今井 俊吾 阿部 真也 松井 洸 柏木 仁 佐藤 夕紀 武隈 洋 吉町 昌子 菅原 満
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.24, no.2, pp.75-87, 2022-08-31 (Released:2022-10-11)

Objective: In our previous study, we revealed that articles on "dangerous drugs" in weekly magazines are inadequate and incomplete with respect to scientific validity, and that there may be many aspects that need to be improved. Next, the extent to which medical professionals, including doctors, pharmacists, and nurses, received consultations by patients owing to such media reports and what countermeasures are implemented requires clarification. In the present study, as a first step, we performed a questionnaire survey of community pharmacists to clarify the occurrence of such consultations.Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted among 698 community pharmacists. The survey was conducted over 10 days from December 8 to 17, 2021.Results: Out of the 698 community pharmacists, 545 responded (response rate: 78.1%). Of these, 323 (59.3%) had experienced consultations from patients owing to media reports on the dangers of drugs. Of the 323 respondents, 215 (66.6%) had experienced these consultations less than five times. In contrast, 83 respondents (25.7%) reported more than 10 such consultations. Of the 545 respondents, 190 (34.9%) responded that they routinely perform measures to deal with media reports on the dangers of drugs. The most common routine measure was the "regular checking of various media sources (including preparation of responses when receiving consultation requests)."Conclusion: Our results indicated that more than half of the community pharmacists had experienced receiving consultations from patients, although only approximately 30% were adopting routine measures. This suggests that community pharmacists have been affected to some extent by these media reports, and that further countermeasures need to be implemented.
今井 俊吾 柏木 仁 佐藤 夕紀 武隈 洋 菅原 満
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.24, no.1, pp.1-10, 2022-05-31 (Released:2022-06-11)

Objective: Recently, special features on “dangerous” prescription drugs have been frequently published in few mass media platforms, such as weekly magazines. However, to our knowledge, there have been no prior studies, systematically organizing and evaluating the contents of these articles (e.g., drugs and their side effects that are reported). In this study, we aimed to evaluate the relevance of the information on “dangerous drugs” that was published in weekly magazines using the modified “Media Doctor” instrument.Methods: We extracted articles on “dangerous” prescription drugs from 10 weekly magazines for which the table of contents of previous issues are available on their official websites. Information regarding the target drugs and their classifications was compiled and organized. The relevance of the extracted news articles was assessed by two independent evaluators. The evaluation index was based on the modified “Media Doctor” instrument, and 9 evaluation criteria were used to assign the following categories: satisfactory, unsatisfactory, or not applicable.Results: A total of 1,064 articles were screened, and 19 articles were selected for further evaluation. A total of 179 drugs (belonging to 34 drug classes) were listed. The most frequently mentioned class of drugs included hypnotics and sedatives, and the most frequently listed was triazolam. Of the 19 articles, 11 had zero items that were judged satisfactory by both the evaluators. The number of unsatisfactory items was widely distributed, but in 11 of the 19 articles, five and more items were judged unsatisfactory by both the evaluators.Conclusion: We revealed that a wide variety of drugs have been termed as “dangerous” by weekly magazines. Additionally, we found that these articles were inadequate and incomplete with respect to scientific validity, and that there are many aspects that require further improvement.
山田 武宏 鏡 圭介 今井 俊吾 秋沢 宏次 岩崎 澄央 福元 達也 石黒 信久 井関 健
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.137, no.7, pp.917-925, 2017 (Released:2017-07-01)

Bacteremia is one of the most serious infectious illness resulting from nosocomial infection. Therefore, appropriate antimicrobial chemotherapy should be provided as soon as possible to patients exhibiting symptoms of infectious disease and having positive blood culture results. Antimicrobial stewardship (AS) guidelines were recently released by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. The guidelines recommend “proactive intervention and feedback” as one of the core strategies for implementing optimal antimicrobial drug use to improve patient outcomes in clinical settings. We began using the AS program for optimizing antimicrobial chemotherapy in patients with positive blood culture results. The results of blood cultures and antimicrobial prescriptions for the corresponding patients were daily reviewed by a pharmacist and a physician, members of the infection control team (ICT). If the antimicrobial agents selected were inappropriate, ICT made a recommendation to the attending physicians who prescribed the antibiotics. To evaluate the outcomes of this program, we conducted a single-center, retrospective investigation for near a hundred of patients who underwent intervention by infection-control physician and pharmacist. Resolution of bacteremia (determined by blood culture results) was 96.3% in the group that accepted intervention, whereas only 16.7% of the cases resolved in the group that did not accept intervention. These results strongly suggest the importance of the infection disease-specialist team intervention. This program could become an important method for improving clinical outcomes in patients with bacteremia.
今井 俊吾 難波 正志 柏木 仁 佐藤 夕紀 武隈 洋 菅原 満
一般社団法人 日本薬局学会
薬局薬学 (ISSN:18843077)
pp.nt.2020-0025, (Released:2021-03-10)

薬剤師は安全な薬物療法の提供のために,患者から必要な情報を「聞き取る」ことが重要である.しかし,薬局薬剤師の「聞き取り」に対し,一部の一般市民は厳しい視線を投げかけており,患者の理解を促すためのエビデンス構築が急務である.本研究は「患者への聞き取り」に基づき実施された疑義照会に着目し,その実態解明と医療安全への貢献度評価を試みた.解析には北海道大学病院の近隣薬局の疑義照会データを用いた.その結果,聞き取りに基づく疑義照会は「薬学的疑義照会の 33.3%を占め,高い許諾割合(98.5%)を有し,用法や用量などの疑義照会分類において,医療安全への貢献度が高い」ことが見いだされた.また,このうち「医師からの説明と処方内容が食い違う」ことが発端となった事例が,特に医療安全へ貢献していることが示された.「患者への聞き取り」に基づく疑義照会の有用性を広く調査するための基礎となる知見が創出された.
今井 俊吾 山田 武宏 西村 あや子 沖 洋充 熊井 正貴 宮本 剛典 笠師 久美子 井関 健
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.16, no.4, pp.169-178, 2015 (Released:2015-03-10)

Objective: To attain optimal blood concentration rapidly, it is needed to perform initial dose setting appropriately when vancomycin (VCM) used.  In order to design initial dose settings of VCM more currently, we compared the predictive performance of two types of VCM therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) analysis software retrospectively.Method: We utilized two TDM analysis software, SHIONOGI-VCM-TDM ver.2009 (VCM-TDM) and “Vancomycin MEEK TDM analysis software Ver. 2.0” (MEEK), based on patient’s background. 112 patients who received VCM and performed TDM were analyzed during the period from October 2011 through September 2012 and compared the actual trough level with the predictive trough level.  The predictive performance was evaluated by calculating ME (mean prediction error), MAE (mean absolute prediction error), and RMSE (root mean squared error).  Age, gender, and a renal function were evaluated as patient’s background.Results: VCM-TDM gave good predictive performance for patients overall.  When classified patient’s background complexly (sex, age, and renal function), as for male patients, VCM-TDM showed good predictive performance except for the group over 65 years old and CCr over 85 mL/min.  For female patients, the difference of predictive performance was not accepted by all groups.Conclusion: These results suggest, for male patients, we should use VCM-TDM for initial dose settings except for the group over 65 years old and over CCr 85 mL/min.  For the other patients, we consider that both of software can be used.  These new findings seem to contribute to proper dosage settings of VCM.
山神 彰 山田 武宏 北川 善政 大廣 洋一 佐藤 淳 石黒 信久 今井 俊吾 小林 正紀 井関 健
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.45, no.5, pp.254-261, 2019-05-10 (Released:2020-05-10)
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Third-generation oral cephalosporins are broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents and constitute one of the most used antibiotic classes in Japan. In the “National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR),” the Japanese government declared implementation of efforts to reduce the use of oral cephalosporins by 50% by 2020, compared to 2013. Antimicrobial resistance generally occurs due to inappropriate use or low-dosage exposure to antibiotic agents. Therefore, the choice of appropriate antibiotics is essential for implementing antimicrobial stewardship. To evaluate the prophylactic effects of antibiotics in impacted mandibular third molar surgery, we compared the rate of surgical site infection (SSI) in patients who were administered cefcapene-pivoxil (CFPN-PI) orally with that in patients who received amoxicillin (AMPC) orally. We conducted a retrospective study by reviewing the medical charts of patients from Hokkaido University Hospital from April 2016 to March 2017. The patients evaluated were classified into two groups: the AMPC group (n = 164) and the CFPN-PI group (n = 129). The SSI ratio of the CFPN-PI group was significantly higher than that of the AMPC group (CFPN-PI group, 11.6% (15/129); AMPC group, 2.4% (4/164); P = 0.002). Multivariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated that “use of CFPN-PI for prophylactic treatment” and “hospitalization after surgery” were independent factors related to the onset of SSI following impacted mandibular third molar surgery. These results demonstrated that AMPC was more effective than CFPN-PI in the prevention of SSI after impacted mandibular third molar surgery, and its regulated dosage can effectively contribute to the optimal use of antimicrobial prophylactic treatment.
今井 俊吾 難波 正志 柏木 仁 佐藤 夕紀 武隈 洋 菅原 満
一般社団法人 日本薬局学会
薬局薬学 (ISSN:18843077)
vol.13, no.1, pp.68-78, 2021 (Released:2021-04-27)

薬剤師は安全な薬物療法の提供のために,患者から必要な情報を「聞き取る」ことが重要である.しかし,薬局薬剤師の「聞き取り」に対し,一部の一般市民は厳しい視線を投げかけており,患者の理解を促すためのエビデンス構築が急務である.本研究は「患者への聞き取り」に基づき実施された疑義照会に着目し,その実態解明と医療安全への貢献度評価を試みた.解析には北海道大学病院の近隣薬局の疑義照会データを用いた.その結果,聞き取りに基づく疑義照会は「薬学的疑義照会の 33.3%を占め,高い許諾割合(98.5%)を有し,用法や用量などの疑義照会分類において,医療安全への貢献度が高い」ことが見いだされた.また,このうち「医師からの説明と処方内容が食い違う」ことが発端となった事例が,特に医療安全へ貢献していることが示された.「患者への聞き取り」に基づく疑義照会の有用性を広く調査するための基礎となる知見が創出された.
加藤 信太郎 齋藤 佳敬 小野田 紘子 熊井 正貴 今井 俊吾 敦賀 健吉 武隈 洋 菅原 満
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.142, no.7, pp.755-760, 2022-07-01 (Released:2022-07-01)

Naldemedine (Nal) is widely used as a therapeutic drug against opioid-induced constipation. However, patients in phase III trials are limited to those with good performance status (PS). Cancer patients may have inferior PS owing to progression of symptoms and adverse events from chemotherapy. Therefore, it is important to survey the efficacy of Nal in patients with poor PS. This study aimed to evaluate Nal efficacy in patients with poor PS. We retrospectively investigated patients from July 2017 to June 2019 and compared Nal efficacy between patients with good and poor PS. The efficacy of Nal was evaluated using changes in the number of spontaneous bowel movements 7 days before and after the introduction of Nal with reference to previous reports. Multivariate analysis was performed to reveal whether poor PS affects Nal efficacy. In total, 141 patients at the Hokkaido University Hospital were analyzed. The effective rate of Nal from day 1 to day 7 of administration was 71.7% and 71.4% in the patients with good and poor PS, respectively, that from day 1 to day 2 of administration was 61.1% and 57.1%, respectively, and that from day 3 to day 7 of administration was 60.2% and 71.4%, respectively, suggesting an absence of significant differences. Furthermore, results of multivariate analysis showed that “best supportive care” and “body weight (55 kg and above)” reduced Nal efficacy. In conclusion, Nal showed similar effectiveness in patients with poor PS as that in those with good PS.
堤 竹蔵 今井 俊吾 山田 勝久 山田 武宏 笠師 久美子 小林 正紀 井関 健
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.139, no.7, pp.1055-1061, 2019-07-01 (Released:2019-07-01)

Linezolid (LZD), an antimicrobial agent against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, demonstrates good bone and joint penetration, and is used for prosthetic bone and joint infections. Recently, we observed vomiting in several patients administered LZD. However, there are few reports on the incidence rate of, and risk factors for, LZD-induced nausea and vomiting. In this study, we aimed to verify the relationship between LZD administration and vomiting. Patients administered LZD at the Department of Orthopedic Surgery of Hokkaido University Hospital between November 2008 and December 2017 were enrolled in the study. The primary endpoint was the comparison of the vomiting rate between patients administered LZD (LZD group) and those administered other antibiotics (non-LZD group). For the secondary endpoint, to verify the risk factors of vomiting, a univariate logistic regression analysis was performed. In total, 130 patients were included in this study; 77 patients in the LZD group, and 53 in the non-LZD group. Vomiting occurred in 18 patients in the LZD group and 4 patients in the non-LZD group (23.4% and 7.5%, respectively); this was significantly higher in the LZD group. In the univariate logistic regression analysis, LZD administration, gender (female), age ≥65 years, renal impairment (creatinine clearance <60 mL/min) and concomitant use of rifampicin were extracted as potential risk factors of vomiting. The results of this study reveal a possible relationship between LZD administration and vomiting.