波戸 謙太 金堀 哲也 谷川 聡 梶田 和宏 奈良 隆章 川村 卓
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.35, no.1, pp.1-17, 2021-10-20 (Released:2021-12-28)

This study delineates the common characteristics of pitching motion in professional baseball pitchers by focusing on their lower limbs. Further, to gain an insight into the development of athletic capacity, the pitching motion of the Top group was compared with the Minor group, resulting in the clarification of lower limb issues in the Minor group. Data analysis was performed using a test with the highest score in a 5-point objective evaluation by the observer and the highest ball speed in the tracking data obtained from Trackman, with the following results: (1) The common characteristics in a professional baseball pitcher was that the hip joint was flexed while the stride leg knee joint angle was fixed to MBV (Minimum Ball Velocity), MER (Maximal Shoulder External Rotation), and the stride leg hip joint and knee joint were slightly extended to MER, REL (Ball Release). (2) Regarding the difference between the Top and Minor groups, it is suggested that the Top group accelerates the rotational speed of the lower torso to SFC (Stride Foot Contacts Ground), which increases the angular velocity of adduction of the hip joint of the stride leg, resulting in torsion of the trunk and stable force transmission after MBV. (3) In the Top group after SFC, the angular displacement and angular velocity was such that the hip joints of both legs were fixed. Additionally, the stride leg hip joint was in adduction, which caused the motion to increase the rotation of the lower and upper torsos. Authors suggest considering these key points while coaching baseball.
青山 敏之 阿江 数通 相馬 寛人 宮田 一弘 梶田 和宏 奈良 隆章 川村 卓
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.70, no.1, pp.91-100, 2021-02-01 (Released:2021-01-13)
3 2

The yips represent a disorder that makes it challenging for an individual to perform automatic and coordinated movements in sports activities. The cause of the yips is not sufficiently clarified, and limited information is available regarding throwing yips in baseball. Therefore, this study was designed to clarify the incidence and characteristics of the throwing yips among college baseball players. Total 107 players of the college baseball team participated in the study and completed the questionnaire by answering questions about their experience of the yips (loss of control to throw the ball accurately for more than 1 month), the symptom intensity, and changes observed in the symptoms in different situations. The 47.1% of players met the definition of throwing yips. The symptoms of the yips were more pronounced with short-distances and low intensity of throwing. Moreover, there were various subjective symptoms, such as the issue about co-contraction of the upper limb, sensory function, body ownership, and movement planning. Various physical symptoms associated with throwing yips suggest that the yips are not only a disorder of motor skills, but result from movement disorders. The present results show that the occurrence of the yips depends on the throwing condition; this finding provides useful insights into the mechanism and the treatment of the yips. Interdisciplinary studies that aim to elucidate the cause of the yips and develop effective intervention are necessary.
林 卓史 奈良 隆章 島田 一志
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.70, pp.248_2, 2019

<p> 本研究では、大学野球リーグ戦において「特徴のある投手」とはどのような投手であるかについて検討した。また、「特徴のある投手」が複数名在籍することが、継投の選択肢に与える影響を検証した。対象は、著者が投手コーチを務めたK大学野球部であり、期間は2018年リーグ戦(春季・秋季)とした。投手を①リリース速度②回転速度③投球腕(左腕)④変化球の割合について基準を設定し、4項目の内、2項目を満たす投手を、「特徴のある投手」とした。リリース速度と回転速度については、練習での投球を、トラッキングシステムを用いて計測し、140km/h、2300rpmを基準とした(林・佐野,2019)。K大学には、2018年春季リーグ戦において、4項目の内2項目以上を満たす投手が7名存在した。同リーグ戦では継投を多用し、チーム防御率はリーグ1位となった。一方、2018年秋季リーグ戦では、2項目以上を常時満たす投手は1名であり、同リーグ戦では、1名の投手に依存し、チーム防御率はリーグ5位となった。このことから、上記の4項目の内2項目を満たす「特徴のある投手」を多く育成することが、継投の選択肢を多様にすることが示唆された。</p>
青山 敏之 阿江 数通 相馬 寛人 宮田 一弘 梶田 和宏 奈良 隆章 川村 卓
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.70, no.1, pp.91-100, 2021

<p>The yips represent a disorder that makes it challenging for an individual to perform automatic and coordinated movements in sports activities. The cause of the yips is not sufficiently clarified, and limited information is available regarding throwing yips in baseball. Therefore, this study was designed to clarify the incidence and characteristics of the throwing yips among college baseball players. Total 107 players of the college baseball team participated in the study and completed the questionnaire by answering questions about their experience of the yips (loss of control to throw the ball accurately for more than 1 month), the symptom intensity, and changes observed in the symptoms in different situations. The 47.1% of players met the definition of throwing yips. The symptoms of the yips were more pronounced with short-distances and low intensity of throwing. Moreover, there were various subjective symptoms, such as the issue about co-contraction of the upper limb, sensory function, body ownership, and movement planning. Various physical symptoms associated with throwing yips suggest that the yips are not only a disorder of motor skills, but result from movement disorders. The present results show that the occurrence of the yips depends on the throwing condition; this finding provides useful insights into the mechanism and the treatment of the yips. Interdisciplinary studies that aim to elucidate the cause of the yips and develop effective intervention are necessary.</p>
奈良 隆章 木内 敦詞
運動疫学研究 (ISSN:13475827)
pp.1909, (Released:2020-01-31)
