平岩 馨邦 徳田 御稔 内田 照章 杉山 博
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.16, no.4, pp.547-574, 1958-11

The Islands of Oki lie in the Japan Sea about 30-40 miles off Matsue, situated at the northern coast of south-west Hondo, the main island of Japan. The depth of the sea between the both is under 200 m. The geologists think that Oki Islands had connected to Hondo by the Shimane Peninsula up to diluvial epoch. Dogo Island, the largest of the group, have an area of 216 km2; predominating there the mountainous landscape with scanty alluvial plains. The vegetation of this island shows an appearance of the climax of deciduous forest consisted of chiefly deciduous trees such as oaks. Dozen Islands are the general name for the group of islands which situate at some distance from Dogo. The topography of Dozen is generally flat, and simpler than that of Dogo. Everywhere of these islands are artificially cultivated, and the secondary vegetation mainly covers all the islands. No large-sized endemic mammal is known in Oki Islands, both in Dogo and Dozen ; Lepus brachyurus okiensis from Dogo being the largest one. As to the other mammals, Mogera wogura kobeae, Urotrichus talpoides minutus, Crocidura dsi-nezumi, Apodemus speciosus navigator, Apodemus geisha celatus, Anteliomys smithii okiensis are recorded from Dogo. Moreover, it is sure that Mustela sp. and Glirulus sp. (both may be characteristic subspecies) inhabit in Dogo, though they are not yet examined taxonomically. It is worthy of notice that the majority of endemic mammals from Dogo Island are distinguished from allied species of Hondo as subspecies by the previous systematic studies. To work on the interesting problem of subspeciation, we tried to make clearer the characteristics shown by the former workers as subspecies. We classified by ages all specimens of both Oki and Hondo respectively, and statistically compared both samples in each division. In this report, Apodemus speciosus speciosus of Hondo and Apodemus speciosus navigator from Oki were mainly chosen as the materials for the purpose above mentioned, and we touched a little to the other mammals. in short, we could point out some characteristics to be distinguished from typical subspecies of Hondo by statistical treatment in the specimens of Oki of Apodemus speciosus navigator (I) together with Apodemus geisha celatus (II), Anteliomys smithii okiensis (III) and Urotrichus talpoides minutus (IV). For the external characteristics, that both subspecies (I) and (II) of Oki have shorter tail in comparison with body length than that of typical subspecies of Hondo, that subspecies (IV) have longer tail on the contrary, that there is no recognizable external distinction in subspecies (III) (but being distinguished by the characteristics in the skull) and others became clear. We compared Apodemus speciosus navigator with Apodemus speciosus speciosus in detail basing on the abundant materials. Ages were identified by the pattern of grinding surface of m3. We divided all samples into five classes ; namely stage 1 (juvenile), st. 2 (subadult), st. 3 (adult I), st. 4 (adult II) and st. 5 (senile) by age, and compared both groups in each class of age respectively. By such comparisons, it became clear, in addition to lower tail ratio of navigator than that of speciosus, that on distance between the first upper molars (m1~m1) and length of upper molar series (m1~m3), the former from Dogo was somewhat longer than that of the later, and specimens from Dozen remarkably longer than speciosus. The portion represented by m1~m1 and m1~m3 grows most slowly in the skull. The skull grows anteriorily and posteriorily from that dead centre ; the anterior extension being greater than posterior extension. Judging from the fact that in the forest mouse from Oki this portion is longer than that of Hondo, especially in the animal from Dozen remarkably, we think that the animal from Dozen may be distinguished also from navigator of Dogo as another subspecies. However, we did not deal with taxonomical consideration of the forest mouse from Dozen, because of the insufficiency of materials. To lay the foundation on the studies of subspeciation of the small mammals from Oki Islands, the present investigation was planned to make more exact taxonomical treatment of the materials. We think that such a new trial as the classification by ages and the statistical comparison in each class was an excellent method for the purpose.隠岐島は, 島後と島前からなり, 前者は一つの大きな陸塊が中心になつているが, 後者は四つの小島の集合からなりたつている. これらは島根半島の沖, 30~40マイルに位置し地形的には該半島に連なるものである. その間の海の深さは200m以下で, 地質学者は洪積世の終りまで, これらの島は本土と陸地で連なつていたと考えている(湊,'54). 島後の内の主島の広さは246km2(東西18km・南北20km)で, 沖積平野は少く, 島全体が起伏の多い地形をなしている. 最高峰は焼火山(451.7m)で, その森林景観はシイ・カシの極相であるといつてよい. 島前は, どの島も地域狭小で, 高い山はなく, 植物相は貧弱である. 今回アカネズミを採集した西島は58km2の島で, その採集地点浦郷は耕地と耕地保護林からなる単純な環境であつた. 島後の哺乳動物は, 最初にAndersonによつて採集され, それが大英博物館のThomas('O5)によつて記載された. この際の採集物は, コウベモグラMogera wogura kobeae 16頭, ヒミズモグラ Urotrichus talpoides 1頭, ジネズミ Crocidura dsi-nezumi 1頭, オキアカネズミ Apodemus speciosus navigator 6頭, オキヒメネズミ Apodemus geisha celatus 4頭, オキノウサギ Lepus brachyurus okiensis 3頭であつた. そのうちで, オキアカネズミ, オキビメネズミ, オキノウサギはそれぞれ新亜種として記載された. つぎに徳田は, 1932年に同島の小哺乳類を採集し, その採集品について分類学的研究を行つた. その際に採集された種類は, クマネズミ Rattus rattus 1頭, オキビミズモグラ Urotrichus talpoides minutus 2頭, オキアカネズミ2頭, オキヒメネズミ1頭, オキスミスネズミ Anteliomys smithii okiensis2頭であつた. オキアカネズミとオキビメネズミに関しては, Thomasの記載を確認し, またヒミズモグラとスミスネズミに関してはその亜種的特徴の著しいことを指摘し, それらを新亜種とすることを提唱した(徳田,'32). 植物や哺乳類以外の動物の中にも, この島に産するものが分類学的に区別された例があるが, そのうちで佐藤井岐雄('40)によつて紹介されたオキサンショウウオ Hynobius okiensis はとくに著しく目立つものであつた. 隠岐島の動物や植物は, しばしば同地に特産のものとして取扱われたが, それらは分類学的に本土に産するものと密接な類縁性のあるものばかりである. 従つて前者は後者よりも分れて亜種化 (subspeciation) あるいは別種化 (speciation) の過程にあるものと考えてよい. 亜種化あるいは別亜種化の起る原因の一つとしては地理的隔離(geographical isolation)があると考えてよいが, それは外因である. 内因としてはそこに産する生物の生活の特殊性をこそ問題にしなければならぬ. さきに少しく触れたように島前・島後の島々の自然環境は単純であり, 比較的に複雑な島後においても森林景観は一つの極相としていいあらわすことができるような単純性をもつている. 哺乳動物相として見た場合に, 島後においてはウサギ, イタチ等が比較的に大形の哺乳類を代表し, それ以上のものはいない. 本土においては普通であるイノシシ, シカ, テン, キツネ, アナグマ, タヌキ等をそこには産しない. Thomasおよび徳田がさきに紹介した哺乳動物以外に, イタチとヤマネを島後に産することが確実であるが, いずれにしても同地の哺乳動物相は貧弱である. もちろんそれは分類学的観点からする同島の自然環境の記載に過ぎないが, 同島における生物の亜種化や別種化の問題を研究する際には, こういつた哺乳動物社会の要素の貧弱性という点がまず考慮されてよいと思う. 今回の研究は, 亜種化や別種化の過程そのものを対象としたものではなく, むしろそこへ到達する前段階的な研究を行つたものである. そのために, 従来の形態的研究をいつそう深め精密化しておく必要があると思つたので, その方法について一つの試みを行つた. 1956年11月に, 平岩・徳田・内田等は伯誉大山および隠岐島で小哺乳類を採集し, それらの採集物について詳細な比較研究を行つた. この際に烏取大学医学部の酉田弘氏も同行し, 小哺乳類に附着する外部寄生虫を採集した. さらに同医学部の長花操教授の御厚意により山陰地方一帯で近年採集された莫大な数の液漬標本について自由な研究を行うことが許されたので, この材料は主として頭骨や歯紋の比較研究資料に供した. すべての材料を統計的に取扱うことを念頭において計測を行い, これらのデータについてその統計学的吟味を併せ行つた. 哺乳類の外部形態は液漬標本で計測すると非常に不正確になるので, 隠岐産のものとの外形比較は, 徳田が1952~1953年に比叡山で, また1952年に上高地(徳本峠)で採集した標本類が主な材料として用いられた. この点で本研究はいくらか一貫性を欠くものとなつたが, 論文の目的が形態に関する吟味をいつそう深める方法を問題にしている点に読者が留意され, 批判をしていただければわれわれは非常に幸である.
平岩 馨邦 徳田 御稔 内田 照章 吉田 博一
九州大学農学部学芸雑誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.16, no.1, 1957-03

昭和28年から31年にかけて九州各地で主にハジキワナによる"野鼠"の採集を行つた. これらの結果の大要は次のようである. 1) これまで九州で採集されたアカネズミ, ヒメネズミ, カヤネズミ, ハタネズミおよびスミスネズミの5種を今回の調査で再び確認することができた. 2) これらの野鼠の中, アカネズミが最も優勢であり, ヒメネズミがこれに次ぎ, この両種が野鼠の大半を占めて広く九州一円に分布していることがわかつた. 3) スミスネズミはヒメネズミについで多く, 600m以上の高地でのみ採集された. 4) ハタネズミは鳥栖・福岡の低地で採集されたのみであるが, 集団的にかなり棲息することが考えられる. 5) カヤネズミも局所的にはかなり集つて棲息しているが一般には少い.
徳田 御稔
vol.45, no.535, 1933
徳田 御稔
vol.44, no.529, pp.441-442, 1932
徳田 御稔
vol.13, no.5, pp.577-585, 1932
徳田 御稔
鶏の研究 (ISSN:00290785)
vol.30, no.2, 1955-02
徳田 御稔
地質学論集 (ISSN:03858545)
no.3, pp.5-14, 1968-12-28

The theory of organic evolution has been kept under the strong influence of paleontological findings during the late nineteen and early twenty centuries. In regard to the progressive evolution of species, the Lamarckian theory of evolution should be considered in the light of modern biology, as it cannot be replaced merely by the selection-theory of Darwin, for the latter is only applicable for an explanation of the mechanism of specific divergences. Advancement of organic structures is not a matter of that intimately associated with divergences: it belongs to the phenomenon of "aromorphosis" of A. N. SEVERTSOV, resulted through the process of adaptation as a whole inconnection with the historical change of the inorganic and organic environments. In the upper half of Table 1 the findings of neontological and paleontological facts are arranged to show their correspondences. The contributions of ecological studies after Darwin, however, were not necessarily concomitant with the evolutionary theories. As shown in the lower half of the Table, the analysis of community that have been carried out after Darwin paid little attention to the problem of species. The present study refers frequently to Orlov (1962, "Fundamentals of Paleontology″) which gives adequate accounts on the history of the development of paleontology in association with the theory of evolution.
徳田 御稔
no.3, pp.2-3, 1952-09-25
徳田 御稔 鹿野 忠雄
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.50, no.2, pp.84-87, 1938-02-15

Rattus mindanensis is a rat common in the Phillippine Islands. The northern limit of the range of the species has been known to be the Babuyanes Islands. One of the authors, KANO obtained two specimens of the rat from Botel-Tobago in his exploration of the island carried out in 1937. The specimens were studies by TOKUDA and has been ascertained as belonging to the named species. This rat seems to be endemic to the locality, since the islanders believe it to be a native rat, calling it by a name of "Karamrirara" to distinguish it from "Karam-riraol" of the cosmopolitan rats. If the rat is really endemic to the island, the occurrence of the species in Botel-Tobago will bear an important significance to the paleogeography of this and neighbouring islands, favouring KANO's view of the comparative recency of the hypothetical land-bridge between Luzon and Botel-Tobago through Babuyanes and Batanes, since this rat of Botel-Tobago is scarecely diverged from the form of the Philippine Islands.
徳田 御稔
地質學雜誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.59, no.694, pp.283-286, 1953-07-25

1 0 0 0 遺伝と環境

徳田 御稔
教育と医学 (ISSN:04529677)
vol.2, no.2, pp.91-96, 1954-02
徳田 御稔
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.59, no.9, pp.210-213, 1950-09-15

In reference to the distribution and territories occupied by certain closely-related species, Mayr (1947) has proposed the use of the terms "sympatric" and "allopatric." The former applies to those species which occupy the same geographical areas; the latter to those species which occupy separate geographical areas. In the case of "sympatric" species there exist successive grades of coincidence in the territories occupied ranging from perfect coincidence of territoy to the maintenance of only a small overlapping margin. In any case there must be a cortain biological gap or "break" among the "sympatric" species which prohibits them from interbreeding. Taxonomically good species frequently hold this type of distribution. On the other hand, in the case of "allopatric" species we find those which are only maintained by geographical isolation. At least theoretically there exist two formerly interbreeting colonies or incipient species siolated from each other rather recently so that they will easily interbreed if the barriers are withdrawn. We can find a number of "allopatric" examples in Japan, especially among the related species isolated from each other by Tsugaru-strait, so that while one form may be restricted to Hokkaido another is confined to Hondo. Some of them are good species so far as judged by morphological differences, while others belong to 'not good species' maintained only by the geographical barrier. Our interests are more profound in the case of "allopatric" species without geographical isolation, since in this case there must exist some other intrinsic reasons for their separation within the distributional range. In the book of Mayr we find examples of this type of "allopatric" species mainly in mammals and birds. While in lower forms, for example in European toads and frogs, Mayr stressed discovery that the two related forms frequently produce hybrids at a few marginal regions where ranges of each species overlap. In the higher forms of vertebrates there seems to exist some psychological reason to prohibit the crossing of species in the overlapping zone, even though they can be hybridized easily in captivity. At any rate the "allopatric" species present problems which require more considerable research in the wide field of biological study. I have shown in the present report two distinct cases of "allopatric" species of small mammals revealed by the comparative study of their distribution according to elevation on Mt. Yatsugatake and Mt. Ontake. Both mountains are situated in central Hondo within the same bio-geographical area. Two species of Clethrionomys (andersoni=Ca and smithii=Cs) and two species of Urotrichus (talpoides=Ut and pilirostris=Up) have been the subjects of my study. In figs. 1 and 2, I have shown the exact location of the stations where I trapped these species. It seems remarkable that Clethrionomys smithii which is restricted to the lower slopes on Mt. Yatsugatake, expands its range higher than 2000m. on the eastern slope of Mt. Ontake where other rival species are absent because of the lack of favourable conditions.