小山 博
みやざき民俗 (ISSN:13415751)
no.70, pp.67-74, 2018-03
向井 信彦 原田 雅之 小山 博史
VR医学 (ISSN:13479342)
vol.1, no.1, pp.72-77, 2002 (Released:2013-01-25)
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This paper describes the architecture of real-time surgical simulators. First of all, a high performance graphics workstation based real-time simulation so that it could supply the user demand; however, there remained one problem of the cost. Then, the next simulator was developed with a personal computer in order to reduce the system cost and also new software simulating another surgery case was developed. Especially, the cost of a stereo display and haptic devices, both of which were the core components of the system and occupied the large ratio of the cost, were reduced by specifying the functions of them for ocular surgery. As a result, we succeeded in establishing a simulator that could supply the user demand of boty functions and the cost. Therefore, it has been tried to develop a neurosurgery simulator with the same components as that of the ocular surgery one. Although it remains the problem of haptic display, it is found that the specification of the stereo view can apply to not only ocular surgery but aloso neurosurgery simulators.
渡辺 賢一 井上 幹雄 中野 るりこ 文 娟 国崎 恵 水戸 沙耶佳 馬 梅蕾 TV プニヤコッテイ G ナラシマン PS スレシュ P パラス M ワヘッド KA ファデア AE リヤド H ベナム 平山 匡男 小林 隆司 小山 博史 神田 光雄
新潟医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290440)
vol.120, no.5, pp.279-289, 2006-05-10

【目的】γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)・リンゴ酢含有飲料水「顆糖熟(かとなーる)^[○!R]」の血圧に及ぼす作用と安全性を検討した.【方法】対象は,正常血圧者(収縮期血圧130mmHg未満かつ拡張期血圧85mmHg未満.N群.8名)と未治療正常高値血圧者(収縮期血圧130-139mmHgまたは拡張期血圧85-89mmHg)・軽症高血圧患者(収縮期血圧140-159mmHgまたは拡張期血圧90-99mmHg)のH群(10名)のボランテア計18名(男/女=13/5.平均46±3歳.)である.1本90mlにGABA70mg含有する飲料水「顆糖熟^[○!R]」を1日1本12週間摂取し,2週間毎に血圧・血液生化学・尿を検査した.【結果】診察所見・自覚所見で有害事象は見られなかった.N群では摂取による血圧の有意な変化は見られなかった(収縮期血圧118±3mmHgから113±4mmHg).H群では,摂取6週目から血圧低下が見られ,開始日(収縮期血圧136±2mmHg)と比較して10・12週目に有意な低下が見られた(収縮期血圧129±3・128±4mmHg,両p<0.05).興味深いことに,摂取中止2週後は更に血圧が低下し(126±3mmHg,p<0.05),中止4過後に血圧が上昇してきて摂取前と差が見られなくなった(130±4mmHg).摂取による血液生化学・尿検査の異常変化は見られなかったが,血糖値・GOT・γ-GTP・LDHの有意な低下と総コレステロール値の低下傾向が見られた.【総括】GABA含有飲料水「顆糖熟^[○!R]」は正常高値血圧者・軽症高血圧患者で緩やかに血圧を降下させ,安全性が高いことが示唆された.
小山 博滋
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.1, pp.71-76, 1968

Cacalia yatabei is a composite plant well known as a member of the Japanese flora. Although the occurrence of this species in the Rikuchu province was reported by TOBA in 1902,no specimen collected in the province was preserved in any main herbaria in Japan. On the course of my field trip, the considerable growth of this species was observed on Mt. Goyo as well as at the Osaki Peninsula. Having these new materials at hands, the phytogeography of C. yatabei is summarized in this paper and the taxonomica1 relationship between the species and its allied is also discussed. Cacalia yatabei MATSUM. et KOIDZ. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 24 : 152 (1910) Type : HONSHU, Pref. Tochigi : Utanohama, Nikko, J. Matsumura s.n. (TI); KITAM. in Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 7 : 250 (1938), Comp. Jap. III : 223 (1942); HARA Enum. Sperm. Jap. II : 152 (1952); OHWI FI. Jap. Eng. ed. 885 (1965). In C. yatabei, NAKAI recognized two types concerning the number of florets and involucral scales per head; one with 5 florets and 5-(6) involucral scales per head and another with 3 florets and 3-(4) involucral scales per head. Considering these types and some other characters, NAKAI subdivided C. yatabei into two micro-species. The differences pointed out by NAKAI, however, seem to have no taxo-nomic significance at the species level. In addition, there are some intermediate forms between the two types. These two types, therefore, are better considered as infraspecific variations as treated by KITAMURA. Var. yatabei Miricacalia yatabei (MATSUM. et KOIDZ.) NAKAI in Jour. Jap. Bot. 14 : 641(1938) Five florets and 5-(6) involucral scales per head. Var. occidentalis F. MAEKAWA ex KITAM. in Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 7 : 250(1938), Comp. Jap. III : 224 (1942); HARA Enum. Sperm. Jap. II : 152 (1952); OHWI Fl. Jap. Eng. ed 885 (1965) -Miricacalia maekawae NAKAI 1.c. 642 Type : HONSHU, Pref. Nara : Mt. Ohdaigaharayama, S. Sakaguchi s. n. (TI). Three florets and 3-(4) involucral scales per head. As shown in Fig. 1,this species occurs mainly along the Pacific coast of Japan. The northern limit of the distribution coincides well with the border of the deepest (more than 50cm) snowfall region. The dispersal of the plant seems to be related, at least partly, to thawing. Similar distribution pattern is known in some other Japanese plants (e.g., Veronica Miqueliana, etc.). In his revision of the Japanese composite plants, KITAMURA proposed Sect. Taimingasa including the following species : C. amagiensis, C. peltifolia, C. yatabei, C. firma and C. pseudotaimingasa. Among these species, C. peltifolia is fairly unique by its peculiar peltate leaves and its cellular construction of leaf hairs (Fig. 3-F). Cacalia amagiensis, C. firma and C. pseudotaimingasa are taxonomically related to C. yatabei. These four species have leaves with triple-ribbed venation, but the leaf margin is considerably different in serration one another. In C. firma the leaves are slightly lobed, while in C. yatabei they are deeply lobed. The leaves of C. pseudotaimingasa are intermediate between the two. Leaves of C. amagiensis are almost entire, but are more or less lobed in some specimens. Geographically, both C. firma and C. pseudo-taimingasa occur in Korea (Fig. 2); C. amagiensis is found only from Izu Peninsula; C. yatabei is widely distributed in Japan but limited south of the Kitakami Mountains. Considering this distribution, it can be assumed that the ancestor of C. yatabei may had come from Korea Peninsula across Tsushima Strait and spreads northeastwards along the Pacific side of the Japanese Islands up to the Kitakami Mountains.
村田 源 小山 博滋
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
no.9, pp.p111-121, 1976-10

The "Sohayaki element" was defined by the late Dr. Gen-ichi KOIDZUMI in 1931 as one of the important floristic elements of Southwest Japan, and 101 species of vascular plants were enumerated by him as the components of the element (in MAYEBARA, 1931). Since then, several investigations have been attempted to clarify the entity of the present element. It is now regarded as one of the most ancient flora of Japan. No one, however, has reevaluated the species enumerated by KOIDZUMI. Having the specimens deposited in the herbaria of Kyoto University (KYO), University of Tokyo (TI), Tokyo Metropolitan University (Makino Herbarium-MAK) and National Science Museum, Tokyo (TNS), the flowering plants cited by KOIDZUMI as the components of the "Sohayaki element" are studied in this paper from taxonomic and phytogeographic point of view. The phytogeographic significance of the present element is also discussed. As shown in Table 1,the following five groups are recognized in the "Sohayaki element" by the distribution pattern of each species. The distribution maps, based on the specimens kept in the herbaria cited above, are drawn by the KLIPS-C computer system designed by Dr. H. KANAI, National Science Museum, Tokyo. I : The plants are distributed in the Sohayaki region which includes Kii Peninsula, Shikoku and Kyushu (as shown in Fig. 1), though they are divided into 5 subgroups(A-E). The plants belonging to the subgroups of B, C, D, and E are distributed in rather narrow area than those of A. II : The plants are distributed only in the West Japan as shown in Fig. 2. III : The plants are distributed in both West and East Japan, though they are divided into 5 subgroups (A-E). Distribution areas of B and C are shown in Fig. 3 and 4,respectively. IV : The plants are distributed from the Sohayaki region in West Japan to rather north area in central Honshu as shown in Fig. 5. V : The plants are distributed from Japan to Northeast China throughout Korean Peninsula. VI : The plants are widely distributed in both Japan and the Chinese Continent. KOIDZUMI also described the following elements with the enumeration of the species, i.e. , "Central Chinese element : 51 spp.", "Kuma-Kanto element : 22 spp.", "Manchuria-Korean element : 38 spp." and "Chugoku element : 27 spp.". The "Kuma-Kanto element" was considered as the plants endemic to the areas from Kyushu to Kanto district of Honshu, and the "Chugoku element" as those endemic to the Chugoku district of Honshu. Judging from his definition of each element and the distribution patterns summarized in Table 1,B and C of III are considered as the "Kuma-Kanto element", V is recognized as the "Manchuria-Korean element" and VI as the "Central Chinese element". I and II in Table 1 are the Sohayaki elements which are now generally recognized. The Sohayaki elements occur in the area of warm temperate zone from about 200m to 800m in altitude and are minor constituents in the present vegetation. The habitat of the elements is usually restricted within the limestone or serpentine areas, in rocky places near the river which often overflows and in the ill-nourished or dried places of mountain ridges. These facts suggest that the present elements, protected from extinction by the habitat mentioned above, have survived for long time in competition with the invaders of both glacial and interglacial period.
小山 博
宮崎県総合博物館研究紀要 (ISSN:02879425)
vol.35, pp.67-86, 2014
山本 恭弘 中尾 恵 黒田 知宏 小山 博史 小森 優 松田 哲也 坂口 元一 米田 正始 高橋 隆
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
電気学会論文誌. E, センサ・マイクロマシン準部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. A publication of Sensors and Micromachines Society (ISSN:13418939)
vol.123, no.3, pp.85-91, 2003-03-01
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In field of cardiovascular surgeries, palpation of aorta plays important roles in decision of surgical site.This paper develops palpation simulator of aorta based on a finite element based physical model.The proposed model calculates soft tissue deformation according to the affection of inner pressure and the operation of a surgeon.The proposed method is implemented on a prototype with dual PHANToM device.Experimental results confirmed our model achieves real time simulation of the surgical palpation.
小山 博滋
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series B, Botany (ISSN:03852431)
vol.30, no.1, pp.21-34, 2004-03

The taxonomy of Vernonia sects. Xipholepis and Claotrachelus was examined. Six species of sect. Xipholepis and one of sect. Claotrachelus are enumerated in this paper. Of them, three species are described as new to science from Thailand and one species is newly recorded from Thailand. The chromosome number is reported of four species in this paper: Vernonia doichangensis 2n=54, V. ngaoensis 2n=36, V. silhetensis var. subserrata 2n=54 and V. squarrosa var. orientalis 2n=18.
小山 博滋
植物分類・地理 (ISSN:00016799)
vol.35, no.1, pp.49-58, 1984-05-29

ショウジョウハグマ族Tribe Vernonieae はキク科植物で、頭花が両性の筒状花のみから成り、花柱分枝が先端へしだいに細くなり、葯胞の下部付属体が短かく矢じり状となるなどの特徴によって、他の族から区別される。約70属からなるが、大部分の属が熱帯域に生育するため、日本ではなじみの少ないものである。琉球、小笠原、九州南部でショウジョウハグマ属Vernoniaとミスミグサ属Elephantopusのそれぞれ1,2種がこの仲間のものとして見られるにすぎない。熱帯域に位置するタイ国にはこれらの属の他に、Camchaya, Ethulia, Struchiumの3属がある。属の数でいえば、タイ国は日本の2.5倍の属を有するにすぎない。しかし、ショウジョウハグマ属を取り上げると、日本ではムラサキムカシヨモギV. cinerea1種を見るにすぎないのに対し、タイ国には28種も記録されている。しかもこれまでのタイ国における野外調査で得られた資料標本の研究によって、この数はさらに増えそうである。この属の多くは広く東南アジアや中国西南部、さらにはヒマラヤに分布しているので、個々の種の実態を把握するためには近隣地域のものとの対比研究が必要である。しばしば種子植物の種属誌的研究は一通り終わったと云われるが、これは温〜寒帯域に生育するものに関してであって、熱帯産のものについてはやっと手がつけられ始めたというのが実情である。この論文でもCamchayaについて、2新種と2新変種が記載されている。Camchayaはショウジョウハグマ属に近縁で、カンボジア産のC. kampotensisをタイプとして記載された東南アジアの特産属である。冠毛は剛毛状で、1小花あたりせいぜい9本までと少なく、しかも容易に脱落する。また、すべて1年草で、平地の耕作地周辺や山地の路傍に生育する。一方、ショウジョウハグマ属は全世界の熱帯に広く分布する。冠毛は剛毛状で、小花あたり20本以上と多い。また、冠毛が容易に脱落するものもある一方で、短かい剛毛状や鱗片状のものを外側につけて2列性となるものも多い。一年草から樹高が10mを越える本格的な高木まであり、石灰岩地や落葉樹の林床などにも生育する。予備的に調査したタイ国産のショウジョウハグマ属10種余りの染色体数はいずれも2n=18, 36, 54とx=9の倍数であった。これに対し、Camchayaの各種はいずれも2n=20である。この染色体数の差に冠する評価は1000種を越えるとされるショウジョウハグマ属を検討する中で考えて行く必要がある。今得られる情報によると、アフリカ産のショウジョウハグマ属の1節Sect. Stengeliaはn=10の染色体数を持つが、2列性の冠毛を有するとされている。このことから染色体数20を有することと、冠毛を減少させたことに直接の関連はないといえる。ここで新しく記載したCamcnaya pentagonaは5稜形のそう果を持つことで特徴づけられる。これまでCamchayaのそう果は10稜形とされていたが、本種の存在で10稜形と5稜形であることになった。もう1つの新種C. spinuliferaの総苞片は多数からなり、いずれもきわめて細い披針形で、その縁にするどい刺を散生している。この総苞の特徴はC. montanaとよく一致するが、新種は次の点でC. montanaと異なる。すなわち、小花の長さは10mmで、C. montanaの3.5mmに比して倍以上である。また、頭花当りの小花数も約130個で、C. montanaの12から30個に比べて極端に多い。この子花の大きさと数による2型はその間に中間型があって連続するようには考えにくい。C. montanaのタイプ標本を検討していないので問題は残るが、これらの特徴で新種をC. montanaから区別し得ると判断した。ミスミグサ属Elephantopusについては植物研究雑誌57: 50 (1982)で解説している。Ethuliaは10種余りからなる属であるとする意見がある一方で、旧世界の単型属とする意見がある。私は未だ野外で本種に出逢っていない。過去に採集された場所から判断して、特殊な生育地に隔離されているようには考えにくい。一年草で、生える場所や季節によって姿を大きく変える性質があるのかもしれない。この論文では単型属とする意見に従った。Struchiumは単型属である。旧世界の熱帯に広く分布するが、熱帯アメリカ原産と云われている。私の採集した場所は耕作地横の小さな溝の中であった。ここに引用した他の標本も地名から判断すると、人手の加えられたところのようである。最近出版されたFlora Ceylonには比較的最近帰化したもので、最初の採集は1931年に行なわれたと記録されている。