小柴 はるみ 松本 奈穂子
東海大学紀要. 教養学部 (ISSN:03892018)
vol.36, pp.37-70, 2006-03-30

Topkapi Palace Museum in Istanbul has 45 Albums (muraqqa'), a sort of book-style collections, pasted the excellent fragments and examples for the calligraphies and paintings. In these collections, especially four Albums, called Saray Album or Istanbul Album (the registration numbers; H. 2152, H. 2153, H. 2154 and H. 2160), are oldest and characteristic, including more than 1000 paintings and a large number of calligraphies in Islamic world from 14^<th> to 16^<th> century. Although there is no clear evidence, it is supposed that Saray Albums were the dedications from Safavids, when Sultan Serim I (1512-20) of Ottoman Empire conquered Tabriz region (now Iran) in the campaign of Chaldiran at 1514. Many fragments of the paintings and calligraphies are disorderly pasted on both sides of the page. And most of the paintings and drawings might have been executed originally for different kinds of manuscripts and sketchbooks (SUGIMURA 1986: 5). For example, a few illustrated pages of the famous manuscripts Shah-nama (Book of Kings), written by Firdawsi (934-1025), were separated from the original book and mounted to different pages. And in these two Albums, there is a group of very unique paintings with the inscription; "Kari Ustad Mahmmud Siyah Kalem (the work of Master Siyah Kalem (=black pen)". The motifs of those paintings are various demonical creatures and the nomad's daily life. Those pictures might be the precious examples of the tradition that belongs to the Turkmen's culture in Central Asia. This paper is one of the reports of our collaborated research with the art historians, taking two volumes (H. 2153 and H. 2160) as the object of study. In this paper we deal with the musical instruments and dance scenes, based on the pictures of these two Albums. There are 84 pictures of music and dance, included 30 pictures of musical instruments, 5 of dance scenes with music, 13 of dancers, and 36 of only the bells. Various musical instruments, such as the chordophones (harp and lute families), the aerophones (flute and trumpet), the membranophones (drums), the idiophones (clappers and bells), are drawn in different pictures. Dancing postures and accompaning materials such as the waving scarves and cloths are analized from magical/spiritual point of view. In brief, we take focus on the pictorial materials with musical instruments and dances, especially from Shah-nama and Siyah Kalem in the Saray Albums, and consider them in the cultural contexts.
小柴 はるみ
東海大学紀要. 教養学部 (ISSN:03892018)
vol.34, pp.149-188, 2004-03-30

This paper takes the focus on the musical instruments of Maraghl's two writings in Persian, Jami'al-alhan (the collection of melodies) and Maqasid al-alhan (the intention of melodies), which give us the most precious data as written in the Islamic world of 15th century. In his works there are 45 names of musical instruments with brief descriptions. 'Abd al-Qa^^-dir ibn Ghaybi^^- Ha^^-fiz Mara^^-ghi^^- (135? 〜 d.1435 Herat) was the person who showed the musical talent in the time when the history of west and central Asia had greatly moved, accepted by the several rulers, and left the important works to future generations. As born in Maragha(now Iran), he is commonly called Maragh! or Ghaybl. He was a musician, poet, and calligrapher. Since he himself was an excellent player of 'ud and harp, he wrote the books of the music theory, based on his practical experiences. The descriptive section of various musical instruments in his writings does not necessarily take a large portion, but only one chapter, added as a sort of dictionary. However, instead of taking up whole musical instruments of his time, he treated in own writings only those which called saz, the musical instruments but limited to the melodic instruments. Therefore, he did not adopt the rhythmic instruments in his books, such as drums or clappers etc. It is interesting that he included particularly the melodic percussion instruments of the cup-phones or bowl-phones with water-tuning system by his original device. There are 29 names of the string instruments, 13 of the wind instruments and 3 of the percussion instruments. In this paper I indicate the name list of them, then, Japanese translations of each description with my brief comments, and lastly refer to his classification and concept of these instruments, which were probably reflecting the view of his days. In his writings Maraghl presents the various musical instruments covering vast area from east to west in Eurasia, and makes us to recognize the spread of the informations in those days.
龍村 あや子 谷 正人 マーマット ウメル 小柴 はるみ 屋山 久美子


1 0 0 0 リズム

小島美子 小柴はるみ編
ヤマンラール水野 美奈子 黄 暁芬 杉村 棟 小柴 はるみ 桝屋 友子 阿部 克彦

ヤマンラール水野 美奈子 杉村 棟 関 喜房 小柴はるみ

本研究では、イスラーム世界の白羊朝(1378-1508のヤアクーブ・ベク(1478-1490の宮廷で編纂された2冊の詩画帳(ムラッカア(トプカプ宮殿美術館所蔵、登録番号H.2153, 2160の書・絵画合計2152点の作品の綿密な分析・分類・研究によって、15世紀の白羊朝を中心とした書画芸術の動向を解明した。本研究によって従来ティームール朝美術の影に隠れていた白羊朝美術の独自性が鮮明になり、白羊朝が東西交流の重要な拠点の一つであることを確認した。