杉山 博
駒澤史学 (ISSN:04506928)
vol.25, pp.1-11, 1978-03
杉山 博紀
Viva Origino (ISSN:09104003)
vol.51, no.1, pp.1, 2023 (Released:2023-06-23)

Synthesizing a possible earliest cell-like molecular assembly from scratch can contribute to investigating the underlying design principle of the current living organisms. Liposomes, closed phospholipid bilayers, are a promising scaffold for this synthetic approach. Therein, the low permeability of the phospholipid membrane prohibits the efficient supply of molecules encapsulated inside, which makes it challenging to assume liposome-based protocells at the origin of life. Using the developed automatic observation platform based on microfluidic devices (termed MANSIONs), we find that liposomes can accumulate some molecules, including analogs of adenosine triphosphate and polyethylene glycol, against their concentration gradient, without proteins but under a hydrodynamic condition. We further elucidate that the negatively charged phospholipids in the liposomal membrane are crucial for this unique molecular transport across the phospholipid membrane (hydrodynamic accumulation; HDA). Finally, we discuss the potential contribution of HDA in investigating the origin of life.
杉山 博昭
人間・環境学 = Human and Environmental Studies (ISSN:09182829)
vol.19, pp.59-77, 2010-12-20

本論は, 十五世紀フィレンツェで上演された聖史劇を手がかりに, 同時代の図像に「何が起きているのか」を検証するものである. シャピローやパクサンダールが指摘したように, 演劇から 図像へという一方通行の即応関係を「実証的」に明らかにすることは困難であるしかし, 図像の「源泉」や「典拠」への拘泥を留保し, 再構成が進められてきた聖史劇についての研究成果をふまえるならば, 演劇と図像のあいだに存在した「反復」や「再演」といった, 双方向の照応関係を発見することが可能となる. まず, 絵画的リアリティに埋没しない演劇的リアリティを帯びた図像中の記号に注目する. 実際の聖史劇の舞台に用いられた記号群が描きこまれることで, 図像中に異質なふたつのリアリティが並び立つ. このリアリティの落差が呼び起こした聖史劇の見物客の眼差しは, 図像の鑑賞者の眼差しへと重ねられたのだ. 次に, 図像のなかに描かれた超常的な光, もしくは点光源の描写に注目する. 聖史劇『昇天』や『受胎告知』などの演目におけるイルミネーションの演出は苛烈を極めた. 図像資料に確認される, 天井に鎮座する神の周囲の光, 天球の表現などは, まさしくこれらのランプや花火の効果の「反復」と考えられ, 鑑賞者と見物客の経験が接近し得たことを示す. さらに, 図像を構成する時空を, 聖史劇の舞台が組織した時空と比較検証する. 聖史劇の時間は, 遅延し, 停滞し, 回帰する特徴を帯び, 演技空間は収縮と拡張を繰り返す. また, 聖史劇の見物客は, このような時空に, 身体ごと参与するよう要請された. そのために, 同じような前近代的な特徴を帯びた図像の前に立っとき, 見物客でもあった鑑賞者の受容は, 重層的なものとなったに相違ないのだ.
竹下 英毅 川上 理 立花 康次郎 平沼 俊亮 杉山 博紀 張 英軒 矢野 晶大 岡田 洋平 永松 秀樹 諸角 誠人 山田 拓己
一般社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.107, no.4, pp.233-238, 2016-10-20 (Released:2017-10-24)

(目的) 精巣捻転症は,診断治療が遅れると精巣を喪失するため,臨床的社会的に重要な救急疾患である.近年,精巣捻転と外気温との関連が指摘されているが,その詳細は明らかでない.今回,急性陰囊症手術症例を後方視的に集計し,精巣捻転発症と外気温との関係について検討を行った. (対象と方法) 対象は2004年10月から2014年10月までに精巣捻転症が否定できず,手術が行われた急性陰囊症105例.患者病歴より年齢・居住地域・発症日時・手術検査所見等の情報を収集した.発症日の外気温は,気象庁ホームページより居住地域に最も近い気象台のデータを用いた.χ2乗検定,ウィルコクソンの順位和検定,ロジスティック回帰分析で解析を行った. (結果) 年齢中央値13(1~43)歳,患側は右側46例,左側58例,両側1例であった.術中所見で67例が精巣捻転症,38例が非精巣捻転症と診断された.発症日平均外気温は捻転群で中央値10.8℃(1.8~29.4℃),非捻転群で19.4℃(1.9~29.1℃)あり,捻転群で有意に低かった(p=0.006).精巣捻転症の割合は,発症日平均外気温が15℃未満の場合45/56(80%)で同15℃以上での22/49(45%)と比べ有意に高頻度であった(p<0.001).また平均外気温15℃以上でも,最高最低気温の差(日内気温差)が10℃以上の場合に13/21(62%)で,同10℃未満の9/28(32%)と比べ精巣捻転症が高頻度であった(p=0.037).多変量解析の結果,年齢・血清CRP値・発症日外気温が急性陰囊症手術症例中から精巣捻転症を予測する有意な因子であった. (結論) 低外気温または日内気温差が大きい日の急性陰囊症は,精巣捻転症の可能性が高く,注意すべきである.
山下 隼平 杉山 博之 須田 義大
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集C編 (ISSN:18848354)
vol.77, no.781, pp.3253-3263, 2011 (Released:2011-09-25)

In this investigation, curving performance for low-floor light rail vehicles (LRV) with friction controls on wheel/rail interface is discussed. To this end, a creep force model subjected to friction modifiers is developed by introducing an equivalent shear modulus of rigidity. Good agreements in the creep force characteristics are obtained between the proposed model and experiment. It is shown with the proposed creep force model that use of friction modifiers on an inner rail is effective for reducing lateral contact forces of LRV with independently rotating wheels.
平岩 馨邦 徳田 御稔 内田 照章 杉山 博
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.16, no.4, pp.547-574, 1958-11

The Islands of Oki lie in the Japan Sea about 30-40 miles off Matsue, situated at the northern coast of south-west Hondo, the main island of Japan. The depth of the sea between the both is under 200 m. The geologists think that Oki Islands had connected to Hondo by the Shimane Peninsula up to diluvial epoch. Dogo Island, the largest of the group, have an area of 216 km2; predominating there the mountainous landscape with scanty alluvial plains. The vegetation of this island shows an appearance of the climax of deciduous forest consisted of chiefly deciduous trees such as oaks. Dozen Islands are the general name for the group of islands which situate at some distance from Dogo. The topography of Dozen is generally flat, and simpler than that of Dogo. Everywhere of these islands are artificially cultivated, and the secondary vegetation mainly covers all the islands. No large-sized endemic mammal is known in Oki Islands, both in Dogo and Dozen ; Lepus brachyurus okiensis from Dogo being the largest one. As to the other mammals, Mogera wogura kobeae, Urotrichus talpoides minutus, Crocidura dsi-nezumi, Apodemus speciosus navigator, Apodemus geisha celatus, Anteliomys smithii okiensis are recorded from Dogo. Moreover, it is sure that Mustela sp. and Glirulus sp. (both may be characteristic subspecies) inhabit in Dogo, though they are not yet examined taxonomically. It is worthy of notice that the majority of endemic mammals from Dogo Island are distinguished from allied species of Hondo as subspecies by the previous systematic studies. To work on the interesting problem of subspeciation, we tried to make clearer the characteristics shown by the former workers as subspecies. We classified by ages all specimens of both Oki and Hondo respectively, and statistically compared both samples in each division. In this report, Apodemus speciosus speciosus of Hondo and Apodemus speciosus navigator from Oki were mainly chosen as the materials for the purpose above mentioned, and we touched a little to the other mammals. in short, we could point out some characteristics to be distinguished from typical subspecies of Hondo by statistical treatment in the specimens of Oki of Apodemus speciosus navigator (I) together with Apodemus geisha celatus (II), Anteliomys smithii okiensis (III) and Urotrichus talpoides minutus (IV). For the external characteristics, that both subspecies (I) and (II) of Oki have shorter tail in comparison with body length than that of typical subspecies of Hondo, that subspecies (IV) have longer tail on the contrary, that there is no recognizable external distinction in subspecies (III) (but being distinguished by the characteristics in the skull) and others became clear. We compared Apodemus speciosus navigator with Apodemus speciosus speciosus in detail basing on the abundant materials. Ages were identified by the pattern of grinding surface of m3. We divided all samples into five classes ; namely stage 1 (juvenile), st. 2 (subadult), st. 3 (adult I), st. 4 (adult II) and st. 5 (senile) by age, and compared both groups in each class of age respectively. By such comparisons, it became clear, in addition to lower tail ratio of navigator than that of speciosus, that on distance between the first upper molars (m1~m1) and length of upper molar series (m1~m3), the former from Dogo was somewhat longer than that of the later, and specimens from Dozen remarkably longer than speciosus. The portion represented by m1~m1 and m1~m3 grows most slowly in the skull. The skull grows anteriorily and posteriorily from that dead centre ; the anterior extension being greater than posterior extension. Judging from the fact that in the forest mouse from Oki this portion is longer than that of Hondo, especially in the animal from Dozen remarkably, we think that the animal from Dozen may be distinguished also from navigator of Dogo as another subspecies. However, we did not deal with taxonomical consideration of the forest mouse from Dozen, because of the insufficiency of materials. To lay the foundation on the studies of subspeciation of the small mammals from Oki Islands, the present investigation was planned to make more exact taxonomical treatment of the materials. We think that such a new trial as the classification by ages and the statistical comparison in each class was an excellent method for the purpose.隠岐島は, 島後と島前からなり, 前者は一つの大きな陸塊が中心になつているが, 後者は四つの小島の集合からなりたつている. これらは島根半島の沖, 30~40マイルに位置し地形的には該半島に連なるものである. その間の海の深さは200m以下で, 地質学者は洪積世の終りまで, これらの島は本土と陸地で連なつていたと考えている(湊,'54). 島後の内の主島の広さは246km2(東西18km・南北20km)で, 沖積平野は少く, 島全体が起伏の多い地形をなしている. 最高峰は焼火山(451.7m)で, その森林景観はシイ・カシの極相であるといつてよい. 島前は, どの島も地域狭小で, 高い山はなく, 植物相は貧弱である. 今回アカネズミを採集した西島は58km2の島で, その採集地点浦郷は耕地と耕地保護林からなる単純な環境であつた. 島後の哺乳動物は, 最初にAndersonによつて採集され, それが大英博物館のThomas('O5)によつて記載された. この際の採集物は, コウベモグラMogera wogura kobeae 16頭, ヒミズモグラ Urotrichus talpoides 1頭, ジネズミ Crocidura dsi-nezumi 1頭, オキアカネズミ Apodemus speciosus navigator 6頭, オキヒメネズミ Apodemus geisha celatus 4頭, オキノウサギ Lepus brachyurus okiensis 3頭であつた. そのうちで, オキアカネズミ, オキビメネズミ, オキノウサギはそれぞれ新亜種として記載された. つぎに徳田は, 1932年に同島の小哺乳類を採集し, その採集品について分類学的研究を行つた. その際に採集された種類は, クマネズミ Rattus rattus 1頭, オキビミズモグラ Urotrichus talpoides minutus 2頭, オキアカネズミ2頭, オキヒメネズミ1頭, オキスミスネズミ Anteliomys smithii okiensis2頭であつた. オキアカネズミとオキビメネズミに関しては, Thomasの記載を確認し, またヒミズモグラとスミスネズミに関してはその亜種的特徴の著しいことを指摘し, それらを新亜種とすることを提唱した(徳田,'32). 植物や哺乳類以外の動物の中にも, この島に産するものが分類学的に区別された例があるが, そのうちで佐藤井岐雄('40)によつて紹介されたオキサンショウウオ Hynobius okiensis はとくに著しく目立つものであつた. 隠岐島の動物や植物は, しばしば同地に特産のものとして取扱われたが, それらは分類学的に本土に産するものと密接な類縁性のあるものばかりである. 従つて前者は後者よりも分れて亜種化 (subspeciation) あるいは別種化 (speciation) の過程にあるものと考えてよい. 亜種化あるいは別亜種化の起る原因の一つとしては地理的隔離(geographical isolation)があると考えてよいが, それは外因である. 内因としてはそこに産する生物の生活の特殊性をこそ問題にしなければならぬ. さきに少しく触れたように島前・島後の島々の自然環境は単純であり, 比較的に複雑な島後においても森林景観は一つの極相としていいあらわすことができるような単純性をもつている. 哺乳動物相として見た場合に, 島後においてはウサギ, イタチ等が比較的に大形の哺乳類を代表し, それ以上のものはいない. 本土においては普通であるイノシシ, シカ, テン, キツネ, アナグマ, タヌキ等をそこには産しない. Thomasおよび徳田がさきに紹介した哺乳動物以外に, イタチとヤマネを島後に産することが確実であるが, いずれにしても同地の哺乳動物相は貧弱である. もちろんそれは分類学的観点からする同島の自然環境の記載に過ぎないが, 同島における生物の亜種化や別種化の問題を研究する際には, こういつた哺乳動物社会の要素の貧弱性という点がまず考慮されてよいと思う. 今回の研究は, 亜種化や別種化の過程そのものを対象としたものではなく, むしろそこへ到達する前段階的な研究を行つたものである. そのために, 従来の形態的研究をいつそう深め精密化しておく必要があると思つたので, その方法について一つの試みを行つた. 1956年11月に, 平岩・徳田・内田等は伯誉大山および隠岐島で小哺乳類を採集し, それらの採集物について詳細な比較研究を行つた. この際に烏取大学医学部の酉田弘氏も同行し, 小哺乳類に附着する外部寄生虫を採集した. さらに同医学部の長花操教授の御厚意により山陰地方一帯で近年採集された莫大な数の液漬標本について自由な研究を行うことが許されたので, この材料は主として頭骨や歯紋の比較研究資料に供した. すべての材料を統計的に取扱うことを念頭において計測を行い, これらのデータについてその統計学的吟味を併せ行つた. 哺乳類の外部形態は液漬標本で計測すると非常に不正確になるので, 隠岐産のものとの外形比較は, 徳田が1952~1953年に比叡山で, また1952年に上高地(徳本峠)で採集した標本類が主な材料として用いられた. この点で本研究はいくらか一貫性を欠くものとなつたが, 論文の目的が形態に関する吟味をいつそう深める方法を問題にしている点に読者が留意され, 批判をしていただければわれわれは非常に幸である.
杉山 博昭
一般社団法人 日本社会福祉学会
社会福祉学 (ISSN:09110232)
vol.37, no.2, pp.50-65, 1996-11-20 (Released:2018-07-20)

This paper deals with the relationship between Gunpei Yamamuro and leprosy relief policy and points out the relationship between the quarantine policy to leprosy patients and social work. In the beginning, Salvation Army managed the day nursery for patients' children. On the other hand, Salvation Army thought out a leprosy relief in earnest. But leprosy relief didn't come out because the government carried out leprosy relief and that Salvation Army had the financial problem. This paper examines how Salvation Army thought about Lepra and leprosy relief policy through the writings of Gunpei Yamamuro he was a leader of Salvation Army. Yamamuro understood Lepra as a symbol of sin according to the Bible. He was sure to agree to the quarantine policy. His thinking was a kind of common sense at that time but resulted in follower of the quarantine policy. From the fact mentioned above, this paper points out Gunpei Yamamuro didn't see through the problems of the policy, even though had excellent practices, also this paper discusses the limit of social work before World WarII.
杉山 博信 陳 友晴
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
Journal of MMIJ (ISSN:18816118)
vol.135, no.10, pp.89-93, 2019-10-31 (Released:2019-10-31)

12CaO・7Al2O3 electride is one of the outstanding materials expected to be applied in various fields such as electronics and catalyst, and generally fabricated by sintering high purity CaCO3 and Al2O3. We attempted to fabricate 12CaO・7Al2O3 electride using limestone as a raw material instead of using high purity CaCO3 aiming at further industrial use, and investigated the gas adsorption properties of the fabricated samples. Three samples, two from limestone and one from high purity CaCO3, were prepared and exposed to the atmosphere for about 9 hours, and then the gas adsorption properties of them were analyzed by Py-GC/MS. As a result, desorption of N2 and O2 which are abundant in the atmosphere was not observed by heating the samples exposed to the atmosphere up to 700℃, while desorption of CO and CH4 was identified. It is implied that the desorbed CO originates from CO2 in the atmosphere. This result indicates these samples might selectively adsorb CO2 and CH4 as compared with N2 and O2. Furthermore, for the limestone derived samples, the selectivity of CO2 and CH4 adsorption was improved and this result indicated the possibility that the CO2 adsorption capacity of these samples is higher than that made from high purity CaCO3. One reason of this phenomena is inferred the changes in the electronic state of material surfaces due to the doping of impurities contained in limestones, such as Mg, Sr, and Cu, into the Ca sites of the cage-like structure in 12CaO・7Al2O3 electride.
西尾 伸也 Oleg Khlystov 杉山 博一 Andrey Khabuyev Oleg Belousov
社団法人 物理探査学会
物理探査 (ISSN:09127984)
vol.67, no.1, pp.55-64, 2014 (Released:2017-03-02)
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杉山 博昭
純心人文研究 (ISSN:13412027)
vol.7, pp.71-85, 2001-03-15

In recent years, community development is paid attention in rural areas. This paper deals with social work in rural areas in Yamaguchi Prefecture, how it occurred and developed. In Yamaguchi Prefecture, livelihood problems turned serious in 1920's. Social work and rural counter plan were not differentiated. But administration encouraged promoting social work in 1930's. This paper deals with the development of social work, and introduces the examples of that in rural areas. Also, this analyzes the theory of rural social work that KIMURA Takashi and HIMEI Isuke insisted. Lastly, this points out that rural social work could not solve the livelihood problems in rural areas.
松田 三恵子 杉山 博史 土井 美和子
電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界 (ISSN:09135707)
vol.87, no.1, pp.132-139, 2004-01-01

杉山 博昭
イタリア学会誌 (ISSN:03872947)
no.61, pp.93-122, 2011-10-15

Nel presente lavoro si andranno ad identificare e analizzare i copioni delle sacre rappresentazioni raccolte a Firenze nel Quattrocento. Secondo la tesi generalmente accolta, il pregio principale di questi drammi rinascimentali sarebbe l'effetto scenico spettacolare. Questa tematica e stata lungamente discussa dagli storici dei drammi e delle arti come D'Ancona, Molinari, Damisch e Baxandall. Per quanto si debba riconoscere alle argomentazioni addotte dagli storici l'appropriatezza alla realta dell'epoca, riteniamo che siano tuttavia viziate dalla tendenza a tenere scarsamente conto dei copioni dei drammi stessi. Scopo di questo studio e esplorare le motivazioni dello stato attuale della ricerca. Il primo obiettivo che si intende raggiungere e l'identificazione dei testi che effettivamente furono messi in scena a Firenze nel Quattrocento attraverso i manoscritti redatti in quell'epoca e/o gli incunabuli, cioe gli stampati antichi. Il secondo obiettivo e l'analisi dei testi allo scopo di definire i fondamenti documentari dei presupposti alla base delle ricerche condotte fino ad oggi sulle sacre rappresentazioni. Newbigin ha indicato un'importante differenza fra le letture e i copioni delle sacre rappresentazioni. La studiosa ha formulato l'ipotesi secondo la quale la maggior parte degli stampati religiosi intitolati rapresentazione non venissero rappresentati nelle chiese o nelle piazze, ma fossero invece utilizzati come letture religiose private, sottolineando quindi la necessita di estrarre i copioni autentici nella ricerca concernente le rappresentazioni festive. Condividendo questo punto di vista, accettiamo qui il metodo filologico che considera con attenzione le condizioni esteriori dei testi manoscritti, quello stesso metodo che Newbigin ha avanzato nella sua tesi. Oltre a cio, al fine di identificare i testi con la maggiore precisione possibile, intendiamo rivolgere particolare attenzione alle condizioni interne dei testi stessi, cioe alle battute angeliche, che inducono ad ipotizzare l'esistenza di molti spettatori (cioe di un pubblico formato da cittadini e viaggiatori), nonche alle didascalie, che indicano l'attrezzatura caratteristica della regia delle sacre rappresentazioni. Intendiamo infine tentare un confronto fra la compilazione dei testi manoscritti, raccolta secondo i suddetti procedimenti, e le registrazioni delle rappresentazioni nelle cronache o nei documenti antichi. I risultati di questa collazione dimostrano che qualche repertorio, per esempio quello della Passione e Risurrezione, non esisteva nel gruppo dei testi: a questa mancanza si supplisce attraverso gli incunabuli. Come risultato delle varie fasi in cui il lavoro volto all'identificazione dei testi e stato articolato, riteniamo di aver potuto selezionare in modo affidabile i copioni delle sacre rappresentazioni, dei quali si allega si allega la lista alla fine del lavoro. In base all'identificazione cosi compiuta, si procede all'analisi dei copioni allo scopo di chiarire le caratteristiche, o le funzioni in senso stretto, delle sacre rappresentazioni messe effettivamente in scena. La lettura dei testi ne evidenzia tre: la funzione religiosa, quella didattica e quella spettacolare. Nel considerare la funzione religiosa, troviamo stanze dure e spietate in scene come quella della Passione e dei programmi dei martiri: le esecuzioni capitali, infatti, avrebbero dovuto esortare gli spettatori a pentirsi sinceramente volgendo il pensiero alle pene corporali. Dal punto di vista della funzione didattica, sono particolarmente importanti le scene dei dialoghi fra i nobili e i loro accompagnatori, come il Re e il Cavaliere, il Console e l'Esecutore, il Santo e il Messaggero. La caratteristica delle stanze coincide con le opinioni di storici come Polizzotto e Ventrone, i quali sostengono che le sacre rappresentazioni avrebbero dovuto servire ai giovani fiorentini ad adeguarsi ad abitudini commerciali come le buone maniere, l'oratoria e la correttezza del gesto. Per quanto riguarda la funzione spettacolare, si considerano le scene che rappresentano miracoli di guarigione di malati o di resurrezione dei morti, perche prima dei miracoli di Gesu o del Santo si trovano sempre dialoghi ingiuriosi relativi alla sporcizia degli uni o all'impurita degli altri. Si vede cosi come le scene mostrino che i registi si servivano della dicotomia di bello e brutto, bene e male, sacro e profano. Le argomentazioni illustrate valgono come riprova del fatto che i caratteri delle sacre rappresentazioni evidenziati dai diversi storici sono corroborati dai copioni del repertorio. Questo studio contribuisce alla comprensione relativa all'accettazione delle rappresentazioni da parte degli spettatori del Quattrocento a Firenze.
加藤 明彦 杉山 博之
公益社団法人 日本薬理学会
日本薬理学雑誌 (ISSN:00155691)
vol.123, no.2, pp.113-122, 2004 (Released:2004-01-23)

杉山 博昭
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.62, no.1, pp.37-48, 2011-06-30 (Released:2017-05-22)

This Paper provides detail of Pentecoste, a kind of sacred plays called Sacre Rappresentazioni, which were presented in Florence in fifteenth century. Little is known so far about direction and presentation of Sacre rappresentazioni except for Annunciazione and Ascensione because of lack of document by the audience. However, checking the text by Giuseppe Richa of the eighteenth century and the documents of congregation makes us realize the detail of Pentecoste. This verification suggests two distinctions of the direction: overwhelming illumination with calorific value and replacement of wooden dolls with live performers. The former distinction naturally leads us to speculate interesting stimulus to the audience: on their sense of sight, hearing, smell and touch. In addition, the latter character suggests us a possibilitiy that the audience would receive the representation as a kind of heretic image of imparting life. Therefore, direction and presentation of Pentecoste coincidence with the fact that Sacre Rappresentazioni had cross-fields character.

1 0 0 0 戰國遺文

杉山博 下山治久編