今井 俊吾 阿部 真也 松井 洸 柏木 仁 佐藤 夕紀 武隈 洋 吉町 昌子 菅原 満
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.24, no.2, pp.75-87, 2022-08-31 (Released:2022-10-11)

Objective: In our previous study, we revealed that articles on "dangerous drugs" in weekly magazines are inadequate and incomplete with respect to scientific validity, and that there may be many aspects that need to be improved. Next, the extent to which medical professionals, including doctors, pharmacists, and nurses, received consultations by patients owing to such media reports and what countermeasures are implemented requires clarification. In the present study, as a first step, we performed a questionnaire survey of community pharmacists to clarify the occurrence of such consultations.Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted among 698 community pharmacists. The survey was conducted over 10 days from December 8 to 17, 2021.Results: Out of the 698 community pharmacists, 545 responded (response rate: 78.1%). Of these, 323 (59.3%) had experienced consultations from patients owing to media reports on the dangers of drugs. Of the 323 respondents, 215 (66.6%) had experienced these consultations less than five times. In contrast, 83 respondents (25.7%) reported more than 10 such consultations. Of the 545 respondents, 190 (34.9%) responded that they routinely perform measures to deal with media reports on the dangers of drugs. The most common routine measure was the "regular checking of various media sources (including preparation of responses when receiving consultation requests)."Conclusion: Our results indicated that more than half of the community pharmacists had experienced receiving consultations from patients, although only approximately 30% were adopting routine measures. This suggests that community pharmacists have been affected to some extent by these media reports, and that further countermeasures need to be implemented.
阿部 真也
情報ネットワーク・ローレビュー (ISSN:24350303)
vol.19, pp.196-210, 2020-12-20 (Released:2020-12-25)

勅使河原 彩織 茂木 義輝 阿部 真也 松井 洸 山口 浩 吉町 昌子 野村 和彦 富澤 明子 成井 浩二
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.23, no.2, pp.61-71, 2021-08-31 (Released:2021-09-25)

Objective: There have been reports of health hazards caused by medical devices, cosmetics, quasi-drugs, daily necessities, hygiene products, etc. (health-related products) sold in pharmacies and drugstores. However, the role pharmacists play in dealing with the health hazards caused by health-related products has not been clarified. Therefore, we conducted a survey on the cases of health hazards related to health-related products and the views of pharmacists.Methods: A questionnaire was administered anonymously by email to 601 pharmacists working in community pharmacies or drugstores between December 11 and 20, 2019.Results: The number of valid responses was 585. The breakdown of health hazard cases where pharmacists counseled customers were 60 for medical devices, 31 for cosmetics, 18 for quasi-drugs, 9 for hygiene products, and 20 for daily necessities and others. Of those 138 cases, 19 cases of medical devices were estimated to have an intermediate risk as a health hazard, and the other 119 cases were all classified as low. Of the cases that the pharmacists were not approached for help, but were aware of, 57 were medical devices (21 high, 31 intermediate, 5 low), 44 were cosmetics (12 intermediate, 32 low), 12 were quasi-drugs (7 intermediate, 5 low), 7 were hygiene products (7 low), and 64 were daily necessities and others (26 high, 34 intermediate, 4 low). With regard to health-related products, 95% of the respondents indicated that they had responded to customer questions with advice.Conclusion: Our results show that there are various cases that could develop into health hazards due to health-related products, and most respondents felt a need to alert the public. As such, pharmacists and other staffs in drugstores will continue to provide health support functions to their customers by advising them on not only pharmaceuticals but also these health-related products.
阿部 真也 中川 慧
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第33回全国大会(2019)
pp.4Rin135, 2019 (Released:2019-06-01)

時系列予測の観点から株価を予測するために深層学習を用いる研究が多数行われてきた。 一方で、クロスセクション予測(マルチファクターモデル)の観点から、深層学習を用いて株価を予測する研究は少なく、特に世界の株式市場における有効性を実証する研究は存在しない。 そこで本稿では、グローバルな株式市場においてクロスセクション予測の観点から深層学習を用いたマルチファクターモデルに基づく相対的な魅力度の有効性を検証する。 分析の結果、次の結論が得られた。 1.深層学習による株価予測モデルはランダムフォレストやリッジ回帰に比べリターン/リスクの面で優れている。2.特に低リスクという観点で、深層学習モデルは優れている。3.市場の効率性が低下すると、収益機会が増える可能性がある。
阿部 真也 松本 忍 小林 彦登 斎藤 太寿 宮下 博幸 高野 照子 堺 直子 柴田 壮一 厚田 幸一郎
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.14, no.2, pp.75-81, 2012 (Released:2012-09-04)

Objective: In the intensive care unit (ICU), drugs are administered in sequence as the conditions of the patient change rapidly, and there are often cases where many injections are administered simultaneously.  For this reason, it is important to quickly select the appropriate administration route.  In this study, we prepared a quick reference table for incompatibilities of frequently used and highly important injections in the ICU (referred to as the “quick reference table”) that will enable selection of the appropriate administration route, and we investigated the status of use and usefulness of this quick reference table.Methods: The drugs included in the quick reference table were extracted from prescription records from May to October 2009, and these were finalized by discussions with the nurses in the ICU.  Three reference materials were used: Manual on the Supervision of Injection Preparation (3rd Edition), Data Search on Injection Incompatibilities 2009, and MICROMEDEX®.  The survey was conducted with all 12 nurses in the ICU after 4 months of distributing the quick reference table.Results: The quick reference table included 57 pharmaceutical items, and compatibility was classified into 10 categories.  The quick reference table was prepared as one A3 page for convenience.  The retrieval rate of the survey was 100%.  The average number of years of practical experience as a nurse was 12.2 years, and 11 out of 12 nurses used the quick reference table.  Of the 11 nurses who used the table, 6 answered that it was “very useful,” while 4 answered that it was “useful.”  All 11 nurses who used the quick reference table answered that they “consulted the pharmacists less frequently.”Conclusion: Satisfactory evaluations were obtained with regard to the details included in the quick reference table, and the table was estimated to be highly useful and important even for ICU nurses with many years of experience.  Furthermore, it was suggested that the quick reference table was also useful in reducing the workloads of the pharmacists.
松谷 定 竹下 千尋 五十嵐 健祐 阿部 真也 吉町 昌子 後藤 輝明 山城 海渡 川﨑 直人
一般社団法人 日本薬局学会
薬局薬学 (ISSN:18843077)
vol.12, no.2, pp.115-121, 2020 (Released:2020-10-26)

近年,保険薬剤師は業務の多角化が求められている.そのためストレスが増大し,インシデントにつながる危険性がある.しかし,保険薬剤師の職業性ストレスとインシデントの関連性については明らかにされていない.そこで本研究では,保険薬剤師の職業性ストレスとインシデントの関連性について調査した.2016 年12 月,(株)ツルハ(212店舗)の保険薬剤師を対象に勤務状況,職業性ストレス,離職願望およびインシデントに関するアンケートを実施した.回答が得られた 397 名のデータを解析した結果,職業性ストレス因子の「心理的な仕事の負担(量)」「仕事の適性度」「働きがい」と「離職願望」がインシデントと関連することが明らかとなった.本研究で明らかとなったインシデント関連因子を早期に把握できる環境を整える必要性が示唆された.
吉次 なぎ 阿部 真也 山本 佳世子
vol.2018, no.1, pp.425-426, 2018-03-13

日本における自然災害の多さや昨今の国際情勢を鑑みるに, 避難経路の導出に適した手法の開発が必要である. しかし, 避難者が経路長や安全性を考慮して最適な避難先と避難経路を直感的に判断することは難しい. さらに, 非常時には避難場所や避難経路の環境が時々刻々と変化するため, 複数の避難先と避難経路を優先度付きで求める必要がある. 既存の経路探索アルゴリズムは始点と終点を結ぶ最短経路を導くが, 粘菌アルゴリズムは始点と終点を複数設定できる点, 複数の経路を同時に計算できる点で, 前者より優れている. 我々は, 地理情報システム(GIS)を用いて地理データを加工し, 粘菌アルゴリズムを用いた避難経路の導出手法を開発した.
阿部 真也 中川 慧
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第34回全国大会(2020)
pp.2H4GS1303, 2020 (Released:2020-06-19)

時系列予測の観点から株価を予測するために深層学習を用いる研究が多数行われてきた。 一方で、クロスセクション予測(マルチファクターモデル)の観点から、深層学習を用いて株価を予測する研究は少なく、特に地域別およびグローバル株式市場における有効性を実証する研究は少ない。 そこで本稿では、地域別およびグローバル株式市場においてクロスセクション予測の観点から深層学習を用いたマルチファクターモデルに基づく相対的な魅力度の有効性を検証する。分析の結果、深層学習による株価予測モデルは、地域別およびグローバル株式市場両方で、勾配ブースティング、ランダムフォレストやリッジ回帰に比べリスク調整後リターンおよびリスク抑制の面で優れていることが明らかになった。合わせて、モデルを解釈するため地域別およびグローバル株式市場の深層学習を用いた株価リターン予測の要因分解をLRPを用いて行うことで、どのファクターが寄与しているを示した。
吉次 なぎ 阿部 真也 山本 佳世子
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.60, no.12, pp.2325-2329, 2019-12-15

阿部 真也
vol.24, pp.111-120, 2017

Currently Japan is infested with products which are introduced as “local” products while those in fact do not contain local ingredients taking advantage of the fact that there is no indication of such ingredients in the country. I point out that there is a high possibility of causing troubles in tourism, thus propose the enhancement measures. I have addressed the Mexican tequila in order to consider the enhancement measures, and have resulted that Japan should have a public certification of region provided and that the system which divides “100% local” and “Not-100% local products” would be effective.