李 雪 黒田 乃生 藤川 昌樹 安藤 邦廣
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.81, no.721, pp.603-612, 2016 (Released:2016-03-30)

In the region of Minority nationalities, Guizhou Province of China, houses are built by using traditional technology and local materials with the joint efforts of villagers. By investigating the construction process of G house in Gongna Village, this study has clarified that the participants mainly involved in the construction including house owner, the villagers and the experts such as carpenters, feng shui master, transportation supplier, sawmill and wood processing company. With the modernization of the rural life and the increasing of monetary economy, construction has been split into more divisions. The current result suggested that along with the introduction of electric tools and monetary economy, all of the construction process might tend to be more specific that could only be handled by professional staff. The old tradition of wooden technology and collaboration of villagers that have been inherited for many years might disappear.
李 雪 黒田 乃生 藤川 昌樹 安藤 邦廣
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.732, pp.383-391, 2017 (Released:2017-02-28)

The Chuandou System (pillars-and-transverse-tie-beams) wooden frame is wildly used in Miao people's houses in Qiandongnan region of Guizhou Province of China. The Chuandou System wooden frame is composed of vertical pillars and horizontal beams called "Fang". In this area, the house building is following a traditional production organization that the local carpenters design the house and process wooden components and the setting-up of the frame that is completed by joint work of villagers. By investigating the construction process of G house in Gongna Village, Qiandongnan region, this study has clarified that five types of the mortise and tenon joints are used in Chuandou-systerm wooden. The dimension characters of horizontal beams (Fang) were also clarified. In addition, the relationship between types of mortise and tenon joints, the dimension characters of horizontal beams (Fang), and the production organization of house building would be discussed in this study. In G house, the wooden frame could be separated into roof truss and framework. There are two types of mortise and tenon joints in roof trusses.. One of the joints that carpenters cult into a cavity in bottom of short pillar, and the cavity could be used as a mortise to put the short pillar on horizontal beam. Another type of the joints could be considered as a "haunched stob tenon joint", which is used to put horizontal beams(Fang) into short pillars. Also, there are three types of mortise and tenon joints in the frameworks. One type could be considered as a "pegged tenon joint". A haunched stob form tenon on the end of the beam inserts into the mortise. For strengthening the mortise and tenon, a peg is drived into one hole both through mortise and tenon. In another type of joints, tenon is in the middle of the horizontal beam (Fang) that could be passed across mortise and a key could be drived into horizontal beam (Fang) close to the pillar. The last type of mortise and tenon joints also could be considered as a "pegged tenon joint". Pair of horizontal symmetry beams come from two sides of the pillar, and two tenons on the end of beams are joint in one mortise. A peg also has been drvied into two tenons and one mortise to fix them. After the processing of wooden components, local villagers have to set up the Chuandou system frame by a very simple way in two days. They move horizontal beams (Fang) or vertical pillars to join mortises and tenons, and use wooden hammers to hit the beams to strengthen the connection of mortise and tenons. To provide an effectively setting-up construction, the local carpenters should devise the combination of mortise and tenon joints, and also process the horizontal beams (Fang) by different heights and widths in different positions even in the same beam as the shorter area can ensure the beams insert mortise smoothly. Therefore, relatively complicated process skill as well as a simple setting-up frame is developed in this region.
青柳 由佳 小林 久高 濱 定史 豊川 尚 安藤 邦廣
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.672, pp.343-350, 2012-02-29 (Released:2012-03-07)
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In the villages along the Miyakawa, a river in the Hida district of Gifu Prefecture, many traditional wooden folk and store houses have remained. In this report, the transformations in the wall construction of these houses are presented. The following three areas were researched: Tanekura, Sangawara, Suganuma, with the following findings.1.Due to the shortage of timber resources in the 1900s and the expansion of rice fields in the 1920s, the board walls of the folk houses built on alluvial fans and terraces changed to mud walls. In the mountain villages, on the other hand, walls made of wood continued to be seen.2.Between the Meiji and Postwar Period, the shortage of timber continued. The mud walls of the wooden storehouses situated in the villages on the alluvial fans, where rice fields had continued to expand, finally changed to thick mortar walls. In the villages built on terraces and mountains, the walls of storehouses saw a transformation from thick boards to thin boards.
青柳 由佳 小林 久高 濱 定史 豊川 尚 安藤 邦廣
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.76, no.666, pp.1389-1396, 2011-08-30 (Released:2012-01-13)
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In Tanekura, a village in the Hida district of Gifu, many traditional wooden folk houses have remained.In this report, the transformation process of three storied folk house of the fifteen main houses are presented. About 1900's three storied folk houses already have existed. The attic space first expanded when rebuilding was done from thatched roofing to single roofing during the 1920's. After that, some houses called “tateage” appeared, where the lengthening of doorjamb was added while reroofing, thus providing even more space.The expansion of the attic space is related to the businesses of the house owners, such as sericulture and stock raising, and the change in roof material is thought to have to do with the changes of use of Japanese pampas grass as resources. A opportunity of the change in roof advanced three storied folk houses.
高 松花 濱 定史 小林 久高 安藤 邦廣
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.678, pp.1853-1860, 2012-08-30 (Released:2012-10-15)
1 1

The log cabin is a kind of traditional house in east area of Asia. In Japan, there are traditional temples represented by the Shosoin and are located in the mountain. By the other hand, in Korea, these temples are located in the mountains and the islands. In the case of China, there are some log cabins located near the Changbai Mountain, and where many people are still living.The purpose of this paper is to describe the construction and the production technology of log cabins through a survey conducted in the protected area of Jingjiang Village in China's Changbai Mountain. It will also aim to make a linkage between characteristics with local area's weather, forest, society and economic condition.
釜床 美也子 安藤 邦廣
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.15, no.29, pp.211-216, 2009-02-20 (Released:2009-04-08)

In NIIZIMA Island, we can see characteristic stone constructions of MINKA that had been built until the 1930's. We researched 62 cases in NIIZIMA HON village, and measured 18 stone constructions. As a result, we got 13 typology of stone construction.
樋口 貴彦 安藤 邦廣
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.73, no.624, pp.303-310, 2008-02-28 (Released:2008-10-31)

This paper is an analysis of the structural transition of wooden storehouses in the area around Mt. Yatsugatake. A few types of the structural characteristics can be seen in the same village, and in the same area. In previous studies, it was found that these types of the structural transition were caused by the development of lumbering techniques and changes in the way pine wood was used in the area. First we researched the distribution of wooden storehouses in this area and their details and found out that there were five types of structural characteristics among them. Second, we analyzed each type according to the characteristics of their walls: their lumbering techniques and the length of wood pieces and concluded that the structural types were decided on by a method to build a long wall according to lumbering techniques, We also found that there were some differences in the way of fixing pillars between eastern areas and western ones around Mt. Yatsugatake.
小林 久高 安藤 邦廣
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.14, no.27, pp.249-252, 2008-06-20

In Tsushima Island, characteristic wooden stables are distributed. They are constructed with pillars shaped rectangle section. The distribution and the detail of the structure is investigated on this report. As a result it was realized that the researched stable of this area has simple constructing system using curved woods skillfully. The way of using woods becomes the precious reference on thinking about the utilization of future wood resources.
安藤 邦廣

1金沢市湯涌の茅場(カリヤスモドキ)と茅葺き技術石川県金沢市湯涌のメガヤと呼ばれるカリヤスモドキの茅場の現地調査を行い、その利用体系を明らかにした。また、標高の高い地域にカリヤスモドキが自生しており、それを利用して近年まで屋根が葺かれていた。これまでカリヤスの類いは、白川郷や五箇山のようなごく限られた山村でのみ使われてきた材料と考えられていたが、北陸や信越の比較的標高の高い地域に広く分布する材料であることが明らかになった。2岐阜県宮川村種蔵集落における茅の利用体系岐阜県宮川村種蔵集落における茅の利用体系について現地調査および聞き取り調査を行った。その結果、この地域では、民家はすべて茅葺きであり、養蚕業の隆盛とともに、屋根裏空間の拡大が見られた。その後、昭和初期に養蚕業から農耕馬の飼育貸し付けに生業が変わると、茅の利用は農耕馬の飼料にむけられ、屋根はクリの木羽葺きに変わった。その際に屋根裏は養蚕の蚕室としての拡大されたときよりもさらに冬期間の飼料の保存場所として拡大され、クリ木羽葺きの三層構造の民家に変遷した。3岐阜県山之村のコウガイ棟岐阜県山之村のコウガイ棟の現地調査および職人への聞き取りを行った。コウガイ棟は、白川郷や五箇山の合掌造りとその下流域から能登半島にかけて分布すると考えられてきたが、岐阜県の山間部全域にその分布が広がっていることが分かった。4能登の炭焼き小屋における逆葺き技術能登に現在もつくられている炭焼き小屋の現地調査と聞き取り、逆葺きの技術体系を明らかにした。5 田麦俣の甲造りの多層民家山形県田麦俣の多層民家の甲造りの茅葺きの現地調査を行い、道具、材料、葺き方の詳細を明らかにした。