上村 明
沙漠研究 (ISSN:09176985)
vol.33, no.1, pp.67-76, 2023-06-30 (Released:2023-06-30)

本論文は,過去約10年間にモンゴルの牧畜民が経験した変化について,2009年から2011年と2021年から2022年にトゥブ県バヤンウンジュール郡において行った調査のデータにもとづき論ずる.調査は,無作為抽出した牧畜民世帯に対するアンケートと自由形式のインタビューによって行われた.調査の結果,牧畜民は,突然の砂嵐,春の冷雨,夏の干害,降水量のピークが夏の初めから秋に移るなど,異常気象が以前とくらべて頻繁に起こるようになったと考えていることが明らかになった.それとともに,多くが顕著な牧地の悪化を認識している一方,世帯の所有する平均の家畜頭数は2011年に比べて2022年は約2倍になり,家計は変わらないかよくなったと認識している.牧畜民世帯の状況を見ると,牧畜民の平均年齢は上昇し,単独で牧畜を営む世帯が増えた.さらに,ほとんどの世帯は夫婦のみが牧畜に従事しており,そこに労働負荷が集中している.これに対して,家計の向上によって,牧畜移動を容易にする韓国製トラックやワゴン等の導入が進み,車の燃料代などの移動コストの負担力も増している.もっとも大きな変化は,長距離の移動をするようになったことである.とくに,50 km以上の移動を行った世帯の割合が顕著に増えている.牧地の悪化と家畜の増加によって必要に迫られ,長距離の移動を余儀なくされていることは,牧畜民が営地や牧地に対して,排他性の強い権利でなく,より弱い権利を求める傾向を生んでいると考えられる.
加藤 久和 杉浦 一孝 森際 康友 中村 真咲 楜沢 能生 松本 恒雄 小長谷 有紀 萩原 守 小長谷 有紀 萩原 守 楜澤 能生 松本 恒夫 蓑輪 靖博 大江 泰一郎 恒川 隆生 奥田 進一 中村 真咲 上村 明 鈴木 由紀夫 B.アマルサナー S.ナランゲレル J.アマルサナー SH.バットスフ

上村 明
内陸アジア史研究 (ISSN:09118993)
vol.31, pp.119-143, 2016-03-31 (Released:2017-05-26)

In June 1930, over 430 Altai-Urianhai families moved across the Altai Mountains to Xinjiang, China. This "escape" triggered a chain of cross-border movements going out of Mongolia, initially in the region of western Mongolia and then spreading all along the border areas close to China. Altai-Urianhai's reports presented at the national congress meetings, as well as maps they produced and submitted to the governments, show that their territory had shrunk due to Kazakh domination of the region and unfavorable governmental policies. They stated that their motherland was the Chingel River to the west of the Altai Mountains, pleading for the government to return it to them. Furthermore, the government of the People's Republic of Mongolia, which was undertaking nation-state building, had started to introduce the school-education system and the conscription system. The Altai-Urianhai people considered not only those systems but also the government to be those of "Halha's", "red", and therefore "evil". In this context, they did not "escape" from their motherland, but rather returned to their homeland. Those suffering in other areas of Mongolia took the incident to be an "escape from the motherland" or a "form of resistance" rather than a "return home". In other words, they "de-contextualized" the incident from Altai-Urianhais' historical contexts, and "re-contextualized" it into their own positions in the situation of that time. Thus developed the mass refugee movements in the early 1930s in Mongolia.
川本 拓治 上村 明男
公益社団法人 有機合成化学協会
有機合成化学協会誌 (ISSN:00379980)
vol.80, no.6, pp.554-562, 2022-06-01 (Released:2022-06-09)

Vinyl triflates are valuable precursors for vinyl cations, vinyl carbenes, and electrophiles for transition-metal-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions. However, in these reactions, the trifluoromethyl group is not installed in the final products. The radical reactions of vinyl triflates were limited until our beginning. We initially achieved the synthesis of α-trifluoromethylated ketones from vinyl triflates using triethyl borane as a radical initiator. Since the reaction proceeds chemoselectivity toward the conjugated vinyl triflates, we achieved the chemo- and regio-selective trifluoromethylation of 1,3-bis(vinyl triflates). We developed one-pot trifluoromethylation from aryl alkynes with perfluoroalkanesulfonic acids in the presence of AIBN as a radical initiator. In addition, a crossover experiment and DFT calculations support that the reaction proceeds through an intermolecular pathway. The radical reaction of vinyl triflates in the presence of alkenes afforded γ-trifluoromethylated ketones. We also developed a one-pot triflation-trifluoromethylation-triflation of imines leading trifluoromethyl-substituted vinyl trifluoromethanesulfonic amides.
上村 明男
公益社団法人 有機合成化学協会
有機合成化学協会誌 (ISSN:00379980)
vol.80, no.6, pp.541-553, 2022-06-01 (Released:2022-06-09)

Plastics are indispensable material that supports our daily life. The amounts of their production and waste are increasing in every year, and their recycling is recognized as a key issue for sustainable development of the world. Plastics are carbon resources and should be recycled in a proper manner. Chemical recycling is a concept in which plastics are treated chemically to give monomer or related compounds that would serve further use. Although chemical recycling of plastics is an ideal way, it is still difficult to carry it out. In this account, we focus on the depolymerization reaction of several plastics, and show how basic knowledge and recent development of synthetic organic chemistry provide important idea and solution on this matter. Use of supercritical alcohols and ionic liquids offered new and valuable methods. We applied the methodology developed here to biomass conversion, and we show the results about this application.
上村 明英 ウエムラ アキエ Akie UEMURA
no.19, pp.145-150, 2019-03-31

上村 明男
The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
有機合成化学協会誌 (ISSN:00379980)
vol.62, no.7, pp.705-715, 2004-07-01 (Released:2009-11-13)
4 7

Recent development of synthetic reactions using the Michael addition of thiols or analogues is described. Nucloephilic attack of thiolate anions to α, β-unsaturated ketones or esters generates enolate anions which are active to perform aldol reaction when the reaction condition is kept away from protic media. High stereoselectivity as well as enantioselectivity is achieved for the Michael/aldol tandem reaction when appropriate reaction conditions are employed. High regioselective Michael addition of thiols to unsymmetric fumaric derivatives is also accomplished and the either of regioisomers is prepared in a highly selective manner. The thio-groups introduced by these reactions serve as a useful precursor of carbon radicals that efficiently undergo cyclization reaction to provide heterocyclic compounds diastereoselectively.
上村 明
内陸アジア史研究 (ISSN:09118993)
vol.31, pp.119-143, 2016

<p>In June 1930, over 430 Altai-Urianhai families moved across the Altai Mountains to Xinjiang, China. This "escape" triggered a chain of cross-border movements going out of Mongolia, initially in the region of western Mongolia and then spreading all along the border areas close to China. Altai-Urianhai's reports presented at the national congress meetings, as well as maps they produced and submitted to the governments, show that their territory had shrunk due to Kazakh domination of the region and unfavorable governmental policies. They stated that their motherland was the Chingel River to the west of the Altai Mountains, pleading for the government to return it to them. Furthermore, the government of the People's Republic of Mongolia, which was undertaking nation-state building, had started to introduce the school-education system and the conscription system. The Altai-Urianhai people considered not only those systems but also the government to be those of "Halha's", "red", and therefore "evil". In this context, they did not "escape" from their motherland, but rather returned to their homeland. Those suffering in other areas of Mongolia took the incident to be an "escape from the motherland" or a "form of resistance" rather than a "return home". In other words, they "de-contextualized" the incident from Altai-Urianhais' historical contexts, and "re-contextualized" it into their own positions in the situation of that time. Thus developed the mass refugee movements in the early 1930s in Mongolia.</p>