上野 直樹 ソーヤー りえこ 茂呂 雄二
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.1, pp.173-186, 2014

According to the viewpoint of this paper, artifacts can be regarded as a socio-<br>technological arrangement. Further, agency is not independent from a socio-<br>technological arrangement but is something emerging from a socio-technological ar-<br>rangement, while agency has traditionally been defined as a human capacity of having<br> needs and preferences and of seeing possible actions. If so, the design of an artifact is<br> not the design of a single artifact but the design of a socio-technological arrangement<br> and of agency. Thus, in this paper, first of all, we attempt concretely to analyze the<br> design of an artifact as that of socio-technological arrangement, based on our field-<br>works concerning the cases of open data and integrated learning. Second, we show how<br> agency emerges from a socio-technological arrangement, also based on our fieldworks.<br> Third, we propose some viewpoints for designing artifacts dependent on the first and<br> the second analysis.
関 博紀
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.2, pp.204-223, 2013-06-01

This study attempted to describe detailed observations of the actual process of ar-<br>chitectural design, which have been performed by a professional architect in Japan.<br> The observations were made on the basis of two surveys: a document survey and an<br> interview survey. The following results were obtained.<br> First, a proposal was composed of multiple modifications that emerged simultane-<br>ously under the different constraints. Second, the emergence of one modification could<br> lead to another, which was called the 'linkage between modifications'. Third, the link-<br>age was observed not only at the level of the modifications, such as 'making the ceiling<br> form like steps' to the next modification 'changing the ceiling height', but also at the<br> level of proposals which were made at intervals of few days. The linkage at the proposal<br> level, which was called the 'coupling of the modifications', tended to include qualitative developments. <br> These results show that understanding the activities involved in architectural design<br> can be one method to pick-up and realise the potentialities of developing architectures<br> that are intrinsic to the building site and not merely a reflection of the architects '<br>aesthetics,self-centredness or calculating activities. This issue might be worth dis-<br>cussing in connection with the concept of 'dwelling perspective', which was presented<br> in anthropology with an ecological perspective by Tim Ingold (2001).
石黒 千晶 岡田 猛
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.1, pp.90-111, 2013-03-01

The creation of a work of art is indicated to result from <i>expressive awareness</i>,achieved<br> as the artist matches images and methods. This study examined how novices, who tend<br> to produce artistic expressions reproductively, acquire such <i>expressive awareness </i>over<br> several weeks of practice of photography. We conducted case studies with two con-<br>ditions: 1) one participant took photographs and reflected on her own work; 2) one<br> participant imitated eminent works of creative expression in the domain and reflected<br> on her own work. The results showed that the participants acquired <i>expressive aware-<br>ness </i>in both conditions, but the scope of the <i>expressive awareness </i>was different. The<br> participant who practiced only reflection on her own work started to focus on precise<br> methods of expression, while the participant who practiced imitation as well as reflec-<br>tion started to produce creative expressions and tried consciously to control her creative<br> processes. The findings of this study are potentially useful for developing educational<br> practice in art schools.
久保 賢太 片平 健太郎 池田 大樹 岡田 正人 岡ノ谷 一夫 川合 伸幸
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.4, pp.483-487, 2013

この度はこのような栄誉ある賞を戴くことができ,大変感激しております.私の受賞に関しては,研究の成果の大きさというよりも,アプローチのユニークさを評価していただのではないかと考えております.私は,JST ERATO 岡ノ谷情動情報プロジェクトにおいて,コミュニケーションや社会的な場面で生じる情動を,自律神経系活動・脳活動を用いて検討しております.本研究は,二者間の息の合ったコミュニケーションを解明する試みとして実施しました.これからも,実生活に潜む面白い現象を抽出することを目的とし,日々一つ一つ成果を積み上げて参りたいと思います.こうした一風変わった研究を実施できたのも,プロジェクトの総括でいらっしゃる岡ノ谷一夫東京大学教授と,私の所属する名古屋サイトのグループリーダーである川合伸幸名古屋大学准教授の懐の広いご指導の賜物です.お二人には,感謝してもしきれない御恩を感じております.このたびの受賞も,未熟な私を日ごろから丁寧に指導してくださっている川合伸幸先生と,研究室スタッフの皆様のおかげです.この場をお借りして感謝を申し上げます.
小山 義徳
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.18, no.4, pp.559-568, 2011-12-01

This study examined relation between English listening, working memory capacity and serial information processing skill. English passages were presented word by word to Japanese university students (<I>N</I>=22) to measure serial information processing skill, and to examine its role in English listening comprehension in relation to working memory capacity. The result of this study showed that even learners with high capacity of working memory perform poorly on listening comprehension test, if they have low serial information processing skill. Working memory capacity measured by the reading span test is not a good predictor of L2 listening comprehension, and found that the participants' serial information processing skill is a possible variable that influences L2 listening comprehension. This study showed the need for continued investigation on L2 listening comprehension from the perspective of serial information processing.