渡辺 匠 唐沢 かおり
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.9, no.1, pp.35-40, 2011 (Released:2011-06-30)

The current report examined the relationship between implicit self-evaluation and ingroup evaluation. Although previous research has indicated that explicit self-evaluation predicts ingroup evaluation on each trait dimension, there has been much less emphasis on how implicit self-evaluation and ingroup evaluation are mutually interrelated. On the basis of the theories which emphasize the role of the individual self in ingroup evaluation (e.g., Cadinu & Rothbart, 1996), we predicted that implicit evaluation of the self would become a better predictor for implicit ingroup evaluation. Forty undergraduates participated in the study. We used the typical minimal group procedure (Tajfel et al., 1971), and all participants were randomly assigned to artificial laboratory groups. Implicit self-evaluation and ingroup evaluation were measured with Implicit Association Test (IAT; Greenwald et al., 1998). The analyses revealed that the self and ingroup were more associated with positive traits than negative traits, indicating that the self and ingroup were both positively biased. These results are in line with the findings of previous literature, but there was no significant correlation between overall implicit self-evaluation and ingroup evaluation. Thus, the overall pattern of results in the present study was inconsistent with our prediction, but, nonetheless, implicit self-evaluation significantly predicted implicit ingroup evaluation on some Big Five trait dimensions. Namely, implicit self-evaluation was positively correlated with implicit ingroup evaluation on extroversion and openness dimensions. In contrast, they were not significantly correlated with each other on neuroticism, conscientiousness, and agreeableness dimensions. The discussion argued that these differences may be partly due to the significance of participant's evaluation of each trait dimension.
渡辺 匠 唐沢 かおり
The Japanese Group Dynamics Association
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
vol.52, no.1, pp.25-34, 2012

伊藤 健彦 唐沢 かおり
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.11, no.2, pp.125-131, 2013 (Released:2013-12-25)

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between causal attribution toward unemployed people and motivation to reduce employment disparity in Japan. In Japan, it is argued that social inequality leads to employment disparity. The inequality composes of sex, age, educational background and family background. The perception that people fail to get jobs due to the inequality possibly leads to motivation to reduce employment disparity. Causal attribution of a negative situation is an important factor to predict human attitude toward the situation. Therefore, in this present study, causal attributions toward unemployed people as predicting factors for motivation to reduce employment disparity were focused on. As causal attributions, inequality attribution (social inequalities such as sex), individual attribution (individual characteristic such as negligence) and fate attribution (individual fate such as misfortune) are proposed. In the present study, questionnaire packets from university students were distributed and collected. Participants answered items referring to causal attribution toward unemployed people and motivation to reduce employment disparity. As a result of the survey, there was a positive correlation between the inequality attribution and the motivation, a negative correlation between the individual attribution and the motivation, and no correlation between the fate attribution and the motivation. Hypotheses were confirmed and the results were consistent with previous studies of causal attributions. It was shown that the strength of individual attribution was the highest among the attributions, and the next was inequality attribution and the last was fate attribution. The participants possibly thought that Japanese government dealt with social inequality and unemployed people did not get jobs due to their own remissness compared to the inequality. This study discussed the motivation to reduce employment disparity in Japan from the perspective of causal attribution, and how to engage in employment disparity.
橋本 剛明 唐沢 かおり 磯崎 三喜年
The Japanese Group Dynamics Association
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
vol.50, no.1, pp.76-88, 2010

大学生が所属するサークル集団は,フォーマルな組織とインフォーマルな集団の双方の特徴を併せ持った集団であり(新井,2004),本研究はこれを準組織的集団と位置づけた。その上で,サークル集団における成員と集団とをつなぐコミットメントのモデルを探り,検討を加えることを目的とした。具体的には,組織研究の領域における3次元組織コミットメントのモデル(Allen & Meyer, 1990)を基盤に,サークル・コミットメントを測る尺度を作成し,学生205名を対象に調査を行った。その結果,サークル集団におけるコミットメント次元として,情緒的コミットメント,規範的コミットメント,集団同一視コミットメントの3因子が抽出された。さらに,それぞれのコミットメント次元の規定要因に関して,集団がフォーマル集団に近い程度を表す集団フォーマル性との関連を含めて分析を行った。情緒的コミットメントは課題および成員への集団凝集性により規定されており,また,課題凝集性と集団フォーマル性の交互作用が示唆された。規範的コミットメントと集団同一視コミットメントはともに,集団フォーマル性と成員凝集性によって規定されていることが認められた。<br>