河本 夏雄 行弘 研司 木内 信 阪口 洋樹 和田 旭紘 伊藤 雅信 小瀬川 英一 中村 匡利 池田 真琴 木内 彩絵 桑原 伸夫 金児 雄 比留間 潔 水谷 信夫 浅野 眞一郎 石橋 純 飯塚 哲也 神村 学 志村 幸子 瀬筒 秀樹 冨田 秀一郎
社団法人 日本蚕糸学会
蚕糸・昆虫バイオテック (ISSN:18810551)
vol.88, no.1, pp.1_053-1_063, 2019 (Released:2019-05-16)

We surveyed the distribution of the wild mulberry silkmoth, Bombyx mandarina, using pheromone traps. Male moths were captured in all the prefectures of Japan except Okinawa Prefecture. In Tokara Islands, B. mandarina inhabits Nakanoshima and Akusekijima Islands while it is absent in Takarajima Island, which lies to the south of the Watase line. No Bombyx moths were captured in Iki, Amami, and Okinawa Islands. In addition, we collected B. mandarina in Hachijo Island for the first time. 1) Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, 1-2 Owashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8634, Japan; 2) Department of Applied Biology, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Matsugasaki, Sakyoku, Kyoto, 606-8585, Japan; 3) Genetic Resource Center, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, 6585 Kobuchisawa, Hokuto, Yamanashi, 408-0044, Japan; 4) Gunma Sericultural Technology Center, 2326-2 Soja, Soja-machi, Maebashi, 371-0852, Japan; 5) Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hirosaki University, Hirosaki 036-8561, Japan; 6) Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, 2321 Suya, Koshi, Kumamoto 861-1192, Japan; 7) Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 060-8589, Japan.
木内 信蔵
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.69, no.3, pp.119-125, 1960-07-30 (Released:2009-11-12)

Professor Hartshorne's 'The Nature of Geography ' has been widely read among Japanese professional geographers, since Professor I. Matsui had reviewed and then Dr. S. Nomura had translated it into Japanese. Its contribution was too much to write here, but he felt it necessary to supply deeper considerations.The writer generally agrees with the “Perspective” view and would like to express his concept here. Geography is a highly synthesized science, and its study is based on the active regions which have been formed through times and with intimately related human and physical phenomena. But complete synthesis is almost impossible. It should be strived for, with analyzing, comparing actual regions assisted by topical studies.But there remains several questions, for instance valuation of Fr. Ratzel's work with relation to prerent ecological study. And how we could get a proper seat of geography, as chorological science, among traditionaly divied natural and human or social sciences ?
木内 信藏
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.15, no.3, pp.212-233, 1939-03-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

This article is based on observations and data collected during my visit to Peking in the autumn of 1938. 1) Peking as the capital of the Han-culture. (Han is the crown name of cultural China) _??_pp. 213-18_??_. Important descriptions: (A) Town wall and the reason why it has been required, on the contrary to Japanese towns which have had no, wall _??_p. 241-_??_. (B) Races which set Peking as their capital were the Manchurians Mongolian, and Turkistan people, but town planning of Peking has been derived of Chow, and has very intimate relation to Chang-an and Loyang, two old capitals of the proper chinese states. 2) The Plan of Peking _??_pp. 218-25_??_ (A) The difference between Peking or Fengtien and Kyôto or Changan as to the situation of imperial palace (Fig. 1, 2, 3) (B) Compari-sion of the length of wall on 5 different maps of Peking _??_p. 220-_??_. (C) Classification of roads _??_p. 222-_??_: (i) Tache (Large street), (ii) Che (Street), (iii) Hoton (Side street, most developed name of mongolian origin), Kow, and etc., (iv) Fang, Wan., Kan, and etc. (these mean engulfed places). (D) Systems of roads (Fig. 9).: (a) Regular Hoton-system, (b) Irregular system composed of roads of (iii) and (iv) types (c) Pseudo radial system in the south castle 3) The Elevation of Peking _??_pp. 225-230_??_ Peking is called the capital of Sophora which, mixed with other trees such as ulms and willows, make a green ocean when, one views from Chingshan at the north end of the Tzu-chin-chemg palace. Important descriptions: (A) Residential houses _??_p. 225-_??_, one house-type, Su-ho-fang is illustrated in Fig. 10. (B) Retail streets _??_p. 226-_??_. After the classification of Japan Commercial and Industrial Congress, varieties of shops in. Wong-pu-ching near the Legation quarter re-sembles to Ginza in Tôkyô, showing a cosmopolitan character compared to Dahshi-lan, the most thriving retail centre in Peking, of which shops are almost typical Chinese (Fig. 12). 4) The increase of population from 1925 to 35, is 24.2% and in the year of 1935 it amounts to 1, 573, 200 of which 1.1 million live in the wall and others are in suburbs. Kyôto and Nagoya, one million cities in Japan are able to be compared to Peking-proper, but they show 30.8% and 41.7, increase respectively in the same period. The comparision of occupational population is described in page 231 (see the table), and it shows that Peking has a very small percentage, of manu-facturing population, i. e. 7.7%. In near future Peking will be enlarged in the suburb for the use of manufacture and residence.
清澤 真琴 木内 信
no.7, pp.45-49, 2001 (Released:2011-03-05)

宮島 たか子 山本 俊雄 間瀬 啓介 飯塚 哲也 野崎 稔 木内 信
日本蠶絲學雜誌 (ISSN:00372455)
vol.70, no.1, pp.37-42, 2001-04-27

鳥羽 剛 清水 正寛 西牟田 敏之 木内 信二 麻生 誠二郎
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.26, no.8, pp.606-611,623-62, 1977

乳児期の急性・慢性下痢症には, 二次性・症候性乳糖不耐症が時に続発することはよく知られている.この事実に基づき, 本邦の小児科医は, この症候性酵素欠損の考えられる乳児下痢症にしばしば乳糖分解酵素製剤(β-D-galactosidase, Galantase[○!R])を投与する.しかし, この製剤は, 分子量約10万の蛋白質であり, 生体を感作して過敏症を起こす可能性を有している.私どもは, 即時型・アナフィラキシー型の Galantase[○!R] アレルギーの2カ月女児を経験し, アレルギー学的見地から観察する機会を得た.10^<-4> 液の皮内注射後15分では, 陽性の発赤・膨疹を呈したが, Galantase[○!R] specific IgE 検出のための RAST(paper disc 法)は陰性であった.一方, 患者血清中の沈降素の存在は, Ouchterlony の二重拡散法で, 抗原希釈系列の128倍希釈まで証明され, IgG 沈降帯上の Galantase[○!R] binding activity も ^<125>I-Galantase[○!R] を用いた radioimmunodiffusion で証明された.以上の結果から, この症例の Galantase[○!R] アレルギーは, この IgG 抗体により惹起されたものと推定された.