栗林 志行 保坂 浩子 中村 文彦 中山 哲雄 中田 昂 佐藤 圭吾 關谷 真志 橋本 悠 田中 寛人 下山 康之 草野 元康 浦岡 俊夫
pp.308-315, 2020-03-25

要旨●食道アカラシアは,EGDで拾い上げが可能であることが多いものの,治療選択に関わるサブタイプの診断は困難である.また,その他の食道運動障害では内視鏡検査時に異常所見を認めることはまれである.食道X線造影検査は食道運動障害の拾い上げに有用であるが,やはり食道アカラシアのサブタイプやその他の疾患の診断には,食道内圧検査,特にHRM(high-resolution manometry)が欠かせない.食道アカラシアをはじめとする食道運動障害の診断では,EGDや食道X線造影検査,HRMなどの検査所見を総合的に評価することが必須と考える.
佐藤 圭吾
公益社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品科学工学会誌 (ISSN:1341027X)
pp.NSKKK-D-22-00087, (Released:2023-02-21)

A byproduct of sake production is sake-kasu , which contains abundant nutrients. However, since consumption of sake-kasu is decreasing, we attempted to develop a high-value sake-kasu. We steamed the sake-kasu to remove alcohol (nAS) and then inoculated the nAS with lactic acid bacteria or acetic acid bacteria and incubated the samples at 30°C for 2 days. The sugars, organic acids, amino acids, trace elements, and ferulic acid were measured in the fermented sake-kasu. Lactic acid was produced in the sake-kasu fermented with lactic acid bacteria, while gluconic acid was produced in the sake-kasu fermented with acetic acid bacteria. In the sake-kasu fermented with Gluconobacter oxydans NBRC 3189, seven times as much ferulic acid was produced compared to the non-fermented sake-kasu. Thus, we were able to produce a high value sake-kasu by bacterial fermentation.
熊地 需 佐藤 圭吾 斎藤 孝 武田 篤 KUMACHI Motomu SATO Keigo SAITO Takashi TAKEDA Atsushi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学 (ISSN:13485288)
vol.67, pp.9-22, 2012-03-01

The research paper herein investigated into the current conditions and issues related to children without mental retardation but enrolled in special support schools for intellectually disabled persons across Japan. The objectives of the research are three: (1) how many such children with developmental disorders but without mental retardation are enrolled in special support schools for intellectually disabled persons; (2) the reasons why such children have been transferred to or enrolled in these schools; (3) the issues at special support schools where such children are enrolled. The research findings showed that such children were enrolled in nearly half of the schools, specifically, 141 of 313 schools. Also, the number of such children was 689 (1.7%) out of 39,813 children in 313 schools. Regarding the reasons for enrollment/transfer, the majority of the reasons are associated with secondary emotional difficulties triggered by developmental disorders, such as poor academic performance and learning difficulties, inability to adapt and deal with other people, and school refusal or hikikomori. The special support schools examined are facing problems in supporting and dealing with such children with developmental disorders and a large number of issues regarding expertise of their school faculty members and school support system for such children.
佐藤 圭吾 鍋倉 義仁 青木 俊夫 金桶 光起 渡辺 健一 月岡 本
公益財団法人 日本醸造協会
日本醸造協会誌 (ISSN:09147314)
vol.97, no.5, pp.377-381, 2002-05-15 (Released:2011-09-20)

市販の低アルコール, ソフトタイプ清酒27点について一般成分分析, 糖組成および有機酸組成の分析を行い結果を得た.1.一般成分の分析を行ったところ, 酸度, アミノ酸度, 日本酒度およびアルコール分は幅広い成分値を示していた.また, 日本酒度および酸度に直線関係がみられた.2.糖組成は, その主たる成分はグルコースであった.3.有機酸組成は, 乳酸が主体であったが, いくつかの試料はクエン酸またはリンゴ酸の含有量が比較的高いものがみられた.4.官能評価において香味の不調和を指摘する意見が多かった.また, ピルビン酸を前駆体とするダイアセチル臭やアルデヒド臭の指摘が散見された.