小澤 哲也 金沢 翔一 長野 康平 浅川 孝太 中村 和彦
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.66, pp.533-549, 2021 (Released:2021-08-18)

The first objective of this study was to develop a course unit plan for physical fitness in the lower grades of elementary school, in which traditional play as exemplified by exercises for physical fitness are used as teaching material to create various movements (Study I). The second objective was to conduct classes using traditional play as teaching material based on the course unit plan, in order to gain an understanding of the fundamental movements that appear and the amount of physical exercise during the class (Study II). Study I: A total of 163 traditional play physical activities were selected from prior studies and related publications. 22 elementary school third graders were examined for the fundamental movements included in 42 of the traditional play physical activities. The median number of such fundamental movements that appeared was 3 (minimum: 1, maximum: 8). From the survey results, traditional play physical activities were selected from among those that had no bias in their fundamental movements and had rules that could easily be changed and levels of difficulty that could easily be adjusted, and a course unit plan was developed taking into account the ease of class preparation by teachers. Study II: A total of 5 lessons based on the course unit plan were given to 23 elementary school second graders. The fundamental movements were measured using observational methods, and the number of steps was measured objectively using an accelerometer. The fundamental movements observed and the number of steps measured during the course unit were compared with the age-appropriate standards for motor skills. The results revealed the following: 1) Of the 28 fundamental movements that were set, 25 were observed during the course unit. 2) There was a high frequency of fundamental movements common to many of the traditional play physical activities. 3) The mean number of steps in the physical education classes with diverse movements using traditional play physical activities as teaching materials for lower grades of elementary school was 2343.6±586.1. 4) There were no differences in the number of steps in any of the classes between the higher-ranked and the lower-ranked children. These results suggest that from the perspective of fundamental movements and amount of physical exercise, creating various movements using traditional play physical activities as teaching materials may be satisfactory.
小澤 哲也 大澤 貴子 大山 由廉 中村 彩菜 霜田 直史 守田 誠司 澤本 徹 石塚 久美子 白石 尚子 村山 ゆかり 岸本 美保 川口 留佳 佐藤 隆一
社団法人 日本理学療法士協会関東甲信越ブロック協議会
関東甲信越ブロック理学療法士学会 (ISSN:09169946)
vol.36, pp.121, 2017

<p>【背景】</p><p>近年、人工呼吸器装着(MV)患者に対する離床の開始基準や実施基準が明確化されているが、離床時のリスクの層別化に関する報告は少ない。そこで本研究は離床時のリスクを層別化した離床プログラムの安全性を検討することを目的とした。</p><p>【方法】</p><p>当院救命救急センターに入院となり、離床プログラムに基づいてベッドアップ、端座位および車椅子乗車を実施したMV 患者5 例(男性5 例、年齢77 ± 11 歳、肺炎4 例、多発外傷1 例、APACHE2 スコア25.8 ± 1.5 点)、28 回の離床を対象とした。離床時のリスクの層別化として、人工呼吸器の設定(FiO<sub>2 </sub><0.6、PEEP <10cmH<sub>2</sub>O、PaO<sub>2</sub>/FiO<sub>2</sub> ratio >150)、高用量の強心薬を使用していないこと、バイタルサイン(SpO<sub>2 </sub>>88%、HR40-130bpm、sBP80-180mmHg、RR10-40bpm、体温<</p><p>38.5℃)の3 つの大項目を指標とし、基準を満たした大項目の数によって、3 項目をlow risk(LR)、1 ~2 項目をmoderate risk(MR)、0 項目をhigh risk と分類した。なお、high risk の場合は離床は実施しなかった。アウトカムは離床実施前後の血圧、心拍数、酸素飽和度、呼吸回数およびそれぞれの変化量と20 分の離床が完遂できたか否かとした。解析方法は各離床をLR とMR に分類し、アウトカムを対応のないt 検定とχ2 乗検定で比較した。なお、有意確率は5% 未満とした。本研究は当院倫理委員会の承認を得て実施した。</p><p>【結果】</p><p>離床のリスク分類はLR 18 回、MR10 回であった。LR はMR の離床に比較して20 分の離床完遂率(LR vs. MR: 50% vs.</p><p>10%)、PF ratio(171 ± 17 vs. 131 ± 17)、体温(37.1 ± 0.5 vs. 37.7 ± 0.7℃)、離床後のSpO<sub>2</sub>(97 ± 3 vs. 95 ± 3 %)に有意差を認めた(p <0.05)。それ以外の項目に有意差は認めなかった(p >0.05)。</p><p>【結論】</p><p>LR とMR のMV 装着下の離床は著しい呼吸循環動態の悪化を招くことはないが、MR の離床は離床時間の調整などが必要である。</p>
石井 真史 上杉 文彦 小澤 哲也
日本結晶学会誌 (ISSN:03694585)
vol.62, no.1, pp.35-42, 2020-02-29 (Released:2020-03-06)

Along with the advancement of measurement technologies, a large amount of experimental crystallographic data can be obtained easily, so that objective and rapid analysis suitable for batch process is strongly required. This article introduces recent research on objective and rapid analysis of crystal structure using X-rays or electron beams. For one-dimensional X-ray diffraction pattern, non-negative linear regression (NNLS) using diffraction patterns provided by public database has achieved more objective and faster analysis than conventional manual works. With regard to two-dimensional electron and X-ray diffraction, good objective and rapid analysis was realized for several types of materials by using artificial intelligence (AI) based on convolutional neural network. On the other hand, the sparsity inherent in the diffraction pattern was found to cause a lack of information, and universal applicability of material property prediction using AI that depends on training data is still open to question. However, the fact that AI itself has the potential ability to solve complex images, a breakthrough technology for universal two-dimensional objective and rapid analysis might be found in progressing research.
谷地舘 藍 佐藤 弘二 佐藤 彰 薮上 信 小澤 哲也 小林 伸聖 中居 倫夫 荒井 賢一 Ai Yachidate Koji Sato Akira Sato Shin Yabukami Tetsuya Ozawa Nobukiyo Kobayashi Tomoo Nakai Arai Ken Ichi
【A】基礎・材料・共通部門 マグネティックス研究会

大友 祐一 薮上 信 加藤 和夫 小澤 哲也 荒井 賢一
公益社団法人 日本磁気学会
Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan (ISSN:18822924)
vol.33, no.3, pp.283-286, 2009-05-01 (Released:2009-05-21)
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We developed a very sensitive high-frequency carrier-type magnetic-field sensor with a sub-pT resolution using a transmission-line-type sensor. Meander-type sensor elements using amorphous CoNbZr films (4μm in thickness), Cu conductor with a meander pattern (30 mm in length, 1.0 mm in width, 18 μm in thickness), and a ground plane were fabricated. We obtained a magnetic field resolution of 9.1×10-13 T/Hz1/2 at 1 Hz. The detectable magnetic field was limited by the 1/f noise. We detected a magnetocardiogram (MCG) signal of heartbeats with the sensor.
小澤 哲也 山田 洋 佐藤 弘二 小島 健 薮上 信 小林 伸聖 中居 倫夫 荒井 賢一
公益社団法人 日本磁気学会
Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan (ISSN:18822924)
vol.37, no.1, pp.1-7, 2013-01-01 (Released:2013-01-08)

We report the results we obtained from applying a magnetic system to detect cracks using a thin film magnetic field sensor to measure the hole of aluminum. The thin film magnetic field sensor consisted of a coplanar line and amorphous CoFeSiB film. The main characteristic of the sensor is that the phase of the carrier signal changes when a magnetic field is applied. The sensitivity of the developed sensor was 70 deg./Oe. We used the thin film magnetic field sensor in an experiment to measure leakage magnetic flux from the surface of the aluminum while applying an AC magnetic field to the aluminum. The surface of the aluminum was scanned by an electric stage with a motor. The phase value of the sensor was converted to a voltage value, and then measured with a lock-in amplifier. As a result, the hole of aluminum was detected by measuring the distribution of the leak magnetic flux on the aluminum surface.
薮上 信 加藤 和夫 加茂 芳邦 小澤 哲也 荒井 賢一
公益社団法人 日本磁気学会
Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan (ISSN:18822924)
vol.32, no.4, pp.483-486, 2008-07-01 (Released:2008-07-18)
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We developed a very sensitive high-frequency carrier-type magnetic field sensor with a pT resolution using a transmission-line-type sensor. Meander-type sensor elements using amorphous CoNbZr films were fabricated. We obtained a magnetic field resolution of 3.0 x 10-12 T/Hz1/2 at 1 Hz. The detectable magnetic field was limited by the 1/f noise. We detected the magnetocardiogram (MCG) signal by using the sensor.
小澤 哲也 馬渡 宏 薮上 信 石山 和志 荒井 賢一
公益社団法人 日本磁気学会
日本応用磁気学会誌 (ISSN:02850192)
vol.29, no.8, pp.831-837, 2005 (Released:2007-05-10)
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The impedance and phase characteristic of a magnetic thin film changes when a magnetic field is applied. The high-frequency-carrier magnetic field sensor, also called a GMI sensor, employs this phenomenon as its principle. We directed our attention to the change in the phase characteristic, and measured the dc magnetic field by measuring the phase as a phase difference, using the dual-mixer time-difference method. We optimized the method and the continuous sampling condition to measure the phase difference, and developed an efficient system for measuring the continuous sampling phase difference with low noise. The system was successfully used to measure the ac magnetic field by continuous sampling of the phase difference of a high-frequency-carrier magnetic field sensor.