緒方 広明 殷 成久 毛利 考佑 大井 京 島田 敬士 大久保 文哉 山田 政寛 小島 健太郎
教育システム情報学会誌 (ISSN:13414135)
vol.33, no.2, pp.58-66, 2016-04-01 (Released:2016-05-07)

Educational Big Data (EBD) and Learning Analytics (LA) have being attracted enormous attention in recent years. Data collection process is the first step of EBD and LA. Based on the data source, data collection can be classified into two categories: manual data collection, and automatic data collection. This paper describes two educational systems: SCROLL (System for Capturing, Reusing, Reminding Of Learning Logs) as manual data collection and, M2B (Moodle, Mahara, Booklooper) as automatic data collection.
小島 健太郎 小島 早織 内海 恵利 江成 暁子
一般社団法人 日本獣医麻酔外科学会
日本獣医麻酔外科学雑誌 (ISSN:21896623)
vol.51, no.1, pp.13-15, 2020 (Released:2020-08-26)

肥満細胞腫(MCT)は犬の皮膚悪性腫瘍では最も多いが、筋肉内MCTの情報は極めて少ない。今回、大腿二頭筋に発生したMCTに対して外科的治療を行った症例を経験したので報告する。11歳、避妊雌、ラブラドール・レトリーバーが右大腿二頭筋に発生した最大径5.7 cmの筋肉内腫瘤を主訴に来院した。腫瘤を含む大腿二頭筋の部分切除および同側の膝窩リンパ節の摘出を行った。病理組織学的診断はMCTであったが不完全な外科マージンと評価され、c-kit遺伝子exon9に変異を認めた。術後8日目に拡大再切除を実施したが、摘出組織には組織学的に腫瘍細胞は認められなかった。術後692日に死亡するまで、再発や転移は認めなかった。本症例から筋肉内MCTの治療として筋肉の部分的切除が選択肢の1つとなる可能性が示唆された。
新井 絢也 戸田 信夫 黒川 憲 柴田 智華子 黒崎 滋之 船戸 和義 近藤 真由子 高木 馨 小島 健太郎 大木 正隆 関 道治 加藤 順 田川 一海
一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会 関東支部
Progress of Digestive Endoscopy (ISSN:13489844)
vol.92, no.1, pp.148-149, 2018-06-15 (Released:2018-07-19)

A 95-year-old female was transferred to our hospital for the purpose of the treatment of cholangitis due to common bile duct stones. One day after removal of bile duct stones with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) , she suddenly suffered cardiopulmonary arrest. Prompt cardiopulmonary resuscitation was performed, and the spontaneous circulation and breathing resumed. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography revealed pulmonary embolisms (PE) in the bilateral pulmonary arteries. PE is known as a common but sometimes fatal complication after surgery, and prophylactic approaches including early ambulation, wearing compression stockings, intermittent pneumatic compression, and anticoagulants have been proposed based on the risk of developing PE. However, only a few reports have focused on the development of PE as a complication after invasive endoscopic procedures. In this article, we discuss the risk factors and the prophylaxis policy against PE after ERCP.
山田 政寛 岡本 剛 島田 敬士 木村 拓也 大久保 文哉 小島 健太郎 緒方 広明
基幹教育紀要 = Bulletin of kikan education (ISSN:21892571)
vol.2, pp.61-72, 2016

Higher educational organizations are required to improve educational quality recently in order to faster active life-long learners, and take several educational methods for that purpose such as the establishment of learning support out of class settings for active learning. Portfolio, in particular, e-portfolio is one of the helpful tools to promote the reflecting and planning of learner's learning outcome, which play an important role in the promotion of active learning. £-portfolio allows learner to store, manage, access, and maintain their learning outcome using electric devices, on the other hand, it has the functional limitations such as handwriting and annotations. However, the difference of learner's perceived effects on their learning is under the discussion, due to the lack of the findings about comparative research between e-portfolio types. This research aims to investigate the differences of the learner's perceived effects on their learning with between paper-based and e-portfolios. The findings reveal that paper-based portfolio was more effective than e-portfolio, in terms of the instructor's presence and the perceived ease of the access to the feedback from instructors. The perceived effects of e-portfolio in terms of the management and access ware superior to that of paper-based portfolio.