北梶 陽子 曽根 美幸 佐藤 浩輔 小林 翼 大沼 進
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.32, no.2, pp.115-122, 2016-11-30 (Released:2016-11-30)

This study investigated the effects of imagining others on cooperation in a one-shot Prisoner’s Dilemma (PD) game. There are two ways to imagine others’ perspectives: “imagining the other” or considering how the other person feels, and “imagining the self” or projecting oneself onto the other person. Participants were assigned to one of three conditions: a) the imagining-other condition, b) the imagining-self condition, and c) the control condition (thinking about a landscape). Participants played a one-shot PD game and completed the social value orientation (SVO) scale, which measures one’s cooperative tendency. Results showed that the cooperation rate was higher in the imagining-other condition, and participants in the imagining-other condition expected that the partner would cooperate and that the partner thinks they would cooperate. In contrast, in the imagining-self condition, no significant differences were observed about these variables. Furthermore, the cooperation rate increased mediated by two-way expectations in the imagining-others condition, while it was not observed in imagining-self conditions. These results show the importance of imagining others not as a reflection of self, in increasing expectation of mutual cooperation and promoting cooperation.
佐藤 浩輔 大沼 進
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.29, no.2, pp.94-103, 2013

The current study investigates the influence of social factors, such as self-interest and involvement, on trust and its determinants, in the context of public decision-making in government, through two scenario experiments. In both experiments, participants' involvement (high/low) and, subsequent interest in the high-involvement condition (agreed/opposed) were manipulated and two trust models were compared: a traditional model, which regards expectation about intention and competence as the component of trust; and an SVS model, which regards perceived salient value similarity as the primary determinant of trust. Two hypotheses were tested: 1) conflict of interest diminishes trust and value similarity; 2) expectation of the government's intention consistently predicts trust in government, regardless of self-interest. The results supported both hypotheses. Implications of value similarity in the context of public decision-making are discussed.
中分 遥 佐藤 浩輔
vol.2022, pp.119-124, 2022-12-02

道徳神仮説によれば, 超自然的な行為者や罰への信念を持つことは、 社会的な協力行動を維持 することに役立ち、人類の社会的複雑性を高める動因となる. これまで体系的な研究も含め、他の人 間に対して危害を加えることに対する超自然罰に関する研究は数多く行われてきたが, 一方で自然に 対して危害を加えることに対する超自然罰に関する計量的な分析はほとんど行われてこなかった。こ うした信念は、環境問題や地域のコミュニティーの持続可能な発展に役立っていた可能性がある. 本 研究では,日本の民間伝承のデータベースに登録されている, 超自然的な報復である 「タタリ」に関 連した資料について分析した.分析の結果,「タタリ」 と自然に関連する単語 (e.g., 木・動物・山の 神)が高い頻度で共起した. また, 報復は個人ではなくより大きな単位 (c.g.. 家) に対して与えられ る傾向についても示唆された.これらの結果は日本のタタリ伝承が 「報復する自然」 観を内包してい ることを支持するものである.
中分 遥 五十里 翔吾 EMILY Burdett 佐藤 浩輔
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第37回 (2023) (ISSN:27587347)
pp.1K5OS11b02, 2023 (Released:2023-07-10)

佐藤 浩輔 大沼 進
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.29, no.2, pp.94-103, 2013-11-30 (Released:2017-02-27)

The current study investigates the influence of social factors, such as self-interest and involvement, on trust and its determinants, in the context of public decision-making in government, through two scenario experiments. In both experiments, participants' involvement (high/low) and, subsequent interest in the high-involvement condition (agreed/opposed) were manipulated and two trust models were compared: a traditional model, which regards expectation about intention and competence as the component of trust; and an SVS model, which regards perceived salient value similarity as the primary determinant of trust. Two hypotheses were tested: 1) conflict of interest diminishes trust and value similarity; 2) expectation of the government's intention consistently predicts trust in government, regardless of self-interest. The results supported both hypotheses. Implications of value similarity in the context of public decision-making are discussed.
北梶 陽子 曽根 美幸 佐藤 浩輔 小林 翼 大沼 進
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.32, no.2, pp.115-122, 2016

<p>This study investigated the effects of imagining others on cooperation in a one-shot Prisoner's Dilemma (PD) game. There are two ways to imagine others' perspectives: "imagining the other" or considering how the other person feels, and "imagining the self" or projecting oneself onto the other person. Participants were assigned to one of three conditions: a) the imagining-other condition, b) the imagining-self condition, and c) the control condition (thinking about a landscape). Participants played a one-shot PD game and completed the social value orientation (SVO) scale, which measures one's cooperative tendency. Results showed that the cooperation rate was higher in the imagining-other condition, and participants in the imagining-other condition expected that the partner would cooperate and that the partner thinks they would cooperate. In contrast, in the imagining-self condition, no significant differences were observed about these variables. Furthermore, the cooperation rate increased mediated by two-way expectations in the imagining-others condition, while it was not observed in imagining-self conditions. These results show the importance of imagining others not as a reflection of self, in increasing expectation of mutual cooperation and promoting cooperation.</p>
佐藤 浩輔 中分 遥
vol.2021, pp.30-37, 2021-12-04

佐藤 浩輔
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.133, no.10, pp.1041-1053, 2013-10-01 (Released:2013-10-01)

It is important that various lesions in DNA were detected selectively and conveniently to know mechanisms of carcinogenicity and/or aging of cells. However, most detection methods of DNA lesion are complicated and take a long time for enzymatic hydrolysis and analysis by HPLC and/or mass spectrometry. This review shows the new concept for detection of DNA lesion by “fluorogenic reagent”. Inspired by the unique bis-heteroaryl structure of luciferin and 5-heteroaryl-2′-deoxyuridine having good fluorescence properties, we designed and synthesized fluorogenic reagent 4,5-dimethoxy-2-aminothiophenol for a selective and convenient detection for 5-formyl-2′-deoxyuridine, which is generated in yields comparable to that of 2′-deoxy-8-oxoguanosine, in DNA. Generated 5-(5,6-dimethoxybenzothiazol-2-yl)-2′-deoxyuridine has a high quantum yield and larger Stokes shift in aqueous solution. This derivatization of 5-formyl-2′-deoxyuridine in oligodeoxynucleotide occurred quickly and quantitatively. The fluorogenic reagent was also revealed to detect 5-formyl-2′-deoxyuridine in γ-irradiated calf thymus DNA with irradiation dose dependent manner. Thus, our fluorogenic strategy enables to selective and convenient detection of lesion in DNA exposed to various forms of oxidative stress.
佐藤 浩輔 大沼 進
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.29, no.2, pp.94-103, 2013-11

The current study investigates the influence of social factors, such as self-interest and involvement, on trust and its determinants, in the context of public decision-making in government, through two scenario experiments. In both experiments, participants'involvement (high/low) and, subsequent interest in the high- involvement condition (agreed/opposed) were manipulated and two trust models were compared: a tradi- tional model, which regards expectation about intention and competence as the component of trust; and an SVS model, which regards perceived salient value similarity as the primary determinant of trust. Two hypotheses were tested: 1)conflict of interest diminishes trust and value similarity; 2) expectation of the government's intention consistently predicts trust in government, regardless of self-interest. The results supported both hypotheses. Implications of value similarity in the context of public decision-making are discussed. 本研究の目的は、公共的意思決定場面における行政主体への信頼とその規定因に対して利害の一致・不一致や当事者性といった社会的要因がもたらす影響を、実験的手法を用いて明らかにすることにある。参加者の当事者性(高低)、および当事者性が高い場合の利害の方向(一致・対立)を操作し、シナリオ実験により、信頼が意図と能力への期待からなるという伝統的な信頼モデルと、主要な価値の類似が信頼の主要な規定因だとする主要価値類似性モデルの知見に立脚しつつ、2つの仮説を検討した:1)政策との利害の方向性は信頼および価値類似性の評価に影響を与える、2)意図への期待は評価者の立場によらず一貫して信頼を説明する。2つの実験結果からはほぼ一貫して仮説が支持される結果が得られ、公共的決定場面における価値類似性の位置づけについて考察した。