小林 太市郎
西洋古典學研究 (ISSN:04479114)
vol.7, pp.25-38, 1959-03-30

In Japanse mythology, Susanowo-no Mikoto is the god of the sea, of the nether world and of "the universal destruction. In these characters, he is almost identical to the Greek Poseidon. And by comparing the myths of the two gods, we can prove that he is even a Horse God like Poseidon. Thus a comparison of the two gods is very instructive, and affords much help in elucidating the obscure points of their myths. For example, the myth of the dispute over Attica between Athena and Poseidon is compared to that over heaven between Amaterasu-Omikami (goddess of the sun, and of the cereal) and her brother Susanowo. In the Japanese myth, this is not a mere dispute, but an invasion of heaven, the domain of the sun- goddess, by the destructive Susanowo. So, the original form of the Athenian myth must have been the invasion of Attica, the domain of Athena, by the destructive Poseidon. In the same way, the controversy of Poseidon with the sun about Corinth, and that with Hera about Argos (Paus. II 1 & 22), must have been originally the invasion of the Sea God, the Flood God in Argos, of these respective lands. The Japanese myth tells also that Amaterasu-Omikami, the sun-goddess, to conciliate the invader, afterwards accepted his proposal to bear children with him, and that by both standing face to face on the opposite side of the celestial river, the god and goddess respectively gave birth to many children (Perhaps the original form of the Athenian myth was that Athena, accepting a similar proposal of Poseidon, gave birth to the olive, and he to Thalassa. But this original form was rationalized afterwards.). Evidently, the prudery and the respect surrounding Imperial Household have here obscured the myth. But the comparison with the myth of Demeter and Poseidon in Arcadia (Paus. VIII 25 & 42) demonstrates beyond doubt that there was in fact a violation of Amaterasu-Omikami by Susanowo. And what is important is that Susanowo threw the skin of a horse into the weaving house of the goddess, breaking the roof, so that the goddess, surprised, wounded her sex with the shuttle, and, furious, hid herself in the dark cave (that is to say, she died). Consequently the whole world was invaded by dark and famine. Here also are much obscuring and distortion of the original form of the myth, due to the prudery and the respect for the deity. But here also the comparison with the Greek myth is very instructive, and attests that Susanowo was a horse (in reality a priest wearing the skin of a horse), when he had violated the goddess, and thus caused her death. (The tradition of Onkeon assures us that Demeter herself was then in the form of a mare, which must be a rationalized interpretation of later age. Primitively, all Hieros Gamos were performances by a human goddess and an animal god.) Thus, that Susanowo was also a Horse God is beyond doubt, and we also find the true meaning of Demeter's going in the cave (death) and a very clear suggestion of the cause of her death. In any case, we can thus, by this comparative method, establish the existence of the rite of Hieros Gamos performed by a 'human goddess with a Horse God in Greece and in Japan ; this rite constituting the first part of a double Hieros Gamos which represents and celebrates the death and the revival of the solar and cereal goddess. And although the Arcadian myth had only conserved the first part of this double Hieros Gamos, its complete development is clearly visible in the mysteries of Eleusis and in the Japanese myth of Amaterasu. (She is resuscitated by a Hieros Gamos of the goddess Ameno-Uzume with the god Sarudahiko, as Demeter was by that of Baubo with Iakkhos. ) But these myths, both Greek and Japanese, represent not only the Hieros Gamos rite of the revival of spring. They contain or conceal also some corresponding historical facts of the same nature on both sides. That is to say, I believe, one can find in them : 1. an invasion by the sea-men of the cultivated lands, and a war to subjugate the original habitants; 2. the conciliation of the sea-men with the original habitants by means of marriage ; 3. the new invasion by the mounted people who came to land across the sea. Of course, these historical facts were so much obscured as to form the myths. So, it is one of the principal aims of comparative mythology to elucidate these obscurities, and to find the facts through the myths ; at least to restore the original forms of the myths by comparing and analyzing their variously distorted or obscured forms in diverse civilizations.
曽我 麻里恵 勝良 剛詞 小林 太一 髙村 真貴 黒川 亮 新美 奏恵 田中 恵子 石山 茉佑佳 林 孝文
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯科放射線学会
歯科放射線 (ISSN:03899705)
vol.61, no.2, pp.41-46, 2022 (Released:2022-04-06)

Background and Purpose: Dental caries that arise after radiotherapy (radiation caries) can lead to reduced masticatory function caused by tooth loss and osteoradionecrosis caused by dental infections. There are two main opinions regarding the mechanism underlying radiation caries: 1) tooth fragility caused by the direct effects of radiation and 2) a reduction in the physiological effects of saliva due to hyposalivation and a worsening of oral status. However, it has not been clarified which of these mechanisms is the main cause of radiation caries. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the risk factors for radiation caries in patients who had received head and neck radiotherapy. Material and Methods: Forty patients who had received head and neck radiotherapy were enrolled. We retrospectively investigated the relationships between radiation caries and clinical parameters, such as the treated site, irradiation field, radiation dose, and oral status, for 3 years after the completion of radiotherapy. Results: The incidence rate of radiation caries was 85%. Twenty-two percent and 78% of radiation caries occurred within and outside the irradiation field, respectively. The incidence rate of radiation caries among teeth within and outside the radiation field was 41.7% and 57.7%, respectively. The occurrence of radiation caries showed a moderate positive correlation with plaque control records. On the other hand, it was not correlated with the total radiation dose, the mean radiation dose delivered to the parotid gland, or the amount of saliva. Discussion: Our results suggested that radiation caries occur both within and outside the radiation field. It is considered that the risk of radiation caries is affected more by oral status, such as poor oral hygiene, than structural changes in teeth caused by radiation. Therefore, it is important to maintain a good oral status after head and neck radiotherapy to prevent radiation caries.
黒河 明 北條 久男 小林 太吉
一般社団法人 日本真空学会
Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan (ISSN:18822398)
vol.54, no.3, pp.196-198, 2011 (Released:2011-05-17)

The vibrating quartz oscillator in the viscous-flow gas was observed to compare the pressure (P) dependence between the impedance change (ΔZ) and the frequency change (ΔF). We obtained the ΔZ and the ΔF for Ar, O2, and Ne gases. Among Ar and O2 both the ΔZs and the ΔFs had no intersection with each other. However, Ne gas had the intersections with Ar gas with the ΔZ(P) and with O2 for the ΔF(P). The phenomenon was caused by the Ne property which Ne has smaller mass but larger viscosity compared with Ar and O2. The ΔZ-ΔF property showed that the property of each gas lied in the viscosity descending order, i.e., Ne, Ar, O2. The measurement of (ΔZ, ΔF) property could give the viscosity related information.

1 0 0 0 北斎とドガ

小林 太市郎
密教研究 (ISSN:18843441)
vol.1943, no.84, pp.1-56, 1943-03-10 (Released:2010-03-12)
小林太市郎 著
vol.中国篇, 1950
鈴木 淳 北條 久男 小林 太吉
The Vacuum Society of Japan
Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan (ISSN:18822398)
vol.58, no.5, pp.177-180, 2015

A novel quartz oscillator that has a temperature-stable output was investigated for outdoor hydrogen sensing. The output from the quartz oscillator remained almost constant for temperatures in the range of 15 to 50℃. Fluctuations of the output of the quartz oscillator in this temperature range were 0.3% at constant relative humidity of 0%RH, which corresponds to the change in the output when 0.3 vol% of hydrogen leaked in air. This change is thus sufficiently lower than the necessary minimum detection level of 1 vol% hydrogen concentration using the novel quartz oscillator's output during outdoor hydrogen sensing.<br>
鈴木 淳 北條 久男 小林 太吉
一般社団法人 日本真空学会
真空技術 (ISSN:18822398)
vol.58, no.5, pp.177-180, 2015

&nbsp;&nbsp;A novel quartz oscillator that has a temperature-stable output was investigated for outdoor hydrogen sensing. The output from the quartz oscillator remained almost constant for temperatures in the range of 15 to 50℃. Fluctuations of the output of the quartz oscillator in this temperature range were 0.3% at constant relative humidity of 0%RH, which corresponds to the change in the output when 0.3 vol% of hydrogen leaked in air. This change is thus sufficiently lower than the necessary minimum detection level of 1 vol% hydrogen concentration using the novel quartz oscillator's output during outdoor hydrogen sensing.<br>
小林 太郎 武部 純 似内 秀樹 古川 良俊 石橋 寛二
Japan Prosthodontic Society
日本補綴歯科學會雜誌 = The journal of the Japan Prosthodontic Society (ISSN:03895386)
vol.50, no.1, pp.10-15, 2006-01-10
3 2

症例の概要: 患者は54歳の男性. 1992年6月に左側口底部の腫瘤に気づき, 岩手医科大学歯学部附属病院口腔外科を受診した. 同年9月に下顎左側口底癌の診断のもと, 腫瘍摘出術が施行された. その後, 左側下顎骨放射線性骨壊死と下顎骨骨折が認められたため, 1993年3月に左側下顎骨区域切除が行われた. 術後経過は良好であったが再建は行われず, 1996年2月に補綴的機能回復を目的として第二補綴科を受診した. 下顎の患側偏位により上顎との咬合接触関係が失われていたため, 下顎顎義歯装着後, 1997年11月に下顎顎義歯ならびに下顎歯列との咬合接触部を設けた口蓋床を製作し装着した. 2001年4月に下顎顎義歯とこれに咬合接触する口蓋床を再製作後, 患側への偏位の抑制と咀嚼機能の改善が認められている.<BR>考察: 下顎の偏位の防止と咀嚼機能の回復を目的として, 口蓋部の咬合接触域にパラタルランプを付与した口蓋床を装着した. その結果, 咀嚼筋のバランスを保つことができ, 下顎の患側への偏位の抑制を図ることができた. 咀嚼機能と構音機能の改善程度を評価したところ, 下顎顎義歯とこれに咬合接触する口蓋床の装着により摂取可能食品の増加が認められた. また, 狭まったドンダーズ空隙を広げることにより, 構音機能の改善も認められた.<BR>結論: 下顎骨非再建症例における下顎顎義歯と, これに咬合接触する口蓋床の装着は, 下顎の患側への偏位の抑制と咀嚼機能の回復に有効であることが示された.