和 秀俊 遠藤 伸太郎 大石 和男
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.56, no.1, pp.89-103, 2011

It is well known that junior and senior high school athletes who participate in team activities face <i>zasetsu</i> (a Japanese word meaning setback, conflict, or disappointment) many times. Some give up sports activities as a result, whereas others overcome <i>zasetsu</i> and continue to be active in their respective teams. The purpose of the present study was to grasp the process by which young male athletes overcome <i>zasetsu</i>. The subjects were all 18-year-old freshmen (59 males) who had reached national level in their sports and had been admitted to their individual colleges on the strength of their sport performance. All had belonged to their respective teams for more than three years while at junior and/or senior high school. The study was conducted using an open-ended questionnaire in the second week of April, at which time the subjects would still have clear memories of their previous sports activities, being unaffected by any experiences at college. Using the KJ method, we analyzed qualitatively the components of <i>zasetsu</i>, the subjects' state of mind when suffering from <i>zasetsu</i>, and the process by which they overcame it. It was concluded that the process of overcoming <i>zasetsu</i> in sports activities involved an improvement of cooperative autonomy accompanied by a conflict with regard to whether or not the subjects continued their sports activities, when they did not achieve their goals. This concept might be generally applicable in view of its conceptual consistency with former reports, and the fact that our results were based on a sufficient number of cases.<br>
遠藤 伸太郎 矢野 康介 大石 和男
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.67, pp.657-672, 2022 (Released:2022-08-17)

Restrictions on going out due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic have caused various psychological problems in many Japanese elementary school students, such as stress, anxiety, fear, helplessness, and anger. In this context, promotion of nature experience activities has been advocated, and have been reported to improve mental health. In addition, since a decrease in daily physical activity/exercise level is reportedly associated with a deterioration in mental health, the level of physical activity/exercise should be taken into account when evaluating the effects of nature experience activities. The purpose of this study was to examine the longitudinal effects of nature experience activities on the mental health of elementary school children during the COVID-19 pandemic, taking into consideration the daily level of physical activity/exercise. The participants were 130 fifth and sixth grade elementary school students (60 boys and 70 girls). The survey was conducted at 3 time points: just before the nature experience (pre-survey), just after the experience (post-survey), and 1 month after the experience (follow-up survey). Participants were asked to complete a questionnaire that assessed: 1) the degree of anxiety and limitation of activities related to COVID-19, 2) daily exercise level (hours), 3) social support level, 4) mental health level, 5) content of experiences in nature experience activities, 6) stress level. The participants were divided into high- and low-exercise groups according to their median scores. In the high-physical activity group, the pre-survey anger score (a component of mental health) was significantly higher than the scores for the post- and follow-up surveys. In addition, the self-confidence score (a component of mental health) for the postand follow-up surveys were significantly increased from the pre-measurement score, regardless of exercise hours. Therefore, it was shown that nature experience activities, while considering the influence of daily exercise, may be important for retaining calmness and confidence in daily life, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there was no significant relationship between mental health and the content of nature experience activities. Therefore, it will be necessary to examine such content, which is closely connected with improvement in mental health.
濁川 孝志 満石 寿 遠藤 伸太郎 廣野 正子 和 秀俊
トランスパーソナル心理学/精神医学 (ISSN:13454501)
vol.15, no.1, pp.87-104, 2016 (Released:2019-08-06)

本研究の目的は、日本人青年層のスピリチュアリティ傾 向を測る尺度を作成することであった。スピリチュアリ ティの構成概念に基づいた質問紙調査が、271名の大学 生を対象に実施された。統計的に不適切な項目を除い た後、最尤法-プロマックス回転による因子分析を行っ た。その結果、最終的に5因子27項目が得られ、第1因 子より順に『自然との調和』『生きがい』『目に見えない 存在への畏怖』『先祖・ルーツとの繋がり』『自律』と 命名された。この5因子構造27項目の質問項目を、日本 人青年スピリチュアリティ評定尺度(JYS)とした。因 子抽出後の累積寄与率は、53.03%であった。尺度の信 頼性については、クロンバック(Cronbach)のα係数(α =0.89)で確認した。また構成概念妥当性はComparative Fit Index (CFI=0.91)、Goodness of Fit Index (GFI=0.86)、 Adjusted Goodness-of-Fit Index (AGFI=0.83)、そしてRoot Mean Squares Error of Approximation (RMSEA=0.06)な ど で判断した。さらに基準関連妥当性に関してはSTSと の相関( r =0.69、 p <.01)、PILとの相関( r =0.55、 p <0.001)、死生観尺度との関連性で確認した。以上の結 果を総合的に判断して、JYSは日本人青年のスピリチュ アリティ傾向を測定するのに有効な尺度であると判断 した。
坂内 くらら 遠藤 伸太郎 大石 和男
音楽教育学 (ISSN:02896907)
vol.51, no.2, pp.13-24, 2022 (Released:2023-03-31)

音楽を専攻する大学生 (以下, 音大生とする) は抑うつ傾向が高いことが知られている。本研究は音大生を対象に, 演奏不安, 自尊感情, 友人および主科の指導教員との関係の良好度と抑うつ傾向との関連を検討することを目的とした。従属変数を抑うつ傾向とし, Step 1に統制変数として性別と年齢, Step 2に演奏不安, 自尊感情, 友人との関係の良好度, 主科の指導教員との関係の良好度, Step 3に自尊感情と演奏不安, 自尊感情と主科の指導教員との関係の良好度, 自尊感情と友人との関係の良好度, 主科の指導教員との関係の良好度と友人との関係の良好度, それぞれの交互作用項を投入した階層的重回帰分析を行った。その結果, 自尊感情と主科の指導教員との関係良好度と抑うつ傾向の間に有意な負の関連が認められた。このことから, 音大生の自尊感情が低い場合や, 主科の指導教員との関係が良くない場合は, 抑うつ傾向がより高まる可能性が示唆された。
遠藤 伸太郎 和 秀俊 石渡 貴之 加藤 晴康 安川 通雄 濁川 孝志 大石 和男
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.61, no.1, pp.71-78, 2012 (Released:2012-03-14)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between the low back pain of college students and psychological factors by using a questionnaire for low back pains and five psychological tests. The tests consisted of the Hopkins Symptom Checklist (HSCL), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Purpose in Life (PIL) test, Hassles Scale for students and Type A test. The subjects were 337 college students (126 male, 211 female) ranging in age from 19 to 22 (mean ± SD: 20.2 ± 1.3) years. Seventy-four subjects whose lower back pain was thought to be caused by organic factors were excluded. The 263 subjects (102 males, 161 females, mean ± SD: 20.1 ± 1.1 years) were divided into three groups (NP: subjects with no pain, PND: subjects with pain but no difficulties in daily life, PD: subjects with pain and difficulties in daily life) by degrees of low back pain. The PD subjects showed a more negative attitude than those in the PND and/or NP groups for four tests, i.e., Hassles Scale and the psychosomatic component of the HSCL and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory tests. It was suggested that low back pain was related to psychological factors such as stress and anxiety.
和 秀俊 遠藤 伸太郎 大石 和男
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.56, no.1, pp.89-103, 2011

It is well known that junior and senior high school athletes who participate in team activities face <i>zasetsu</i> (a Japanese word meaning setback, conflict, or disappointment) many times. Some give up sports activities as a result, whereas others overcome <i>zasetsu</i> and continue to be active in their respective teams. The purpose of the present study was to grasp the process by which young male athletes overcome <i>zasetsu</i>. The subjects were all 18-year-old freshmen (59 males) who had reached national level in their sports and had been admitted to their individual colleges on the strength of their sport performance. All had belonged to their respective teams for more than three years while at junior and/or senior high school. The study was conducted using an open-ended questionnaire in the second week of April, at which time the subjects would still have clear memories of their previous sports activities, being unaffected by any experiences at college. Using the KJ method, we analyzed qualitatively the components of <i>zasetsu</i>, the subjects' state of mind when suffering from <i>zasetsu</i>, and the process by which they overcame it. It was concluded that the process of overcoming <i>zasetsu</i> in sports activities involved an improvement of cooperative autonomy accompanied by a conflict with regard to whether or not the subjects continued their sports activities, when they did not achieve their goals. This concept might be generally applicable in view of its conceptual consistency with former reports, and the fact that our results were based on a sufficient number of cases.<br>