椎 崇 井口 巴樹 黒田 明平 鈴木 真理香 島﨑 珠美 三巻 祥浩
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.25, no.1, pp.24-30, 2023-05-30 (Released:2023-05-31)

Objective: Sennosides A and B, which are dianthrone glycosides contained in Rhubarb and Senna Leaf, exhibit laxative effect. Although a number of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs used as laxatives contain Rhubarb or Rhubarb and Senna Leaf, the total amounts of sennosides A and B are not mentioned in the package insert. To determine the total amounts of sennosides A and B in OTC drugs containing Rhubarb or Rhubarb and Senna Leaf, quantitative analyses of sennosides A and B were performed for 24 OTC drugs.Methods: Sennosides A and B were extracted from 24 OTC drugs and quantitatively analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Statistical analyses were carried out by a one-way analysis of variance followed by Dunnett's test or Tukey's test.Results: The OTC drugs contained sennosides A and B in the range of 1.5-10 mg in the minimum daily dosage and in the range of 2.7-17 mg in the maximum daily dosage. In 11 of the OTC drugs (Products Nos. 1-5, 11, 12, and 15-18), the maximum daily dosage contained almost equal or higher amounts of sennosides A and B compared to that in a tablet of the prescription medicine Pursennid® 12 mg. Furthermore, the amounts of sennosides A and B in the maximum daily dosage were significantly higher in products Nos. 1 and 11 and lower in products Nos. 8-10, 14, and 20-24 compared to those of a tablet of Pursennid® 12 mg.Conclusion: Although some OTC drugs have the same Rhubarb content, the total amounts of sennosides A and B can vary. Thus,there is no correlation between the Rhubarb content and total amounts of sennosides A and B. This is because of the inconsistent quality of Rhubarb and/or the differences in the manufacturing methods of the OTC drugs containing Rhubarb. Because the total amounts of sennosides A and B cannot be estimated based on the Rhubarb content, a constipated patient should start taking an OTC drug containing Rhubarb at the minimum daily dosage. It is also recommended that the total amounts of sennosides A and B are mentioned in the package insert of OTC drugs containing Rhubarb or Rhubarb and Senna Leaf.
三巻 祥浩 指田 豊 安達 得夫 吉成 清
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:13403443)
vol.48, no.1, pp.p86-91, 1994-03

Barks of Prunns lannesiana var. speciosa, P. maximowiczii, P. apetala, P. pendula forma ascendens and P. yedoensis of the subgenus Cerasus, and P. laurocerasus and P. spinulosa of the subgenus Laurocerasus were assayed for their constituents. The barks of the Cerasus plants were formed to be rich in flavonoids and their glucosides, and to contain 5, 4'-dihydroxy-7-methoxyflavanone 5-O-β-D- glucopyranoside (sakuranin) as a common flavonoid. On the other hand, no flavonoid was detected in the barks of the Padus and Laurocerasus plants, but they both contained cyanogenic glucosides as a common component. The difference of the constituents observed between the barks of the Cerasus plants and those of the Padus and Laurocerasus was well correlated to the taxonomic theory proposed by T. T. Yu (1984).
椎 崇 黒田 明平 社本 典子 三巻 祥浩
一般社団法人 日本老年医学会
日本老年医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03009173)
vol.57, no.1, pp.72-80, 2020-01-25 (Released:2020-02-18)
5 7

目的:生薬・オウゴンを構成生薬とする漢方薬の重大な副作用として,間質性肺炎や肝機能障害が挙げられる.バイカリン(BL)はオウゴンの主要成分であり,これら副作用への関与が強く示唆されている.本研究では,漢方薬を安全に使用するための基礎資料を得ることを目的に,オウゴンが配合される漢方薬中のBL量を定量した.方法:オウゴンが1日量として1.5~4 g配合される漢方薬28処方の煎液と医療用エキス製剤のBL量を定量した.結果:同一の漢方処方では,煎液とエキス製剤間でBL量に1.7倍から4倍の差が認められ,いずれも煎液中のBL量が多かった.さらに,小柴胡湯,乙字湯,大柴胡湯,柴朴湯,黄連解毒湯,柴苓湯の各エキス製剤における製造会社間のBL量を比較した.その結果,小柴胡湯,乙字湯,大柴胡湯,柴朴湯エキス製剤において,それぞれ最大2.6倍,1.6倍,1.5倍,1.3倍の有意な差が認められた.一方,黄連解毒湯と柴苓湯のエキス製剤においては,製造会社間で有意な差は認められなかった.考察:医療現場においては,漢方薬の煎液にはエキス剤と比較して1.7~4倍のBLが含まれることを認識し,煎じ薬はより効果が期待できる反面,副作用の発症頻度も増える可能性があることを考慮して使用するべきと考える.また,漢方薬の調製に使用したオウゴンの量のほか,製剤中に含まれるBL量とそのアグリコン(非糖部)であるバイカレイン(BA)量に関する情報も示すことを提案する.
加瀬 七夏美 中村 友紀 植木 毅 桑原 直子 松尾 侑希子 三巻 祥浩 立川 英一 山田 陽城

【目的】コルチゾールは、血糖上昇、蛋白質異化促進、脂質分解促進、抗炎症や免疫抑制作用を有する生命維持に必須のホルモンである。生体がストレスに晒されると視床下部-下垂体-副腎皮質(HPA)系が活性化され、コルチゾールが大量に産生されてストレスに拮抗する。一方で過度なストレスによってHPA系機能が亢進され続けるとネガティブフィードバック機構が破綻し、過剰に分泌されたコルチゾールが精神疾患や代謝性疾患、悪性腫瘍、記憶障害などを引き起こす。近年、難治性うつ病患者ではHPA系機能障害が起こり、コルチゾール濃度の顕著な増加が持続されていることが知られている。演者らは漢方薬の香蘇散に見出された抗うつ様作用に、HPA系機能の改善作用が関わっていることを既に報告した。また先に、新たなHPA系機能改善物質を探索するため、35種類の漢方薬について副腎皮質刺激ホルモン(ACTH)刺激によるコルチゾール産生に対する影響をスクリーニングし、生薬ダイオウが活性に関与することを見出した。今回、引き続きコルチゾール産生抑制活性を指標にダイオウの成分探索を行ったところ、活性成分を単離・同定したので報告する。【方法・結果】ダイオウ(日局、5.0 kg)の水抽出エキス(575 g)をDiaion HP-20カラムクロマトグラフィーに付し、順次極性を下げながら溶出させ5個の粗画分に分画した。このうち最も強い活性が認められたエタノール溶出画分について、各種クロマトグラフィーを用いて分離・精製を行い、6種のアントラキノン類を単離した。単離された化合物のACTH刺激によるウシ副腎皮質細胞のコルチゾール産生抑制活性を評価した結果、2種の化合物が強い活性を示した。
黒田 明平 木下 歩美 椎 崇 社本 典子 三巻 祥浩
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.43, no.11, pp.619-629, 2017-11-10 (Released:2018-11-10)
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Pseudohyperaldosteronism and associated hypokalemia are serious adverse effects caused by glycyrrhizinic acid (GA) present in Kampo medicines containing Glycyrrhizae Radix (GR); GA is the major component of GR. To obtain knowledge about the effective and safe use of Kampo medicines, we analyzed the quantities of GA in Kampo medicines by HPLC. The quantities of GA in 13 Kampo decoctions containing GR (2-6 g/day) were found to be almost 2-3.5 fold higher than those of the corresponding Kampo extract products. Among the Kampo extract products containing GR (3 g/day), the GA quantity in Shoseiryuto was significantly lower compared with that in the others, and Pinelliae Tuber as well as Schisandrae Fructus were found to contribute to the decrease in GA quantity. The GA quantity in the Yokukansakachinpihange decoction was found to be lower than that in the Yokukansan decoction; this was caused by the presence of Pinelliae Tuber and Citri Unshiu Pericarpium. Analysis of inter-product variations in GA quantities among the Kampo extract products revealed a maximum 2.6-fold difference in the quantities in the Shoseiryuto extract products from different companies. Our analyses show that GA quantities in Kampo medicines are influenced by the presence of concomitant crude drug constituents. This results in differences in GA quantities between decoctions and extract products having the same Kampo formula, and also among the Kampo extract products from different companies. It is recommended that GA quantities in Kampo extract products should be presented to prevent the adverse effects caused by GA.
三巻 祥浩 神本 敏弘 黒田 明平 指田 豊 西野 敦子 里見 佳子 西野 輔翼
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.43, no.7, pp.1190-1196, 1995-07-15 (Released:2008-03-31)
17 31

Phytochemical study on the underground parts of Hosta longipes gave six new steroidal saponins together with a known one. The structures of the new compounds were determined by detailed analysis of their 1H-and 13C-NMR spectra including two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy, acid-catalyzed hydrolysis followed by chemical correlation, and by comparison with spectral data of known compounds. The isolated saponins and their aglycones were examined for inhibitory activity on 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-stimulated 32P-incorporation into phospholipids of HeLa cells to identify new antitumor-promoter compounds.
油井 聡 三上 正彰 三巻 祥浩 指田 豊 山崎 正利
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.121, no.2, pp.167-171, 2001-02-01

We previously demonstrated that Amaryllidaceae alkaloids, lycorine and lycoricidinol, inhibit induction of apoptosis by calprotectin derived from neutrophils, and that the latter alkaloid showed suppression in rat adjuvant-induced arthritis model. These findings suggest that the alkaloids have a modulating activity against inflammatory reaction. To explore further the mechanism of the suppression for inflammation, we studied the effect of the alkaloids on macrophage tumor necrosis factor(TNF-α) production in vitro, since TNF-α is recognized as a pivotal cytokine to regulate inflammation. As a result of this study, lycorine and lycoricidinol inhibited TNF-α production of murine macrophages stimulated with lipopolysaccharide(ID_<50> were 0.2μg/ml and 0.002μg/ml, respectively). The inhibition was also observed in macrophages treated by Gram-positive bacteria, Enterococcus faecalis. Both lycorine and lycoricidinol reportedly have inhibitory activity for protein biosynthesis. Although the inhibition of TNF-α production by lycoricidinol was mainly due to the inhibition of protein biosynthesis, lycorine showed inhibition against TNF-α prodictuon at lower concentrations than the case that they inhibited ^<35>S-Cysteine/^<35>S-Methionine incorporation into macrophages. These facts sugges that the inhibition of TNF-α production is not due to the inhibitory activity against protein translation at least at lower concentrations. From these results, it was concluded that these alkaloids exert inhibitory effects not only on neutrophil apoptosis-inducing protein, calprotectin, but also on macrophage TNF-α production.