増田 隆昌 松原 明子 石川 大仁 瀧本 陽介 積 志保子 堀田 拓哉 大滝 尋美 荒木 雄介 渡辺 陽介 大澤 俊彦
一般社団法人 日本臨床栄養協会
ニュー・ダイエット・セラピー (ISSN:09107258)
vol.37, no.1, pp.3-11, 2021 (Released:2021-07-01)

Pineapple, one of the most popular fruits consumed throughout the world, contains various nutrients and has been reported to have various health effects. Since most of research on the health effects of pineapple has been conducted on Westerners, the effects on Japanese with different intestinal flora and skin type from Westerners are not clear. To exploratively evaluate the health benefits of pineapple intake for the Japanese, a randomized, untreated-controlled, parallel-group clinical trial was conducted. Japanese women tending to get constipate were given 100 g of pineapple per day for 4 weeks, and the intestinal flora, defecation status, skin questionnaire, and blood components were measured before and after ingestion. As a result, effects on changing the intestinal flora, defecation status, and skin condition were observed in the pineapple intake group. These results may lead next study investigating the respective interaction between pineapple intake, intestinal condition and skin condition.
大澤 俊彦
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.20, no.1, pp.11-16, 2009-06-30 (Released:2009-07-23)

The United States launched the Designer Foods program in 1990 on the basis of its ample epidemiological research data. It is aimed at preventing cancer with the use of pyytochemicals. What attracted the most attention are food ingredients called “non-nutrients,” such as polyphenols, sulfuric compounds, terpenoids and carotenoids. Calling such ingredients “functional food factors, ”we have developed an international research approach in an attempt for cross-disciplinary research beyond the boundaries of food science and medicine.  In 1984, Japan became the world’s first to launch a research project on food functionality. Characteristically, it introduced a totally innovative concept of physiological and biological regulating function as a third function after the primary “nutritional” function and the secondary “sensory” function. The notion of food functionality has gradually penetrated the West although the reception was initially not very positive. And functional food is now taking root there.  The U.S. Designer Foods program lists 40 vegetables, fruits, spices and luxury food items from the standpoint of cancer prevention on the basis of epidemiological research. Noting that designer food contained functional food factors common to food items in the same identical group or category, the author suggested the importance of keeping a balance among different types of food in the diet rather than of rating the effect of different food factors. The author added some traditional Japanese food materials to the listed food and sorted them into 12 food groups. The focus of the author’s proposal is to endeavor to consume food equally from all 12 groups within one or two days rather than consuming food materials in large quantities from a specific category. Needless to say, it is also important to develop new food materials.  A key goal of illness prevention with the use of functional food factors will be to keep us healthy, or within the scope of a non-disease state, for as long a time as possible. It is therefore hoped that simple diagnoses may be performed using specific biomarkers to prevent illnesses at the earliest possible stage or to reduce the risk of future illness. Produced with a drop of blood, saliva, urine or suchlike, an antibody chip has a monoclonal antibody imprinted on a substrate spin-coated with azo-polymer. It is used for specifically examining oxidation stress, obesity, cancer and cerebral aging. It is foreseen that it will in a couple of years be viable to provide a so-called tailor-made diet guidance explaining the current health conditions and what diet should be followed to prevent illnesses with the use of the antibody chip in health checkups. The author hopes that studies on functional food factors with scientific grounds for cancer prevention will remove the boundaries between different disciplines and lead to the swift establishment of a system of industry-academia-government cooperation at the initiative of young researchers as well as an environment that enables Japan to play a leading role in the global strategy for the development of disease-preventing food products.
増田 隆昌 泉 仁美 石川 大仁 瀧本 陽介 積 志保子 堀田 拓哉 大滝 尋美 荒木 雄介 渡辺 陽介 大澤 俊彦
一般社団法人 日本臨床栄養協会
ニュー・ダイエット・セラピー (ISSN:09107258)
vol.37, no.3, pp.3-10, 2021 (Released:2022-01-01)

To prevent hypertension, which can cause various diseases, it is important to improve lifestyle habits such as eating habits. Bananas are rich in GABA, which has been reported to have hypotensive and stress-relieving effects. To evaluate the effects of long-term banana intake on blood pressure, defecation, and mental state, a randomized, parallel-group clinical trial was conducted. 78 Japanese with high blood pressure took either of the two bananas with different GABA contents for 4 weeks or did not take bananas. As a result, systolic blood pressure was significantly lower in both banana intake groups after ingestion compared with before ingestion. In addition, the number of bowel movements, the number of days of bowel movements, and the amount of bowel movements significantly increased. Significant improvements in the subjective questionnaires "fatigue" and "tension" were also observed. These results suggest that banana intake may have the effect of lowering blood pressure, promoting defecation, and improving mental state.
大澤 俊彦
Journal of Pesticide Science (ISSN:1348589X)
vol.17, no.2, pp.S93-S101, 1992-05-20 (Released:2010-08-05)
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福田 靖子 大澤 俊彦 川岸 舜朗 並木 満夫
Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
日本食品工業学会誌 (ISSN:00290394)
vol.35, no.1, pp.28-32, 1988-01-15 (Released:2011-02-17)
5 11

ゴマサラダ油と焙煎ゴマ油の保存酸化安定性およびフ ライに使用した場合のフライ食品(クルトン)の保存安定性について,他の食用油と比較検討した.その結果,(1)ゴマサラダ油,焙煎ゴマ油,サフラワー油,コーンサラダ油,サラダ油(ナタネ油と大豆油の調合油)を10gずつシャーレに入れ60℃で保存した結果,重量法による抗酸化試験では,焙煎ゴマ油>ゴマサラダ油≫サラダ油>コーン油>サフラワー油の順であった.(2) 上記, 5種類の油を175℃, 2時間加温後に,同じく60℃で保存した場合にも同様に酸化されにくいことが示された.(3) ゴマサラダ油,焙煎ゴマ油,コーン油で,パン切片を掲げ,クルトンとし, 60℃に保存し,経日的にクルトンから油を抽出しPV(meq/kg)を測定した結果,30日目で,コーン油613.0に対しゴマサラダ油80.0,焙煎ゴマ油6.0であった.(4) (3)のクルトンから抽出した油の中のトコフェロール,セサモール,セサミノール量を定量した結果,コーン油では1ヵ月後にトコフェロールは,全く消失していたが,ゴマサラダ油では,約66%残存し,焙煎ゴマ油では,ほとんど分解されていなかった.
林 美智子 増田 隆昌 石川 大仁 瀧本 陽介 積 志保子 堀田 拓哉 大滝 尋美 荒木 雄介 渡辺 陽介 伊藤 明子 大澤 俊彦
一般社団法人 日本臨床栄養協会
ニュー・ダイエット・セラピー (ISSN:09107258)
vol.38, no.1, pp.3-10, 2022 (Released:2022-09-01)

Pineapple, one of the most popular tropical fruits consumed throughout the world, is rich in dietary fiber, which is generally known to improve constipation. In Japan, one out of three elementary school children are reported to suffer from constipation, sometimes resulting in school refusal. To elucidate the health benefits of pineapple intake for Japanese children, a randomized, untreated-controlled, parallel-group clinical trial was conducted. Elementary school children tending to have constipation were given 100 g of pineapples per day for 4 weeks. The questionnaire for physical condition and defecation status, measurement of indoxyl sulfate in urine and analysis of intestinal microbiota were performed before and after the pineapple intake. As a result, defecation status was significantly improved and the proportion of beneficial gut bacteria was significantly increased in the pineapple intake group, indicating that pineapple intake could be helpful in improvement of defecation status and intestinal environment for elementary school children.
大澤 俊彦
あたらしい眼科 = Journal of the eye (ISSN:09101810)
vol.27, no.1, pp.23-28, 2010-01-30
大澤 俊彦
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.20, no.1, pp.11-16, 2009

&nbsp;&nbsp;The United States launched the Designer Foods program in 1990 on the basis of its ample epidemiological research data. It is aimed at preventing cancer with the use of pyytochemicals. What attracted the most attention are food ingredients called &ldquo;non-nutrients,&rdquo; such as polyphenols, sulfuric compounds, terpenoids and carotenoids. Calling such ingredients &ldquo;functional food factors, &rdquo;we have developed an international research approach in an attempt for cross-disciplinary research beyond the boundaries of food science and medicine.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;In 1984, Japan became the world&rsquo;s first to launch a research project on food functionality. Characteristically, it introduced a totally innovative concept of physiological and biological regulating function as a third function after the primary &ldquo;nutritional&rdquo; function and the secondary &ldquo;sensory&rdquo; function. The notion of food functionality has gradually penetrated the West although the reception was initially not very positive. And functional food is now taking root there.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;The U.S. Designer Foods program lists 40 vegetables, fruits, spices and luxury food items from the standpoint of cancer prevention on the basis of epidemiological research. Noting that designer food contained functional food factors common to food items in the same identical group or category, the author suggested the importance of keeping a balance among different types of food in the diet rather than of rating the effect of different food factors. The author added some traditional Japanese food materials to the listed food and sorted them into 12 food groups. The focus of the author&rsquo;s proposal is to endeavor to consume food equally from all 12 groups within one or two days rather than consuming food materials in large quantities from a specific category. Needless to say, it is also important to develop new food materials.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;A key goal of illness prevention with the use of functional food factors will be to keep us healthy, or within the scope of a non-disease state, for as long a time as possible. It is therefore hoped that simple diagnoses may be performed using specific biomarkers to prevent illnesses at the earliest possible stage or to reduce the risk of future illness. Produced with a drop of blood, saliva, urine or suchlike, an antibody chip has a monoclonal antibody imprinted on a substrate spin-coated with azo-polymer. It is used for specifically examining oxidation stress, obesity, cancer and cerebral aging. It is foreseen that it will in a couple of years be viable to provide a so-called tailor-made diet guidance explaining the current health conditions and what diet should be followed to prevent illnesses with the use of the antibody chip in health checkups. The author hopes that studies on functional food factors with scientific grounds for cancer prevention will remove the boundaries between different disciplines and lead to the swift establishment of a system of industry-academia-government cooperation at the initiative of young researchers as well as an environment that enables Japan to play a leading role in the global strategy for the development of disease-preventing food products.
津田 孝範 藤井 正人 渡邉 美栄 中莖 秀夫 大島 克己 大澤 俊彦 川岸 舜朗
社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品工業学会誌 (ISSN:00290394)
vol.41, no.7, pp.475-480, 1994

本金時抽出物の抗酸化性について食品レベルで抗酸化効果を示すかどうか検討した.<BR>(1) 本金時抽出物は,リノール酸モデル系において強い抗酸化性を示し, α-トコフェロールと同等かそれ以上の抗酸化性を示した.<BR>(2) 本金時抽出物は,クエン酸との間に強い相乗効果を示すが, α-トコフェロールとの間には,顕著な相乗効果を示さなかった.<BR>(3) ラードを用いたAOM試験においても本金時抽出物は強い抗酸化性を示し,クエン酸との間に強い相乗効果が認められた.従って,本金時抽出物を食品加工へ利用するときには,クエン酸を同時添加することが効果的であると考えられた.<BR>(4) 本金時抽出物を,ラードを用いたビスケットに添加したところ効果的にPOVの上昇を抑制し,クェン酸を同時添加すると更に強い抗酸化効果が認められた.<BR>(5) 本金時抽出物とクエン酸を同時添加したコーンサラダ油で揚げた小麦粉あられは, POVの上昇抑制効果が見られたが,その効果は,ビスケットへの添加効果と比較すると弱かった.<BR>(6) 本金時抽出物をβ-カロチンを含むモデルジュースに添加したところ,効果的にβ-カロチンの退色を抑制し,本金時抽出物は,ジュース中のような水系においても強い抗酸化効果を示すことが明らかになった.
福田 靖子 大澤 俊彦 川岸 舜朗 並木 満夫
社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品工業学会誌 (ISSN:00290394)
vol.35, no.1, pp.28-32, 1988

ゴマサラダ油と焙煎ゴマ油の保存酸化安定性およびフ ライに使用した場合のフライ食品(クルトン)の保存安定性について,他の食用油と比較検討した.その結果,<BR>(1)ゴマサラダ油,焙煎ゴマ油,サフラワー油,コーンサラダ油,サラダ油(ナタネ油と大豆油の調合油)を10gずつシャーレに入れ60℃で保存した結果,重量法による抗酸化試験では,焙煎ゴマ油>ゴマサラダ油≫サラダ油>コーン油>サフラワー油の順であった.<BR>(2) 上記, 5種類の油を175℃, 2時間加温後に,同じく60℃で保存した場合にも同様に酸化されにくいことが示された.<BR>(3) ゴマサラダ油,焙煎ゴマ油,コーン油で,パン切片を掲げ,クルトンとし, 60℃に保存し,経日的にクルトンから油を抽出しPV(meq/kg)を測定した結果,30日目で,コーン油613.0に対しゴマサラダ油80.0,焙煎ゴマ油6.0であった.<BR>(4) (3)のクルトンから抽出した油の中のトコフェロール,セサモール,セサミノール量を定量した結果,コーン油では1ヵ月後にトコフェロールは,全く消失していたが,ゴマサラダ油では,約66%残存し,焙煎ゴマ油では,ほとんど分解されていなかった.
津田 孝範 深谷 吉則 大島 克己 山本 明 川岸 舜朗 大澤 俊彦
公益社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品科学工学会誌 : Nippon shokuhin kagaku kogaku kaishi = Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology (ISSN:1341027X)
vol.42, no.6, pp.430-435, 1995-06-15
2 11

タマリンド種皮抽出物の抗酸化性を食品加工へ利用するための基礎について検討した.<BR>(1) タマリンド種皮抽出物は,リノール酸モデル系において強い抗酸化性を示し,クエン酸及びα-トコフェロールとの間に相乗効果を示した.<BR>(2) タマリンド種皮抽出物は,100℃,2時間の加熱に対して安定であり,pHの変化に対しては,pH 5.0で抗酸化性の低下が認められた.また塩化ナトリウム存在下では,10%溶液中でも抗酸化性は,70%以上の残存率を示した.<BR>(3) 実際の食用油脂としてラード及びコーンサラダ油にタマリンド種皮抽出物を添加したところ,いずれの油脂においても抗酸化性を示した.
大澤 俊彦
社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品科学工学会誌 (ISSN:1341027X)
vol.42, no.9, pp.728-735, 1995-09-15 (Released:2009-05-26)