佐藤 德
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.4, pp.345-353, 2014 (Released:2014-10-25)
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Previous studies demonstrated that participants in left-to-right writing cultures showed a strong preference to associate the past with left space and the future with right space. The present studies investigated whether these spatial associations involved body-part-centered or extracorporal space. In Experiment 1, participants categorized words as referring to the past or the future by pressing button on the left with the left hand or a button on the right with the right hand. In Experiments 2 and 3, participants crossed their hands and were instructed to categorize words by pressing the left or right buttons (Experiment 2) or by moving their left or right hand (Experiment 3). Irrespective of the relative spatial positions of the response buttons, past words were more quickly categorized with the left hand and future words with the right hand. In addition, reaction times were slower in Experiment 2 than in Experiment 1, whereas there was no significant difference between Experiments 1 and 3. These results suggest that temporal concepts such as past and future are more strongly associated with embodied space than visual space.
佐藤 德
感情心理学研究 (ISSN:18828817)
vol.19, no.3, pp.71-80, 2012-05-01 (Released:2012-09-15)
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Writing about traumatic, stressful, or emotional events is known to result in improvements in physical and psychological health. What are the mechanisms that underlie these health benefits? In the present study, undergraduates (n=55) were asked to write about (a) the same traumatic experience, (b) different traumatic experiences, or (c) non-traumatic everyday events, during 3 written disclosure sessions. Results indicated that participants who wrote about the same traumatic experience reported significant reductions in respiratory and neurological symptoms at follow-up assessments compared with the other participants. Moreover, cognitive restructuring contributed to the alleviation of depressive and posttraumatic stress symptoms only when participants wrote about the same traumatic experience. Cognitive restructuring did not have a significant beneficial effect on physical symptoms. These findings suggest that habituation underlies the beneficial effects of expressive writing on physical health, and that habituation is necessary for cognitive restructuring to be effective on psychological health.
佐藤 德
心理学評論 (ISSN:03861058)
vol.59, no.3, pp.217-231, 2016 (Released:2018-02-06)

The ‘we-mode’ is defined as an irreducibly collective mode that enables interacting agents to share minds by representing their contributions to a joint action as contributions to something that they are going to pursue together (Gallotti and Frith, 2013, Trends in Cognitive Science, 17, 160–165). This paper reviews the current empirical findings on joint actions upon which the concept ‘we-mode’ relies heavily. Previous investigations on joint actions have demonstrated that sharing task representations allows individuals to predict and monitor their own actions and those of their partners, as well as their combined action outcomes. It has also been shown that performing actions together allows individuals to spontaneously adopt their partner’s level-2 visual and visuospatial perspective. The implications of these findings for research on the we-mode are discussed.
佐藤 德
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.85.13055, (Released:2014-07-01)
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Previous studies demonstrated that participants in left-to-right writing cultures showed a strong preference to associate the past with left space and the future with right space. The present studies investigated whether these spatial associations involved body-part-centered or extracorporal space. In Experiment 1, participants categorized words as referring to the past or the future by pressing button on the left with the left hand or a button on the right with the right hand. In Experiments 2 and 3, participants crossed their hands and were instructed to categorize words by pressing the left or right buttons (Experiment 2) or by moving their left or right hand (Experiment 3). Irrespective of the relative spatial positions of the response buttons, past words were more quickly categorized with the left hand and future words with the right hand. In addition, reaction times were slower in Experiment 2 than in Experiment 1, whereas there was no significant difference between Experiments 1 and 3. These results suggest that temporal concepts such as past and future are more strongly associated with embodied space than visual space.
佐藤 德
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.4, pp.345-353, 2014
2 1

Previous studies demonstrated that participants in left-to-right writing cultures showed a strong preference to associate the past with left space and the future with right space. The present studies investigated whether these spatial associations involved body-part-centered or extracorporal space. In Experiment 1, participants categorized words as referring to the past or the future by pressing button on the left with the left hand or a button on the right with the right hand. In Experiments 2 and 3, participants crossed their hands and were instructed to categorize words by pressing the left or right buttons (Experiment 2) or by moving their left or right hand (Experiment 3). Irrespective of the relative spatial positions of the response buttons, past words were more quickly categorized with the left hand and future words with the right hand. In addition, reaction times were slower in Experiment 2 than in Experiment 1, whereas there was no significant difference between Experiments 1 and 3. These results suggest that temporal concepts such as past and future are more strongly associated with embodied space than visual space.
佐藤 德
心理学評論 (ISSN:03861058)
vol.61, no.3, pp.362-378, 2018 (Released:2020-01-18)

In a joint action, two or more individuals coordinate their actions in space and time to create a change in the environment. Knoblich, Butterfill, and Sebanz (2011) distinguished between two types of coordination that can occur during a joint action: planned coordination and emergent coordination. In planned coordination, the agents’ behavior is driven by representations that specify the joint action outcome and one’s own part in a joint action. In emergent coordination, coordinated behavior occurs because of entrainment, common affordances, perception–action matching, or action simulation, independently of any joint plans or common knowledge. This paper reviews the current empirical findings on joint action as examples of “wisdoms” between individuals. The implications of these findings for research on social cognition are discussed.
佐藤 德
感情心理学研究 (ISSN:18828817)
vol.19, no.3, pp.71-80, 2012

Writing about traumatic, stressful, or emotional events is known to result in improvements in physical and psychological health. What are the mechanisms that underlie these health benefits? In the present study, undergraduates (n=55) were asked to write about (a) the same traumatic experience, (b) different traumatic experiences, or (c) non-traumatic everyday events, during 3 written disclosure sessions. Results indicated that participants who wrote about the same traumatic experience reported significant reductions in respiratory and neurological symptoms at follow-up assessments compared with the other participants. Moreover, cognitive restructuring contributed to the alleviation of depressive and posttraumatic stress symptoms only when participants wrote about the same traumatic experience. Cognitive restructuring did not have a significant beneficial effect on physical symptoms. These findings suggest that habituation underlies the beneficial effects of expressive writing on physical health, and that habituation is necessary for cognitive restructuring to be effective on psychological health.
佐藤 德 杉浦 義典
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.6, pp.605-611, 2014-02-25 (Released:2014-04-15)
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Previous studies showed that incidental feelings of disgust could make moral judgments more severe. In the present study, we investigated whether individual differences in mindfulness modulated automatic transference of disgust into moral judgment. Undergraduates were divided into high- and low-mindfulness groups based on the mean score on each subscale of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ). Participants were asked to write about a disgusting experience or an emotionally neutral experience, and then to evaluate moral (impersonal vs. high-conflict personal) and non-moral scenarios. The results showed that the disgust induction made moral judgments more severe for the low “acting with awareness” participants, whereas it did not influence the moral judgments of the high “acting with awareness” participants irrespective of type of moral dilemma. The other facets of the FFMQ did not modulate the effect of disgust on moral judgment. These findings suggest that being present prevents automatic transference of disgust into moral judgment even when prepotent emotions elicited by the thought of killing one person to save several others and utilitarian reasoning conflict.
宮川 美知子 伊藤 隆一 林 泉彦 辻 祐一郎 津田 隆 神川 晃 佐藤 德枝 沼口 俊介 野間 清司 宮下 理夫 三澤 正弘 泉 裕之 松裏 裕行 塙 佳生
公益社団法人 日本小児科医会
日本小児科医会会報 (ISSN:09121781)
vol.62, pp.230-234, 2021 (Released:2021-12-07)

佐藤 德
エモーション・スタディーズ (ISSN:21897425)
vol.5, no.1, pp.16-24, 2020-03-31 (Released:2020-11-11)

This essay discusses how society constructs the sense of self. The sense of self is divided into minimal self and narrative self. The former is further divided into sense of self-agency, bodily self-consciousness, and neural subjective frame. In this essay, I try to make a hypothesis as to how society constructs the sense of self per each layer of the sense of self.
佐藤 德
感情心理学研究 (ISSN:18828817)
vol.17, no.3, pp.199-203, 2010-03-25 (Released:2011-02-20)

In this paper, it was presented for the beginners how to write, to submit, and to publish papers in international journals. However, there is nothing special for writing papers in English. The important thing is what you want to investigate irrespective of which language you write it in.
佐藤 德 杉浦 義典
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.6, pp.605-611, 2014

Previous studies showed that incidental feelings of disgust could make moral judgments more severe. In the present study, we investigated whether individual differences in mindfulness modulated automatic transference of disgust into moral judgment. Undergraduates were divided into high- and low-mindfulness groups based on the mean score on each subscale of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ). Participants were asked to write about a disgusting experience or an emotionally neutral experience, and then to evaluate moral (impersonal vs. high-conflict personal) and non-moral scenarios. The results showed that the disgust induction made moral judgments more severe for the low "acting with awareness" participants, whereas it did not influence the moral judgments of the high "acting with awareness" participants irrespective of type of moral dilemma. The other facets of the FFMQ did not modulate the effect of disgust on moral judgment. These findings suggest that being present prevents automatic transference of disgust into moral judgment even when prepotent emotions elicited by the thought of killing one person to save several others and utilitarian reasoning conflict.