一方井 祐子 中村 史一 麻生 尚文 神谷 隆之 近藤 菜穂 久保田 好美 徳田 周子 豊田 丈典 古川 遼 宮田 舞 渡邉 俊一 横山 広美
北海道大学 高等教育推進機構 高等教育研究部 科学技術コミュニケーション教育研究部門(CoSTEP)
科学技術コミュニケーション (ISSN:18818390)
vol.11, pp.83-93, 2012-06

This study focuses on the difference of public interest and expectation for eight scientific fields. The investigated fields included astronomy, planetary science, particle physics, mathematics, solid state physics, paleontology, seismology, and molecular biology. For analyzing the interest and expectation for the eight science fields, a survey was administered to 780 people over 20 years old. Expectation was rated high in the fields in which research contents are easy to understand and the research findings are believed to be linked to daily life. On the other hand, fields considered to be abstract and not related with daily life were rated lower in public interest and expectation. On the basis of these findings, we will discuss the future of science communication in these fields.
海部 陽介 篠田 謙一 河野 礼子 米田 穣 後藤 明 小野 林太郎 野林 厚志 菅 浩伸 久保田 好美 國府方 吾郎 井原 泰雄

桑野 太輔 亀尾 浩司 久保田 好美 万徳 佳菜子 宇都宮 正志 岡田 誠
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

The Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT) is the well–known interval that the dominant periodicity of earth’s climate cycles shifted from 41 to 100 ky rhythms (e.g., Elderfield et al., 2012). This study will discuss paleoceanographic changes during the Early Pleistocene before the MPT around the central part of the Pacific side of Japan based on calcareous nannofossil assemblages. We studied the Kiwada Formation in the Kazusa Group, distributed the Boso Peninsula. Two different counting techniques were used to clarify biostratigraphic and paleoceanographic events based on calcareous nannofossils. The age model for this section was proposed by Kuwano et al. (2019a, b). Investigaed ages is Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 41 to 36. Spectral analyses using the PAST3 software were also applied in order to extract paleocanographic signals from nannofossils.At least 13 species and 13 genera of calcareous nannofossils were identified in the examined section. Umbilicosphaera sibogae(Kuroshio water index) increased at the glacial–interglacial boundaries, Florisphaera profunda (stratified, warm offshore water index) and Helicosphaera spp. (freshwater inflow index) increased in the interglacial period. On the other hand, Calcidiscus leptoporus (cool offshore water index) and very small Gephyrocapsa spp. (eutrophic freshwater index) increased during the glacial period. In particular, Coccolithus pelagicus (eutrophic cool water index) abundant at the end of the glacial period. The power spectra of F. profunda, U. sibogae, very small Gephyrocapsa spp., and C. leptoporus show 55–57 kyr periodicity, which also appeared in benthic foraminiferal δ18O. The periodicity of 22–23 kyr was recognized from relative abundances of F. profunda, U. sibogae, and Helicosphaera spp. Those sequential fluctuations of nannofossils indicate that northward/southward of the Kuroshio and Subarctic Front around the Pacific side of Japan. It can be presumed that oceanic front movements linked East Asian monsoon variations because paleoceanographic records in this study corresponded with Chinese loess-paleosol records (Sun et al., 2010).[Reference]Elderfield et al., 2012, Science, 337, 704-709., Kuwano et al., 2019a, The 126th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan, Abstract, R23–P2., Kuwano et al., 2019b, The 1st Asian Palaeontological Congress, Abstract, P64., Sun et al., 2010, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 297, 525–535.
久保田 好美 田尻 理恵
国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所 地質調査総合センター
地質調査研究報告 (ISSN:13464272)
vol.70, no.1-2, pp.211-224, 2019-03-29 (Released:2019-04-12)

近年,研究のためのアーカイブ,あるいは教育・普及用の展示物としての保存を目的とし,長尺のサンプリングツール(アルミ型枠)を用いて柱状堆積物試料を板状に長く採取する試みがなされている.一方,海底堆積物や湖底堆積物の柱状試料(コア試料)を半永久的に保存する方法として樹脂包埋法がある.本論は,半割されたコア試料からアルミ型枠を用いて採取した長尺試料(ロングスラブ)の樹脂包埋法について報告する.統合深海掘削計画で採取された日本海の堆積物試料を用い,アセトンでの試料の脱水,さらにエポキシ樹脂の置換を行い,熱重合させ試料を硬化させた.今回用いた堆積物試料は,1 mm厚のアルミ型枠で容易に採取できるほどの柔らかさであったが,堆積物を構成する粒子が小さくよく締まっていた.その結果,樹脂は完全には浸透せず,内部は未固結のままであった.内部の不均一性が影響を与えうるような研究に活用するためにはさらなる手法の改善が必要であるが,展示用としては十分な品質であった.