渡辺 匠 唐沢 かおり
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
pp.2012, (Released:2022-05-03)

具志堅 伸隆 唐沢 かおり
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
vol.46, no.1, pp.40-52, 2007

豊沢 純子 唐沢 かおり 福和 伸夫
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.58, no.4, pp.480-490, 2010 (Released:2012-03-27)
24 13

本研究は, 脅威アピール研究の枠組みから, 小学生を対象とした防災教育が, 児童の感情や認知に変化を及ぼす可能性, および, これらの感情や認知の変化が, 保護者の防災行動に影響する可能性を検討した。135名の小学校5年生と6年生を対象に, 防災教育の前後, 3ヵ月後の恐怖感情, 脅威への脆弱性, 脅威の深刻さ, 反応効果性を測定した。また, 防災教育直後の保護者への効力感, 保護者への教育内容の伝達意図と, 3ヵ月後の保護者への情報の伝達量, 保護者の協力度を測定した。その結果, 教育直後に感情や認知の高まりが確認されたが, 3ヵ月後には教育前の水準に戻ることが示された。また共分散構造分析の結果, 恐怖感情と保護者への効力感は, 保護者への防災教育内容の伝達意図を高め, 伝達意図が高いほど実際に伝達を行い, 伝達するほど保護者の防災行動が促されるという, 一連のプロセスが示された。考察では, 防災意識が持続しないことを理解したうえで, 定期的に再学習する機会を持つこと, そして, 保護者への伝達意図を高くするような教育内容を工夫することが有効である可能性を議論した。
唐沢 かおり
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.18, no.2, pp.119-126, 2003

This study examined the determinants of privileged persons' attribution of responsibility to under-privileged persons for a solution to a predicament. The data was collected from the participants of SIMINSOC (Hirose, 1997). Two hundreds and seventy-three participants randomly assigned to either rich regions (privileged) or poor regions (under-privileged) engaged in various activities in the game and completed a questionnaire. The results indicated that the higher the perception of unfairness by the privileged participants the higher their attribution of their own responsibility to solve the predicament. Furthermore, privileged participants who attributed their efforts to an achievement believed that under-privileged participants should exert more effort to solve the predicament. The discussion considered the implications for promoting privileged persons' supportive attitudes toward the under-privileged.
福本 都 苫米地 飛 橋本 剛明 唐沢 かおり
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.15, no.1, pp.73-80, 2017

Existing research have investigated the effects of free will belief on aggressive behaviours. So far, studies have shown that when people's free will belief is denied, their motivation of self-control decreases, thereby increasing aggressive behaviours. An alternative and inconsistent account is that people who have strong belief in free will attributes the other party's attack to the actor's intention, which lead them to take revenge. Given that aggressions practically occur within a social interaction, the present study examined the relationship between free will belief and aggression in a social interactive situation. We hypothesized that people who have high free will belief will behave more aggressively when they are attacked by another individual. Based on a sample of 45 undergraduates, we measured free will beliefs and trait aggression as an individual-difference variable. We employed a modification of the Point Subtraction Aggression Paradigm in order to measure participants' aggressive behaviours. As a result, the effects of fatal determinism - a subscale of free will - were found significant. Specifically, when participants were unattacked by their interactive partner, those with low fatal determinism belief behaved less aggressively. Incurring no attack from the partner, participants may have experienced higher responsibility for taking aggressive actions themselves. Under such circumstance, having a low fatal determinism belief, and thus regarding their behaviour as undetermined by nature, may have further increased their sense of responsibility, consequently decreasing aggression. In contrast, when participants were attacked by their partner, aggressive behaviours increased on the whole relative to the non-attacked condition; receiving an attack may have simply provoked participants' motivation to revenge. This study highly suggests the relationship between fatal determinism belief and aggression in social interaction situations, offering a ground for future investigations including parameters to further explain the relationship.
松本 龍児 櫻井 良祐 ●●● ●●● 唐沢 かおり
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.12, no.2, pp.113-117, 2014 (Released:2014-12-25)

In the present research, we examined the effects of belief in free will on interpersonal aggression. Baumeister et al. (2009) demonstrated disbelief in free will promoted aggression toward an innocent target. However, our aggressive behavior is not limited to such non-retributive aggression. For instance, people often attack a person who has shown aggression against them in order to defend themselves or take sanctions. The strength of such aggressive behavior is proportional to perceived responsibility of the transgressor (Ohbuchi, 1987). It has been shown that belief in free will has strong relation to the attribution of responsibility and punishment. Thus, we predicted belief in free will would promote aggression against a transgressor. Forty-five undergraduates participated in the study and they were randomly assigned to one of the three conditions (free will, determinism, or control). After free will manipulation, participants conducted the competitive reaction time game against a fictitious participant. In the task, participants and a hypothetical opponent repeatedly delivered the blast of white noise to each other. The intensity of the blast of white noise specified by participants was the measure of aggression. The results indicated believing in free will increased aggression among participants high in trait aggression. The finding raise the possibility that belief in free will of self and that of others differently influence aggressive behavior.
福本 都 橋本 剛明 唐沢 かおり
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.17, no.1, pp.17-24, 2019 (Released:2019-08-05)

The present research examined the possibility that a victim’s perspective-taking to the perpetrator, which has been argued to be a promotor of the victim’s forgiveness, does not take effect under certain personalities. Based on the finding that perspective-taking positively correlates with two of Big Five personalities (Toto, Man, Blatt, Simmens, & Greenberg, 2015), we examined whether openness and agreeableness moderate the degree of perspective-taking’s effect on forgiveness. In the experiment, we first measured participants’ personality on the Big Five scale and presented them with a vignette describing a situation where one becomes a victim of transgression; participants read the vignette under the manipulation of perspective taking (transgressor perspective or no perspective taking). Lastly, we measured participants’ levels of forgiveness. The results indicated that the participants who took the transgressor’s perspective reported weaker motivations of revenge and avoidance specifically when they were low in openness. Furthermore, perspective-taking mitigated the revenge motivation among people low in agreeableness while not among those high in agreeableness. The results suggest that people either high in agreeableness or in openness are likely to engage in spontaneous perspective-taking while the prompt to do so takes a more strong effect among those low in such personality traits.
渡辺 匠 岡田 真波 酒井 真帆 池谷 光司 唐沢 かおり
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.11, no.1, pp.59-65, 2013 (Released:2013-06-29)
2 1

There were two primary purpose of this study. One major purpose was to test the effects of disbelief in free will on self-control and the other purpose was to examine whether free will beliefs affect causal attribution of success and failure. Although a great deal of effort has been made on the definition or existence of free will, only few attempts have so far been made at how people's belief in free will influences subsequent judgment and behavior. As an example of such attempts, Rigoni, Wilquin, Brass, and Burle (2013) found that induced disbelief in free will weakens people's motivation of self-control, which suggests dismissing free will leads people to rely on more automatic and impulsive actions. On the basis of this earlier research, the authors intended to confirm the phenomenon that disbelief in free will reduces motivation of self-control. Furthermore, we investigated the processes of causal attribution by belief in free will since they are thought to be associated with both free will beliefs and self-control. Fifty-two undergraduates participated in the study and they were randomly assigned to one of the three conditions (free will, determinism, or control). After free will manipulation, participants completed the Stroop task, whose performance reflects motivation to self-control. Finally, participants received false feedback of success or failure in the Stroop task and they answered attributional questionnaire. The results did not confirm our hypothesis regarding self-control: Participants who were induced to disbelieve in free will performed equally well in the Stroop task as other conditions. However, causal attribution was linked with manipulation of disbelief in free will: Participants who were induced to disbelieve in free will showed less self-effacing bias in task attribution. The findings are suggestive that free will beliefs alter causal attribution processes, which in turn affect a person's social judgment and behavior.
唐沢 かおり 山口 裕幸 戸田山 和久

本年とは次の2点に関する検討を行った。1)集団心の認知、集団への道徳的判断の関係の検討:これまでの検討により、集団心の知覚が集団実体性や凝集性の認知に影響されることが示唆される。この知見を踏まえ、集団心と道徳的判断との関係をさらに明らかにするための実験的検討を行った。具体的には、多様な組織や集団を対象とした調査と企業組織の不祥事場面での反応に関する実験である。そのなかで集団とそこに所属するメンバーの心の知覚のトレードオフ関係、また心の知覚がそれぞれに対する道徳的判断(責任帰属や処罰意図)に与える影響を検討した。心の知覚のトレードオフ関係については、一部の集団において、①実体性が高いほど関係の知覚が弱くなること ②集団実体性が高い場合には、集団だけではなく所属メンバーにもより大きな責任が帰属されることが示された。これらの関係は当初の予測とは異なっており、またそれが安定した結果であるかどうか、質問項目の改変も行いながら再検討が必要である。2)他者の態度推論が自らの判断に与える影響:他者の態度推論は自らの態度や行動に影響する。このことは従来の枠組みでは規範的影響という概念を持ちいて検討されてきたが、内集団の「心」の推論の影響という視座からも分析可能である。この点を踏まえ、他者の心的状態(態度)を内集団の「心」として認知し、それが他メンバーの行動に影響するという素朴理解過程に焦点を当て、自らの判断との関係を以下の3点から検討した。①同じ言語と概念理解を共有する文化としての集団を対象とした素朴理解の共有への影響、②企業組織におけるチーム学習活動や企業内福祉制度の利用への影響、③内集団における他者の態度推論と、裁判員制度の理解や認知の相互影響過程が参加意図に与える影響。その結果、上記1)と同様、対象とする集団や判断領域により関係が異なることが示された。
田戸岡 好香 樋口 収 唐沢 かおり
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.1, pp.22-28, 2018

<p>This study investigated the consequences of suppressing negative thoughts about the food products. Consumers are still concerned about food safety after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Given that attempting to suppress stereotypical thoughts ironically leads to increased stereotype accessibility and use (rebound effect), this may be one of the reasons for continued concern. Participants were asked to describe their impressions about food coming from the disaster area. Half were instructed to suppress any negative impressions in their descriptions, whereas the other half did not receive this instruction. Participants then rated another food product from the same area. The results indicated that among participants with a low perceived vulnerability to disease, the group that was asked to suppress any negative thoughts rated the food more negatively than participants in the control group. However, among participants with a high perceived vulnerability to disease, there was no difference between the two groups because their negative impressions were likely readily accessible. We discuss the necessity of investigating a resolution for reputational damage in terms of suppression.</p>
田戸岡 好香 樋口 収 唐沢 かおり
公益社団法人 日本心理学会

<p>This study investigated the consequences of suppressing negative thoughts about the food products. Consumers are still concerned about food safety after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Given that attempting to suppress stereotypical thoughts ironically leads to increased stereotype accessibility and use (rebound effect), this may be one of the reasons for continued concern. Participants were asked to describe their impressions about food coming from the disaster area. Half were instructed to suppress any negative impressions in their descriptions, whereas the other half did not receive this instruction. Participants then rated another food product from the same area. The results indicated that among participants with a low perceived vulnerability to disease, the group that was asked to suppress any negative thoughts rated the food more negatively than participants in the control group. However, among participants with a high perceived vulnerability to disease, there was no difference between the two groups because their negative impressions were likely readily accessible. We discuss the necessity of investigating a resolution for reputational damage in terms of suppression.</p>
齋藤 真由 白岩 祐子 唐沢 かおり

二木 望 渡辺 匠 櫻井 良祐 唐沢 かおり
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.32, no.2, pp.81-91, 2016

<p>The present research examined the effects of perceived entitativity on attitudes toward elderly people stereotyped as "warm but incompetent." Previous research demonstrated that "warm but incompetent" stereotypes elicit active facilitation and passive harm and emotions mediate these links. Extending previous research, we predicted that entitativity would moderate these effects because of its polarizing effect. In a study (<i>N</i>=74), we manipulated the perceived entitativity of elderly people and a relative salience of stereotypes (<i>e.g.</i>, a relative salience of their warmth) by presenting scenarios. The results showed that when perceived entitativity is high, warmth elicits active facilitation and lack of competence elicits passive harm. Furthermore, admiration mediates warmth and active facilitation. On the other hand, when perceived entitativity is low, stereotypes and behavioral intentions are not associated. The findings suggest that entitativity determines the process by which stereotypes elicit behaviors.</p>
二木 望 渡辺 匠 櫻井 良祐 唐沢 かおり
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
pp.0879, (Released:2016-09-12)

The present research examined the effects of perceived entitativity on attitudes toward elderly people stereotyped as “warm but incompetent.” Previous research demonstrated that “warm but incompetent” stereotypes elicit active facilitation and passive harm and emotions mediate these links. Extending previous research, we predicted that entitativity would moderate these effects because of its polarizing effect. In a study (N=74), we manipulated the perceived entitativity of elderly people and a relative salience of stereotypes (e.g., a relative salience of their warmth) by presenting scenarios. The results showed that when perceived entitativity is high, warmth elicits active facilitation and lack of competence elicits passive harm. Furthermore, admiration mediates warmth and active facilitation. On the other hand, when perceived entitativity is low, stereotypes and behavioral intentions are not associated. The findings suggest that entitativity determines the process by which stereotypes elicit behaviors.
豊沢 純子 唐沢 かおり
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.75, no.6, pp.542-547, 2005-02-25 (Released:2010-07-16)

This study examined the effect of orthography (kanji, kana, and alphabet) on the usage of recognition heuristic, in the context of ecological rationality research. Forty-five students participated and performed the task consisted of randomly drawn two-alternative questions about population sizes of the 20 largest Chinese cities, except Beijing and Shanghai. It was found that kanji and kana tasks led to the usage of recognition heuristic more than alphabet task. Furthermore, judgments in kanji and kana tasks were more accurate than in alphabet task. These results suggested that the usage of recognition heuristic was facilitated when it increased judgment accuracy, and that recognition heuristic had ecological rationality.