松下 泰祐 古田 充 島田 直幸 今井 淳裕 岡 香奈子 勝間 勇介 松岡 佑季 大田 南欧美 末光 浩太郎 和泉 雅章
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.54, no.5, pp.229-234, 2021 (Released:2021-05-28)

症例は66歳,女性.人工血管内シャントにより維持透析されていた.発熱のため前医を受診し感染症疑いで入院.入院第1病日よりセフトリアキソン(CTRX)2 g/日の投与開始.第3病日人工血管感染の診断となり,改善を認めないため第10病日手術目的にて当院に転院.第16病日人工血管部分置換術を行った.第17病日より意識レベルが低下し,第18病日に昏睡状態となった.頭部CT・MRIや髄液検査で特異的所見を認めず,CTRXによる脳症の可能性を考えた.CTRXは蛋白結合率が高く血液透析(hemodialysis: HD)では除去効率が悪いため,第19病日に血液吸着(hemoadsorption: HA)を定期のHDに併用し,明らかに意識レベルが改善し,第21病日には入院前と変わらない意識レベルまで回復した.後日判明したHD・HA併用前の血中CTRX濃度は306 μg/mLと高値であり,HD・HA併用を1回行うことにより約3分の1に低下した.また,髄液中CTRX濃度も26 μg/mLと著明に高値であった.以上よりCTRX脳症であったと確定診断した.
水田 啓介 伊藤 八次 西田 基 秋田 茂樹 加藤 雅也 小塩 勝博 海田 健宏 古田 充哉 宮田 英雄 柳田 正巳 柴田 康成 横山 壽一 松原 茂規 小泉 光 森 芳郎 大野 通敏 近藤 由香 藤宮 大 山田 匡彦 渡辺 英彦 加藤 洋治
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.90, no.12, pp.1399-1407, 1997-12-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

IPD® (supratast tosilate) was investigated for its prophylactic efficacy and therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of cedar pollinosis during the 1996 cedar pollen season. The subjects investigated were patients at the Gifu University School of Medicine and its affiliated hospitals, who had a history of cedar pollinosis. The patients were classified into two treatment groups: the prophylaxis group (70 patients), in whom IPD® administration began before the start of cedar pollen dispersion, and the treatment group (49 patients), who underwent IPD® treatment only after cedar pollen dispersion had begun and symptoms of pollinosis had manifested.Results were as follows: (1) The nasal symptoms (sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion) were milder in the prophylaxis group than in the treatment group throughout the cedar pollen season, with the difference being significant during the season's first 2 weeks. (2) In the prophylaxis group, IPD®'s inhibitory effect was rated as excellent in 18.6% of the patients, good in 45.7% and fair in 20.0%. In the treatment group, the improvement in the symptoms was rated as disappearance in 4.2%, excellent in 20.8% and good in 43.8%. (3) When symptom inhibition in the prophylaxis group was investigated as a function of the duration of IPD® administration prior to the start of pollen dispersion, the good + excellent inhibition rate was 57.7% in the subpopulation pretreated for <2 weeks (26 cases), 64.9% with 2 to <4 weeks' pretreatment (37 cases) and 85.7% with 4 to <6 weeks' pretreatment (7 cases). Thus, IPD®'s prophylactic inhibitory rate increased with the length of the pretreatment period. (4) In the prophylaxis groups, the CAP-RAST value was significantly reduced at the time of peak pollen level and at the end of the pollen season compared with the value before IPD® administration.
古田 充宏
地理科学 (ISSN:02864886)
vol.42, no.2, pp.96-112, 1987-05

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the changes of the land use of mountain inhabitants from the Meiji era (1868 - 1912), and to describe their environmental recognition to the dynamic changes of land use, considering an interactive processes on how the drastic changes in the land uses are related with environmental recognition on a rural scene. An investigation was conducted at Nasu in Togouchi-cho. Hiroshima Prefecture in 1985. Firstly the author has begun on a collection of the place names from the old people by interview and tried to understand the environmental recognition of the villagers. Changes in land use were ecologically analized from the viewpoint of reciprocal relationships between villagers and natural environment. Drastic changes in their traditional works, and in the distribution of large wild mammals and changes of transportation system around Nasu were discussed. The findings are as follows : Before World War II, the people had various works, which have been largely dependent on broadleaf deciduous trees. Since around 1950, the virgin broadleaf deciduous trees have been chiefly replaced by Japanese cedar trees (Cryptomeria japonica) through afforeststion. As a result, traditional works have generally disappered except cultivation in lenaru (fields around the houses) and afforestation. Wasabi (Wasabia japonica) fields, for example, which are necessary to be surrounded by broadleaf deciduous trees have disappered. Viewing from environmental recognition, villagers' spatial classification of the mountain area, such as Miyama (remote and dense forest) and Naruyama (forests near around the village), has not been available in present daily life. Especialy, the space called Miyama has disappeared. Villagers have long cherished an awful feeling to the nature. However, with the progress of modernization of rural areas, traditional recognition such as above mentioned have been weakened. As a result, reckless overcutting of woods on a steep slopes has caused successive debris flows and the natural hazard has been accelerated to some extent. Drastic changes in fuel use, that are closely related to remarkable economic development in Japan, have changed forest and land use. Such changes have influenced the vegetation and stimulated breeding system of wild boars(Sus scrofa leumystax). Under these situations, a striking outflow of the population has remark-ably increased. The increase of the damage by wild boars into mountain fields has also become one of the causes that bring about afforestation of them. In short, their various works have disappeared as a result of changes of their land use, which is largely influenced by the great consumption for the forest resources in cities or depopulation caused by the change of the regional structure in the Ota Basin.