楊 丹 中園 眞人 牛島 朗
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.83, no.744, pp.209-218, 2018 (Released:2018-02-28)
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Through collecting and arranging the historical and archaeological data about Manchu residence in Northeast China, this paper aims to analyze the evolution process of Manchu residence form(primitive cave dwelling, semi- subterranean dwelling, above-ground-Courtyard Residence) and heating(stove-Huodilong-original Kang-Wanzi Kang). China's Manchu and their ancestors have three times to rise, the sphere expands, agriculture develops, and communication with other ethnic groups deepens, so they also have three times quantum leap in residence form. The first time is that the residence form evolves from primitive cave dwelling into semi- subterranean dwelling. Sushen and Yilou people's building technology was lower and they had to live in deep cave to endure cold. In 5-10 century, Wuji and Mohe people began to widely use pillars to support beam and their technology for building roofs was also more mature, the depth of the cave also became shallower, and the semi-underground residence was formed. And at this time the heating method evolved from primitive stove into Huodilong that the shape was “┓”and it had one narrow flue to connect stove and smoke vent. The second time is that the residence form evolves from semi-subterranean dwelling into above-ground. In 10-12 century, the Jin Dynasty, Jurchen people's heating method had been greatly improved, it evolved from Huodilong which had only one flue into primitive Kang which had three or four flues. Primitive Kang solved the heating problem and it was a necessary condition for Jurchen people to build the above-ground dwelling. Besides, Jurchen people mastered the construction method that how to build the roof on the vertical wall, so they had the technical conditions for building the above-ground dwelling. The third time is that the residence eventually evolves into the courtyard form. In late 16th century-early 17th century, the later Jin Dynasty, Jurchen people's sphere was expanded and the residential culture was influenced by the Han-nationality, the 2-span's residence appeared that the bedroom and kitchen was separated by wall. After that, the building scale was expanded and the 3-span's residence which called Pocket room generally appeared. And then, in the bedroom, three sides (south, west and norths) were built Wanzi Kang and the Wosaku was hanged on the west wall which preserved genealogy and ancestors' portraits, the Kuahai chimney stood beside the west gable wall. They constitute the characteristics of Manchu residence. Qing army entered the Central Plains in the mid-17th century, the east-west symmetrical residence type appeared that had one kitchen and two bedrooms. But because the west room was the Manchu people's important place for religious activities and it needed larger area, so the 4-span's residence appeared. Since the 19th century with the raise of Manchu economic and social status, the building scale expanded again, Manchu people generally built the symmetrical 5-span's residence which liked the Han's. And most of middle-class and upper-middle-class Manchu people imitated the Han's residence style to build three-section-compound and Siheyuan. Generally, the west-wing-room is warehouse and the east-wing-room is stored food, if family is big, the west-wing-room is also used to live.
水沼 信 中村 安弘 中園 眞人
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.72, no.616, pp.37-43, 2007-06-30 (Released:2017-02-25)
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The purpose of this study is to develop the ECO-insulator, which has thermal, humidity control and fireproof performance, for another to utilize agricultural wastes: rice-straw and chaff. Firstly, material properties of this ECO-insulator were measured and next, numerical simulations using these material properties were performed and the results of this ECO-insulator were compared with cases of Glass Wool and Extruded Polystyrene. The results are as follows; 1) Thermal performance of the insulator was more than one of Giass Wool 10K. 2) The fireproof performance was equivalent to one of Quasi-noncombustible Materials. 3) Without layer of vapor-barrier, it is pcssible to stop the dew condensation in the insides of walls, because of humidity control performance of this insulator.
庄野 豊 井上 義之 中園 眞人 中川 浩二
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木学会論文集 (ISSN:02897806)
vol.1995, no.528, pp.103-113, 1995-12-20 (Released:2010-08-24)
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本論文は, 高速道路の景観設計に関し, 設計方法・手順の異なる区間の主要構造物を対象とした, スライド写真による心理評価実験を行い, 設計方法・手順と構造物のデザイン評価との関係を統計的手法を用いて明らかにし, 建設の初期段階に景観設計を位置づけ, 区間全体の特色を基にしたトータルテーマを設定したうえで, このテーマを具体化するデザインを行う方法の有効性を論じたものである.
細田 智久 中園 眞人 三谷 亮太 牛島 朗 下倉 玲子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.736, pp.1445-1454, 2017

&nbsp;1. Introduction<br>&nbsp;After World War II, new junior high schools were established in many municipalities by the reform of the school education system. Later, at the time of implementing the municipal merger of Showa, many of these new junior high schools were consolidated.<br>&nbsp;2. Purpose<br>&nbsp;This paper addresses the reorganization process of public junior high schools in the Tottori Prefecture. This paper considers that the local government finished the consolidation of junior high schools in the first half of the 1970s and organized a new junior high establishment status that were implemented in 1947. This paper aims to clarify the relationship between the municipal merger and the consolidation of junior high schools in Showa in each municipality since 1953.<br>&nbsp;3. Conclusion<br>&nbsp;After World War II, the Tottori Prefecture had many municipalities compared to the expected number for its resident population, and many small new junior high schools were founded in 1947. In 1950, the Prefecture Board of Education established the "junior high school maintenance strengthening of the principle matters, " which included the policy of establishing joint junior high schools that are shared by several small municipalities. The "junior high school maintenance strengthening promotion committee" determined and encouraged the amalgamation for 22 junior high schools. However, after enforcing the Municipal Merger Promotion Law of 1953, small-scale municipalities were themselves amalgamated as a result of a recommendation based on a merger plan encouraging prefecture governments. There was little relationship between the recommended municipal areas and the catchment area of joint junior high schools, and recommendations regarding municipal mergers were prioritized. Therefore, the "Five-Year School Reorganization Plan" of 1954 proposed the junior high school reorganization policies that were considered the future municipal mergers.<br>&nbsp;Of the 36 municipalities that negotiated the merger agreement at the time of merging of Showa, 21 municipalities promoted the amalgamation of junior high schools in the first half of the 1970s, became each town 1 junior high school. The result of the municipal merger of Showa had a major impact on the timing and scope of the reorganization of junior high schools. In particular, nine municipalities that wrote amalgamation of the future in merger agreement amalgamated junior high school of all municipalities during 1956-1964, became each town 1 junior high school. In this way, the towns and villages section became the basically format of each municipality 1 junior high school that was restructured school by the municipal merger.<br>&nbsp;At that time, the Tottori Prefectural Board of Education urged the amalgamation of different schools into one school that can be shared by more than one municipality. A consolidation of junior high schools was completed in the early stages of the 1970s. Since then, the operation of junior high schools has been stable for over 40 years.
中園 眞人 山本 幸子

中園 眞人 山本 幸子 大内 裕子
vol.54, no.1, pp.49-57, 2003-10

There are many vacant houses in rural districts, but these housing stocks are not used effectively. Then, it has the fear that the housing system for vacant houses isn't functioned efficiently. The purpose of this research is to clear the present role of the system. The investigation of the improvement of these houses and living style of the dwellers was done. The main systems can be sorted in three types and the difference of the contents of improvement and living style is analyzed.
鵤 心治 中園 眞人 柏野 慶子 小林 剛士
日本建築学会技術報告集 : journal of architecture and building science (ISSN:13419463)
vol.19, pp.275-278, 2004-06-20

Because of depopulation and decline of central district in the local city, the extensive used lands have been increasing. This research aims to grasp the condition of extnsive used lands at the central district in the local city, we examined the condition of car parkings (764), intention of individual owners and visitor in Ube city. As a result of following points; 1) The narrow parkings lie scattered in the whole area. A lot of them is private parking or contract parking, and is few check parking which visitor uses. 2) Visitor knows check parking, but they don't use them. 3) The old owners are going to hold the lots, As they have no mind to use practically. 4) Some of owners think lots are too narrow for them to practice. It is a necessary to have the systems for applicable to narrow lots.