近藤 千尋 佐野 広季 一宮 暢希 山根 浩二 河﨑 澄
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.85, no.874, pp.18-00340, 2019 (Released:2019-06-25)

This paper describes how to produce a biodiesel fuel (BDF) from the waste soup of ramen noodles, especially focusing on the recovery process of the oil (triglycerides) from a large amount of waste soup or the oily wastewater disposed of by pouring it down the sink by a ramen restaurant. By combining a semi-transparent bucket (~6 L) with a cock and solvent extraction, it is shown that oil can be recovered easily from 300 or more bowls of ramen noodle waste soup, with an energy profit ratio (EPR) of more than 5.2. The initial cost of the bucket is about 1600 yen, so it has little effect on the price of the BDF produced from the oil in the ramen noodle waste soup, and it is shown that the increase in running cost to produce BDF by this method is about 2.3 yen/L if the rate of recovery of hexane (solvent) is over 99%, which is approximately equivalent to the production cost of waste-cooking-oil BDF production by previously reported methods. Furthermore, in the case of applying the proposed method based on the solvent extraction to the recovery of oil from the oily wastewater disposed of by a ramen noodle restaurant, it is shown that oil can be recovered from the waste soup of ramen noodles just after disposal as well as from the oily wastewater that spent one day in the grease trap. In the former case, EPR is 5.0, and the estimated amount of BDF is greater than 100 L/month for one restaurant. However, in the case of using the oily wastewater from the grease trap, EPR is less than 2.0 because of the reduction of yield of BDF due to a greater oxidation deterioration of the recovered oil, when the alkyl catalyst method is used. Therefore, it is desirable to recover oil from the oily wastewater at the drain pipe just after the sink.
近藤 千尋 佐野 広季 山根 浩二 小坂田 潔 河崎 澄
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.847, pp.16-00375, 2017 (Released:2017-03-25)

This paper describes how to produce a biodiesel from the oil in the waste soup of ramen noodles, and especially clarifies an amount of oil in waste soup, the energy profit ratio (EPR) of the production of biodiesel from the oil in waste soup of ramen noodles and the engine performance of the biodiesel from waste soup of ramen noodles. As a result, from the waste pig bone (ton-kotsu) soup the recovered tri-glyceride was about 11g per a soup. The biodiesel produced from the oil in the waste soup of ramen noodles by using ordinary alkyl catalyst method has low cold flow properties, due to the high content of the saturated fatty acid methyl ester such as C16:0, C18:0 and so on. And it is estimated that the amount of BDF from a ramen noodle restaurant is about 2.4L if the customers are around 300 per day, and this means that the 9.9 kW co-generation system is able to be operated for an hour per day. About energy profit ratio analysis, if the oil separation process is improved, EPR from the waste soup to biodiesel will become higher than 5.0. Furthermore, engine test is performed by using BDF from the waste soup of ramen noodles as B5. As a result, it is shown that fuel consumption rate and emissions are almost the same as the case of using gasoil.
大井 崇生 山根 浩二 谷口 光隆
vol.32, no.1, pp.19-25, 2020 (Released:2021-03-29)

試料を薄切片にして透過観察すると,組織や細胞の内部構造を平面像として捉えられる.二次元の平面像の解釈は研究者の知識や経験に基づく想像力に補われて三次元の全体像が理解されてきたが,複雑に入り組んだ構造や,切断方向によって異なる断面像を示す構造を精確に把握することは困難であった.しかし,試料を何十,何百枚という連続切片にして一枚ずつ撮影し,それらを画像解析ソフト上で順々に積み上げる三次元再構築法を用いることで,細胞やオルガネラを立体的に捉えることが可能となる.本稿では,走査型電子顕微鏡(SEM)に集束イオンビーム加工装置(FIB)を内蔵した装置内において切削と観察を繰り返すことで精確に連続切片像を取得できるFIB-SEMを用いた三次元解析について,イネ(Oryza sativa L.)葉身の葉肉細胞の解析例を紹介する.細胞の端から端までを超薄切して三次元再構築することで,イネの葉肉細胞のような複雑に入り組んだ細胞の外形や,その内部の葉緑体などのオルガネラの構造を立体的に捉えることが可能となることに加え,二次元の断面像からは精確な推定が難しかった体積や表面積の定量も可能となる.対象の一部分のみを見る断面観察だけではなく,全体を包括的に捉える三次元解析を行う意義についても議論したい.
佐野 広季 近藤 千尋 山根 浩二 小坂田 潔 河崎 澄
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム 2016.21 (ISSN:24242950)
pp.E231, 2016 (Released:2017-06-19)

This paper describes how to produce biodiesel from waste soup of ramen, especially in terms of improvement of the energy profit ratio, EPR. This time, by applying solidification of tri-glyceride it is removed from soup, then EPR become higher over than 3.5. And by applying solvent extraction, then EPR become higher over than 5.0. This value is much higher than that of production by vacuum distillation in the previous paper. Furthermore, engine test is performed by using BDF from waste soup of ramen as B5. As a result, it is shown that fuel consumption rate and emission is almost the same as the case of using gasoil.
佐野 広季 近藤 千尋 山根 浩二 小坂田 潔 河崎 澄
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム
vol.2016, 2016

<p>This paper describes how to produce biodiesel from waste soup of ramen, especially in terms of improvement of the energy profit ratio, EPR. This time, by applying solidification of tri-glyceride it is removed from soup, then EPR become higher over than 3.5. And by applying solvent extraction, then EPR become higher over than 5.0. This value is much higher than that of production by vacuum distillation in the previous paper. Furthermore, engine test is performed by using BDF from waste soup of ramen as B5. As a result, it is shown that fuel consumption rate and emission is almost the same as the case of using gasoil.</p>
長崎 栄三 国宗 進 太田 伸也 五十嵐 一博 滝井 章 近藤 裕 熊倉 啓之 長尾 篤志 吉川 成夫 久保 良宏 上田 雅也 牛場 正則 日下 勝豊 塩野 友美 島崎 晃 島田 功 榛葉 伸吾 西村 圭一 早川 健 藤森 章弘 牧野 宏 松元 新一郎 望月 美樹 森 照明 藤村 和男 半田 進 家田 晴行 松田 泉 浅沼 健一 小俣 弘子 清水 壽典 村越 新 安部 浩一 飯嶌 一博 久永 靖史 山根 浩孝 山口 啓
日本数学教育学会誌 (ISSN:0021471X)
vol.90, no.4, pp.11-21, 2008-04-01


1 0 0 0 IR 故友古野君に

山根 浩 [ヤマネ ヒロシ]
vol.161, pp.101-102, 1916-06-15