performing a single forward step movement.<br>
大峰 光博 友添 秀則 長島 和幸
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.58, no.2, pp.473-482, 2013

In baseball games, there are instances where a pitcher deliberately targets a batsman of the opposing team with a pitch in order to retaliate against a previous strike on their own player by the opposing team. The present study focusing on major league baseball aimed to clarify the nature of the responsibility sensed a pitcher who finds himself in a similar position after a batsman on his team has taken an intentional hit from the opposing team's pitcher in order to analyze the structure of the pitcher's dilemma. We looked at the situation not only from the viewpoint in which the pitcher's responsibility is considered an obligation, as proposed by Takikawa, but also from the obligations concept proposed by Sandel.<br>   We found that there is a responsibility to comply with the official baseball rules to discourage any retaliatory hit on a batsman in order to avoid any intentional injury to a member of the opponent's team. On the other hand, responsibility for an intentional hit on a batman can be considered an obligation in order to implement an unwritten rule that condones such retaliatory action. Therefore the structure of the responsibility is considered to be an obligation that generates a dilemma for the pitcher and promotes conflict. On this basis, the difficulty of resolving the problem related to a retaliatory hit was highlighted. Furthermore, the possibility of analysis in accordance with the responsibility concept for ethical issues in sport was suggested.<br>   We discuss the concept of responsibility as an obligation that presents a conflict, and consider which course of action should have priority in such cases.<br>
Kenji Doma Glen Bede Deakin
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
International Journal of Sport and Health Science (ISSN:13481509)
vol.11, pp.1-9, 2013 (Released:2013-03-28)
2 13

This study examined running economy (RE) during a two-stage incremental protocol that was combined into an endurance training session 6 hours following a strength training session. In addition, this study investigated running performance which consisted of a two-stage RE protocol and time to exhaustion (TTE) the day after strength and endurance training sessions undertaken on the same day. Twelve trained and moderately trained male runners performed strength and endurance training sessions 6 hours apart with running performance tests conducted the following day. Cost of running (CR) and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) were collected during the endurance training session whereas CR, RPE and TTE were collected during the running performance test. Maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) tests were conducted prior to and following the strength and endurance training sessions and the running performance tests. The results showed that CR significantly increased during the second stage of the endurance training session (p<0.05). During the running performance test, significant increases were found for CR during the first and second stages and for RPE during the second and third stages (p<0.05). The MVC was significantly reduced immediately following the strength training sessions, pre-post the endurance training session, and running performance test (p<0.05). The findings in the current study show that RE is impaired 6 hours following a strength training session. Furthermore, combined strength and endurance training on the same day appears to cause an accumulation effect of fatigue which impairs running performance the following day.
高橋 幸一
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.56, no.1, pp.19-30, 2011

In recent decades, much evidence for women's sports in the ancient world has been uncovered. In ancient Greece, men concentrated on politics, wars, athletics, and the like, whereas desirable womanly qualities were considered to be beauty, modesty and obedience. Accordingly, no women's events were included in the ancient Olympic Games. It is said that married women were not allowed to be present at Olympia during the games, although unmarried women were permitted to watch the games. Except in militaristic Sparta, athletics were usually for male citizens.<br> However, in the festivals of Hera, only girls could compete in foot-races. Like the boys, Spartan girls paraded naked in the presence of the men and participated in foot-races, wrestling, discus and javelin. Tryphosa, but also her two sisters, competed in and won foot-races in several major athletic festivals, but not at Olympia. Although married women could not compete in the Olympics, they could win Olympic victories in the equestrian events. Thus it is certain that women did participate in athletics. This paper examines the participation of women in sports at the Olympic Games and the festivals of Hera.<br> Except for the priestess of Demeter Chamyne, married women were forbidden to attend the Olympics as spectators. Unmarried women and girls were also excluded from watching the games. In order to prevent bribery, trainers had to present themselves naked and undergo physical examinations. Unmarried women competed every four years in foot-races at the festivals of Hera held at Olympia. Some have suggested that the Heraian games became Panhellenic, but there is no historic evidence for this. The local festivals in which only women and girls were able to participate took place separately from the Olympics.<br> Kyniska of Sparta was the first women's Olympic victor in the four-horse chariot race. Agesilaus persuaded his sister Kyniska to enter a chariot race at Olympia and showed that Olympic chariot victories could be won by wealth and not by manly courage. However, it is certain that Kyniska was exceedingly ambitious to enter the Olympic Games, winning twice in all. However Kyniska's victories did not lead to the spreading of women's sports or to improvement of women's rights.<br>
Kazushige Goto Naokata Ishii Kaoru Takamatsu
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
International Journal of Sport and Health Science (ISSN:13481509)
vol.2, pp.111-118, 2004 (Released:2008-01-23)
3 4 6

We had previously shown that performing a single set of resistance exercise at 50% of 1 repetition maximum (RM) added after a high-intensity, low-repetition exercise (strength-type regimen) greatly enhanced growth hormone (GH) secretion [Goto et al. (2003)]. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of an additional set at 50% to 20% of 1RM after a strength-type regimen on anabolic hormone secretion. Eight male subjects performed bilateral knee extension exercises using a strength-type regimen (5 sets at 90% of 1RM, with 3-min rests), and other 3 types of regimens, in which 1 set of exercise at either 50%, 30% or 20% of 1RM was added immediately after the strength-type regimen (defined as C50-type, C30-type and C20-type regimens, respectively). Concentrations of serum GH, testosterone and blood lactate were measured before and after exercises. The number of repetitions in the added set showed a significant dependence on the exercise intensity: 82.3 times in C20-type > 46.1 times in C30-type > 22.6 times in C50-type (p ≤ 0.05). Post-exercise GH concentrations were significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher in C50- and C30-type regimens than in the strength-type regimen, whereas no significant difference was observed between C20- and strength-type regimens. Testosterone did not change in any types of regimen. These results indicated that performing a single set of exercise at low intensity added after a strength-type regimen caused a significant increase in GH concentration. However, such an effect might be diminished when the intensity of the additional exercise was extremely low (below 20% of 1RM).