中山 留美子 中谷 素之
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.54, no.2, pp.188-198, 2006-06-30 (Released:2013-02-19)
11 17

本研究では, 青年期における自己愛の発達的変化について,「2種類の自己愛」という枠組みを用い, 横断的方法により検討を行った。研究1では, 理論的に指摘される「2種類の自己愛」を測定する尺度を作成した。研究2では, この尺度を中学生から大学生までの青年1114人に対して実施した。下位尺度得点を用いて青年の自己愛を「誇大型」「過敏型」「混合型」「低自己愛群」の4下位型に分類し, 各下位型の生起率を学年ごとに算出して, これを比較した。その結果, 自己愛は全体として, 中学生から高校生にかけて高揚し, 高校3年生付近でピークを迎えることが示唆された。また, GHQ (精神的健康調査票) 得点との関連から, 下位型によって適応の高さに違いがあることが明らかになり, ここから, 青年期の自己愛が適応と関連していることが示唆された。
石井 僚 中山 留美子 黒松 拓馬 廣瀬 由衣 藤井 理沙 布野 詩織 又野 裕成 宮本 真衣
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 = Bulletin of Nara University of Education. Cultural and Social Science (ISSN:05472393)
vol.68, no.1, pp.77-85, 2019-11-29

The present study investigated the relationships between SES (Socio-Economic Status), attachment, and help-seeking in childhood. A total of 162 elementary school students responded to a questionnaire survey that assessed SES, attachment anxiety, attachment avoidance, and help-seeking. The results of a path analysis showed that SES is directly associated with seeking a person to get help. Regarding indirect association, the descriptive statistics and the results of a correlational test indicated a nonlinear association. In sum, while SES is positively related to attachment in children from all but the highest socio-economic groups, among children from the highest socio-economic group, attachment anxiety and avoidance are high. Furthermore, attachment anxiety is negatively related to revealing the reason for wanting help. Those results are discussed from the parenting point of view.
石井 僚 中山 留美子 黒松 拓馬 廣瀬 由衣 藤井 理沙 布野 詩織 又野 裕成 宮本 真衣
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 = Bulletin of Nara University of Education. Cultural and Social Science (ISSN:05472393)
vol.68, no.1, pp.77-85, 2019-11-29

The present study investigated the relationships between SES (Socio-Economic Status), attachment, and help-seeking in childhood. A total of 162 elementary school students responded to a questionnaire survey that assessed SES, attachment anxiety, attachment avoidance, and help-seeking. The results of a path analysis showed that SES is directly associated with seeking a person to get help. Regarding indirect association, the descriptive statistics and the results of a correlational test indicated a nonlinear association. In sum, while SES is positively related to attachment in children from all but the highest socio-economic groups, among children from the highest socio-economic group, attachment anxiety and avoidance are high. Furthermore, attachment anxiety is negatively related to revealing the reason for wanting help. Those results are discussed from the parenting point of view.
中山 留美子 中西 良文 長濱 文与 中島 誠
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.2, pp.170-176, 2015

The present study examined the influence of interpersonal motivation on university adjustment in freshman students enrolled in a First Year Experience (FYE) class. An interpersonal motivation scale and a university adjustment (interpersonal adjustment and academic adjustment) scale were administered twice to 116 FYE students; data from the 88 students who completed both surveys were analyzed. Results from structural equation modeling indicated a causal relationship between interpersonal motivation and university adjustment: interpersonal adjustment served as a mediator between academic adjustment and interpersonal motivation, the latter of which was assessed using the internalized motivation subscale of the Interpersonal Motivation Scale as well as the Relative Autonomy Index, which measures the autonomy in students' interpersonal attitudes. Thus, revising the FYE class curriculum to include approaches to lowering students' feelings of obligation and/or anxiety in their interpersonal interactions might improve their adjustment to university.
中山 留美子
vol.8, pp.13-21, 2013-03-30

近年、大学教育において「アクティブ・ラーニング(能動的学修)」の推進が重要課題となっている。平成24年8 月には中央審議会答申「新たな未来を築くための大学教育の質的転換に向けて~生涯学び続け、主体的に考える力を育成する大学へ~」がまとめられ、この課題はより一層明確にされた。弘前大学では平成24年12月8 日に、この課題についてのFDワークショップ「能動的学修(アクティブ・ラーニング)の推進に向けて」が開催された。本稿は、このワークショップでの講演内容を基に、「アクティブ・ラーニング(能動的学修)」推進のためのPBL教育の導入について論じる。まず、「アクティブ・ラーニング(能動的学修)」とは何かということについて心理学的な視点から説明を行い、大学教育の現状について考察する。その上で、「アクティブ・ラーニング(能動的学修)」の推進に効果的な教育方法の1 つとして、PBL教育を紹介する。また、PBL教育を導入する際の困難や具体的な工夫について述べる。
中山 留美子 長濱 文与 中島 誠 中西 良文 南 学
京都大学高等教育研究 (ISSN:13414836)
vol.16, pp.37-48, 2010-12-01

In 2009, a First-Year-Experience (FYE) course of Mie University was introduced as an endeavor to transform students into active learners by having them acquire the university's educational goals. Mie University established this program to allow the students acquire generic skills broadly categorized into four abilities: to appreciate (kanjiru), to analyze (kangaeru), to communicate, and to integrate those skills in various practical situations (ikiru). The course consisted of 16 sessions. The first five sessions emphasized communication practices to enable the students to brush up their discussion skills. In the next seven workshops, the students were assigned a group project to complete. The last four sessions included presentation, evaluation of the projects, and reflection of their achievements. The student's responses were measured by a scholastic achievement evaluation, which was administered in September. To clarify the effect of the FYE course, we compared the evaluation of students enrolled in 2008 with 2009. ANOVA revealed significant differences in the evaluations. Their expectancy to acquire the four abilities was not as low as those who did not take this course. In addition, the majority of the students felt that their communication and practical skills had improved. Among all freshman in 2009, the evaluations for students who took the FYE course showed a similar trend. This course was evaluated as successful in transforming the students into active learners.