藤井 節郎 奥田 拓道 赤沢 明 安田 行寛 川口 安郎 福永 育史 西川 栄郎
薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.95, no.6, pp.732-740, 1975

In order to investigate the fate of 1-(2-tetrahydrofuryl)-5-fluorouracil (FT-207) in comparison with that of 5-fluorouracil tritiated FT-207 (<SUP>3</SUP>H-FT-207) and 5-fluovouracil (<SUP>3</SUP>H-5-fluorouracil)were administered from the rectum in normal and AH-130 tumor-bearing rats, and rapid absorption of <SUP>3</SUP>H-FT-207 or <SUP>3</SUP>H-5-fluorouracil, was observed. Blood level of radioactivity after rectal administration of <SUP>3</SUP>H-FT-207 was higher and more continuous than that of <SUP>3</SUP>H-5-fluorouracil. Although the radioactivity after rectal administration of <SUP>3</SUP>H-FT-207 and <SUP>3</SUP>H-5-fluovouracil was widely distributed in the various tissues of the animal with or without tumor, the highest concentration of the radioactivity was observed in the kidneys, and higher in tumor. The radioactivity in lymphatic gland reached a maximum level within 2-4 hr after the rectal administration of <SUP>3</SUP>H-FT-207 and declined very slowly. The urinary excretion of radioactivity within 24 hr was about 30% of the administered dose of <SUP>3</SUP>H-FT-207. More than 85% of the excreted radioactivity accounted for FT-207 and its metabolite, &alpha;-fluoro-&beta;-alanine. Other metabolites such as 5-fluorouracil, &alpha;-fluoro-&beta;-ureidopropionic acid and tritiated water were detected in small amounts in rat urine. The radioactivity in blood and tumor, 4 hr after rectal administration of <SUP>3</SUP>H-FT-207, was found to represent FT-207. However, the radioactivity in liver was due to the presence of &alpha;-fluoro-&beta;-alanine. About 90% radioactivity in lymphatic gland within 2-6 hr after rectal administration of <SUP>3</SUP>H-FT-207 was detected as FT-207.
戸出 英輝 采見 憲男 川口 安郎 多比良 和基
公益社団法人 日本化学療法学会
vol.25, no.2, pp.385-391, 1977-02-25 (Released:2011-03-08)

FT-207 was activated to 5-FU by microsomal drug-metabolizing enzyme in the liver, and 5-FU was converted to F-β-alanine etc. in the microsomal supernatants or to FuR etc. in the nucleus.After administration of FT-207, 5-FU activated in the liver was released into the blood and then transferred to the tumor tissues.On the other hand, in experiment of the rat treated with CCl4 in vivo and of the activation of FT-207 by several tissues in vivo, it was observed that FT-207 was activated in the lung, the kidney and spontaneously besides the liver.After administration of 3H-FT-207, the radioactivities were incorporated as FUMP into the RNA fraction of tumor cells.Based on these results, we postulated that FT-207 was activated to 5-FU mainly in the liver, partially in the lung, the kidney enzymatically and in whole bodies spontaneously, was transferred to the tumor tissues and remarkably inhibited the RNA and DNA synthesis.
藤井 節郎 中村 芳正 武田 節夫 森田 健一 佐藤 俊幸 丸中 照義 川口 安郎 采見 憲男
The Japanese Cancer Association
GANN Japanese Journal of Cancer Research (ISSN:0016450X)
vol.71, no.1, pp.30-44, 1980-02-29 (Released:2008-10-23)

The metabolism, antitumor activity, and acute toxicity of 5-fluoro-1, 3-bis-(tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-2, 4-pyrimidinedione (FD-1) were investigated in animals, compared with 5-fluoro-1-(tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-2, 4-pyrimidinedione (FT). It was found that after oral administration of FD-1, the level of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) was maintained higher and longer than after administration of FT, and that a large amount of 5-FU was released from FD-1 by liver microsomal drugmetabolizing enzymes or spontaneous hydrolysis via 5-fluoro-3-(tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-2, 4-pyrimidinedione (3-FT) and FT. FD-1 had a significant activity against the solid form of Ehrlich carcinoma, sarcoma-180, hepatoma AH130, Yoshida sarcoma, Walker carcinosarcoma-256, and leukemia L1210 and P388, but not the ascitic forms, and it produced greater inhibition of tumor growth than FT. The acute toxicity of FD-1 was less than that of FT.
池田 和正 増田 啓年 吉末 訓弘 東岡 喜作子 松島 英司 永山 績夫 川口 安郎
The Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics
薬物動態 (ISSN:09161139)
vol.12, no.6, pp.656-667, 1997-12-31 (Released:2007-03-29)

S-1の動物種差について明らかにするためにマウス,ラットおよびイヌを用いたS-1の動態試験を試みた.また,イヌにS-1の投与量を変えて経口投与した時の各未変化体とその代謝物についてpharmacokinetic parameterを算出し,用量依存性について検討した.1.マウス,ラットおよびイヌを用いたS-1の動態試験の結果,血漿中FTはいずれの動物種においてもCmaxに顕著な差は認められなかった.しかし,イヌのAUCは103155ng·hr/mlともっとも高く,ラットが53600ng·hr/ml,マウスは4180ng·hr/mlであった.この種差はT1/2値にも見られた.血漿中5-FUはマウスのCmax、が1081ng/mlと顕著に高く,ラットが282ng/mlともっとも低かった.しかしT1/2値はマウスがもっとも小さく,ラットおよびイヌは同程度であった.血漿中CDHPはマウスのCmaxが1815ng/mlと顕著に高かったものの,AUCはいずれの動物種においても顕著な差は見られなかった.血漿中OxoのCmaxおよびAUCはいずれもマウスで顕著に高く,ラットがもっとも低かった. 2.ラットおよびイヌのbioavailabilityを算出した結果,FTのbioavailabilityはいずれもほぼ100%であった.一方,CDHPはラットで36.8%,イヌでは27.0%であった.またOxoではラットが3.0%に対しイヌでは9.9%であった. 3.イヌを用いてFT,5-FU,CDHPおよびOxoの用量依存性について検討した.その結果,FT,CDHPおよびOxoについては用量に比例した推移を示すことが明らかになった.一方,5-FUは用量の増加率以上に濃度が高くなり,線形と仮定した場合の濃度に比べAUCは1.8倍から2.8倍の増加が認められた.これはS-1に配合されている5-FUの代謝酵素の可逆的な拮抗阻害剤であるCDHPが,投与量の増加に従いCmax,AUCが高くなることで5-FUの代謝阻害をより強め,長時間持続するため,5-FUの代謝クリアランスが低下したためであると推察される.
藤井 節郎 奥田 拓道 赤沢 明 安田 行寛 川口 安郎 福永 育史 西川 栄郎
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.95, no.6, pp.732-740, 1975-06-25 (Released:2008-05-30)
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In order to investigate the fate of 1-(2-tetrahydrofuryl)-5-fluorouracil (FT-207) in comparison with that of 5-fluorouracil tritiated FT-207 (3H-FT-207) and 5-fluovouracil (3H-5-fluorouracil)were administered from the rectum in normal and AH-130 tumor-bearing rats, and rapid absorption of 3H-FT-207 or 3H-5-fluorouracil, was observed. Blood level of radioactivity after rectal administration of 3H-FT-207 was higher and more continuous than that of 3H-5-fluorouracil. Although the radioactivity after rectal administration of 3H-FT-207 and 3H-5-fluovouracil was widely distributed in the various tissues of the animal with or without tumor, the highest concentration of the radioactivity was observed in the kidneys, and higher in tumor. The radioactivity in lymphatic gland reached a maximum level within 2-4 hr after the rectal administration of 3H-FT-207 and declined very slowly. The urinary excretion of radioactivity within 24 hr was about 30% of the administered dose of 3H-FT-207. More than 85% of the excreted radioactivity accounted for FT-207 and its metabolite, α-fluoro-β-alanine. Other metabolites such as 5-fluorouracil, α-fluoro-β-ureidopropionic acid and tritiated water were detected in small amounts in rat urine. The radioactivity in blood and tumor, 4 hr after rectal administration of 3H-FT-207, was found to represent FT-207. However, the radioactivity in liver was due to the presence of α-fluoro-β-alanine. About 90% radioactivity in lymphatic gland within 2-6 hr after rectal administration of 3H-FT-207 was detected as FT-207.
川口 安郎 中村 芳正 佐藤 俊幸 武田 節夫 丸中 照義 藤井 節郎
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.98, no.4, pp.525-536, 1978-04-25 (Released:2008-05-30)
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After oral administration of 5-fluoro-1, 3-bis (tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-2, 4-pyrimidinedione (FD-1), the level of 5-fluoro-2, 4-pyrimidinedione (5-FU) was 5 to 7 times higher in the plasma and normal tissues and 8 to 12 times in tumor tissue than after administration of 5-fluoro-1-(tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-2, 4-pyrimidinedione (FT). Moreover, these levels were maintained longer than after administration of FT. In tumor tissue, the concentration of 5-FU was still as high as 1.42 μg/g 12 hr after administration of FD-1. FD-1 was degraded to 5-fluoro-3-(tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-2, 4-pyrimidinedione (3-FT) by liver microsomal drug-metabolizing enzymes in vitro and to FT spontaneously. Subsequently, FT was converted enzymically to the active substance, 5-FU, and 3-FT changed to 5-FU spontaneously. Conversion of FD-1 to 5-FU via 3-FT was greater than via FT. It is concluded that a large amount of 5-FU formed after administration of FD-1 is formed via 3-FT. γ-Hydroxybutyric acid was found to be formed in vivo and in vitro from the tetrahydrofuranyl group of FD-1.
川口 安郎 中村 芳正 佐藤 俊幸 武田 節夫 丸中 照義 藤井 節郎
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.98, no.4, pp.525-536, 1978

After oral administration of 5-fluoro-1, 3-bis (tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-2, 4-pyrimidinedione (FD-1), the level of 5-fluoro-2, 4-pyrimidinedione (5-FU) was 5 to 7 times higher in the plasma and normal tissues and 8 to 12 times in tumor tissue than after administration of 5-fluoro-1-(tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-2, 4-pyrimidinedione (FT). Moreover, these levels were maintained longer than after administration of FT. In tumor tissue, the concentration of 5-FU was still as high as 1.42 &mu;g/g 12 hr after administration of FD-1. FD-1 was degraded to 5-fluoro-3-(tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-2, 4-pyrimidinedione (3-FT) by liver microsomal drug-metabolizing enzymes in vitro and to FT spontaneously. Subsequently, FT was converted enzymically to the active substance, 5-FU, and 3-FT changed to 5-FU spontaneously. Conversion of FD-1 to 5-FU via 3-FT was greater than via FT. It is concluded that a large amount of 5-FU formed after administration of FD-1 is formed via 3-FT. &gamma;-Hydroxybutyric acid was found to be formed in vivo and in vitro from the tetrahydrofuranyl group of FD-1.
増田 啓年 池田 和正 東岡 喜作子 永山 績夫 川口 安郎 堀 勝行 益子 俊之 江角 凱夫
The Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics
薬物動態 (ISSN:09161139)
vol.12, no.4, pp.289-300, 1997-08-30 (Released:2007-03-29)

ラットに[14C-FT]-S-1,[14C-CDHP]-S-1あるいは[14C-Oxo]-S-1を投与しその吸収および排泄について検討し,以下の結果を得た. 1.[14GFT]-S-1を投与した絶食雄性ラットでは,血液中放射能濃度は投与後1時間にCmax 6215 ng eq./mlを示したのち2相性を示して消失する傾向を示した.主排泄経路は尿中であり,投与後72時間までの尿中,糞中およびに呼気中にそれぞれ投与量の74.7%,1.6%および15.5%排泄された.また,投与後48時間までの胆汁中には投与量の4.3%が排泄された. 2.[14C-FT]-S-1を投与した絶食雌性ラットでは雄性ラットと比較して血液中放射能濃度および排泄率に大きな相違は認められなかった. 3.[14C-FT]-S-1を投与した非絶食雄性ラットでは吸収および排泄に食餌による大きな影響はなかった. 4.[14C-FT]-S-1注入後30分における消化管ループからの吸収率は十二指腸で96.0%,空腸で96.2%,回腸で91.4%,結腸で67.8%であった. 5.[14C-CDHP]-S-1を投与した絶食雄性ラットでは,血液中放射能濃度は投与後1時間にCmax 569 ng eq./mlを示したのち1相性を示して消失した.主排泄経路は尿中であり,投与後72時間までの尿中および糞中にそれぞれ投与量の74.8%および22.5%が排泄された.また,投与後48時間までの胆汁中には投与量の1.3%が排泄された. 6.[14C-CDHP]-S-1を投与した絶食雌性ラットでは雄性ラットと比較してCmaxは1.3倍,AUCは1.4倍であったが尿中への排泄率は9.8%少なかった. 7.[14C-CDHP]-S-1を投与した非絶食雄性ラットでは食餌により吸収率は低下した. 8.[14C-CDHP]-S-1注入後30分における消化管ループからの吸収率は十二指腸で18.2%,空腸で20.2%,回腸で12.1%,結腸で4.0%であった. 9.[14C-Oxo]-S-1を投与した絶食雄性ラットでは血液中放射能濃度は投与後1.3時間にCmax 947 ng eq./mlを示したのち2相性を示して消失した.主排泄経路は尿中であり,投与後72時間までの尿中,糞中および呼気中にそれぞれ投与量の70.7%,27.0%および3.0%排泄された.また,投与後48時間までの胆汁中には投与量の1.0%が排泄された. 10.[14C-Oxo]-S-1を投与した絶食雌性ラットでは雄性ラットと比較してCmaxは1.3倍,AUCは1.5倍であったが尿中への排泄率は16.6%少なかった. 11.[14C-Oxo]-S-1を投与した非絶食雄性ラットでは食餌により吸収率は低下し,血液中放射能濃度推移も絶食時と大きく異なった. 12.[14C-Oxo]-S-1注入後30分における消化管ループからの吸収率は十二指腸で20.4%,空腸で37.6%,回腸で18.6%,結腸で6.8%であった.